HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.06.0514L Cal i fornia 1967 the Council Chamber arose and gave Flag. At word from the Chair, al-1 the Pledge of Allegiance to fhe Minutes previous 1y, Burlingame, June 5, A fegnrlar meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m., - Mayor Diederichsen in the chair. PLEDGE OF ALI,EG IANCE l-n the ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Hartin Absent - eouncilmen: Johnson councilman Johnson, on vacation, eras excused on motion of councilman Iuartin and seconded bt, Councilman George. MINU?E S of the regarlar meeting of uay L5, L967, submitted to eouncil were approved and adopted. ANNOUNCEI,IENTS 1. DEDICATION EUERNAVACA PARK Mayor Diederichsen introduced I{r. Ken West, who in turn, invited members of council. members of the City's staff and the public to ceremonies at 12:O0 o'clock noon, saturday, June L7, L967, d.d*€*if,gi €u€*.rc.Ftd( and commemorating the initial use of the park with a program featuring a baseball, game between participants in the Baby Ruth Baseball League. 2. ORDER OF DE MOI,AY "I'ARA THON'' Donald Nelson, representing the Peninsula Chapter, Order of De fiolay, announced plans in formation for the ChaPter to sponsor a "Vollqrtball Marathon" commencing June 17th continuously through June 21st on the service road across from the area of the Burlingame Plaza and reguested Council permission to proceed with and to advertise the spec j.al event. Council was advised through inquiries, that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company has consented to connect the necessary lighting facilities and that the property o\^,ners have given the chapter permission to occupy the service road for the period stated. council thereafter indicated no obj ection to the proposal. COMMIJNTEATIONS I. " ENTERTAINMENT " PERII{IT REQUEST TO OPERATE ..KAT PArcH IV EOMPANYI A communication from the law offices of schlageter and wolf, 23I East uillbrae Avenue, uiIlbrae, bearing the signature of F. B. Schlageter, dated May 22, L967, was read, submitting an application in behalf of his client, !lrs. Helen Philpot Johansen, for a special permit tooperate, in a particular manner, a business endeavor described as "KAt PATCH II, COMPANY' 1205 Burlinqame Avenue. Tthe communication described in some detail, the business operational features, including the sale of beer and soft drinks, the installationof tvro full-sized pool tables and entertainment provided by waitresses in an area indicated on plans accompanying the application. CALL TO ORDER 1*2 2 t'tayor Diederichsen announced that under date of ,fune 5, 1967, Mr. Schlageter advised, in a letter addressed to Council, that he has been j.nstructed by his client to withdralo the application for the special permit. Receiving no reply to his request for conunents from either the applicant or her representative, indicating their absence on this occasion, llayor Diederichsen stated that he would assume that the only current license of concern is that to be issued for dis- pensing of beer. fn reply to a series of inquiries directed to him by the chair, the city Attorney explained the procedure applicable to licensing the sale of beer. advising that the State Alcoholic control Boardis the exclusive agency authorized to issue such li.cense; that with repsect to operating pool tables, a license from the City is required . d fhe City Attorney further stated that the applicant. had been re- questing a "dual" license and with the wiLhdrawal of the applica-tion, no further action from Council at this time is required. Mayor Diedericsen acknowledged the numerous communications filedwith the City in protest to the granting of the application to conduct a business in the manner described. AI,IENDED TEIITAT TVE I.TAP " I4TLLS ESTATE NO. 2 7 '' A communication from the City Clerk, dated May 3L, L967, advisedthat at the request of Council on a prior date, the amended tentatj.ve map of the proposed subdivision, tt{ills Estate No. 27. was examj.nedby the Planning Commission at a regular meeting on May 22, 1967. fhe communication recalled that approximately one year ago, Council approved a plan for subdividing the property subject to a number of conditions, including limiting the number of lots toten and that the owners are now resubmitting the tentative mapincorporating conditions required by Council but again reguestinga " fourteen lot layout," that subsequent to hearing lilr. RobertJ. MacDonald, Attorney for ovrners, fran-Smook-Gard Corporation, proponents of the map, in support of the greater number of lots and protests both verbal and vrritten, from a number of property oqrners in the area of the Mi1ls Estate adjacent to the subjectproperty, a maj ority of the CoEnnission voted to reconunend approvalof the Tentative Map with the number of lots limited to t$elye, . andto include the conditions heretofore referred to. The City Attorney advised that a hearing is not required on thepresentative of a tentative map and that Council is not obligated to hear the evidence- T'he Chair recognized Mr. Robert J. MacElonald, Attorney, representingthe proponents and owners. who in turn requested, because of theillness of the spokesman for the owners and the absence from theCity of the project engineer. that the subj ect matter be postponedto a date convenient to Council. the city Attorney, in reply to council inquiries, concerning dispos-ition of the recommendation received frorn the Planning Consnisriion, advised that if Council elects to reopen the hearing, the recent recommendation of the Planning Commission may be considered onthat occasion- objections to a postponement vrere expressed by Mil1s Estate property o\.,ners in attendance and follo(^,ing further discussion, Council concurred to extend the courtesy of a re-presentation of the issueto a later date. 148 lhe subject matter was re-scheduled before Council at the next meeting on June L9, L967, with an announcement to those in attend- ance that discussion on the presentation would be limited to that between Council and the owners and/or their respective representa- tives . 3. TORMAL AccEPTANcE oF SIJBDT TSIONS MTLLS ESTAIE NO 23;nd-No. 25 A communication from the City Engineer, dated Uay 3L, L967, recomnending the formal acceptance of Mi1ls Estate suHivisions No. 23 and No. 25, following a recent inspection made by his Office, was concurred in by the City Uanager in a memo footnoted on the comtrunicat.ion. RESOLUATON NO. 34-67 "Accepting Public fmprovements in @an ltateo county, california" vras Councilman Crosby, who moved its passage, seconded by ceorge and unanimously adopted upon RoII caII. RESOTU?rON NO. 35-67 "Acce pting Public Improvements in No. 25, Burlingame. San Mateo County, California" was by Councilman crosby, who moved its passage. seconded llartin and adopted unanimously upon RoII call. ttlills Estate introduced b1z Counci.lman Mills Estate introduced by councilman 4. SToP SIGNS oN CRESCENT AND COSTA RICA AVENUES A comrm:nication from the City Manager, dated June l, L967, advised that the Polj.ce Depaltment has surveyed the intersection of Howard Avenue and crescent Avenue and has recommended that stop signs be erected on Crescent Avenue approaching Holrard Avenue and on Costa Rica Avenue approaching lloward Avenue. fhe City llanager verbally reported that an outbreak of accidents has occurred at the intersection of Crescent Avenue and H*rard Avenue and that speeding is prevelant particularly since parking was restricted to one side of the street on Howard Avenue some timeprior. ft was the recorrrnendation of the City Manager that four-way stop signs be placed at the subject intersections. A communi@ +-ion from !!rs. John H. Hillyard, 1541 Ralston Avenue, dated May 22, L967, referred to the recent accidents and urged that inmediate action be taken to create arterial stops at strategic locations . councilman crosby and the city Engineer spoke on the disadvantagesto four-way intersection stops on Howard Avenue betrreen EI camino Real and Occidental Avenue. rollowing a brief discussion, council concurred to refer the issueto the Health, Safety & ltaffic commission for reeommendation and report and instructed the City Attorney to prepare legislation for Council enactment at the next regn:1ar meeting on June L9, L967. CORTEZ-CABRILLO AVENUE A comrmrnication from the City Manager, dated June 1, L967, and in response to a prior request from council. reported the results of a survey conducted by means of a questionnaire mailed to all residents on Cortez and Cabrillo Averraues. between Hillside and Easton Drives.in an endeavor to improve traffic circulation in the neighborhood of Our Lady of Angels Church properties. Tlhe City Manager advised that at this point "the onl,y action recommended by the Traffic Director and try his Office is to inform the church of the suggestj.ons of the residents that they hire anauxiliary polieman to help relieve the problems created on Sunday mornings and at other tirnes if possible." 5. SURVEY RESULTS RE: ril[ During a brief discussion, Councilman crosby suggested that it may be advisable to have an officer stationed at both the inter- sections of cortez and Hillside and at cabrillo and Hillside on appropriate occasions. lhe city llanager \^ras requested to thereafter act in behalf of Council try submitting the suggested remedy to alleviate a hazardous traffic condition on Eillside Drive to the officials of the Our Lady of Angels Church. 6 . TIME SCHEDI}LE RE: EEilrER BOND ELECTTON A memo from the City Manager, dated June 1, 1967, submitted a time scheduLe preparatory to calling a special election to place a sewer bond issue before the electorate on septedber 19, 1967 and advised that official action should be taken to retain bond counsel. Councj.lman ceorge, chaj.rBan, council Committee, sewer and City HalI !'inancing, spoke on the urgency of the citizens of Burlingame and the various improvement clubs to support a seker bond issue; that conmencing July 1, 1967, water bills will be mailed in envelopes containing pertinent and informative statements with respect to the expansion of the present sevrer plant and that by July 25, the final date upon which to introduce necessary legislation, all the date on the proposed expansion of the sewer Plant will have been compiled. with reference to the selection of bond counsel, Councilman Crosby moved that the 1aw firm of Wilson, Jones, llcrton and Lynch be engaged by the City, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried . 7. REPORT ROLLINS ROAD IIAZARD A memo from the City Manager, dated June 1, 1967, advised thatthe alleged hazardous condition at the narrow section of Rollins Road has been investigated and the placement of an additionalpost vrith a reflector has been erected as an extra safety pre- caution. Trhe report was acknowledged and placed on file. I COUNTY RE: HOTE L,/MoIEI, TA)( A communication from the County of San Mateo, dated May 3L, L967,referred to prior cormnunications forh,arded to Council relative to lhe City's participation in the county-wide convention and Tourist promotion activities and wherein it has been suggested that twenty-five percent of the recei,pts received by the City from the hotel/ motel tax, be allocated toward these activities, with an assurancethat a representative from the city will be appointed on a "budgetreview board. " Ihe comm.rnication advised that a meeting of the representatives of the various cities participating in the program for review of the proposed budget has been scheduled for Friday, ilune f. in the administratj.ve office of the county Fair and convention Association, 2495 so. Delaware street, san Mateo, at 9:00 a.m. A " Proposed Budget" San Mateo County Fair and Convention Association and a contract form, "Agreement Concerning ltansient Occupansy Tax" accompanied the communication. A discussion arose on the budgetary figures submitted by the county, wherein council concurred that the ratio the city of Burlingame would be required to allocate from the hotel,4rtel receipts in comparison with the over-all total budget proposeil was excessive. councilman uartin suggested that a hearing scheduled to seek the reaction of the public would help resolve the issue concerning the City's participation or non-participation in the convention Center program. 145 Councilman George, expressing the opinion thata Convention Centerwould be a desirable facility, stated that he was in favor, however, of seeking the opinion of the hotel and motel owners. l,layor Diederichsen referred to a recent meeting he had attended, wherein the Convention l,{anager for the City of San Franciscostated that the "Convention business is the largest singleindustry in the city. " Follovring further comments,Council concurred to withhold an action. RE:9. TOWN OF LOS ALIOS HITLS ?R(rcK PROHIB ITION JIJNIPERO SERRA A comrmrnication from the Tov,rn of Los Altos Hills, dated llay 19, 1967, suggested the possible prohibition of trucks on the Junipero Serra E?eeway and compared the similarity of the Preeway with the MacArthur E"reevray in the City of Oakland, whereon a " temporary "prohibition of trucks, established several years prior. is stil1in existence. Acknolrledging the communication, council deferred action until the subject may be more fu1ly explored. IO. OVERNTGH? PARKfNG PERMIT ISSI'E A memo from the City Manager, dated June I, 1967, acivising that an issue concerning an overnight parking permit presented by l,tr. Gene Nagai, 1315 Capuchino Avenue, is being investigated ty the Police Department, was acknowledged and placed on fi1e. 1I. EIIY HALL SITE A memo frora the City Uanager, dated June 1, 1967, advised that theofficial acquisition and transfer of title to the City Hall siteat Bellevue Avenue and Primrose Road has now been fully consumated. Fo11owing a brief discussion, the City lrlanager vras requested to proceedwith a program to clear the parcel, to plant an appropriate ground covering, converting the area into a park untj.l such time as a ner.,City HalI is constructed and to prohibit public parking thereon. Ihe following Resolutions pertaining to litigation pending betvreenthe City of Burlingame and western Pipe were presented for considera-tion: RESOtUTfoN NO. 36-67 "Resolution Re Distribution of Settlenent F'unds Among Plaintiffa" was introduced for passage on motion of councilmanItlartin, seconded h&r Councilman c€orge and unanimously adopted uponRolI CalI. RESOLUTION NO. 37-67 "Approving Compromise and Settlement Designationof Agent, Acceptance of Settlement Amount without nesponsibilityof Settling Defendants for Allocation and Authorizing D<ecution and Delivery of Covenant Not to Sue, and the Filing of Dismi.ssals" l.ras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, secondedby Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l Call. ORDINANCES None RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 10:1O p.m. CALL 11o ORDER The meeting was reconvened by the chair at 10:25 p.m. RESOLUTIONS 146 1. BAYFRONT TASK GROUP RE: CIIY,5 BAYFRONT POLICY The chair questioned Council concerning disposition of a cornrmrni- cation to be forwarded to the Bayfront Task Group (R.P.C.) in reply to a request from the latter that the City indicate j.ts position on the bayfront developments proposed by Wesbay Community Associates . At the request of Councilman Uartin, the aubj ect matter h,asreferred for discussion at the June 7th Study Meeting. 2. SUPERVISOR CIIAIRMAN.S QUESTIONNAIRE In reply to the Chair's inquiry concerning a questionnaire forwardedto the City by San Mateo County Board of Supervisor's Chairman,!!rs. Jean Fassler, on the subject of 'Regional elanning, " Council- man Iqartinstated that in view of recent revised legislature, inguiriescontaind within the questionnaire no long apply; that he would, hoqrever, telephone to reply to !lrs. Fassler personally. 3. STATUS "BIIRLINGAME IANE.' Councilman Crosby initiated a brief discussionby l,tr. Harry S. Graham, rfr., during the recessthe status of "Burlingame Lane. " on a reference madeperiod, concerning The city Attorney, in replythat the "City has no right alIeyway. to inquiries from the Chair, advisedin or duty to" the privately-oerned l.!r. Graham thereafter personally conceded that he would no longer pursue the subj ect. I. RECREATIoN CENTER TIq.DROVEMENTS Ihe city Manager advised that !tr. Kj.ngsford Jones, architect engaged by the City to perform architectural services for the Recreation Center improvements has plans available for Council review. fhe City Manager was requested to invite !lr. Jones to present theplans to Council at the JuIy study meeting. 2. COI'NC IL},,IAN JOIINSON I,IAISON REPORTS Mayor Diederichsen read a memo from councilman Johnson reporting on her attendance at the following meetings as a Council liaison: ehamber of Corunerce Board meeting, May 19 and the Community Dinner on lt{ay 24; Planning commission meeting on tilay 22 ; Burlingame Junior Fire Patrol's Annual Picnic at washington Park on May 17; the dedication of Daly City's new civic center on l{ay 20; the Burlingame Elementary Schools track meet on May 26; t,he San llgteo County Mayors council meeting in portola valley on May 26 in company irith Mayor Diederichsen and councilman George, at which time lt{ayor Diederichsen was elected Chairman and City Manager schwalm was appointed secretary-treasurer i and announced that a tentative date of June 23 has been scheduled by the Sister City Comrnitteeto sponsor a Mexican Dinner in San Francisco. ACKNOIiLEDGi,IENT S fhe chair actnowledged conrmunications as follovrs: from DE. Elmer R. Porter, commending the efficiency of both the Fire and Police Departments on the occasion of a recent lire on winchester Drive; UNFINISHED BUS INESS a47 from ceorge v. Ilhite, District superintendent of Schoo1s, acknowledging praise given to a school art exhibit displayedat the San Prancisco fnternational Airport; from the Chamberof Commerce Beautification Committee concerning a renditionto be soon presented by a member of the A.I.A.; from theAnti-Litter League commend ing Council for its assistance ina reeent "anti-litter" crusade; from Venice Ho,lrell, expressingappreciation to Couneil for approving a resubdivision on hishillside property in the lr1ills Estate, reports from the CityLibrarian, including an "Annual Capital Improvement Study " and from the San Mateo County Health Department and minutes fromthe Planning Commission, dated May 22, L967. ASSE:4BLY BILL NO 2454 councilman George referred to a legislative bulletin received fromthe Leag"ue of California CiLies, dated June 2, L967, and the paragraph pertaini.ng to AB 2454, which, if enacted, gas tax fund matching requirements under provisions of the Collier-Unruh Act adopted in 1963, will be eliminated. councilman ceorge stated that vrith the successful passage ofthe measure. apprOximately $60,000.00 would be released to theeity of Burlingame lhat may be allocated to finance other cityprojects and suggested that the legislators be requested to supportthe proposed measure. Council coneurred with the suggestion and a motion was introducedthereafter by councilman ceorge that a communication be immediately directed to Assemblyman Leo J. Ryan, to Assemblyman Carl A.Britschgi and to Senator Richard J. Dohrig, soliciting their endorsement. ?he motion was seconded by Councilman ltartin. On the question, the City Attorney stated that the communj.cations should set forth reasons to substantiate the request and a copy forwarded to the Leagnre office in Sacramento. Trhe motion uas unanimously adopte<i. ADJOUI{"*MENT lhere being no further transaction of business, the meeting wasregularly adjourned at 1I:1O p.m. Respectfully submitted, HERBER WHITEcity Clerk APPROVED: /ttzc*t-x,l,CL,&o*Lr*, I{ERNBR H. DIEDERICHSEN MAYOR