HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.12.214t9 Burlingame, California December 2l , l97O CALL TO OPOER A regular meeting of the Burlingane given date. The meeting was called william J. Crosby. City Council was to order at 8:00 held on the above p.m., by Uayor PLEDGE OF ATTEGIANCE At hrord from the Chair, Pledge of ALlegiance to Present: Absent: all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the the FIag. Councilmen Amstrup, Crosby, Johnson, ltangini, lilartin. Councilmen: None. 1[he I'{inutes of the preceding meeting held on Dece ber 7 , L97O, sutxnitted to council previously were approved and adopted following a correction that in the matter of cregory & sons permit, the date "1969" replaee the date "1970" and arnendments to clarify (1) "Reereation center Construction" by adding the words "A series of electrical claims filed by central Electric were disallowed" and (2) positions selected in proposed " School,/Conrmunity Service Program" delete the words "as well as outside industry. " HEARING: R. D. PRINGLE APPEAI, RE: VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT SOCIAL ROOM FRONTERA APART!4ENT Itlayor crosby announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing before Council in response to an appeal from R. Douglas Pringle from the decision of the Planning Commission in deny- ing a variance to construct a social room on the roof of an apartment building at 3155 I'rontera Way. A letter addressed to Council from the City Planner, dated December 8, 1970, was read, wherein the city Planner recalled that in JuIy of 1964, a variance was granted to the applicant for the construction of turo apartment buildings on property located at Trousdale Drive and Skyline Boulevard, under specific conditions, one of lrhi ch was "two, three-story buildings, measured from grord level"; that during the constructionperid, the Building Inspector discovered that a fourth-story penthouse was being built and the construction work was ordered stopped t at a meeting in December of 1966, Council ruled that the penthouse did not meet the terms of the approved variance and must be removed; the roof of the fourth story \ras a lift-slab and Council permitted it to be lowered and left in place a short distance above the roof. In calling the attention of Council to the recent application submitted by Mr. Pringle, the City Planner advised that the applicant now wishes to raise the slab to complete the social room and in addition, to create a guest room; that his entire argru[ent $ras to the effect th at the pro- posed improvements would better serve the demonstrated desires of the tenants for an additional service and, in a final analysis, the Planning Commission unanimously voted denial based on evidence that there is no "hardship on the property'r and that the additions could have been in- corporated into the original plans for the building and that there are alternative ways to meet the desires of the tenants. The the City Planner recalled further issues in the past that indieated that applicant intended to build the penthouse from the initial. construction, ROLL CAI,I MINUTES 4so stating that his actions, in defiance of the conditions of the variance, constituted a breach of trust. Ilhe hearing was declared open by the Chair and councilman AmstruP advised Council of a telephone call he had received from Mrs. Nancy ttills, a tenant in one of the subject apartments, his subsequent visitation to the apartment eomplex, meeting with a Dr. and urs. Si]verman and the apartment manager and at which time he informed tlrose present that he could not make a commitment concerning his position on the proposed variance. Mayor Crosby advised that his conversation with Ur. Pringle vras con- cerned with informing Ur. Pringle of Council's procedure in scheduling a public hearing upon receiving an appeal. The Chair set forth ground rules to those before council and thereafter invited Ur. to make his presentation. interested in speaking eringle, the applicant, Dtr. Pringle identified himself as the owner of the Skyline Terrace Apartments and opened his remarks by urging Council to consider the current variance proposal as an entirely new subject from that of several years prior; that it is the more than three hundred tenants within the complex who are desirous of having an adeguate recrea- tional and arnusement area and, although not a necessity, an additional guest room to provide accommodations to overnight guests. Plans on file for the new construction were distributed to Council by the City Planner, with Ur. Pringle describing features of the addition, its dimensions and its side and front setbacks from adjacent properties . A scaled model of the apartment complex was placed on display by the applicant who indicated the location of the roof addition, pointing out that it would be located closer to the Junipero Serra Freeway and completely invisible from city streets in Burlingame. In reciting requisites to the granting of a variance, Irtr. Pringle stated that his current proposal meets all requirements; (1) that there are exceptional circumstances, in that the current use of a suite of rooms converted into an entertairunent area is a source of inconvenience and too small for }arge functions and the proposed facility is a necessity in today's competitive apartment market t(2) that it is within the property rights of the owne r and the enjoy- ment of those concerned to continue the outstanding view a social room atop the Skyline Terrace Apartment r.rould provide; (3) the social room would not be detrlmental or injurious to other property owners because of its location apart from other apartment units and the nearby residential area and (4) the addition vrill not affect the zoning plan of the City. it is merely to provide a service to the tenants . Commenting upon prior criticism against the construction of a "fourth story" Mr. Pringle stated that his current proposal would not increase the height of the apartments and a suggestion made at the Planning Commission meeting that his request is "a variance on a variance" is instead, in his opinion, a "modification" of a variance. In conclusion, Mr. Pringle commented upon the contribution the facility provides to the economy of the City and his desire to improve skyline Terrace Apartments to provide a "better place to live" and to "keep abreast of conpetition. " A group of tenants within the subject complex were in attendance to speak in support of the varj.ance to complete a social and enter- tainment area. 4P1 I.,1r. Ed Shane, Skyline Terrace Apartments manager, spoke first on the inadequaqg of the suite novr in use as a social room, not only with regard to its size but its proximity to the swirnming pool and therefore, of necessity, must be closed early so as not to disturb tenants housed in apartments within the area of the pool, the new recreational area will be maintained under supervision and will be in operation for the exclusive use of the apartment tenants, and that management is cOn- stantly striving to improve the environment of the facility. Mr. Jack Dusseault spoke at some tenants by reason of the lac]< of and to house overnight guests. Length on the disadvantages to the a suitable area to entertain guests Stating that to a degree urged consideration in a the tenants are also "positive way. " "taxpayers " Urs. Dusseault llrs. Diane Shane also cornmenting upon the inconvenience experienced in the present use of the social area, stated that the tenants are deserving of more adequate accommodations and presented a petition to Council bearing the signatures of a numbe r of Skyline Terrace Apartments tenants "strongly urging the City Council to grant a variance to permit completion of a sociaL room on the roof of 3155 Frontera l{ay. " Mrs. Shane suggested the controversial issues raised on prior occasions be forgotten and that the current request be favorably considered. Mrs. Nancy Hills, one of the early tenants in the apartment complex. spoke on the inadequacy of the current entertainment facility; Ur. A1 uolakidis, a long-time Burlingame resident and property owner, urged council to meet the need6 of the tenants; Mrs. Phyllis Fletcher, active i,n the Newconers' Club, commented on the inconvenience of conducting meetings in the social room, particularly when access to the swimming pool is through this area; and I{r. T. S. Rupert, li[r. Don Ort, Mr. James King and Mr. sylvan I. Feder, also spoke in support of the proposal to "he1p the tenants live a little nicer. " There were no further cotnments in favor and no response to the Chair's request for opposing views . Irhe City Attorney, in reply to Mayor Crosby, advised that the burden is upon the applicant to establish "hardship"; the term "hardship" refers to the "use of the land", the apartments, under an R-3 usage htere constructed on R-l property, the original building eras not designed as is now requested, and if Council finds upon the evidence submitted that there is a "hardship" with respect to the land, it can act upon the variance . In reply to an inquiry from Councilman Anstrup concerning notification of public hearing before Council to those protestants at the Planning Commission, the City Attorney explained that the code requires the mailing of notices only when the initial hearing is before the P1anning Cornmission and that at the conclusion of a hearing before the Conunission, an announcement to the applicant advises of his right of appeal to the City Council. In reply to inquiries from Councilman Martin, Mr. Pringle advised of the inconveniences to the tenants by management being reguired to lock bath- room facilities adjacent to the current social area when guest rooms are occupied; that with regard to remodelling one of the suites into a social room, the ideal location for a party room is on the roof of the aPartment and that the "rights of the land" included the preservation of the view of this particular main feature of the complex. The City Planner, answering questions from Councilman Uartin, stated that the original granting of the variance was based uPon a Particular set of plans submitted. 422 The City Planner, at the request of the Chair, reported at some length the background of events since the issuance of the building permit in early 1965, the submission of the building plan that did not indicateeither a penthouse or a recreational area and the subsequent conditionaL approval by Counci). of the plan in October of 1965; that during the course of construction, a building inspection revealed the construction of a "slab" on the roof and plumbing studs throughtout the area for purposes that were not indicated on the drat ing and work was ordered stopped; that a debate ensued thereafter on whether this would be con- sidered a fourth story and following aresearch it was deter:nined that construction would constitute a fourth story, a hearing before Council resulted in granting the applicant a variance for a three story apartment house, with conditions imposed and the extra "slab" was ordered lowered to four feet above the roof. Mr. PringLe, years prior "sincere and and consider defending his position with regard to his decisi.on of some to construct a penthouse, stated that his intentions were tragic mistales" and urged Council to forget bygone issues the present request. Councilman Uartin recalled a conversation betrreen the applicant and hi.rnself concerning the construction of a "mechanical roon" at which time he stated to I{r. Pringle that he could construct a slab, but that it could not be raised to the roof. Mr. Pringle comrnented on his sense of Council "i11-fee1ing" that the tenants of the apartment would be better served if was placed under new ownership. and the suggested complex Councilman ifohnson advised lt{r. Pringle that the j-ssue is not one of "personal antagonism" and that any action taken by Council would be the same with eactr and every applicant. Councilman ltlartin, stating that he was not in accord with the statement, reviewed Council's prior experience vrith respect to the applicant; theoriginal variance was granted on the basis of "hardship"r the City of Itlillbrae had rezoned property adjacent to the Burlingame apartment-house site; homes had not yet been constructed on Hunt Drive; the variance was tied in with a specific plan for a specific number of atories and the applicant had agreed in effect, at that time, that a penthouse was not a necessity. Councilman llartin recalled that the applicant lras to grant to the City, a one foot easement on Trousdale Drive, which, to date, has not been accomplished and landscaping as promised has not been fulfilled; the applicant's current hardship plea is a falLacy based on facts that he agreed originally to construct the apartment hrithout a recreational facility. Councilman l{artin thereupon moved that the decision of the Planning commission be upheld and the variance request be denied. Ihe motion was seconded by councilman !4angini. Discussion arose on the question. Councilman Johnson reiterated her statement that in her opinion, the issue is not one of "personality, " that each request for a variance is considered on its merits. Conunenting upon the reaction of the tenants and the position Council is novr placed in by beiog requested to provide this accommodation, Council- man Amstnp stated that the tenants, at the time of their occupancy, should have been alerted that a social room would not be permitted on the roof of the building. Councilman Amstrup also spoke on his attendance at prior hearings as an interested citi.zen, to the objections entered to the the penthouse and to Council's repeated affinnations was to function as a three-story building. 42:3 construction of that the apartment Mayor crosby spoke on the changes that have occurred within the wherein other buildings have been permitted specific conditions that he personally, e/as not opposed to permitting the applicant construct a social room as requested. City and to A final plea from the tenants and the applicant, urged favorable con- sideration, pointing out that the proposed structure will not infringe upon the rights of others nor will it be visible from the Cityr s streets and that the need for a recreational facility is urgent. councilman Johnson reminded the speakers that council, in its delibera- tions, must consider the reconmendations of staff, those who oppose the project and the unanimous denial by the Planning Commission. Councilman Martin stated that Council also is comrnitted to keep good faith with the surrounding property owners. The hearing was thereafter declared closed by the the motion to uphold the decision of the Planning recorded as follows: Chair and a vote on Corunission, was Ayes: Noes 3 Councilmen Anstrup,,Johnson, Mangini, Marti.n. Councilman crosby. RECESS A recess was decl-ared by the Chair at 10:25 p.m., and the meeting vened at 10:35 p.m. recon- COMIT{I'NICATIONS 1. AD-ART INC .RE: DISPI"AY SIGN A communication from the City Uanager, dated December L7, 197O, advised that in the opinion of the City Attorney and his office, the purchase and the installation of a directional display sign within the industriaL area can be accomplistred by the issuance of a purchase order rather than by a conditional sales agreement i that in regard to maintenance service, Ad-Art has indicated it will charge a monthly maintenance fee of $108.00,including insurance, cleaning every ninety days and repairs, for a five year period. 1rhe City Manager can maintain the appear that City forces In replying to Council inquiries, the City Hanager stated that insurance for the sign could be included in the City's insurance coverage i the sign will be installed in worki.ng order and the sign installation carries a guarantee of ninety days. Councilman uartin suggested that the city maintain the sign $rith the exception of the electrical \rork that may be required. The City Attorney advised that in a telephone conversation with Ad-Art the company indicated no objection to the City purchasing the sign through purchase order procedure. !1r. Vernon Burgess, statement. company representative, in attendance, confirmed the A motion hras introduced by councilman uartin, seconded by Councilman Amstlup and unaninously carried that a purchase order be issued to Ad-Art, further sign if advised council that it r.rould so authorizes. *2,4 Inc., for the purchase and installation of the directional sign. Ur. William J. Hauser. Executive !{anager, Burlingame Chambe r of Co[Enerce, referred Council to Ur. Del-ehanty, a member of the Industrial Division of the Chambe r of Commerce, who advised that the members had selected the folloning slogan to be mounted on the reader board of the sign: "Burlingame--A Great Place to Visit--A Greater Place to Live. " Council responded favorably. 2 STATE LEGISLATION IN RE: PLANNING .,HOUSING ELEMENT,. A communication from the City Planner, dated December 16, 197O, advised that an amendment to the planning 1aw adopted, requiring a "housing element" in all general plans, will necessitate study relative to its effect on the housing needs of the City of Burlingame and the community. llhe City Planner referred to the employment by the County of San llateo of the planning Consultant fj.rm of l{illiams and Mocine to undertake the first phase of a county-wide investigation, to the subsequent Mocine "Housing Problems Report " that has noqr been printed and circu- lated and suggested that Council reserve a study meeting within the next fe$, months to explore the issue in depth. Council subj ect The City lrlanager advised that proposed schedule and that no subject have been received. concurred and the city !,lanager vras requested to place the on a Council study meeting agenda in the near future. 4. PROPOSED HOLIDAY SCHEDT'LE 197] A conununication from the City Manager, dated Decerdber 18, 1970, recom- mended that an accompanying holiday schedule be approved as previously discussed to be effective commencing on iranuary 1, 1971. employee reque sts groups have been notified of the for meeting and conf,erring on the A motion was introduced by Councilman Anstrup, seconded by Councilman Mangini, and unanimously carried. that the holiday schedule be approved and that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a resolution to so change the holiday schedule in the current Civil Service Rules and Regulations for adoption at the next Council meeti.ng. 4. FEDERAL FLOOD INS I'RANCE PROGRATI A communication from the city Manager, dated December 17, I97O, advised that cornmunications have been received from a number of property owners reguesting that flood insurance be made available to Iocal proPerty owners under the Eederal Flood Insurance Program and recommended that a resolution be directed to be prepared to initj.ate an action to render the insurance available to local property o\^rners. councilman l.{artin suggested that more information be determine hov, the program may be applied to problem city, apart from mud sJ.ippage areas and vrhat will be construction processes in the industrial area. solicited to areas within the required during The City Planner confirmed that the program is a compli.cated issue and that further information desired should be requested th rough the United States Department of Ilousing and Urban Development (HuD). The city Manager was thereafter requested to obtain further details and to report to counciL when the information is avaj.lable and to so advise those property ovrners who have expressed an interest in the coverage. 4r:;, The City Attorney advised that an action is required of Council by Decedber 31, 1971. A memo from the City laanager, dated Deceniber !7 , L97O, advised that through the Department of Public hlorks, a program has been initiated to elirinate illegal sanitary ser{er connectioas. In a verbal report, the City Engineer advised that a form be mailed to property ov.tners in violation therehtith, with that they conform to ordinance requirements by correcting sanitary sevrer connections . letter will a request i11ega1 The City Engineer stated that sone effort should be expended to correct some of the infiltration during heavy storms; if the letters prove to be ineffectual, other soLutions will be considered and Council will be kept informed. 6. scHooL,/coM!4rNlEY sESVreE PROGRAM A memo from the City tlanager, dated Decefliber L7, 1970, advised that a meeting with department heads and t1r. Elwyn Gregory, coordinator of the School,/Comnunity service Program has been scheduled on Tuesday, January 5, L97L, at 10:00 a.m., at which time it may be determined if the school program can be initiated. lltre City Uanager invited Council and others interested in the subject to attend the scheduled meeting. 7. DIVISION OF HIGIIWAYS " NATIONAI FI'NCTIONAI CLASSIFICATION-NEEDS STI'DY" A communication, dated Novetdber 23, 1970, was acknowledged from the state Division of Highways, referring to the "National Functional Classification and Needs study" (197O-I971) advising that the "Functional Classification" portion of the study has now been completed and the second portion of the study, the "Needs Evaluation " is current),y in progress. lfhe communication stated that the s tudy is being conducted to determine the future needs of the City as well as those of the State Eighvrays and information or assistance may be obtained from the Senior Highway Engineer in the urban Planning Department. fhe City Engineer advised that the communication is merely for imformative purposes and giave a brief resume on the several meetings his office has attended with highway officials to confer on the proposed classification of streets within the jurisdiction of the City, maps are being prepared to designate streets that will be included in the program that are those general.ly within the Cityrs current select city street system. A communication rras read from l.lrs. Ross Smith, 15 Drright Road, dated December 10, 1970, reporting on the nurnber of dogs in her neighborhood running loose without benefit of leash and to a specific incident that required a stricter enforcement of the dog leash ordinance. The Chief of Police advised that an officer visited the those against whom the complaj.nt hras directed. complainant and The Chief according with some of Police reported that the doryntown area of Burlingame, to Ur. Tarver of S.P.C.A., is being more vigorously patrolled, improvement noted. 5. ILLEGAL SEWER CONNECTIONS 8. "DOG LEASE LAW" ENFORCEI{ENT URGED 42G RESOLUTIONS 1. COMI,IENDING JOHN E. KIEFER RESOLIITION NO. 101-70 "Commendin g John E. Kiefer Upon the Occasion ofhis Retirement from the Employ of the County of San lttateo" was intro- duced for passage on motion of Councilman ArEstrup, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaIl. O RDINANCES Second reading-adoption: ORDINAIICE NO. 927 "Amendin 9 Sec. 23 .O4O .O7O of the l,lunicipal Code Regulating the water Supply to Swimming Pools" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Uartin. seconded by councilman Amstrup, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the folloltding RolI calL vote: Councilmen Amstrup, Crosby, Johnson, I,tangini, Uartin. Councilmen: None. Councilmen: None. ORDINANCES - First Re ad i ng- int roduct ion : ORDINANCE NO. 928 "Amendi ng Sec. 302 Ayes: Noes: Absent for E<piration of Building Permits" and griven its first reading. IJNFINISIIED BUSINESS The city Manager advised that a telephone call received Bayside Park Architects informed him that revised plans Park area are available and suggested that a meeting be present the revised plan to Council,. (d) of the lt{unicipal Code Providing was introduced by Councilman Johnson from the for the Bayside scheduled to January L2, L971, was tentatively scheduled to receive the pIans. 2. CHRISTMAS EVE CIOSING Councilman Johnson moved that City employees be excused at noon on Christmas eve, December 24, 1970. Ihe motion was Councilman Amstrup and carried. 12:0O o'elock seconded by 3. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPOINTI.{ENT The city Uanager advised that l1r. willian E. ward has notified his office of his wiJ,lingness to accept.. reappointment as a member of the Civil. Service Commission. NEW BUSINESS 1. SUB-REGIONAI, SEWERAGE PI,ANNING The City llanager referred to a communication received from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, announcing that on December 22, I97O, the Board wiJ.l consider the adoption of a tentative resolution requiring certain waste dischargers to the Bay in the northern portion of San li,lateo County to develop a sub-regional water quality control progr€rm for the consolidation treatment and disposal of wastes and at wh5. ch time, Mr. wilLiam C. weber, Chairman of the Regional Board, has invited the t'layor or another elected representative to attend the meeting to discuss sub-regional planning. 1. BAYSIDE PARK PROJECT The reappointment of Mr. ward to the Civil service Commission was thereafter unanimously confirmed by Council. 4zz' Councilman ltartin explained that cities will be required to participate in a sub-regional program as outlined in the Bay-Delta Program, referred to as the "Kaiser Plan" and recomnended that the City oppose the adoption of the proposed resolution. The City ltlanager advised that the City Engineer, Consulting Sanitary Engineer and he would attend llayor Crosby, in response to a request from the Bank, issued a proclamation declaring aIanuary, Donor lilonth. " Peninsula l{emorial Blood 1971, as "National Blood Mr. the John H. Jenks, scheduLed meeting. 2 . PACKAGES TO VIETNAI.4 Councilman Johnson conunended the City employees on their excellent response to a request for items to be mailed to the military in Vietnam, the Fire Department for collecting the barrels and advised that in addition to food and sundry items, the local Fire Fighters Union presented a check to Dr. tlaria Bonfilio to help defray mailing costs. 3 . ART COMI,IITTEE Councilman Johnson announced that tentative plans are currently in progress by a conmittee to sponsor a community art festival, with aurlingame High School students and members of the Burlingame Chambe r of Commerce assuming the initiative in the preparation of plans. 4. L97 L WAGE NEGOTIATIONS Councilman ltartin recommended that the City ,'{anager commence wage negotia- tions early in 1971. Councilman Uartin reported a hazardous condition created by an exposed excavation in the area of the YleIIs Fargo Bank on Broadhtay and referred the problem to the City Engineer. 6. ITOTEL-MOTEL TAX I.'IEETING Councilman Amstrup reported on his attendance at a recent meeting at the Royal coach Inn concerning "hote1-mote1" tax revenue, the subjeet of which will require answering inguiries from the Board of Supervisors. fhe City Uanager was requested to include the issue on the study meeting agenda. uayor crosly acknowledged receipt of a communication, dated December 3, 1970, from llrs. Bette B. Ghiotti, 907 Paloma Avenue, expressing gratitude to Council for an action taken to eliminate a hazardous sewer problem in her neighborhood. 9. POSTMASTER IIOL IDAY GREETING A communication \ras acknowledged from Lawrence H. Putman, Postmaster, dated Decedber 18, 197O. extending "Seasons creetings" to Council and an invitation to visit the Post Office operations during the Christmas Season. 10. POLICE DEPART}.4ENE APPO INTI.4ENTS A memo from the city ltanager, dated December L7, L97O, announced that 5. EXCAVATION HAZARD 7. COUNCIL COMMENDED 8. PROCLA.I,'ATION 4A8 the Civil Service Comnrission recentLy certified an eligible list for the vacancy for Captain in the Police Department, listing Gerald Nordstrom number one and Thomas Chase nurnber two. Robe rt Quinn, number one on an eligible list for sergeant will be appointed to fill a department vacancy. Councilman lilartin, reiterating his previous objection to Limiting the examination for Captain to strictly Police Department personnel, recommended that the civil Service Rules and Regulations be researched, with particular emphasis on this section of the rules. The subject was held for discussion at a Council study meeting. 11. RESOLUTION RE: LITTER IEGISLATION A resolution from the Council of the Town of Portola Valley, urging the League of california cities to seek action to allevi.ate the problem of litter and qraste disposal created by the sale of beverages in disposable, non-returnable containers, was acknowledged. Councilman Martin advised that the subject is by the League of California Cities. currently under study 12. IIAZARD AT PENINST'LA AVENT'E AND S.P. RAILROAD CROSSING Uayor Crosby referred to a hazardous condition and the inconvenience to motorists because of the disrepair of the railroad track crossing at Peninsula Avenue. :fhe City Manager advised that he would confer wittr Southern Pacific authorities. The Chair acknowledged minutes from the Health, Safety & Traffic commission, December 10, and the Beautification Commission, December 9, and monthly activity reports fronr the Fire and Police Departments for the month of November, 1970. WARRANT APPROVAL l{arrants, Month of December, 1970, Nos. 6616-6840, in the total amount of $316,570.35, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman itlangini, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried. PAYROLL WARRANTS Payroll Warrants, llonth of Novedber, 1970, Nos. 15532-16158, in the total sum of $207,58I.99, were approved on motion of councilman t{angini, seconded by Councilnan Johnson and carried. ADJOURNI'IENT The meeting was adjourned by l,layor Crosby at 11 :35 p.m. HERBERT APEROVED: 4)//h;I T.f ILLIAI{ J . Mayor 'trc ROSBY City Clerk WHITE ACKNOWLEDGIi,IENTS