HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.04.03109 Burlingame, April 3, Cali fornia L967 CAIJ TO ORDER A regular reeting of the Burli.ngane city council vae held on the above given date. l{€eting called to order at 8:00 p.m., - Hayor ceorge in the Chair. PLBME OF ALLEGIArcE At word fra the Chair, all in the eouncil Chanber aroae and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL PrGsent - councilmen : croaby-Diederlchaen-Georgedohnson-MartinAbsent - Counclloen ! Non€ nI}IrllEs Ihe ninutes of the regular reeting of Harch 20, L967, submittedpreviously to Council were approved and adopted. CORPORATION ANNE'( BidE authoriz€d b!, Council for advertiaement for the conatruction of a storage Annex at the Corporation Yard, opened at 1O:3O a.m., on llarch 29, 196?, s€re declared as follots: BIDDER 96 , 906. so A conmunication fron ttre Director of Public work8, dated uarch 29, 1967, recomended that a eontract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, the P. D. sperry e6pany, in ttre total atDount of 96, L27.7O. A concurrence in the recom€ndation by the City llanager rras footnoted on the communication. RESOLI TTON NO. 23-67 Annex, JoE No. 66-18"for paesage on motion Diederichsen and unan (b)I,AG I'NA TENN r c T RBSURFAC T!re Bida received for the Reaurfacing of the Itguna Avenue Sennis eourt,authorized by Council for advertlaenent anil opened at 11:O0 a.D., on Itarch 29, 1967, were declared as follows: BIDDER TOTAI. BID F. D. Sperry Company fpsr ie Paving coparqt Kunz Paving eo.B. Fontana Conpany Bngineer'a Eatl.mate "Auarding Contract for Corporation Yard Storage (Pred D. Sperry, tr., $6,L27.7O' eaa intrducedof CouncilDan irohnaon, seconded try Councilnan irrcus ly adopted upon RolI call. 486.00 18s. OO $6,600.O0 A recommendation from the Director of tublic Works that the contract b9 awarded to the lotdeat responsible bidder, llalott and Peteraon,in a comunicatlon sublitted under date of arch 29, L957, waa con- curred in try the city uanager i.n a footnote merrc to council. RESoLt TIoN No. 24-57 "Awardi ng Contract for TenniE Court Resurfacing - Laguna Avenue - Job No. 67-L4" (ltalott & Peteraon-crundy, 94,686.00)was lntroduced h,l, Councilman Johnaon, who noved its paaaage, Eecondedby Councilnan Diederichsen and unaninously adopted upon RoIl ca1l. ltalott and Peterson vr. Yr. Lang Englneer's Eatimate $4, 5, BIDS (a) IIEM TOTAL $6, L27 .7O 6,252.45 6, 490 .?6 7,524.35 110 I. COHPIiINT RE: PARK ADTACEItT STEIIENS ttOItIE, 1521 BAI.BOA AVB. A cormunication rras read from tlr. Robert S. webber, Attorn€y-at-Itrr, dated ilarch 29, L967. advising Council that his firn representsllr. araEea C. Stevens, lrho haa reaidenti.l property at I25I Balboa Avenue and requesting permiasion to acquaiat Council uith problaaariaing in connection with a recreational facility adjacent tothe reeidence. A n !0o fr6 the eity Uanager, dat€d llarch 30, 1967, advised that the conplaint of !tr. stevena has b€en in the proeesa of inveatigation and that his Office recomnds that the aUeged 'nuisance" be investigated before changes are uade to the play area provided children. l,E. Vlebber, identifying hinself aa !tr. Steven'E attorncy, suboltteda rough sketch to indicate the location of the residential property to the City-s playground area. Ht. Wabber stated ttrat the facility sas inetalled eight to tcn nontha ago and j.ncludes a gand pit, typical playground eguipment for amallchildren ard a slide partl,cularly creating a nuisance to the er(tentthat the residence is untenantable. A tape recording of the noige nade bt, children uaing the slide, taken on Sunday, April 2, 1967, at 3:00 p.m., in back of a ten foot fence conatruct€d by the City, a planting area and a thicik wooden fence inatalled hy the property owner, was played to substantiatethe nuisance claim. l,lr. t{ebber stated that in addition to the nuisance of t}re slide, teenager8 enter the unlocked palk late in the evening to u8e thefacilitiee and that rand placed in the park ia carried htr th6 wlndl and dleposited into the hone; that it ia the request of th6 ounerthat theae dj.sturbing faetors be either renoved or replaced. In reply to councilman Diederichaen, llr. stevens stated that he noved into the hore approxiEately five years ago at a tinc rrhen the subject property was a wooded creek areai that he had been living on the property for a period of at leaat three years be fore he was aware that a plan for a park for small children was in formatlon. Itlr. stevena, to CouncilDan irohnaon's inquiry, advieed that his current conplainta are the only source of disturbance. i rles Prancard, at the requ€st of the Chair, identified hinself as suE €rintendent of Parks and apoke on hia previous rreetings with!tr. stevena. suggesting that a liat of dj.sturbances be 8ub.0itted. A brief discuesion between I'lr. stevens arlil the Plrk sup€rintenilent concluded with the latter advieing that the slide could be relocatedbut in his opinion, the replaceD€nt of the sand, waa another natter. In a series of irquirieg concerning the issuc on sand, the Park Superintendent adviaed that the course grade of river aand placed in the playground is easier to Eaintain than other material. Ithe clty Engineer, in reply to Councilnan l,l,artin, atated that a culvert was inatalled anil covered with f,ill originating frour the drainage ditch. Councilnan Uartin comented that in his opinion, it was the "silt"eoenating frqn the fill naterial, rather than the aand from the playground that is evidenced in the hone. I.E. Stevena suggeated that the araa be police patrolled at regrular intervala during the night to diacourage the congregation at t€en- agera . COT,IUI'NICATIONS 111 Councilman Martin stated that this particular problem is prevelant throughout the park aleas and suggested that the City Hanager alert the Police Departnent to patlol the city parka rDore diligently. fn sumarizing the focal points of disturbance, Council thereafterauthorized (1) the renoval of the slide frqr the playground,(2) tUe planting of more shrubbery between city and private property and (3) a more extensive police patrol, particularly throughoutthe late hours of the evening. 2. STREET NAUE "VALI,EJo'' To "FRo}ITERA" A rnerrc from the City lianager, dated Uarch 30, 1967. advised thatthe city of trtillbrae hag consented to the change in the street nameof "Vallejo" to " Erontera" in the block lying west of tlurchison Drive. fn a verbal report to Council, the City I{anager advised that hisoffice has received no opposition from property ournera in the area and the City Attorney was was directed to prepare legislationto effectuate the proposed change. Concurring rrith a recorunendation from Councilman Crosby, the City uanager waE requested blr council to solj.cit a written confir:nation from ttr. R. Douglas Pringle, rrhose skyline proiect lies h,ithin thearea, through certified letter procedure. 3. INST,RANCE PAYROLT DEDI,CTIONS A memo from the City Nanager, dated iiarch 3O, 1967, advised thatFire Department personnel has requested a payroll deduction of insurance premiuns to corumence April 20, 1967. A commrnication from the members of the Burlingane Fire Department dated Iarch 30, 1967, explained that a low-cost "Group Life Insurance Plan" has been made available to firenen through member -ship in the California State Piremen's Association, with payroll deductions included as one of the provisions for obtaining theparticular plan; thirty-nine m€dberg of the Fire Department have s igned applications and permiasion ia therefore requested to perEitpayroll deductions for paynents of premiuns effective on April 20 and on the 20th of each subseguent month. In reply to an inquJ.ry fron l{ayor ceorge concerning a paragraphin his memo, that "the fire department members will harril le their own changes when they ariae" the City Uanager explained that the numerous functione of the Payroll Clerk leould be le ssened with Fireperaonnel processing details in changes. A notion was introduced by Councilman ltartj.n, secorded b!, councilman ilohnson and unanimously carried, that monthly payroll deductionsfor the described insurance premiums be authorized. 4 PLT'UB ING REPI,ACEMENT WASHTMiTON PARK A menp fron the City anager, dated March 3O, 1967, advised that subaequent to the last study rneeting anal as authorized by Council,bids for the instalLation of unbreakable facilities and equipmentto replace plumbing fixturee danagea by acts of vandalism j.n washington Park, rrere received from the folloring: A. H. Dittnann, Inc. Lauder llunbing, Inc.$2,49O.OO 2, 300 . oo It hras th€ reco uendation of the City [anager that the bid of Iauder Plumbing, Inc. be approved, with the cost thereof expendedfro monies availible in the budget of the Park Departnent. In reply to Councilman Diederichsen's irquiry concerning theadvieability of purchasing ineurance to replace city property damaged by vandalism, the Ci.ty ltanager advised that the insurance tr12 for this particular type coverage is excessively costly. Also in reply to Councilman Diedericheen, the Park Superintendent advieed that plunbing facilities to be installed are of ca8t aluminum material, unbreakable and coneidered " vandal-reaistant. " Councilman Cro8b,!, rnoved that a contract be awarded to IrauderPludbing, Inc. for the inetallation e the quoted bid price of $2,3O0.0O, seconded bly Councilnan Johnaon and unaniroously carried. 4. SCIIEDT'LE SE9IER PIANT IT,TPROVEIIIENTS A meroo from the City Uanager, dated t{arch 30, 1967, reportedthat in confornance wlth ttre Echedule for Serrer Plant improve-nenta, the next step recites that "April 3, 1967" reguirea "Complete studies to determine best eethod8 of financing the proj ect . " I}re City Uanager, in sooe detail, outlined financial procedureaavailable, concluding that "it rpuld geen prudent to indl.cate that an appropriate bond iseue will be eubnitt€d to the people, thearcunt to be determined after our budget is etudied anal thereEults of our Ped€ral application obtained. " Uayor George auggested, with Council concurring, that action betentatively withheld pending an announcenent anticipated in ituneor July concerning the availability of Federal Rrrrdls applied fortl, the City. 5. GRAEAI,T T1' SERV ICE REQIIEST RB: Bt RL,IIIGAT,IE IANB P EDESTR,IAN WAIJ( A rneno from the City ltanager, dated Uarch 30, 1967, sub!0ittedproposale from ltr. Earry s. GrahaD, itr., oxner of Graham T1, &Electric Service, to inprove Burlingam lane, located at therear of atores on Bur lingane Avenue fr@ tprton Avenue to Park Road. council acknoledged a communicatlon received fron llr. Grahan, dated l6rch 23, L967, who adviaed that his buainege is locatedat 12L2 Bur lingame Ipne, a "non-Banctioned city address. " l[he coomunication requeeted that Council consider: (t] that Burlingame Iane be a legally sanctioned addreas anal poated assuch: (21 that Burlingame lane, fron Lrton Avenue to a point whereprivate parking ig available at the rear of Burlingare Avenueatorea, be a pedestrian wall ray; that ttre arca privately'orrned, remain an entrlmay for delivery trucks and private parking, withthe only atructural change neceasary therefor, to provide an entranc€ fron the parking lot directly eaat of the building nor occuped ht7 irenkel-Davidson. Reforring to the city t{anager's sugge8tion in his nemo. Council concurred to refer the natter of the walkway and the linit€d truck entrance to tlE Plannl.ng ComiaElon for i.nveatigation and report. 6. RESI'RFACING STRAE?S PROGRAT{ A n€rlo from the City l.tan ger, dated llarch 30, 1967, referrd to areport fron the Director of Public worka, outli.ning the atreet resurfacl,ng progran proposed for the current {iacal year and adviaing that bids will be present€d for Council'8 considerationat the no.t regular neeting. An accompanying tabulation of city streets, prepared andt 8ubmitted tryz the Dircctor of hrblic worka, lndicated those prolroGed for re- aurfacl.ng under current budget allocrtions, wlth intentl.on to also rasurface the entire section of california Drive from oak Grove Avenue to Broaduay from applicable Gaa Ta:( nrrds. 113 7 CAROIAN AVENUE EI(TENSION A comunication was read fr6 tlr. Edsin t. Pierce, Chairnan, city Planning Co@iasion, dated ilarch 27, L967, suggesting, that wlthtentative approval received fron the State Division of llighwayefor the conEtruction of an on grade off lane frm the Bayshore FreeMray at lhrsten Road, prelininary studied be nade on thefeasibility of ortending Carolan Avenue north to join with l,larsten Road, to provide an alternate route to by-paas and to rell,ev€trafflc congeation at Rollins Road and Broadway. A aketch of the propoaed route accompanied the conrmrnication. In reply to Council inquiriee, the City Engineer advised that hi8office has not been so notified try the state Eighrday Division; thatit was his understanding that the propoeal has been proJect byCol. E. L. Norberg and that no atudy hae been made try members of the City'8 staff. Following a brief discussion, the subject was referred to the council study meeting of April 5, L967, scheduled to consider Broadway Overpass propoaals currently on file with the City. uayor Ceorge Euggeated to the reportera preaent to publicize the Echeduled Overpasa study meeting. 8. 1037 BAYSHORE OCCI'PANCY VIOIATIONS A connnnication fron the city Planner, dated uarch 29, L967, reported recent circumatances .rrising from an inveetigation into the extentof the comnercial use of prop€rty identified as 1037 Bayshore Boulevard, zoned from industrial to fourth residential at the request of the property ovrner in 1963 and the disclosure of theillegal occupancy of the property. Iha City Planner adviaed that three of the tenants have applied for and have been granted varl.ances for a period of one year, that theprop€rty o*ner and the renaining tcnants, having disregardedcitations issued, it was the recomendation of the Planning com- miasion that appropriate legal action be authorized and directedagainst the owner of the property and any peraona so engaged in business in conflict with city ordinances. Council, concurring with the recommendation, authorized the city Attorney and the eity anager to proceed with an action against t]rose in violation thereof. 9. AIRPORT ART DTSPLAY A cmunication was read fron Dale Perkin8, Art Consultant, Burlingatoe School District, aated March 24, L967, directing att€ntionto a children'a art $ork display at the San Franciaco InternationalAirport and inviting council to review the exhibit. Councilnan Crosbt, reported his visitation to the exhibit, observingthat the display "is a credit to the eiry." Councilman Johnson suggeated that Council menbers also revies thediaplay and that their cormente be transnitted to !8. ceorge V.White, SiuE erintendent of Sichoola and the art consultant aaaociatedwith the Burlingane School District. 10. APPEAL VARIA!rcE 760 WALNUT AVENI'E A corE[unication was read from Mr. iranes Popin, 760 lyalnut Avenue.dated [arch 29, L967, appeallng to eouncil to reconsider a variance requested to pemit a reEubdiviEion of their property, dented b1zthe Planning eomnisEion at its regrular neetlng on ltarch 2?. A hearj.ng rras thereafter scheduled before Council at its regular rneeting on april L7, L967 - 1I. APPEAL PECIAL PERI{IT IADY ANGELS CIIURCEs A petition waE acknowledged bearing the si.gnatures of threnty-five proE erty ffnera, dated ttlarch 30, 1967, appealing the decie ion ofthe Planning Comission in approving a special pertsit grant€d olrr f/acly of Angels Church to conatruct a nul.ti-purpoee building on Cortez Avenue, between HiUside andl Ea8ton IEives. A ptrblic hcaring before Cqrncil wag echcduled for eprl,l L7, L%7. ntsoLtrtoNs Nonc ONDIlI TrcBS llone T'ITFI}IISII@ BUSINESS 1. COIITRACTS RE: RECREATION CBNTER- WATERFROMT AREA-SSWER TRE.ATMENT PI,AIM Ihe City Attornqa, in reply to inguiriea fron t ayor ceorg€ and from councilman Diedericheen, concerning dispoEition of contractsrecently authorized by Council, advised that contracts for "Recreation center Improvenenta " and "waterfront Area rmprove- oentsn are currently awaiting signature b1z the respective archi-tects anil that the contract for " Serrage Treatment Plant Inprove- roents " has been si.gned bV the consulting Engineer. "i,T,M(" CAR STATE LETSI.,,ATTVE MEASI'RE lhyor George referred to a corMunication received from the cityof Paclfica, dated ilarch 24, 1967, on the subj ect of "Junk cars" and spoke on a state legislative proposal (AB 805) devieed toeliminate the grotring problem of "ihrnk " cars left abandoned and unclaiDed on city and Etate properties. Pointing out that atatistica indicate there are eleven nillioncars in the State of California, fiayor ceorge stated that the increaEe in the number of abandoned "junk" vehicles iE inurinent and that the subjects merits study. In reply to the Chair, fraffic Director Robert Hintermann, in attendance, reported tlrat approxinately twenty cara a month areleft abardoned on city streeta in BurlingarEe. In explaining thedisposal procedure on unclaimed vehleles, the TraffiG Directorstated that tou fees are paid from "lien aales" proceeda andthat nonies received in excess are collected by the state. ACKNOVIIJDGMENTS Council acknowledged couaunicationg from the Burlingane Civil Service E@lolrees' Aasociation, Inc. ard from the Association'8 Pl.re Department repreEentative, expressing appreciation to Council for recent salaly increases and nlnutes froo the Planning, th€ ltrealth, sa fety & raffi.c and the Parking corutiasions. BIJRT.,INGAI,IE HILLS ASS€IATTON REPORT councilman l{artin reported briefly on a letter he has recei.ved from !lr. Sylvan Uayaer, President, Burlingame Hil1s Asaociation, and an inquiry concerning council's lntereEt in conferring wit-Lthe Burlingame Eills hm€otvners on the subject of "annexation. " councilman l,lartin, appointed by councll some time prior, asliaigon to meet on occasion with Aseocia tion nernbers, stated that copiee of the commrnication would be furnished council. IAW ENFORC El,IEt{E PROGRAI,I 1,14 I{EW BUSTNESS 1. Councilman Johnson repor ted on her attendance at a recent special 115 eventa progrram held at the Burlingane High School sponaored by the Odd Felloss and the Rebecca lalges of San Uateo County, honoring Iaw enforcenent officers frm San Francisco and san Uateo Counties, on which occaEion, BurlingarE Police ehief, carl !t. Lollin, was one of the recipients of an honroary certif,icate presented by Pglice Chief Ton cahill, of the City of san Prancisco, in behalf ofthe EponEors. 2. sAN UAEO COrrNTr UAvm,S COUt{erL Councilnan Diedericheen reported on hig attendance at a recent roeeting of the san Uateo County Council of Uayors, in the Cityof south san Etancisco, at which time an interesting and informative report on the "future of the airport" was given hy l{r. George Eanson, llanager, san Francisco Airport. I{ayor ceorge spoke briefly on the lilayors' Council's adoption ofa new set of bylaws and t}te concern of the council with phasesof ABAG, rherein the principle of "home rule" is in j eopardy. 3. CoMI{UNTCATIoNS RE: PAcc OPPOSTTIoN Mayor George acknotrledged Council'a receilt of fourteen comnunica-tions in proteat to the weatbay Corrnunity Asgociates' propoaal (PACC) to fill areas of the bay and advised that the proposedproject j-s currently in a stage of converEation only. 4. "BLT'E COLIAR WORKERS" AND T'NION tlayor George referred to a memo frqr Councilman ilohnson, employeeliaigon, advising that employees within the public works department, labeled "blue collar workers" have been in contact rrith Unionofficials and that the possibility of Denbership may be avertedif Council will neet with enployee representatives for discuEeion. councilDan irohnaon suggestd, in a verbal report, that council "not aasume that salaries are the main isauer" that eEplolrees inquestion "fee1 they have no representation" to preaent theirgrievance and it was her recomnendation that a meeting be scheduled. NOUINATTONS I{EW OFFICERS (a)ELECT ION CHAIRIIAN-I{AYOR Noniaations were declared open b1z the Chair for the position of Chairman of the Council and [ayor of the eity of Burlingame. Counc ilman Johnson placed the name of Councilnan V{erner H. Diederichseni n nomination, seconded ty Councilnan ltartin and there being nofurther noninations, a unanimous ballot was cast for Councilman Diederichsen as chairman-uayor for the forthcoming year. (b) ILECTION MAYOR.PRO TEII{PORE Nominations were declared open b,y the Chair for the position of Chairman-uayor Pro Tempore. Councilman Crosb,y placed the nane of Councilman Johnson in nomination, seconded by Councilman Diedericheen ard there being no furthernonLnation, a unanimous baUot hraa caat for Councilman alohnnon as Chairnan-Uayor Eo Tempore for the forthcoming year. PRESENTATTONS AND IIflTRODUCTIONS In relinquishing the Chair, Councilman ceorge addreesed a fe$appropriate leord8 to Uayor Diederichsen and expressed his appreciationfor being accorded the privilege of working this past year erith a An iEeue on whether to meet j-n an executive session or in an open meeting, was resolved by Council scheduling a neeting qrith an employeegrbance conmittee on wednesday, April L2, L967, at 4:oo p.m., in theCity llall eouncil chanbers. 116 cooperative Council and to have served a City ao endeared to him. l,tayor Dlederichsen acceptd the gavel of office and read a coDgEatulatory telegram received from Police chief [ollin. In acknoirledging the honor bestorred upon hin and observing that thecity ia faced with problems, Uayor Diederichsen expressed his confidence that "vrorking aE a team. " with the cooperationof the citizene of Burlingare and the City's staff, Council can continue to make the City of Burlingane a better place tolive. t0r. and litrs. Yfalter Knapp, Itr. Bill Varley, friends of long- standing, l{r. U. S. sirrcnds, ilr., former l.{ayor{ouncilman, cityof Burlingame, !ta. l.laqr Diederlcheen, hi8 rrife, l,lr. and !lrs. atln Blackburn, his daughter and son-in-Iaw and three grardchildren, Claudia, Christine and l{erner, were introduced to the audience btr llayor Diederi.chsen. A gavel, enecribed and mounted on a plaque, to acknowledge hia leadership the past year uta presented by Uayor Diederichsen tomediate past uayor, councilman George and Council members inturn, congratulated l6yor Diederichsen on his election to the ttayorahip and eulogized Councilman ceorge for his untiring endeavors in behalf of thc ihtereets of the City of Burlingaroe. Councilman itohnson alao appropriately expressed her pleaeure on being aelected to again eerve the City as an officer. ur. U. S. Sinonds, irr., on behal f of the Building Trades Councilof San Uateo County and tilra. Dorothy Lirdstrom, President, Soroptomiat Club of San uateo-Burllnga!0e er(tendted felicitationsto newly elected Uayor Diederichsen. cLosMG l,tayor Diederichsen advieed that Council eomittee appointments would be prepared for annourrcenent at the next regular meeting on April L7, L967. AITIOT'RNI,TENT lhe neeting was adj ourned ttr Uayor Diedericheen at 10:45 p.D., in honor of and in respect to th€ nemory of county frea8rrrer,Albert H. Sagehorn. ReEpectfully suhritted, HERBERT K.fTts, city Clerk APPROVED: IfBRT{ER H. DIEDBRICHSEN I|AYOR