HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.05.01L25 Burlingane, California uay 1, 1967 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the abovegiven date. Ueeting called to order at 8:10 p.m., - Mayor Diederichsenin the chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE At word from the chair, all Pledge of Allegiance to the the eouncil charnbers Errose and gave the 49. in F1 ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen:Absent - Councilmen: Crosl,y-Dieder ichBen-George-ilohnson-lilartin None MTNUTES fihe Minutes of the regular meeting of April L7, L967, previously submittedto Council, amended to record Councilman Johnson as Council liaison tothe san lr{ateo county council 0f lhyors. were approved and adopted. INPRODUCT ION OF I'NTON REPRESEN?ATNTES Mayor Diederichaen acknowledged the presence of !rr. George Evankovich, Secretarl,, Conatruction and General Laborers tnion, Local No. 261, who in turn, introduced staff and field representativea. ur. Evankovich advised that lpcal No. 261 is one of the largest uDionsin Northern california, internationally ranking sixth within the C IoIAFL and represents members from the t nited- states, including Hawaii, and: Canada. I,lr. Evankovich firrther advised that employees from the City of Burlingane Public works and Park Departments have recently affiliated hrith Local No. 261 and that a "Ilpre realistic" survey will be presented to Councilin behalf of the emplolzees in the near future. ittayor Diederichsen, thanking union representatives for their attendance and introductory comnents, gave assurance that their presentation in thefuture wou Id be courteoualy received. COMMT'NICATIONS I. APPEAL DEC fSfON RE: RESIIBDWISION LOT '3 BLOCK 36 MILLS ESTATE NO. 13 A corurunLcation rras acknooledged from ltlr. Venice Htrel1, dated April 25, 1967, appealing a decision rendered hDr the Planning comrnission onApril 24, 1967, in denying a proposed resubdivision of his property on Ioyola Drive. Hayor Diederichsen announced that a formal hearing would be held before eouncil at its regrular rneeting on lronday, Uay 15, 1967. Ttte City Planner rdas requested bry Council,man Martin to research prior minutes of regular and study meetingE of the Planning Commission hri th respect to "grading of lota" and "mi.nimrm lot sizes" and that copiesof the excerpts therefrom be sutrnj.tted to him. 2. APPEAL RE: ERECTION E IGHIY - POoT SIGN A communication from the Rector Cadillac Oldsrtrobile Co., 1021 Burlingame Avenue, dated April 2A, L967, appealing the decision of the Planning cornmission in denying permission to erect and eighty-foot rotating sign on the corner of Cadillac way and the inner Bayshore Road, vras acknowledged and a heari.ng before Council was scheduled on uonday, June L9, L967. rg6 3. SI'RPLUS PROPERTTES A memo from the city Manager, dated April 26, 1967, advised that theoffice of civil Defense has requested the adoption of a nenr resolutionto meet current regnrlations of the Eederal Civil Defense Departmentto obtain surplus properties and that it was his recommerdation thatlegi.slation be enacted. councilman ceorge's reference to items proposed in the L967 -L968civil Defense budget and their relationshi.p to surplus property that may be acquired under condj.tions specified in the proposed resolution, initiated a brief discussion. fhe City lrlanager advised that there may be other suppliesthe City may desire to acquire through ttre sale of Federal items . and materials surplus llayor Diederichsen e:cplained that considerable surplus material isavailable to political subdivisions from the Pederal covernment on apriority basiE, and in his opinion, the resolution is in proper formfor adoption. Councilman ltartin recalled that a policy was established by Council some years prior to eliminate the purchase of surplus automobi le equipment. RE SOLIITIoN NO. 28-57 "Combination of Surplus Property Over ard Under $2,500.00" rrae thereafter j.ntroduced for passage on motion of Councilman George, seconded \l Councilman crosty and unanimous 1y adopted upon Roll call. A comrmrnication was read from the City !{anager, dated April 25, L967,in reply to a previous Council request, reporting on traffic conditions on Cabrillo and Cotez Avenues, south of Hillside Drive. Tlhe city Hanager advised that the congested traffic problem arises mainly on sundays, during church services and on rainy days; that our Lady of Angels Church has no obj ection to converting the streets to "one-way" traffic but residents abutting should be given an opportunityto voice their opinion and it was his suggestion that a guestionnaire canvassed in the area would determine the issue. In a verbal report and in reply to the chair, the city Manager statedthat in his opi.nion, to restrict parking to one side of the steet would not be advisable and that he would prefer to see the streets established as "one'vray" avenues i however, the question should be presented to the res idents . uayor Diederichsen expressed the opinion that traffic direction should be controlled particularly following church services, either by a person designated by lhe church or by a patrolman especially assignedto the area. Ithe city Manager stated that the citlz's police personnel does not warrant special duty assignments particularly on sundays and suggtestedthat churches either assign a volunteer from among their membershipor engage an auxiliary officer. Following an exchange of personal views on the ramific.ftions of placing restrj.ctj.ons in the area, council concurred to authorize the City It{.rnager to mail an appropriately-worded questionnaire to each residentIiving within the area of cabrillo Avenue and cortez Avenue, southof Hillside Drive to solicit their preferenee for either establishing "one-way" streetB or restrj-cting parking to one si.de of the streets. 5. ST'BII{ISSION"GENERAL PI,AN" C ONTRACT A memo from the city Manager, dated April 27, 1957, referred to receipt by council of a copy of the william spangle & AsEociatescontract formalizing commencement of a "General Plan" for the City. lrhe City uanafter, having certified that the contract is in proper form 4.REPORT ON TRAFFIC COIiIGESTION CABR ILLO AND CORTEZ AVENT'ES 1,27 with the terms previously presented, council thereafter unanimously authorized the City llanager and the City Clerh to sign the document. 6. SETTI.EUENT WTTH BURROUGHS CORP. A memo from the city Manager, dated April 26, 1967, advised of the misunderstanding that arose as the result of erroneous price quota-tions received from the Burroughs corporation during consultation on the purchase of the Burroughs Control center unit in the Cityfreasurer's Department and the willingness of the company to settlethe account for a conpromised figure of 93O0.O0. Councilman Georgie moved that a \,rarrant be issued to the Bugroughs Corporati.on in the amount of $300.00 and seeo nded by Councilman Crosby. On the question, Councilman l.{artin stated his intention to vote "no"on the motion, as he had voted on the original motion to purchase the unit and questioned the city uanager further on the subject. The city uanager explained that an error occurred with the salesman misquoting the net price of the equipment and in his opinion. it was their (Burroughs ) responsibility. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ayes: councilmen: crosblt-Diederichsen-George-JohnsonNoes: Counci.lmen: uartin 1. PENINSI'LA MANUFAC TURERS ASSOC IAIEON RE: REG fONAL GOVERNMENT POSITION A communication was acknowledged from the Peninsula Manufacturers Associatj.on, dated April 21, 1967, including its accompanyj.ng stated position on Regional Government. At the request of the Chair, Councilman Martin commented on the rec- ommenilations set forth by Pt{A, advising that the proposals closely fo1lc^^r a compromised legislative rneasure, proposed by "ltcAteer-Knox"wherein legislators would be appointed to a comnittee to study Bay Region problems and wherein specifj.c corunittees would include advisory representatives selected from a roster of 4ected officials. councilman Martin stated his whole-hearted endorsement of the proposal. In reply to the chair, the City Planner expressed his concurrence, adding that the Peninsula Manufacturers Association is to be commendedfor its outstanding civic interest. 8. ACTTNG POSTI\4A TER RECOGNIZED l{ayor Diederichsen acknovrledged the presence of I{r. Larry Putman,recently appointed Acting Postnaster for the City of Burlingame andhis wife. A commrnication addrersed td Council from !:r. PutBan was read at hi.s request wherein t{r. Putman expressed appreciation for the honor besto+red upon him and invited Council critj.cism to further the interestsof the Post Office Department. 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMEI{DATION A letter was read from Jack P. wickham, dated April 25, 1967, commendingthe aurlingame Fire Department for its efficiency in responding to an emergency call at his home on March 5. Tlhe communication was acknowledged and tlE city llanager requested to forward a copy to the personnel of the Fire Department. ].0. POLICE SEBGEANT Iltayor Diederichsen announced receipt of a copy of comrmrnication from Mr. MaxweII llccullough, 390 Llargarita Avenue, palo Alto, commending 128 A service rendered his family during the early morning hours recently by a Burlingame Police Sergeant, whose name he could not iden€ify. I{ayor Diederichsen advised that the Police Department is investigatingthe incident to comend the sergeant involved. RESOLUTION NO. 29-67 "A Besolution of the City Council of the City of Burlingame Authorizing settlement of Parcels L, 2, 3. 4 and 5 in the Sum of $405,000.00" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded ty Councilman George and unanimously adopted uponRoIl CalI. 1[he City clerk, at the request of the Chair, identified the property as being owned b1z the PaIo Corporation, at the corner of Bellevue Aeenue and Primrose Road and purchased by the City as the site fora new City Hall. OFD TNANCES None None I. RECOGNITION BIJRTINGAUE OFFTCIALS Councilman George conanented on the recognition the City of Burlingame has received upon the nomination of Uayor Diederichsen to serve asthe Chairman of the San !.{ateo County Council of Uayors, CounciltDanMartin in his capacity aa Chairman of the North County Council of Uayors and the appointment of Ur. Daniel c. Irtinto, unanimously endorsed b[, the Burlingame City council, to serve on the west Bay RapidlYansit Authority. CONTRACTS:a RONT DEVELOPMENT b RECREATION CENTER I}4PROVAUEN TS RESOLUTTONS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NE1,I BUS INESS l.tayor Diederichsen announced the receipt of a signed contract formal-izing the preparation of a master plan for the improvement and develop- ment of a bayfront recreational facility try the architectural firm of Rolfston, Hanamoto, lhyeg & Beck. A lDiDt raised by Councilman ceorge concerning the exchange of notices by both parties to the contract \r personal or bY mai l- delivery, wasclarified by the City Attorney who advised that legaIly it is ploperto ute regmlar mailing procedure; however, future contracts may be hrorded to require registered or certified mailings. 1[tre City Attorney, in reply to an inquiry from councj.lman crosblr, advisedthat the contract stipules that the consulting firm shall submit plans to the City $rithin eight months following the signing of the aglreement. llhe contract agreement was unanimously apSrroved. l,tayor Diederichsen further announced that a contract bearing the signature of Kingsford Jones to provide architectural Eervices for the Burlingame Recreation center inrprovements iB available forcouncil approval. Ihere being no obj ections, councilman unaninously approved the contract agreement. 129 PI,ANNING COMMISSION REAPPOINTI.,IENTS Uayor Diederichsen named Everett K. Kindig and Charles w. Iltink to serve an additional four-year term as members of the Planning commis-sion. ftre reappoint&ents were unanimously confirneal try council. REPoRT RE: WATER OUALIIY CONTROL BOARD Councilman ltartin referred to a memo received from the City l{anager, dated May L, L967, wherein Council was advised that the water Oualitycontrol Board has recornmended the rejection of the city's application for a supplementary Federal grant in the amount of $45,000.00 toward financing sewer plant inprovements ancl previously approved by ABAG. councilman trtartin expressed concern that both the water Quality Control Board and the Association of Bay Area Governments may be "overstePPingtheir authority" and efforts should be expended to influence the D(ecutive Committee of ABAG to uphold its previous approval of the supplementary Federal grant (ten percent over and above the basicgrant of thirty percent. ) It lras the reconunendation of Councilman !{artin that the City ltanagerdirect a letter to the tlousing Urban Development (EUD) notifying that Agency that applicationg for Federal grants have been approved. Reference was made to the council study meeting on l{ay 3 and the agenda item " further discussion of Set age Plant Improvement Financing" and the city llanager was requested to invite the city's consultant, !ttr. John Jenks, to be present. councilman George stressed the importance of reviewing the sourcesof revenue available to the city toward the sevrer Plant Improvementsin advance of placing the issue before the electorate at a special Electj.on in September and reguesting the city uanager to compile areport for submission to Council at the study meeting. ACKNOIdLEDGMENTS Uayor Diederichsen acknotrledged receipt of Uinutes from the Planning commission, the Park counission, the Parking cornmission and the LibraryBoard, including its monthly activity report i comrmrnications fromthe following: lflhe Sierra Olub, dated April 19, 1967, opposing the removal of rock and dirt from San Bruno lrlountain;; the City Manager announcing a " Law Day Dinner" at the fhunderbolt, on !4ay 5, 1967, at7:00 p.n; the County of San llateo, announcing a creater Highways Committee meeting on ftursday, Wy 4, 1967, at 4:00 p.m., re: "Rout-ing of Junipero Serra Freeway from Ralston Avenue to woodside;,' theRegional Planning Conmittee of San Uateo County, dated April 26, 1967;dinner meeting at the Vllla Chartier, 6:3O p.m.. Ihursday, Hay 11,1957; Independent Insurance Agents Association of Burlingame-san Mateo, dated April 25, 1967, extending an invitation to meet commrnityleaders at the Seven Oaks Room, Bank of America, 300 EI Camino Real,relative to a "Stamp otrt Crime Crusade " in San t{ateo, Burlingame,Ilillsborough and Foster City; the County of San Mateo Board ofsupervisors, extending an invitiation to attend a meeting on Thursday, Uay 4, L967, 3:00 p.m., Rooro 5O1 of the new county building at whichtirne preliminary plans for a sports center will be on disptay; aninvitation from the san uateo tnion High school District, daledApril 27, L96?, xo attend a premier shor,ring of a film, "LSD-25"and a copy of a " suggeEted Radio Salute to National Maritime Day onWy 22." BLOOD BANK ANNTVERSARY g conmunication vras acknovrledged from the peninsula ueroorial BloodBank, dated April 17, 1957, announcing its ,,&renty-Fifth Anniversary,,celebration plans. lilayor Diederichsen proclaimed Uay 2I - through t{ay 27, 1962, as "Blood Bank Week. 130 STI'DENT GOVERNMEN" DAY It{ayor Diederichsen announced that " student Government Day" had been scheduled on lIesday, uay 16, 1967 and requested Council and membersof the City's staff to be present in the Council Chambers at 9:00 a.m. NORTH COT'ISIY COI'NC TL OF CITIES Uayor Diederichsen advised that the ne>rt meeting of the North County council of Cities would be held on May 4, 1967, at 5:30 p.m., inthe city of Daly city. ADTOURNMEIIT tlhere being no further businees, the meeting was regularly adjournedat 10:O0 p.m. Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K.ITE,City Clerk APPROVED: ,4.t Z / :./ 2 ztt,,{ /11 d"'""1''""' IIERNER E. DIEDERICIISMI UAYG,