HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1971.01.184s5' Burlingame, California January 18, 1971 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city above given date. The meeting was cal1ed by Mayor william J. Crosby. Council was held on the to order at 8:00 p.m., At \rord from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CALL P re sent : Absent : in the Council the Flag. Chambe r arose and gave Councilmen Anstrup-Crosby-Johnson-Mangini-!,lartin. Councilmen: None. }lINUTES The Minutes of the preceding meeting to Council previously, were approved Mayor Crosby, welcomed each of alanuary 4, L97L, submitted and adopted. Chief of Police carl U. Lollin introduced newly appointed personnel in the Police Department: Urs. Jacqueline ltl. Schiedeck, Ir{atron- Secretary, Patrolman Ronald L. Reed and Patrolman Daniel F. Hall . on behalf of Council, extended congratulations and into the service of the City of Burlingame. 1, CONTRACT APPROVAI WATER SYSTEM II,IP ROVEI4SITS A communi.cation from the City Engineer, dated Januaty L4, 1971, advised that the Fairley constructors have satisfactorily completed the miscel- laneous "Water System Improvements " eontract with the City on January 12, 1971 , and recommended that the contract be formally accepted. A memo from the City ltanager, footnoted on the conununication, concurred with the recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 4-71 "Acce pting Construction water System Improvements Job No. 70-4" (Fairley Constructors) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon Roll Ca11 vote. 2. AIRPORT " BOARD OF @NTROL" REOI'EST FOR CITIZEN COM}4ITTEE A communication from the City llanager, dated January L4, 1971, advised that the Board of Control of the San Francisco Airport Access Project, currently conducting a study of extending transit to the airport, is desirous of establishing a greater means of communicatirn with the citizens at large and is therefore requesting the formation of a Citizens' Committee. The City lr{anager, in reporting verbally to Council, advised that the access project is related to the extension of BART; that in addition to establishing a Right-of-Way Advisory Committee, the Board of Control for the Airport Access Project, interested in creating a high level of communication with san lr{ateo County citizens, voted to expand such means of forming a Citizens' Committee. PLEDGE OF AJ,LEGIANCE INTRODUCTION POLICE PERSONNEL COMI'1I'NlCATIONS 4AA Mr. Keyston, in his comments, stated that while the extension of the airport will benefit the County to a degree, it may also invoke heavy taxation and cautioned Council to sel,ect members to the citizens committee that would best serve the interests of San !{ateo County. Mr. David Keyston, Anza Pacific CorP.. developer, as co-ctrairman of a Governmental Researeh Counci'I committee, currently researdring the subject. Fol lor.ring a brief discussion, Council a Citizens Committee as outlined, for 1971 regular meeting. concurred to submit names selection at the February identified himself of san lvlateo county f,or 1, 3. PROHIBITION NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLES PI,ACEME}IT TIN CAN PAPER DEPOTS A communication dated January 7, L971, acknowledged from l{aureen Kimin, Bob Bowen and David Fassler, referred to legislation to be enacted by the City of South San Francisco on January 18, prohibiting the sale of beverages in non-returnable bottles and cans and urged the City of Burlingame to adopt a similar ordinance to eliminate a "drief source of litter" that "greatly adds to what is probably the most seri.ous problem currently facing san Ir{ateo county - garbage disposal ." Also ackno\"rJ.edged \^ras a communication f rom ![rs. Ida J. Lewenstein, 3029 Rivera Drive, dated January L4, 1971, requesting that the City of Burlingame provide a service that is in effect in other cities by establishing depots within areas of the city wherein residents may deposit tin cans and/or newspapers that could be recycled and pro- posing that the City also ban the sale of beverages in non-returnable containers . The City llanager stated that a bin has been placed in an area adjacent to the Sewer Treatment Plant by the garbage companies for the deposit of tin cans and glass containers; however, with the overload of ne\rspapers collected, the garbage companies are required to bury them. Discussion continued with Councilman Martin advising that the scavenger companies are maintaining areas for the recycling of aluminum cans and confirmed that the volume of ne$rspapers collected have created disposal problems in that there are insufficient processing plants. Councilman Axnstrup referred to the unsightly appearance of a newspaper collection area on Oak crove Avenue and the Southern Pacific Railroad and suggested that a newspaper depot be made avai.lable at the City Dump. Communications commend ing the legislation proposed by the City of South San Francisco, to ban the sale of non-returnable bottles and canned beverages, and urging the City of Burlingame to adopt a similar measure, were acknowledged from I{r. and Urs. O. P. Yelton, Jr., 19OI Garden Drive, and the Earl M. Higgins, 816 Fairfield Road. To an inguiry of Ur. Steve Scalmanini, 1516 prake Avenue, Iilayor Crosby advised that there is a question on the legality of adopting legisla- tion to prohibit the sale of beverages in non-returnable containers and that this subject is before the City of south San Francisco City Council this evening. The City t'lanager, referring to a map, pointed out the various areas within San Mateo County \.rhere depots have been reserved for the disposal of non-returnable aluninum cans and glass bottles. Discussion was concluded with the city lttanager requested to place the subject on the study meeting agenda and to advise those who have written that council is cognizant and wiII consider the issues at its next study meeting. 497 4. REOUEST LICENSE TO OPERATE CONCESSIONS BI'RLINGAI4E PLAZA A colununication received from Ronald W. Hager, Advance Agent, Bobby Cohn's West Coast Shor+s, dated December 17, 1970, requestiag a City License on behalf of the Burlingame Plaza Merchants Association to operate amusement rides on the parking lot at the Burlingame Plaza Center, was referred to Council from its last regular meeting. Itre request lras accompanied by reports from the Fire and PoLice Departments. It hras recalled that merchants themselves that to date no word at the last meeting it hras requested that the subnit a statement supporting the proposal and has been received . Councilman Amstrup questioned the City Attorney whether Council may reguire that aLl future applications be accompanied by a conununication from the merchants association. The city Attorney advised that it is within the prerogative of Council to establish a poliqg whereby an applicant is notified by the receivingr office that Council will not consider the application unless it is accompanied by a statement from the sponsoring agency. Councilman l{art i.n stated that on a prior occasion, several of the merchants were not in agreernent with the promotional sales event and Council therefore shouLd be informed as to the nudber of times within the year such event is contemplated. Following a brief discussion, Councilman AlTrstrup moved that commencing vrith the current application and on all future applications, they be accompanied by a statement from the sponsoring group. T'he motion was seconded by Councilman Uartin and unanimously carried. The City Uanager was requested to invite a representative or representa- tives to be present at the next Council meeting. 5. COMII1EMORATIVE PLAQI'E A corununication from Harry Ir{. Lehrfeld, dated January 8, 1971, advised that the san Mateo county Historical Association and the Burlingame chambe r of commerce have been cooperating with the Rotary CIub in having the southern Pacific Depot in Burlingame declared a state registered historical landmark; as a result, the California Historical Landmarks Advisory Comnittee has indicated its approval; a bronze plaque will be furnished to colrmemorate that the building is the first permanent building in the missi.on revival style in the state of California. Council was advised that permission is requested to install the Plaquepreferably in the oval in front of the depot and that f5.na1 approval will be requested after plans and a definite location has been established by the Landmarks Advisory Comnittee. Councilman Mangini advised that some of the tiles in the dePot irere originally made by the Indians, distinguishing it as an historical landmark and recommended that the proposal be supported. In reply to Council inguiry, the city Planner advised that the dePot building is owned by the southern Pacific Company and according to a company "ruIe" the plaque can only be mounted "close to the building. " Action was withheld pending receipt of the final pLans. RESOLUTIONS None. ORD INANCES None. tH)€l IiNFINISHED BUSINESS PROPERTY DEVELOP}.,1ENT PROPOSAL Tlre matter of the Burlingame Shore Land Company property development was before Council and continued from the regular meeting on Decerdber 7, to receive a report from a nerv agency on the status of its reported intention to develop the property simi.lar in detail to that proposed by the LincoLn Property Company. t4r. Quentin Cook, Attorney, representing the LincoLn Property Company. advised Council that plans to finance the project are still under negotiation and that he woul.d therefore request a further continuance. By mutual consent, the of Counci.l on February Irlr. wilkinson questioned "what Council will and "what the Police intend to do" to abate that "now is the time to do something. " subject was continued to the regular meeting 16, 1971. NEW BUSINESS 1. REQUEST TO CONDUCT PUBLIC DA}ICE Mr. Richard Baltzer addressed Council to request that he be granted permi-ssion to conduct a public dance at the International Assocj,ation of irtachinists Ha1l, 1450 nollins Road on saturday, January 30, 1971. The City llanager referred to the procedure required by Council prior to granting permission vrherein reports must be first received from Fire, Building, Police and Health Departments. t{r. Baltzer advised that dances conducted in various halls on the Peninsula have been received with enthusiasm by young adults eighteen years and over and that he is currently processing an application in San l.lateo to operate a dance hall on a permanent basis; the January 30 dance is proposed in the interim to maintain the interest of the young people. Folloring a period of inquiries directed to the applicant and references to the policy of requiring departmental reports prior to the issuance of a permit, Ur. Baltzer was advised to submit his request for a dance permit in the Office of the City Clerk for processing and Council action at the February lst Council meeting. Itlr. Henry R. Wilkinson, 1239 Bernal Avenue, addressed Council to report the disturbance in his immediate neighborhood the past ferd months created by large assemblages of young people converging upon one house. the most recent disorderly disturbance occurred this past Saturday night when approximately one hundred fifty gathered, all appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. do to protect the citi.zens" further annoyance, stating ttrs. Wilkinson elaborated in considerable detail, stating that a teacher at the Burlingame Intermediate School, the owner of the subject property,has rented the dwelling to several "hippie-type" girls. Last Saturday night's experi,ence \ras so alarming the Police were called and although the crowd temporarily dispersed, groups reappeared. llrs. Wilkinson also questioned what can be done so that the situation will not re-occur. The Chief of Police advised that following his conversation with Itlrs. Wilkinson, a Pofice Sergeant contacted the owner who advised BURLINGAI"IE SHORE LAND COMPAIIY 2. NEIGHBORHOOD DISTURBANCE &8,9' that he has requested his tenants to vacate the property. The Chief of Police stated that before citations may be issued, have to be in evidence and complaints signed by witnesses. Ehe Department will render assistance whenever possible, but there limit to how an officer may legally perform. facts Police isa To an inquiry from Councilman Uangini concerning "publie nuisances" the City Attorney stated that the issue under discussion this evening fal1s within the provisions of the penal code. An officer cannot make an arrest for a misdemeanor unless an incident occurs in his presence. In all penal prose it is necessary that the defendant be proven guilty beyond all leasonable doubt, requiring collaboration betvreen the citizens and the police to obtain a decision in the courts. In replying to llrs. Wilkinson's inquiry concerning the tenants refusal to vacate the premises. the City Attorney advised that the City cannot force a landlord to evict his tenants, but neighborhood pressure may obtain the desired result. Follovring further discussion. wherein individual members of Council expressed sympathy lrith the complainants, Mayor Crosby, in summarizing the position of Council, suggested that the l{ilkinson's approach the owner soliciting his assistance. Councilman funstrup reported on a telephone call received from Mrs. Aline Lorenz, membe r of the Beautification Commission, and her suggesti.on that !1r. Clarin W. Zumwalt, Naturalist, be invited to present a film on conservation, entitled "The Value of tludflats." lfhe City llanager advised that he has that the film was taken in the Point public showing. conferred with Mrs. Lorenz and Reyes area and is available for The City Uanager vras requested to contact tlr. zumwalt to obtain further particulars. 4. CTTY PROPERTY Couacilman Amstrup reported that during an occasion visiting City property, he observed that the recently acquired Steinbeck property should be sprayed for mosquitoes and that weeds should be removed in the area of the Serder Treatment Plant. Ihe items were referred to the attention of the city Manager. SCHOOL,/COMMI,'NITY P ROGRAM Councilman Uangini commended the City lr{anager and Department Heads for their interest displayed at a recent meeting concerning a proposed school,/community service program to be initiated. ART COMI'IITTEE II{EETING ittr. William F. Hauser, Executive Director, Burlingame Chamber of commerce, at the request of councilman .fohnson. advised Council that members of the Art CorNnittee and students, in preparing plans for a proposed community art festival, are desirous of meeting with Council at its next study meeting to discuss the plans and to obtain a reaction from Council concerning the use of the new parking lot for art display purposes. Councilman Martin recommended that to expedite matters Council, one member be appointed as a conunittee of one a given subject for report to Council . pend j-ng be f ore to researctr 3. CONSERVATION PRESENTATION 440- !lr. Ilauser concurred that a meeting with the group could be so arranged . Councilman Johnson was delegated to confer with lrtr. Hauser and the Art Comnittee for report to Council. ftle following were acknowledged by the Chair: 2. A communication frdn the San I'{ateo County Mosquito Abatement District dated January 3, L97L, advising that the term of office of lt{r. william Roese as representative from the City of Burlingame expired on January 1, 1971 . Councilman Johnson moved that Mr. Roese be reappointed to a full tena, effective January 1, 1971, seconded by couneilman Martin and unanimously caEiedi 3 A memo from the Ci.ty Manager advising that Commission badges will be available February 15 for distri.bution and suggesting that a date be scheduled for the annuaL CounciL-Conunission dinner. possible dates, with the report to CounciL . February 19 or ltlarch 12 were suggested City Manager requested to investigate as for 4. A resolution from the city of san uateo "Irlemorializ ing the california Legislature to Provide Meaningful Tax Relief for the Homeowner by Enacting Legislation for Tax Reform Which Enbodies a Balanced Revenue Program to tleet the Ongoing Needs of Citiesl' A resolution from the City of Belmont "Urging League of California Cities and county Supervisor's Associatj.on to seek Action to Alleviate the Problem of Litter and Waste Disposal created by the Sale of Beverages in Disposable Non-returnable Containers. " 6. A letter addressed to the City CLerk, dated Decedcer 30, 1970, from the County Board of Supervisors, referring to a communication received from the Hon. PauI N. llccloskey, Congressman, notifying the Board that FAA has taken a first step to reduce the engine noise of existing jet aircraft. 7. Monthly activity reports frcm the Police and Fire Departments, December, 1970. Council acknowledged that the and the City Planner directed mailed to the FAA. Councilman JohnsoD announced that ship meeting was scheduled at the January 29, L97L. subject was discussed at the last meeting to prepare an appropriate letter to be a Cha ber of commerce General lqember- Hyatt House at noon on Friday, Mr. Hauser advised that members of the City's Beautification Commission will be in attendance to present a civic "Beautification Award. " SISTER CIT' REFERENCE t4ayor Crosby advised th at lrlr. Ben L. Eechinger, President. Sister City committee, was appraised at a recent conference in San Diego of the serious illness of Dr. Bruce Vickers of Cuernavaca, active in the Burlingame-cuernavaca sister city affiliation formation. ACKNOWI,EDGI{EIITS l. An "Information Letter" for the year 1970 from the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. CHA}4BER OF COMI{ERCE I{EETING '_=4*t Councilman lTohnson was requested by the Chair to send an appropriate message to Dr. Vickers in behalf of council. WARRANT,/PAY ROLL APP ROVAI warrants, January, 1971, Nos. 6A4L-702A, in the total amount of $167,626.88, duly audited, rrere approved for payment on motj.on of councilman ttangini, seconded by councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried -It'ica Payroll warrants, month of December, 1970, Nos. L6L59-*7tfO2; in the amount of $185,881 .34, were approved on motion of Councilman Mangini, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and caried. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Crosby at 9:55 p.m., in memory of J. Dennis Finney, J.ong-t jme Li.brary employee - IIERBERT WHITE CITY CLERK APPROVED: dru**l'G."-(," WILLIAI.{ ,r. 'dnOsgy \ MAYOR ADJOURNI,IENT