HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.05.06:w2 Burlingame, California May 5, 1968 CALL TO ORDE R A reguJ.ar meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:10 - Mayor ilohnson in the Chair. PI,EDGE OF ALI.,EG I ANCE At \rrord frofl the Chair, allthe Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CA],L in the Council Chamberthe F1?9. arose and gave Cros[-Diederichsen-George-ilohnson-Ittartin (8 : 14) None Present - Absent Councilmen: Counci Lmen : I'IINT'ITE S The l{inutes of the regular meeting of April 15, 1968, submitted to Counci 1 previously, t^tere apProved and adoPted rvi th a typograPhicalerror reporting Ordinance No. "789" instead of Ordinance No. "879"eorrected . The I'linutes of the meeting held on April 16, 1968, to canvasselection returns of the Municipal Election held on April 9, 1958,sulrnitted to Council previously vrere approved and adopted. A communication frqn John H. Jenks, Consulting sanitary and Civil Engineer, dated April 22, 1968, with respect to the constructionof the waste Water Treatment and Reclamation Works, was acknc,r.rledged. The City Engineer advised, in reply to Council's reference to several recqnmendations outlined in the cqrununication, that (1) a nevr and extensive moni.toring program to include a monthly monitoringof the receiving waters will reguire the purchase of a boat, appurtenant eguipment, the construction of a ramp, the latter iEem performed by a city task force - approximate cost, $800.00; (2) athird chlorinator, installed at a future date, will provide addedflexibility and reliability - approximate cost, $3,OOO.O0; and(3) the installation of eguipment to provide for autcnatic monitor-ing and control of air blcrrers rather than manual control -approximate cost, $6,000.00. Councilman ttartin suggested that the city Engineer obtain a cqrpletelist of additional items recqnmended and the cost therefor. A csnmunication frcm the City Engineer, dated May 1, 1958, recqnmendedthat the lcnrrest responsible bidder, the S and Q Construction Conpanyof South San Francisco, be awarded a contract for the constructionof the City's wastewater Treatment Plant, in the sum of $1,312,915.00.A memo from the city uanager, footnoted on the conununication, dated uay 2, 1968, concurred with the reccrnmendation. The City Engineer advised that the additional items recommended by Mr. ilenk s will have no effect on the contract award; they may be submitted later upon confirnration that Federal crant partieipation is permissible. Counci lman llartin, referring to Paragraph No 3 in the consulting Engineer's communication, stating that ... "through perseverance BIDS 1. WA TE WATE R TREATMENT WORKS 293 the city has been offered not only the basic available 30% federal erant, but also the supplemental 10% Grant" observed that it was through the continual efforts of council that the assistance was received fron Federal agencies. RE SOLIITION NO. 33-68 "Awardi ng contract for Waste water ?reatment and Reclamat r. on Work s -Job No. 67-16" (S & O construction, $1,312,915) was introduced for passage on notion of Councilmancros\r, seconded by Counei lman ceorge and unanimously adoPted upon Roll Call. 2. WATE R SY SIEI\{ IMPROVEMENTS Bids for ttre eonstruction of Water streets within the city, opened at were declared as follcnrs: Systern Improvements in various 1O:0O a.m., on April 30, 1968, Fairley Construction Co. Wenrick and Associates Associated Pipeline cabildo CorporationEngineer's Estimate Bids for the resurfacing of Gilbrethuillsdale Industrial Park, opened at were declared as follovrs: TO'IAI BID $72,627.9O 82, 090 . O0 85,079.95 89,2L5.47 $68, 9r8. 00 A conrnunication from the City Engineer, dated April 30, 1968, recommending that a contract be awarded to the lovrest responsiblebidder, the Fairley Constructors, in tshe total amoun L of $72,62?.9O,\ra8 concurred in by the City ltlanager in a memo dated May 2, 196Afootnoted on the cqrununication dated May 2, 1968. RE SOLUTION NO. 34-68 "Awardi ng Contract for Water System Improvements- J o No- 68-7 "Fairley Constructors,. 572,627.9O) was introdueed by Councilman Crosby, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaIl. 3. RESUPJ'ACING MISCELI,A}IEOUS SIREETS Road and llalcolm Road 1O:O0 a.m., on ltlay 1, in East 1968, Bragato Paving Co. Lcrqrrie Paving Co.Fisk, Firenze, l{cl€anL. C. Srith co. Pi dnbo construction co. Engineer I s Estimate TOTAL BID $12,69 L3,25 13,80 14,01 15,08 5.00 o.00 I .00 o. oo 6 .00 $14,370.00. RE SOIITTION NO. 35-68 "Awardi ng Contact. for Resurfacing of MiscellaneousStreets - ,ob No. 68-6" (Bragato Paving, $12,695.00) was introducedfor passage on motion of counci lman l{artin, seconded { Councilman George and unanimsouly adopted upon RoIl call. COMMUNICATIONS 1. GENE RAL OBLIGATION SEWE R BOND S A cmnunication frqn the City Uanager, dated Uay 1, 1968, referredto a report frqtr Mr. E. A. Wilson, relative to the issuance of sewerbonds for the Waste Treatment Plant project in the arnount of $850, O00 . 0o . BIDDER BIDDE i{ A ccrnrnunication fron the City Engineer, dated l{ay 1, 1968, recornrendedthat a contraet be awarded to the Bragato Paving Cqnpany, the lovrestresponsible bidder, in the total amount of $12,695.00. A memofootnoted on the cqtrmunicatioa fron the City llianager, dated May 2, 1968, concurred with the reccfimendation. 2s4 The city Manager verballi' advised that because of prior conwrit- ments, bonding counsel representatives were unable to appear tofurther explain bond sale proeedure. Council withheld an action and concurred with a suggestion from Councilman Martin that the subject of an appropriate bond procedure be considered at the next study meeting of Council with a member of the bonding counsel firm invited to be present. 2. IABORERSI I'NION REQI'EST FOR RE CT.ASSIFI CAT ION SUR\IEY A cornrnunication was received frqn the Secretary of the Laborers'International Union of North American, AEIJ- CIO, Ioca1 #261, datedApril 25, 1968, reguesting an audience before Council on thisdate to speak in behalf of union members employed b1z the City of Burlingame. Itlayor ilotrnson recognized Mr. George Evankovich, Secretary-Treasurerof the Laborers' International Union, who, in referring to hisprevious presentation to Council and his recent appearance beforethe Civil Service Conrnission, urged that an immediate classification survey be conducted as recommended by the Commission. !1r. Evankovich stated that the various public works employees heis representing is well recognized as a union group and suggestedthat Council and a ccnrmittee frcrn the Labor Union meet to schedule a date for the survey and that steps be taken tourardestablishing "a prevailing wage" scale. Mr. John Mclaugh1in, taborers' International representative, spoke on his gualifications in representinq city employees andreferred particularly to those employees in the lower categories who are required to perform the varied duties of employees in the higher classified positions. I{r. llclaughlin urged that an irnmediate meetin} be scheduled with Council and Union representatives to confer on classifications, adding that under a Federal 1ahr, the issue is one that could be taken to Court. Irlr. Evankovich referred to a survey classification he personally conducted, prepared and presented to Council last year, wj. th noresults thus far. His statement "while I do not advocate a strike, I am not afraid of one" drew considerable objection frqn Council,. Councilman Diederichsen related his experience as a labor repre-sentative for many years and spoke on the limitations under which Burlingame, a general law city, can operate in conparison witha chartered city. Councilman Diederichsen, in concluding his statements, expressedhis wiJ.Iingness to meet \^ri th Union representatives to discuss "clas si fi cations. " Councilman Martin, speaking as an employer and stating his experience with labor unions, expressed no objection to negotiating,but that he did protest the staternents intimating threats. Cqnmenting on a previously establi shed Council policy to authorizea classification survey every three years and to review salary scales each year, councilman I{artin advised that this year auto- maticalJ,y schedules a survey on classifications. Follc,vring further discussion, Councilman l.tatin and Councilman Diederichsen volunteered to meet with Union representatives ata luncheon meeting on Wednesday, May 15, 1968. A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:00 p.m RECE SS 2s5 CALL TO ORDER Ttre meeting was reconvened at 9:15 p.m. INTRODUCTI ON BANK OFE ICIAL Mr. George S. Sleeter, uanager, Burlingame Branch, Bank of Arnerica, was introduced trlz the Chair and welcomed as an observer on this occasion. c o}lr,luN lAT I ON S (Conti nued ) 3. DATiICE PERMIT "FRIGATE " Lq'NGE A conmunication was acknorrledged frqn Mr. Henry cunnington, Presi- dent, H.c.J. Incorporated, dated April I0, 1968, request.ing the issuance of a dance permit to be used in the operation of "TheFrigate" a cocktail lounge and restaurant, formally occupiedd by I€e warren under the name of "The Piccadilly. " An action by Council hras \^rithheld pending receipt of required departmental inspection reports. REQUE ST FOR REI{OVAT OF TWO-HOUR PARKTNG SIGNS A request from members of St. Paulrs Episcopal vestry, under dateof April 16, 1968, for the removal of the trro-hour parking restric-tions on Occidental Avenue between Bellevue Avenue and Chapin Avenues, was referred to the Parking Conuui ssion for revier,rr and recdrunendation to council. AGREEI{ENT LEGAT SERVICES RE: MUNICIPAL BONDS 1968 A ccnrmunication frqn the legal firm of Wilson, Jones, Itlorton & Lynch, dated May 2, 1968, signed by Ernest A. Wilson, confirmed an agreement to render specific services in the conduct of the "$1,250,OOO.0O Municipal Improvement Bonds of 1968" proceedings and the fees to be paid therefor. councilman liartin moved that the agreement as set forth in the cdmnunid,ion frqn bond counsel, dated May 2, 1968. be approved, seconded by Councilman Crosblt and unanimously carried. Councilman George referred !o information he has received concerningthe advantages to both the City of Burlingame and to bond purchasers tDr the retention of a corporate agency to service the bond obligationfor an annual minimum fee of $50.00 or at the rate of five cents Per coupon. Council thereafter concurred to consider the proposal at a future study meeting. None ORDINANqES Ccinsideration thereof: ORDIIiIAICE No. 879 "An Ordinance Ado pting By Reference the Fj.re Prevention Code, 1965 Editlon (Revised October 1966) Recommended Bl,the American Insurance Association and Amending, Repealing or AddingCertain Sections of Chapter 17.O4 (Fire Prevention Code) of the Burlingame launicipal 6de" was given its second reading and upon motion of Counci lman lttartin, seconded by Counci Iman Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the follcrvring Rol1 Cal1 vote: Ayes : Councilmen : crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Martin Noes: Councilmen! None Absent Counci lmen: None 4. 5. R! SOLUT ION S 296 ORDINAIICE NO. 881 "An Ordinance Addi ng Chapter 8.I3 'Milkr Tocityfhe Municipal Ccde and Regulating the Sale of lli lk in the of Burlingame " rras before Council for second reading. Counci lman l.lartin expressed his uncertainty to the adoption of an ordinance that would prohibit the sale of rrcertified" ni1k,particularly when a local business supplies the product. Itlayor Johnson referred to a coNrtrnunication received at the lastregular meeting, from !trs. Delores Huajardo, 14OO Columbus Avenue,protesting legislation against the sale of ralr milk and to thelatter'E recent telephone call confirming her protest. I.{ayor Johnson suggested that the subj ect be heLd and further diseussedat a study meeting hrith a member of the County Health Departmentinvlted to be present. Counci lman Diederichsen and Counci lman ceorge each advised of their conversations with persons interested in the subject. Councilman Martin observed that the State ban the sale of "certified" milk.of California does not Fo11o^ring a brief discussion, the City llanager was requested toinvite an authorized state milk inspector (or to suhrni t a \,rrittenreport) and'or a raw milk dairy distributor to meet with Councilat the next study meeting. I.INFINI SITED BUSINESS CITY OF BURLINGAIT'IE vs. SOImHERN PACIFfC A communication frcm the city Attorney, dated April 25, 1968, re-ported in considerable detail, the result of a hearing conductedby the California Publie Utilities Commission in an actionaffecting the City of Burlingame and other Peninsula cities versusthe Southern Pacific cdnpany with respeet to the latterrs public parking program for its respective train depots. fhe report advised that the Southern Pacific ccrnpany was orderedto: (I) Inaugurate its proposed public parking program at the Peninsula stations and until further order of the comoission, toestablish charges of twenty-five cents per day or $3.00 per monthfor purchasers of five-day or seven-day monthly ccErunute tickets ora t\^renty-ride ticket t (2) keep in operation and not withdraw frqn use for parking of its patrons, including commuter patrons, theparking areas at the Peninsula stations, until such time as it mayreceive authority to do otherurise tryr an appropriate order of the Cqunission; and (3) to file an appropriate tariff $rith the Cqnnissionwi.thin sixty days fror the effeetive date of the order and on notIess than ten days' notice to the Conunission and the public. The City Manager, in reply to counci lman Diederichsen, advised that a eommittee fron the North County Counci I of Cities and a cqmittee from the staff of the San Francisco Water Department rriII meet on Thursday, llay 9, at whieh time one of the topics under discussionwill be the "old Uarket Street Rai lway right-of-way property. " Discussion arose on the Southern Paci*ic Cqnpany's proposed public parking progr.rm at its Peninsula stations and the unigue poEitionof the City of Burlingame, in that the Ci ty retains a revocablepermit for the use of property orrrned Ll], the San Francisco Water Department beyond which property Southern Pacific propose toestablish its parking area. Counci Iman lvlartin reccnunended, hrith Council concurring, thatnegotiations be continued with the San Francisco l{ater Departmentto purchase the right-of-way property. I. '297 )PROPOSED Al R TRAVEI., TAX A memo from the National Institute of MuniciPal Law Officers, dated April 30, 1968, alerted council that 'hrithout hearings or debate and with no notice to the affected governments, the House passed in H. R. L624L a repealer of the existing exemption of state and local goverrunents frqn the tax on air travel by theirofficers and employees on official business." An urgent plea frqn Mr. Charles S. Rhyne, General council, MunicS.pal Iaw Officers, requested that the cities through their l{ayor or city officials contact their senators and the chairman of the Senate Finance Ccmmittee to urge that the provision eliminating the tax exemption be removed frqn H. R. 16241. A motion was introduced by Councilman ceorge, seconded by Councilman lrlartin and carried, that Senators Kuchel and Murphy and the Ctrairmanof the Senate Finance Committee be immediately requested to oppose the inclusion of the proposed air travel tax. 3. SIUDY MEETING SCHEDULED lihe next study meeting was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, June 5, 1968. 4. APPRECIATION TO DONAI,D POLIARD Councilman Martin reconunended, with council coneurring, that a corununication under the signature of the Mayor, be directed to!tr. Donald Po1lard, Regional Director, Planning Branch of HUD, expressing the appreciation of Council for his efforts in obtaininga $45,000.00 grant to assist the City in the financing of the sewer plant expansion proj ect. NEW BUSINESS 1. CHAITIBE R OE COMI{E RCE BITDGET Mr. cilbert Rodli, President, Burlingame Chamber of Corunerce, inreply to l4ayor Johnson, announced that Council lras invited to a meeting with members of the Burlingame Chamber of Cq[nerce at a luncheon at the Hyatt House on May 23, L968, to confer sn aproposed 1968-1969 Chamber of Cqmrerce budget. TERMS OF COMl,lI SSION MEII{BE RS A memo was acknovrledged from the City Clerk, dated April 24, 1968,sutEnitting a list of City Cqmnissioners whose terms have or will have expired blr June 30, 1968. blay 20, 1968, was selected as the date in which to suhni t names forthe Planning Cdnmission and ilune 3, 1968, for membership on theLibrary Board, the Park Cqnmission and the Recreation conrmission. The City Manager rrras requested to ascertain prior to the abovereferred to dates of the willingness of the present medbers tocontinue to serve on the respective Corwni ssions. REEERENCE TO "CAPITAI II.IPRO\rEIIIENT BUDGETING- 1961-1967 " and STATUS OF Ol/E RPASS 1I{PRC,\IEI{ENT Mayor Johnson conunended thetributed to Council entitleding - I96I-t967." city Planner on the "Report on capital recent copies dis- Improvement Budget- Referring to a brief comnent therein that "no decision has been reached on a particular plan or plans for the Broadway Overpass,,'I{ayor Johnson stated that t$ro cqrununications recently reeeivedby Council frdn Lavenstein & Company, 1310 Bayshore Highway, datedApril 19, 1968, and from Vehicle L€ase and !,tanagdment Services,Inc., 875 Co\^ran Itoad, dated Uay 2, L968, raise an issue on theincreased traffic problems at the Burlingame-Broad\,ray exit,particularly between the hours of 4:OO p.m., and 5:30 p.m., and 800 a request to regulate the traffic f1ov, by placing a police officerat the intersection. Trhe City [tanager, in reply to the Chair, relatedin this respect and cqnmented on the futility ofto control traffic with space unavailable at theprovide a "stacking lane. " pr:.or exPerLenceplacing officersintersection t o It was suggested by the City Marqer that an officer be placed the intersection of California Drive and Broad\ray to determine vrhether a better traffic flovr may be maintained. Fo).lowing a brief discussion, the City llanager was authorized proceed at his discretion, to place the subj ect matter on the council study meeting agenda and to invite the Ctrief of Police,Director of Traffic and a State Highway representative to be present. at to the fhe City Planner referred to the number of plans presented to re- design the Broad\.ray Overpass and stated that a firm commitment fromthe City is neeessary prior to an action by the State. Counci Iman Martin expressed the opinion that the reverse is appropriate and that a plan should be adopted by the city for transmittal tothe State for its review and recorunendations. Follcnring discussion, council concurred with the recomnendation of the city Planner that his Office and that of the City Engineer review the plans thus far proposed to redesign the overpass and to thereafter reccrnrnend to council a plan, in their opinion, most acceptable. CITY COI'NCIL SEMINAR Mayor Johnson announced a forthcoming City Council Seminar to be held in the City of Anaheim, May 19-21, 1968. councilman Dieder- ichsen was authorized to attend. PROPOSED IIUMAN RELATIONS COMI'II SSION A cormunication was read from Robert B. St. Clair, Supervisor, Second District, County of San Maleo, dated I'tay 3, 1968, advising that after many months of studying the social problems of San llateo County, the Human Relations Ad Hoc ccamittee has recqmended, rrrith the Board of Supervisors approving, the establishment of a Human Relations conunission - Tthe conununication further advised that in determining the membersto serve, each Supervisor is required to subrnit a list of namesof interested citizens to be considered and it was therefore re- questioned chat the City Council sutrnit tr"ro names of peoPle vrho irould best serve the interests of San Mateo county in this field. council requested l{ayor Johnson to obtain further details on \dhether meetings will be held during the day or the evening, the amount of time that will be involved, plaee of meeting and facts on finances,prior to submitting names for aPPointment to the ner,, county-wide CofiEni s si on . PAI,O CORPORATI ON REPORT A memo frqn the city Manager, dated Uay 1, 1958, rePorted on the dispute with the PaIo corporation concerning a discrepanry in the square footage of the property acquired by the City for a new city Ha1l site. The City I'lanagerbe filed against advised that Mr. Lynch has suggested that a suit the Palo corporation to resolve the issue. Mayor Johnson questioned the City Planner on the position of thecity of Burlingame lri th respect to the Broadway Overpass. 301 Council chereafcer concurred with the recornmendation of the City t{anager that Mr. Llmch file an action and that an independent legal review be obtained to determine to a conclrrion, the liability of the Civil Engineer brho surveyed the property and those retained tqr the city fo represent and to negotiate with the Palo corporation. PROCLAMATIONS lilayor Johnson Uonth of !I4y, Day, Hospital announced that proclamations, appropriate to the were issued as follo*s: Senior Citizens Day, Iah, Week, Credit EEreau week and Goodwill Week. ANNOUNCEMENTS Notice was given by the Chair to a Peninsula Division, I€ague ofcalifornia cities Dinner lleeting, fhursday, May 16, 1968, at the Vi1la Chartier. BRUCE T'ARSIIALL COMMENDAT ION Counci lman George referred to Patrolman Bruce l.larshall's recent acco rplishment upon completing a law enforcement basic recruit course and receiving the top academic award. A letter of conunendation in behalf of sent to officer ttarshall. Council was directed to be REPORT RE: ABAG Counci lman Martin, Council liaison to the Association of Bay Area G overnments, reported briefly on the recent develotrments in the diversion of funds frqn ABAG and guestioned Ccuncil concerning the proposed increase in the 1968-1969 dues. council reaffirmed its former position and authorized Councilman Martin to vote affirmatively on the increase in the city of Burlingame's dues to ABAG. ACKNOW:LEDGEMENT S Mayor Johnson ackncmledged receipt, of a brochure entitled "Goalsfor Burlingame " prepared by williarn Spang J-e & Associates, an annual report fron the san llateo uosquito Abatement District and a report from the Library; Minutes frdn the Library, the Planning Cenrnission, the Parking comrnission and the Health, Safety & Traffic Cornmission. Councilman l{artin referred to the foregolng minutes:LibrarApril 16, under "Library Report, re: proposed cooperat J,\Ie re ference system and requested more information on the subject; Library Report, dated ApriL 16, under "building repairs" suggesting that councj.l corunend tshe Fire Department for its action at the Library during a heavy rain; Planni ss10n dated April 22, Item #3,special Permit., Parking Area, california Drive, Paragraph 6, statingthat the lega1 department rather than the city Clerk should have indicated the extent of the City's interestr Item *5, SPeciaIPermit, Trucking Business, and Item #8, Special Permit, contractors'Yard, stating that the motions in each instance are not clearly defined; and the Parkinq Corunission, April 24, lacking a qluorum, cannot conduct a legal meeting. CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING councilman George advised that he will soon attend a meeting of the San Mateo County Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness Council and a report will be submitted to Council thereafter. WEST BAY RAPID TRANSIT AUTIIORI TY A corununication t as acknorrrledged from the West Bay Rapid Transit EOg Authority, expressing appreciation to councilman Diederichsenfor recently participating in a helicopter tour of Bay Area Rapid Transit District construction sites and facilities. t"'he cqnmunication referred to a filmstrip portraying the extentof and the suggested solutions affecting the tsransportationhabits and patterns of San llateo County residents available forpubli c review. Council thereafter scheduled a sho,ring of the film on ilune 3, 1968,at 7:3O p.m., prior to the regular Council meeting. AATq'RNMENT trhere being no further business, the meeting \.ras regularly adj ournedat 11:15 p.m. Respectfully subuitted, RBERT WHI City Clerk APPRO/ED: CHARLOT JOHNSON I,:AYOR W