HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.12.15*8? Bur lingame, Decerdber cali fornia ls, 1969 REGUIAR I*IEETING A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. fhe meeting was caLled to order at 8:00 p.m., by t{ayor R.D. itartin. word fronr the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave edge of Allegiance to the FIag. 2. upon RolI caII, those Present were: councilruen: turatrup-crosby- George-Johnson-Martin. 3. Tlhe t'linutes of the regular meeting of Decernber 1, 1969, sub[ittedto Council previously, vrere approved and adopted folloring a correction notEd by the Chief of Police to delete ttre words "recorunends thereduetion in the speed linit" in the paragraph referring to Skyline Boulevard - BIDS - RECREATION BUILDING ADDITIONS AND AITE RATIONS Bids for the construction of the Recreation Building Alterations andAdditions, received ard opened on December 10, 1969, as per publicnotice to bidders, were declared as follor,rs: GEI{ERAL CONTRACTOR BASE BID AI,T. +I AI,T.#2 AI.,T.+3 AI,T.{+4 AI,".#5 AI,T.#6 $13,5OO $ 5,800 $ 600 $ $10,600 $11,000 15,500 12,0O0 4,0o0 5,400 9,585 10,850 13,40O 6,9O0 2,4OO 5,3O0 I1,OO0 7,I0O t4,L82 5,193 3,44L 4.677 8,934 9.7t4 13,678 6,515 2,4O4 4,628 10,819 8,952 13,0OO 6,000 2,3OO 6,50O 10,9O0 5,100 13,90O 5,90O 4.O00 5,5OO 11,O00 9,200 12,OOO 5,000 2,300 5,OO0 10,OO0 10,50O ].4,25'7 6,266 2,825 4,57O 1I,218 8,714 14,35O 5,58O 2,5OO 5,3O0 11,3O0 12, 5O0 15,200 5,964 3,8OO 4,975 LL,2O7 9,436 L3,942 11,250 2,43O 7,800 9,817 8,050 13,95O 5,746 2,483 4,580 L2,2LO 8,157 AtePl1. th Arrnand & std th San Jose Challenge Develp. Redwood cityMorris, Daley BurlingameGriffin, Edr'rard Livermore Harrodd e l{illiams SunnyvaleEarty Construction Redwood city Marsh, James San carlos t{oroney Conatruc. Redr,rood City Nearcal Corp. san Jose RDl.[ Construetion San Mateo SorenEon & Marsh S:ian Uateo Stevenson Pacific Redrvood City Ttrorton Cotlstruc. san ltateo Architect Total Eatimate $2 97, 000 Mr. Kingsford Jones, the Arehitect, in rePly to i.nquiries frofl Mayor l,tartin, advised that the lor bid was submitted by the Robert D. Moore Construction company, Inc. of San !.{ateo in the amount of $24O,93O.O0 for the base bid; additive alternate prices in the total amount of $52,53O.OO increased the total contract to $293,460.00 and that the contract, including work conatructed under the base bid quotation and the aix alternates t ould be cqnpleted within a period of three hundred calendar days. $254,2OO 279,9OO 257 ,522 268,243 266.4L9 268,80O 262,OOO 275,OOO 256,458 24O,93O 246,7L6 249,600 25L,962 188 A series of inquiries were thereafter directed by Council to theArchitect concerning the several alternates providing (1) polyester terrazo flooring; (2) refinishing the hardwood floors in the audi- torium and (3) adding carpets in the lounge room6 and social hal1. !{r. JoneE cormented on the advantagee of selecting nev, materials for these particular areas that ui-1I add to the attractiveness and aid inthe accoustics of the building. To a direct inquiry from councilman Amstrup to the superintendent of Recreation and his Assistant, concerning their reaction to carpets inthe areas proposed, each expressed their inexperience \ri th the product. T1le Superintendent of Recreation advised that he had visited schools and had spoken with several school custodians who indicated that the maintenance of a carpet manufactured for institutional purposes createdlittle or no problems. tihe Chair thereafter requested the pleasure of Council. Councilman Crosby introdueed and moved the passag e of RE SOLUTION liO. 90-.89. "A Resolution of A!,vard of contract - Recreation Building Additions and Alterations" to the Robert D. Moore conatruction Company,Inc., in the total amount of $293,460.O0, including the basic sum bidof $240,930.00 and the six additive bids in the sum of $52,530.00. Ttre motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l call. COMMUNICATIONS 1. SIJFMEY ON "SPEED ZONES" A memo fron the Chief of Pou.ce, dated Novefiber L2, 1969, referred to the subroission to Council of a detailed engineering and traffic survey conducted in "speed zone" areas of the city and conpleted by the Direetor of Traffic. the Chief of Police recqnmended that legislation be enacted to lncreagethe speed limit on Hillside Drive, from Alvarado Avenue to El Camino Real frstr 25 UPH to 35 Ir{PIt and to increaee the speed limit on Carolan Avenue, betrreen Broadlray and Oak Grove Avenue, froa 35 Ir!PH to 40 UPH. lfhe Chief of Po1ice also referred to the survey conducted on californiaDrive and on Skyline Boulevard in which no changes in the speed limits on these t\.ro streets are proposed at the present time. In a footnote memo from the city Manager, dated December 11, 1959, it waa recomnended that the report be discussed at the next Council study meeting. !4ayor Martin exlrreseed his concern with the hazardous condition of theinterEection at Vaneouver Avenue and ffillside Drive and to the linited vi €$, afforded motorists westbound on Hillside Drive. lfhe Chair sugqested that the Chief of Police investigate the possibilityof erectj.ng a chain barricade in the area of the cros$,ra1k as aprotective measure partieularly to Eafeguard the slllall children crossingthe intersection. fhe Ctrair concurred with the recorf,iendation in the survey that the eros s\.ralk be re-located between the northeast and the southeast cornerof the interseetion and that the speed lirnit on llillside Drive be increased to 35 uPH. In referring to the survey report on Carolan Avenue, Mayor Martin observed that there \.ras no reference to the installation of a }ightat the MorreLl Avenue intersection. lftre City Engineer stated thathis Office would investigate. 184 Mayor litartin coftEnented on the recommendation that the speed zone onportions of Skyline Boulevard within the City be retained at 50 MPH and his concern that the crosswalk at the intersection of llillsideIane and Skyline Boulevard may be hazardous. the Chief of Police stated that as yet, the City has had limited experience with regard to traffic problems but that the area will bekept under surveillance. Counci lman Crosby suggested that traffic 'Iclinkers " similar to thoseinstalled in school areas lnay be appropriate. In a final discussion on the report frqn the Traffic Departtrent, theChair suggested to the Chief of Po1ice that a survey of the intersectionof Skyline Boul.evard with Trousdale Drive be conducted by the State Ilighway Department. llhe engineering and traffic survey r*as thereafter referred to the Health, Safetl, & Traffic Conunission for revia and report to council. 2. BROADIIAY TELEPHONE INSTALI,ATION A csununication fron the City Mrnager, dated Decerdber 11, 1969, advisedthat the Pacific Telephone Company has delayed the inEtallation oft o telephones on Broadt ay, preferring that the City adopt a procedure formulated by the telephone cqtrpany. fhe City Attorney, in expressing no objection to the requeat, advisedthat prior legislation authorized Council to issue the pernri ts; theprocedure ncnrr authorizes the city Manager to isEue petmits. ORDINANCE NO. 905 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the lrtunicipal code of the Cityof EGlingame By Adding Chapter 12.2O 'Public Telephoneg' to Title 12 'Streets and Siderralks' and Providing for the Placement of Public Telephones on Public Sidewalks' was introduced Lrlr Councilman Georgefor first reading. 3. CHOICE OF MEDICAL-HOSPTTAI,IZATION PIANS A cqrrnunication frcm the City Ir{anager, dated December 11, 1969, advisedthat as directed previously by Council, city employees \{ere canvassed and information sub|nitted relative to a proposed Kaiser Plan fornedical and hospitalization benefits; u4renty-four employees haveindicated their interest in selecting the Kaiser PIan and it was reccrnrnended that the choice be given to the employees to select uitherthe C. P. S. or the Kaiser Plan for medical and hospitalization insur- ance coverage. I'he City t{anager waE requested to aEcertain whether t}re number of errployees converting to the Kaiser Plan would increase the rates ofc. P. s. SAN MATEO COUNTY OPERATIO\IAL AREA CrVIL DEFENSE-DTSASIER AREA BUDGET 1970-1971 A cqununication frorn the City Uanager, dated December 11, 1969, referredto a proposed San Mateo Operational Area civil Defense and Disaster Budget for 19?O-1971, \.rith the City's share set forth at $L,O77.52 and advisinq Council that imrediate approval is solicited in orderthat funding may be included in the county budget for the forthcoringfiscal year. counci lman George, former council liaison to the Area Disaster Council, gave a resume of the establiEhment of the county-wide Civil Defense program and the formation of the Disaster Council and for cornparative purpoEes, reported on costs borne by the city sinee 1963 to the currentyear to indieate the steadily rising increase in operatiDnal costs cfthe Disaster council. 4. 18s', Councilman ceorge, referring to the proposed budget, the increase inEalaries of staff members and the aequisition of additional officeequipnrent, exPressed the opinion that the current operational eostsare becoing unreaaonably excessive. council also noted a budgeted item of $3,800.00 reported by Counci tmanAmstrup, Councilrs current liaison to the Disaster Council, at thelaEt study meeting, for the purpose of allocating g5O.OO to eachoffi.cial representative to encourage his attendance at the DisasterCouncil meetings. ltayor !,tartin cq trented oncities to vote on the newthat an action be delayedAdministrator, be invited 1970 study meeting. the limited period of time alloted to the budget and suggested, with Couneil concurring, and that l.tr. willian c. Hinchcliffe, Areato confer urith Council at the January 7, 5. PROPOSED LEGISLATTON "GARAGE SAI,ESI' A eormnunication frsn the City Planner, dated December 8, 1969, advisedthat in reaponse to a request frcm Council, he has prepared a draft copy of a possible type of regulation for "garage sales. " In revi er*ing the proposed regulation, I{ayor Uartin suggested that garage sales be limited to "five days within a two weeks period" therebypermitting residents to conduct such sales on weekends. council concurred and the city Attorney waa requested to prepare appropriate legisJ-ation for Council action at. the next regular meeting. 6. AEDE RAL AID-HIGHIYAY AqT PARTI CIPATION TTOP ICS..PROGRAT{ A coulunication vras acknonrledged fron Don s. wilson, county Engineer, dated December 3, 1969, reporting on the Federal-aid Highv,"ay Act of 1968 and the $22 million allocated to california to assist cities in the improvement of traffic conditions in congested urban areasi the program named nTraffic Operations Program for Increasing Capaeit], and Safety"is eomnonly knowr as ITOPICS." Tlhe cqrnunieation advised that in order to qualify for funds, an area- wide I0PICS Plan is required and that the County, in an investigationof the eost, has been informed that sueh study will approximate $250,OOO.00; the local Ehare will amount to $72,00O.0O with fiftypercent of thecost to be borne by the county and the rernaining fiftypercent, by the cities, and that the cost to the City of Burlingame, on a per capita basis, will not exceed $2,10O.OO. ftre City Enqineer, replying to an inquiry fron the Chair, referred tohis recent meeting with city Engineers of the county of San llateo,relating to the proqram and advised that it was his impression that the aforementioned allocation was a notification, rather than a request for palment. Mayor lfartin, comnenting on the funds currently being collected by the county from the City of Burlingame for various services, expressed hispersonal opinion that the City should reject the proposal. ltle City Engineer stated the opinion that funds to be alloeated to tlteeity for the Broadway fnterchange improvements would not be j eopardized should the council elect not to contribute to the ToPIcs study costs, 7. COMMUNICATIONS RE: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEIVI FOR CITY comnunications hrere ackno,rrledged fron the Burlinganne Wcrnan I s c1ub, dated December 8, 1959, and from the League of glornen Votersr of CentralCalifornia, dated Noveriber 28, 1969, each referring to the recent termination of the bus Eervice and urging that irf,nediate steps be takento re-establish a publie transportat-ion system for Burlingame. f86 Mayor Martin reported on his conference $ri th the City of San Mateo, wherein he was advised that San Mateo Prefers, at this time, to establish a system for the convenience of its residents and on his investigation into the nini-bus system in operation in the city of Redlrood city. To Councilman Amstruprs inquiry whether transportation for the City could be coordinalted with the school bus sytem, ttre Chair advisedthat in this instance, there would be a "conflict in time, "particularly during the morning hours. Mr. William F. Ilauser, ceneral ttlanager, Charober of Corunerce, adviEedthat of the sixty-eight cal}s his office received on the issue,fifty-two i.dentified themselves as being retired and l^ri thout. benefitof transportation. Mayor Martin, reporting on the several dozen telephone calls receivedin the City HaIl, the majority of whom $rere concerned with ttre trans-porting of atudents to and from Mercy High School, stated that the number of reEidents requesting the service in comparison with thepopulation of the City raised a question as to what length the City may obligate itself to assist a relatively small numbbr of its resid ents. RESO LUTION NO. 91-69 "A Resolution Determining Unpaid AsEessmenta as A cqomuni ca ti on hras read frqn Kenneth I. ifones, rePresenting ttre lar* firm of wilson, ilones, ltorton & Lynch, dated Decenber 8, 1969, referring council to document.s providing for the issuance of bonds in the amount of $7O,OOO.O0, awarding sale of bonds and a list of unpaid aEsessments, all relating to Bayside ImProvement District No- 4- !lr. James Morton, representing the tegal firm, summarized the conlents of the several resolutionE recsnrnended for council adoption and advised that the bid received from J. Barth & company for the Purchaae of the ttri rd sale of bonds to be legally issued under the ImProvement Bond Act of 1915, is considered to be an equitable one under the conditions of the current Etock market. motion of Cgunci lrnan irohnson, seconded by Counci lman crosby and unanimously adopted uPon RolI call. Amended and Providing for Issuance o District No. 4 - rhird Sale - $7O,O0 RE SOLUTI oN NO. 92-69 "ADistrict No. 4-$70, ooo by Counci lman Crosby t^rho Johnson and unanimous lY RE sor,rrTroN No. 93-69 f Bonds - Bayside ImProvement O" was introduced for Pasaage on Resolution Awarding SaIe of Bond s - Bayside - ftrird sa1e" (J. Barth & co.) was introduced moved its Passage, seconded by Councilman adoPted uPon RoIl call. ftre city Engineer, in reply to the chair, confirmed that- the conatruc- iion of- impiovements deecribed within Portions of schedulea I and III oi tfr. sayiiOe Improvement District No. 4 have met with the aPProval of his Office. comnenti ng on his role as a meniber of the ?ranaportation Cqmittee ofthe San ltateo County Council of llayors, trtayor l{artin gave assurancethat the issue will be continually reeearched, although a definitive anErlrer may not be forthcc[Bing for a period of at least one year. RECESS A recess wag declared by the Chair at 10:OO p.m. CAtt TO ORDER lIhe meeting waa reconvened at I0:1O p.n. RESOLUTIONS 18? RESOLUTION NO. 93-69 "A Resolution Approving Certificate of Cost and @yside Improvement Disirict No. 4 - portions of ScheduLes I and III" was thereafter introdueed for passage on motionof Councilman Johnson, seconded by Couneilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoII CalI. ORD IIIANCE S - Consideration thereof: the proposed Uniform Building Code, the introduction of which was delayed to conaider a proposed section requiring a dry stand pipeinstallation during the procesa of construction, at the study meeting, cane regularly before Council on this date. Itlayor !{artin requested the pleasure of Council in striking from lheproposed ordinance the section referred to. A motion was i.ntroduced by Couneilman ceorge that Section 18.08.383, Section 3804 (i) be deleted from the Uniform Building Code ordinance and Eeconded by counci lman Crosby. On the question, and in reply to Counci lman Johnaon, the Fire Chiefstated that reguiring the dry stand pipe when construction goes beyondthe fourth floor would be advattageous to the Fire Department in fire emergencies, by having an imrediate supply of hrater and confirmed thatit could be considered a Eafety factor. Mayor trtartin explained his obj ection to the requirement as being a source of inconvenience to the builder and further adding to building eonstruction costs. Folloring a brief discussion, a Ro1l call vote on the motion to delete the Eection under discussion, was recorded as follors: Ayes! Councilmen: George-IqartinNoes: Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Johnson ORDINANCE NO. 906 "AdO pting by Reference Volumes I, II and IfI, L957 EEIEIon oE uniEorm Building code and uniform Building code 1967 StandardE: Anending Sec. 18.O8. 1I0, 18.08. 209, 18.08.210, 18.08.290, 18.08.300, 18.08.360, 18.08.40O, 18.08.410, 18.08.305, 18.08383 and 18.08.396 to Said uunieipal coderand Repealing See. 18.O8.16O, 18.08.165, 18.08.19O, 18.08.330, 18.08.340, 18.08.350 and 18.O8.42O of Said Municipal code" was introduced for first reading by councilman JohnEon. A public hearing on the adoption of ttre Uniform Building Code was acheduled before Council on January 5, 1970. HE,ARINGS 1. BER-RrCH, rNC. DAIIC! PIERrlll! APPRO/ED A reguest fron Ber-Rich lncorporated for ttre continuance of a dancepermit granted previously to the Franko Corporation in theoperation ofthe Pub So-Ho at 1316 Broadrray, held pending reeeipt of a report frornthe Health Department was before Council for disposition. A report from the Health Department, dated Decenber 2, 1969, indicated approval provided all codes and requirements thereto are adhered to. lhe Fire Chief, in reply to the Chair, confirmed that conditions set forthin the inapection report of the Fire Department have been satisfactorily met. Irlayor Uartin noted several differences in the proposed operation fronthe previoua operation: (1) live music for consecutive days Sundaysthrough Stturday and dancing frqn 9:0O p.m. until l:3O a.m. lr}rere being no edments frdn those in the audience, the Ctrair requestedthe pleasure of Counei l. 188_ Councilman Johnson moved that a dance permit be granted to the Ber- Rich, Incorporated, in accordance with its request suhtritted to council under date of Novedber 25, 1959. Ttre motion was seconded by coun ci lman Georgie and unanimously carried . Uayor Martin announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a hearing on a regueEt received from Ur. Eric G. llausser, 1536 Meads, Lane, dated Noverdber 26, !969, appealing the decision ofthe Planning Cqnnission in denying his application for a rear yard and parking variance to allor., construction of an addition to hisproperty. A eonununicati on from the City Planner, dated Decedber 1I, 1969, advisedthat ttre motion to approve the varianee received three tayen votes and two "no" votes, an insufficient majority vote: the subject residence is located at 1536 Meadow lane on a 50'by 1O0r lotr theproposal is to construct an addition that will extend the building towithin seven feet of the rear property line, with the code reguiringa minimum rear yard set back of fifteen feetr there is no demonstrablehardship in the property itself except that the existing building issited at a greater distance from the front property line than the usualfifteen feet, reaulting in ample open space in at area not feasiblefor inereasing the interLor floor space of the dwelling. llhe Chair invited Mr. MauEser to comment - Mr. Mausser stated that the vote on the variance was not a conelusivedenial in his opinion and that his appeal therefore was before Council. the City Planner, in a brief verbal report, stated that it is a singlefamily dwelling and the propoEal to add a room and a bath at the rearof the existing building would extend beyond the ninimum rear yard code requirements i that it is a "personal" hardship to the applicant. Councilrnan George questioned Ur. l{ausser whether the propoaed additioncould be constructed aa an upatairs unit, who, in reply, stated thatit is possible; hor,vever, the structure of ttre house itself would notreadily accornsnodate a second story its proxirnity to neighboring holes \.rould be obj ectionable and the increased cost rrould create a hardship. fhe City Planner, in reply to Mayor Martints inquiries concerning garage requirements, advised that public hearings will be conrnenced at thenext regular meeting of the Planning Conrnission to consider amendmentsto the ordinance to accommodate those having single ear garages, thatthe change thtt has been proposed will provide that when there issufficient space in the driveway area, the requirement for a seeond garage will not be necessary and that in this instance, the Planning Commission indicated that tandem parking would be permitted inside thefront setback line. Councilman ,lmstrup suggested that by reducing the size of the propoaed roon, the rear set back requirements may be fulfilled. Ir1r. lilausser replied that it would not. be equitable and that in additionto the extra roor, the building plans eall for the construction of a second bathroom. Councilman George expressed concern that if construction were permitted aE currently proposed, it may establlsh a precedent in the neighborhood. ltayor Martin, speaking to the City Planner, stated that the minutes ofthe Planning Coftrission do not record tbat diseuraioBs oecurred concerning the retention of the fifteen foot rear aetback and suggested that more information be obtained from the ComniEsion by re- scheduling a hearing on the variance before the Planning commission. 2.APPEAI FROM ERIC G. MAUS$R RE: VARIANCE TO E:XTEND HIS BUILDING Follovring a brief discussion, wherein l{r. !{ausser indicated no objec-tion to re-appearing before the Planning Conunission, the subjeetmatter was referred to the Planning Cdnmission for the scheduling ofa new public hearing. 3. TIA I{ARIA APPEAL 1!o coNDITIoNS USE PERMTT TO CONSTRUCT RE STAURANT Hayor Uartin announced that a public hearing had been scheduled at thereguest of ltlr. 9rarren L. Simtons, President, Tia ltaria, in which theeonditions attached by the Planning Conunission to a use permit granted to consturct a Tia Maria Restaurant on the Old Bayshore High- way, rrere aPpealed. IrIr. cYrus J. l{cui1lan, Attorney, represented the applicants. litr. Ucr,!"iL lan confirmed that the eonditions relating to B. c. D, C. that were attahced to the use permit were the point at issue. Ur. Ucltillan reported on his recent visit to San Francisco to meetwith staff menibers of B. C. D. C. and wherein vague replies were received to his inquiries relative to the extent of B. c. D. c.'Einterest and the application of its regulations to the proposed conEtruc-tion and that he was unable to obtain a waiver of jurisdiction. Referring to sections of Chapter 713 of the Government code, Mr. I*tcMi llan subroitted that the proposed restaurant use is not ansubEtantial change in land use" and is therefor not subject to B. c. D. C. jurisdiction. Ir1r. Mcuillan stated that the staff members of B. c. D. c. were impressedwith the type of facility proposed; the construction does not involve bay fi11in9; a building permit should be issued and a notification ofthe eonstruction should be fontarded to the Bay Conservation and Develop- ment Cormission, whereupon if there are any objections, that agency can take an initiative action. Mayor llartin referred to the city Planner, who submitted a map for Council revierr and explained that the plan itself has been revised by increasing the building set back five feet, creating a slight changein the parking space arrangements i the Planning Corunission found no problem \ri th respect to the building Plans but the issue of ho,r the construction may affect the regulations of B. c. D. C. was a matterof concern. !ilr. Ueuillan, on the question of parking, advised that Parking sPaces are considerably in excesE of thoEe required by the code. uayor lt{artin observed that there is no reference in the motion of the Planning Cqflrission to provide an access to the twenty-foot strip along the bayfront. Ur. David Keyaton, Anza Pacific Corp., developer, advised that his office had prepared for recording, easement documents to include a tvtenty-fivefoot Etrip along the bayfront and public acceases of twelve and one-H.ffeet alongside the subject property and between properties to the east,the latter to becdne effective at such time as a current lease may expire. Mayor Martin suggested to the City Planner that the Planning Comnission,in the future, include in its motion, a condition that a tlventy-fivefoot strip be provided along bayfront properties. fhe City Attorney, in reply to inquiries from the Chair, referred torecent legislation and the Bay Conservation and Develoltnent Cdmnission's concurrent jurisdiction affecting a one-hundred foot band of shorelineproperty and in explaining his guidelines upon which the Planning Csrunission took an actj.on, stated tfiat they were set forth for thepurpoge of cooperating with B. c. D.C. t89 re0 I\tayor li{artin referred to a corununication received from B. C. D. C. on an earlier date, and his interpretation that that agency was asking merely to be notified when construction along the bay sj.de is to oecur. Purther discussion ineluded corllents that legislation affecting B. c. D. c. is unclear and references to cqnmunications and telephone callsto officials of B. c. D. c. requesting the submisEion of a moredefinitive set of regulations. Mr. Mclt{illan, reiterating his previous statement that members of thestaff of B. C. D. C. looked with favor upon the construction of the Eia uaria Restaurant, suggested that the applicants, should eircum- stancea arise, be permitted to take issue with B. C. D. C. A conununication was entered into the record from the BurlingameCitizens Action Forum, dated December 8, 1969, conunend ing the action taken by the Burlingame Planning Coruni ssion in setting forth conditionsto the granting of the use permit and that the appeal before Council be denied. Uayor Martin stated that his major concern \.ras that in the future andin similar instances, a condition be included in a motion that atwenty-five foot Etrip be provided along the bay, landscaped and opened for public access. Follqring further discussion, the Chair requested an action frora Cbunci 1. A motion was introduced by Councilman Crosby that the special permit ofTia uaria be approved and that the action of the PLanning Couaission beoverruled by deleting those conditions relating to B. C. D. c. approvalEet forth in the motion of the Planning C@nissionr that approvalthereof shall require that a twenty-five foot strj.p of land beprovided along the bay front, landscaped and opened for public use;that a twelve and one-half foot public access be provided on theproperty from the street to the landscaped bayfront acceas and thatthe Bay Conservation and Development Cornmi ssion be so notified. themotion was seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanirnously carri.ed. OLD BUSINESS 1. STATU S I.E BARON HOIEL DEFICIENCIES lilayor lr{artin referred to an itemized accounting of variance and building code violations noted in the construction of the Le Baron Hotel,dated Novedb er 28, 1969, and requested a verbal report frfil staff members. Mr. Francisco P. A1meida, General Manager, Le Baron Hotel, addressedCouncil first to state that he has been authorized to advise thatwithin ninety days frqn the current date, deficiencies cited againstthe hotel will be eliminated. fhe City Planner, referring to his memo to Council under date of December 8, 1969, eonfirmed that the parking problem has been resolvedsatisfactorily. Tlhe City Engineer gave on December 11 by thethe deficiencies have a Bu be report on an inspection made of the propertyilding Inspector, noting tltat the maj ority of en or are in the process of being completed. In reply to Mayor l*{artin's inquiry concerning the swimning pool, andits i11egal drain line connection to the storm drainaqe system tatherthan to the sanitar]. sewer system, I{r. A1meida, corunenting on thecostliness to meet code requirements, requested that some concessionbe permitted. Mayor Martin spoke on the measures the City has undertaken tomeetthe requirements of the Water Quality Control B@rd, advising that it is mandatory that the installation of the swinrning pool cdp$ywith code requirements. 191 Follo\ ing a brief diseussion, !1r. report to CounciL on or before ttre January 5, !97O. Almeida was requested to Eut{ri t a regular meeting of Couneil on 2. DOG ORDINANCE Mrs. Mildred B. Grens, Park tnd Rser-eation Cormission.imember, requeEted information on the disposition of the ccmnission's recqunendation that all dogs whether leashed or unleashed by prohibited in eity parks. I{ayor Uartin advised that t}re subj ect was discussed at a recent study rneLting and action thereafter tabled, the maj ority of Council not being in favor of the legislation. !i[rs. Grens urged that Council reconsider its decision. 3 . STREET NI,II{BERII{G -RE-NAI*IING A proposed ordinance to establish procedures for the re-naming of puLfil streets, referred at the last Council meeting to a study meeting to consider deleting a paragraph was regularly before Council for introduc!ion. Ttre minor deletions having been considered and informally i$Proved at the study meeting, councilman George introdueed for first reading, ORDIIIANCE NO. -992 "An Ordinance Adding ChaPter 12-17 to Title 12, streetJ and sidewalks, of the ltun icipal code of the City of Burlingame Regulating Street Numbering and Providing ProcedureE for the Re-naming of Public Streets. " Mr. Richard Grey, representing the Consolidated Test and Equipment, Inc. 1330 Aayshore Eighway, inquired as to the disposition of the proposed change in the street name of O1d Bayshore Highway. Ihe City Planner advised that. the Planning Cqmission has continued thesubjeet to its regular meeting on January 26, 1970. Mr. crey further guestioned whether Ordinance No. 9O7 included a seetionthat all tenanta be notified when a proposal is before Council to changethe name of a public atreet. ltayor !{artin referred to a paragraph written into the ordinance requiringnotification to aLI "property crrnerE of record" and pointed out sqne ofthe ramifications that may occur if tenants also were to be notified. 1. POLICE OFFICER APPOINTIT{ENTS lltre City Manager requeated authorization to appoint t3ro patrolrnen whenthe resultE of a recent Police exanrination are available and an eligiblelist is created. The City M.nager was so authorized by Council. 2. DELAY IN II'I' RTiiI ll' RE DELIVEFCT lrhe City lrlanager notified Council that his Office has been advised thatthe California correctional fndustries is unable to fill a portion ofits order for the ner., City ttall furniture until July and that he will seek other sources and costs for items to be replaced for report to Counei 1 . E. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS !{ayor Uartin ackno,rledged receipt of the follcming: COUMUNICATIONS I. Fron the City l,lanager, dated December 11, 1969, subrnitting a reeapof Conunission vacancies and a list of eqsnissioners and eitizens desiring reappointment or appointment. IiIEW BU SINE S S 199 lhe City !{anager was requeEted to schedule intervie*,rs prior to theregular meeting on January 5 and prior to the study meeting on January 7, L97O; 2. Frcnr the City Uanager, dated Decedber II, 1969, questioning Council on the scheduling of the annual dinners for city cqfirnissioners and members of the auxiliaries. The matter waE referred for considera-tion at the January, 197 O study meeting, 3. From the city cIerk, dated December 11, 1969, advising of theexpiration of terms of t\.ro Civil Service Cqnmissioners. fhe City Manager lras requested to ascertain vrhether the corunissioners would consider reappointment t 4. A copy of a letter addressed by the City Engineer to the District Engineer, Division of Highways, under date of Decedber 10, 1969, recornmending several changes in the Broadway Interchange District Agreement. I{ayor }lartin acknowledged his approval of the contentst 5. A copy of a letter addreEsed to the County Engineer frm theCity Engineer, dated December 2, L969. concerning the County's assist- ance in financing major construction projects within the City. Itre subj ect rras referred for Couneil diseussion at the January, 1970 study meeting, 6. william C. Weber, Chairman, Regional Water Quality Control Board, dated Decenber 1, 1969, and fron cerald F. Day, Supervisor, county of San Mateo, dated December 4, L969, corunend ing the city Council andstaff for outstanding efforts in providing a cleaner Bay by theinstallation of the nev, Waste\"rater Treatment Plant, 7. fhe City Uanager,for installing signs ito program the install L2. Iarry H. Putmanthe seasons ereeting! Heads. dated Decedber 15, 1969, extendingthe City llanager and Department datntati ed December 11, 1959, sulrnitting cost estimates he canyon area. lhe City llanager was authorized on of the signs; 8. l[]re city of l]aly city, dated December 3, 1969, urging the aequis-ition of lands located at Point Reyest 9. llhe City of san Fernando, dated Deeeldber 5, 1969, urging supPortof AA 1618 (taxation of municipally owned gas and electric businesses; ) 10. fhe city of Berkeley, urging the support of the reappointment of Bernice Hubbard llay aE a member of the Bay Conservation and Develop- ment Commission. lfayor lttartin announced that the reappointment has been confirmed in the interim. 11. Stone & Youngberg, December 6, 1969, re: "Municipal Financing Letter; " and Pos tmaster,to Council, MINUTE S AND REPORTS lr{inutes from the Planning Conunission, December 8, 1969, the Beautifica-tion Ccrtnrnission, December 4, 1959, and the monthly activity rePorts fron the Fire and the Police Departments. WARRANTS warrants, uonth of Deceniber, 1969, Nos. 4L95-43A4, in the total amoun t of $2O1,708.37, duly audited, r"rere approved for payment on motion of Counci lman Crosby, seconded by counci lman George and unanimously carried. 193 PAYROI,L Payroll warrants, Month of November, 1969, Nos. 8655-9273, in the anount of $186,751.80, \dere approved on motion of councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried. ADJOURNIIEN? llhe meeting was adjourned at 12:35 a.m. by Mayor l{artin. IIER"MRT K. WIIIIE CITY CI.]ERK APPROVED R. D. MAYOR Jdle,/7p<-1r>ilb