HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1967.02.20gz Burlingame, California Pebruary 20, L967 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. tleeting called to order at 8:10 p.m., - llayor ceorge in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word frqn the Chair, al the P1edge of Allegiance t Harry Lee Plumbing G1anville Conatructi.on Co. Albay Construction co.c. Norman Peterson co.R. W. Johnstons. & o. conatruction co.Arntz conEtruction Co. Engineer'a Eatimate n the council chanber arose and gave he Flag. 1iot ROLI CAI,L Present - Councilnen: Diederichsen-GeorgelrohnaonAbsent - eouncilmen: Crosblr-Itiartin CouncilEan Croab,]r and Councilman }lartin, absent because of a prior committaent, were excused. I,TINI.,:TE S fhe llinutes of the regular meeting of February 6, L967, submitted to Council previously, were approved and adopted. BIDS Bidg received and opened in compliance with published notice adverti.sedfor Job No. 65-26, " sewage Pumping and Treatment Worka ltqrrovements, were declared as follor^rs: BIDDER TOTAL BID $s9,38O.OO 64, 000. oo 67 , 600 .00 67, 839. 00 58, 650. OO 7L,444.OO 73,847.O0 $ 54,5O0.00 A comrmrnication from the Director of Public Ylorks, dated February 15, 1967, recommended that a contract be awarded to the Ic'r.reat responsiblebidder, the Harry Lee Plumbing company, in the total amount of $59,38O.OO. A neEo from the city ttanager, footnoted on the conmunication endorsed the recommendation. FASOLUTION NO. 9_67 ,,Atrardin g Contract, Sewage Pumping and Eeatrnent works lrryrovements, Job No. 66-26" (xarry rJee Plumbing Co., $59,380was introduced for passage upon raotion of councilman Johnaon, aeconded { Councilman Diederichsen and unaninously adopted upon Roll Call. COMMT'NICATTONS 1. B TLLIARD PARLOR LICENSE TRANSFER A memo from the City lr{anager, dated February L6, L967, adviged that the applicants requesting the transfer of a previously granted familybilliard center licenae from 1333 Horrard Avenue to a new locationat 1174 Broadway, have resolved "item no. 8" on a list of requirementsto be met in the conduct of the business; namely, that a "rear exit" mrat be provided. ) Itre City Attorney rcpor ted that a lease, including an "easement to apublic rray't has been obtained b,y the applicant for a period of flve yeara . 93 ft was recorDlnended by the City Attorney that a Permit be granted terminable upon determination that the easement to a public way will be extended at the expiration of the lease and contingent rlpon the applicants' compliance with requirements set forth by the Fire Department in a comrmrnication to Eaid applicants urder date of January 26, L967. A motion was introduced thereafter the license be approved subject towith the stipulations as set forth Chief of the Fire Department. Ihe JohnEon and unanimously carried. l,!r . Jenks . in attendance, uras invited tryr tto explain the procedure available to theallocation of funds. by councilman Diederichaen that the applicants ' compliance by the City Attorney and the motion was seconded by Councilman Chair, to comment andty to obtain a Federal 2. REOUEST FOR STREET NAUE CI1ANGE A commrnication vras fread from the City llanager, dated February 16, 1967, advising that the Fire chief has cecommended the renaming of Vallejo Drive. from Hunt Drive, one block vrest, to Frontera way,to eEtablish a consigtency between streets dividing the City of Burlingame and the City of ltillbrae. Ihe City l4anager suggestedthat Council agree in principle and that upon receipt of approvalin principle, from the city of l{iIlbrae, an action be initiated to changre the name of the street. A conmunication was also read from the Fire Chief, addressed to the Cj.ty }tanager, under date of ifanuary L9, L967, calling attention to the confusion in street narEs for the distance of one block in the upper lttills Estate and recommending the change as outlined. lhe city Engineer and the city P1anner, in reply to the chair, indicated their approval to the street narne change. lrhe City l,tanager was requested thereafter to advise the City of Uillbrae and !!r. R. Douglas Pringle, whose Skyline Towers project iswithin the area, of the City's intention. 3. WATER QUALIIY CONTROL BOARD AND SI'BMTSSION OF TII,{E SCHEDT'I,E A communication was read fr?om the city l'!,anager, dated February 15, 1967, referring to a suggestion advanced by ilr. John Jeriks, Consult-ing Engineer, some time prior, that it would be to the city's advantage to obtain a "cease and desist" order from the San Francisco Bay Regional water Quality Control Board to thereafter apply fora Federal grant to agEist in financing the City's wagtetratet treatment and Disposal Plant enlargrement. A draft of a comrmrnication for submission to the water Ouality Control Board, incorporating !tr. JenkE' suggested measure, together with a time schedule to provide necessary facilities to meet all waste +disposal requirements, was presented by the City Manager to Councilfor its approval. heci !lr. Jenks stated that "without the cease and desist order, it isvirtually assured that Burlingame would not receive a Federal grant; "that in conferring with both Federal and State author ities, hereceived confilmation that 935,000,0OO.00 in Federal fundE had beenallocated for the State of California; in the interim, the preEident of the united states reduced the budgeted allocation to $13.0o0,00o.ooand that both agencies .tre " asEuming that the monieE will beavailable" and allocated on the "basis of priority. " eontl.nuing, t{r. Jenks advised that in the San Francisco Bay area.the policy was changed to a1low a city to apply for Federal funds inthe manner prescribed; the procedure is "well established " and i.n hisopinion. the "cease and desist" method would be advisable and ,'almost mandatory to pursue this schedule. " g4 Advising that Council may postpone action for further conaiderationat its next study meeting.Mr. .renks stated that an application for Federal furds mr8t be filed, however, blz Ittarch 31, 1967. To llayor ceorge's coMEntE, expressing hesitancy in a "Cease anddesist" action and that there is an allegation that Federal funds may not be forthcoBing, lilr. iIenks stated that such an order could be issued by the vfater control Board at any time; that his Office has been succegsful i.n defending the City against the iEauanee ofa "ceaae and desist" action and that the water Control Board has not been insistent, pending disposition of the County Se$rer Plan. A brief discussion arose on the City'E plan to submit a Bond Iaau€to the electorate in Septeriber of this year, to finance sewer plant improvementa. Councilman Johnaon questioned the effect on the Federal allocation should the proposed Bond fEsue fail. lilr. irenks advised that the City's "evidence of good faith" with orwit}out the success of a bond issue vrould be acknqrrledged and pointedout that the allocation of the Federal grant would be made known tryr ilune of this year. with a sufficient period of time thereafter foreouncil to initiate proceedings for a Septernber bond issue. Follohring a poll of Council membera, wherein it was determined to proceed aE outlined by ur. Jenks, Councilman oiederichsen moved thatthe letter prepared and drafted by l,tr. ilenks and Eubmitted by theCity lilanager. be forrdarded to the Water ouality Control Board andthat the attached "firE Schedule" be approved and adopted. fhe motion was seconded try Councilman Johnaon and carried. 4. .,GEIIERAL PLAN" A commrnicatLon was read from tle City Planner, dated Eebruary 14, J.967, reporting on his conference rrith a representative frqr the State Office of Planning, concerning the City's application for a Federal grant to initiate a "ceneral Plan" study. lhe City Planner further reported that requirements now have been amended to a degree wherein "it will be practically impossible forthe City to ever qualify for the funda." Several alternatives available to the City were outlined bD/ the city Plann€r in his communication, follovred by a recomnendation that hiE Office be permitted to negotiate with !t. William spangle to ascertain whether an "abbreviated study at a lower price" nny be obtained. To council inguiry, the city Planner spoke on the urgency of the Cityto adopt a "General Plan;" that by reason of the change in the Pederalqualifications in iIuly of 1966, " almost one year has been wasted, "and, in his opinion, tryz "eliminating some of the steps, the coata would be reduced. " council thereafter concurred to authorize the city Planner to conferwith lrtr. spangle on the possibility of a compromised plan to proceed with a "General PIan" study. RESOLUTION Nq. 10-qZ "Resolution Declaring Intention to Vacate and Aba-illon Portion of Public Utili.ties Eaaement Conveyed to the C itvof Burlingame and Recorded npril 7, 1954, in Book 2563 of official Records of San !{ateo County, California, at Page 568-570" (Ipt A, Burlingame Manor No. I) and setting forth uarch 20, 1967. aE apublic hearing, was introduced for Passage on motion of councLlman Johnaon, geconded bL councilman Diederichsen and adopted unanimously on Roll CaIl. RESOLUTION NO. 8-67 "Declarin g Noxious and Dangerous vteeds and Rubbish a nr:iiance " and setting for th Uarc h 6, 1967, as a public hearing. was introduced by councilman Johnson, who moved its passage, aeconded by councilman Diedericheen and unanimously adopted upon Roll call. RESOLUTTONS 95 ORDINANCES None I'N"INISEBD BUSINESS None NEVT BUSI}TESS 1. PAcc (westbay Association) MEETING Mayor ceorge announced that an informal Council study meeting has been scheduled for 8:00 o'cIock, p.m., on l{ednesday, uarch 29, 1967, at which tire representatives from PACC will be pregent to discuas the propoaal of the latter to fill an extensive area of the Bay. 2 COUNCIL-CHAMBER COMMERCE LT'NCHEON llayor George advised that a Council-Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Echeduled on Itlarch 10, 1967, would include a discusaion on thefolloning aubjects: (1) the city Hal1r (2) the overpass and (3) Sewer problems . 3. P.B. I. ACADEIT A cornmunication from the Chief of Policeb the city t{anager, dated February 20, L967, expressing appreciation to the City Uanager forhis recommendation and the City Council's action thereafter permitting his attendance at the forthcoming F.B.I. Academy. was acknowledged. 4. GARDEN STTJDY CLUB Mayor George acknolrledged a commrnication received froE the Garden study club of the PeninEula, conplimenting council on the absence ofbillboard and poster displays within the city. fhe chair gave a brief report on hiE recent meeting with executive groups within the state-hride carden Study club organization. 5. OPPOSITTON TO PACC PROPOSAL !8. John J. Rolih, 17Oo lllrnt Drive, addressing Council, advised of his commrnications sent to local news[raperE opposing the proposal of PACC and his appearance on this occasion to commend Council on itE Btandagainst the proposal. 6. SUPERVISORS-COTNrc TL LT'NCHEON MEETING Mayor ceorge referred to a memo from the City llanager, dated Pebruary 20, 1967. advising that the Board of Supervisora are desirous of meetingwith council at a luncheon on either of the following dates: February 28, March 7 or March 9. Following a brief discussion, llarch 7 was selected and the City Manager requested to so notify the County Uanager. 7 STATE VS. SPERRY RAND CORP.ET AL Tle City Attorney, in reply to the Chair'E inguiry, gave a brief report on the dislrosition of an Anti-TruEt damage action processed b,1, theOffice of the Attorney ceneral in behalf of the City of Burlingamein a claim against the SPerry Rand Corporation. et al, wherein theCity is the recipient of a partial recovery payment in the sum of $2,624.6L. BI,'RLIIiIGAI{E PIAZA LTGHTING DISTRICT Rlferring to Council minutes of the laEt regular llEeting, Councilman Johnson questioned the Etatus of the proposed Burlingame PlazaLighting DiEtrict. ttr. Paul J. Constantino, Burlingame Charnber of Cot nerce President. advised that the majority of the propety owners have indicated approval to a cash outlay rather than a bond measureto finance a lighting digtrict and that a report will be sub,mitted toCouncil Eoon. g6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mayor George acknotrledged receipt of reports from the Fire andthe Police Departments, llinutes from the Library Board, a panphlet from Stone and Youngberg, pertaining to "ttrnicipal Bond Electiona "and a report from the City Planner, entitled "Utility Replacement aa a Condition of Rezoning. " with respect to the latter, Council- man DiederichEen recormended that the City l{anager include thesubject on the agenda of a Council atudy meeting. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL APPROI/AL warranta. lilonth of February, 1967, Nos. 7807-800I, in the total amount of $120,810.9I, duly audited, were approved for palrrent on motion of Councilman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Diederichsen. Payroll warrants, Uonth of January, 1967, tlos. L46-677, in the total amount of $132.79L.73, vrere approved on motion of Councilman ,rohnsonard seconded \z Councilman Diederichsen. ,.PERS ITIES" f,.tayor Gbofge 'luellqnetl 'forrner . aurlingane-.lhyor. anE Counc'Llman, !lr. r U. s.'Simonils, ilr'.., as-. a Council visitor. who, in reEponse, commendedCouncil's action in authorizing the City Planner to proceed withnegotiations for a "General Plan. " tiE. Paul iI. Constantino, President, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, was also welcomed as a vislitor. l.f . Constantino corurented on the forthcoming Council-ehamber of Commerce luncheon, at hrhich time the "challenges of 1967" would be discussed and complimented Council forpernitting the City Planner to negotiate an alternate trceneral Plan" study. ADiIOURN!,IEI{T fhe meeting was regularly adj outned thereafter at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully subrnitted, IIE WHITECity Clerk APPROVED: EDWARD D. MAYOR GEO E \4.E--/- .- t v