HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.04.16Burlingame, California April 15, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Burlingame City Council, scheduled in conpliancewith the California State Election Law, to canvass election returnsof the ceneral. llunicipal Election, held in the City of Burlingame on April 9, 1968, was called to order at 8:1O p.m., - llayor Diederichsen in the Chai.r. PLEDGE OF ATI.EGIAIiICE At vrord frqn the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Al-legiance to the Plag. Present - Councilmen ! Diederichsen-George-Johnson-llartinAbsent - Councilmen; Crosblz Councilman crosblz, absent frqn the City, was exeused. MT'NICIPAIJ EI.'EqTION RESULTS PRECINCT Subtotals Absentee Ballots crand TotaLs TSIAL vqrE cAst 3s 1,0o1 2A Charlotte iIOHNSON 33 I. Arnstrupc. Fink A- u ori s . Toukelson H.D.Brorn H. BraggA. Harrison G.Barton D.Iltartin G . Rai skinI. AnstrupI. Anstrup B. HarrisonI. AnstrupL. Pierce 289 31 A B c D E F G H I J 121 85 69 47 78 90 r17 77 66 44 758l werner H. Edward D. DIEDERICTISEN GEORGE I,IRT'IE-INS P. Kekelis B. Harrison B. Harrison E. Gattman A.B. Stich A.Iledden 97 70 66 44 69 81 33 98 69 65 44 65 80 35 85 64 55 88 7L 51 52 ?8 69 60 50 73 79 59 52 79 K L M N o 57 29 43 55 53 2A 39 45 54 27 39 49 52 26 36 4? L,O29 31 ROLL CALL 1 1 2 III II 1 1 1 1 1I 1I 1 2 3 5 1 lltre City clerk atteEted to tshe certification of the Office of the county Clerk verifying the tabulation of the voting machines. (tre results of a talmlation of votes cast in Precincts 'A" througtr 'O"were as follourE: 477 25 902 477 27 904 923 26 949 PRECINCT Herbert K. WIIITE CITY T REASI'RE R WRTTE- INS IdA H. coE A B c D E F G H I J K L lit N o 108 76 66 45 68 a2 74 59 53 80 34 55 29 4L 48 106 78 67 46 72 79 78 6L 52 77 33 55 2A 39 47 Roberta Horell 1 Clarence Russell I P.Taylor I M.Cantrell 1 subtotals Absentee TotaIs crand TotaIs RESOLUTION NO. 32-69 918 27 29452 "Dea&aring Reau1t of General lr{unicipal Election,ffi for passage on motion of councilman llartin, seconded I Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalI. Ilerner It. DiederichEen, Edrrard D. ceorge and Charlotte ilohnEon werecertified as being elected Counci Imen of the City of Burlinganefor the full term of four (4) years. Ilerbert X. vlhite and Ida H. Coe were certified as being electedCity Clerk and City Treasurer respectively for a futl four (4) year terrn. fhe Oath of Office was administered to newly elected Councilman Diederichsen, Councihan Gcorge and C@Drilman' ilohneon b1z the City Clerk. EI.,EqTI ON CTIAT RMAN-IIIAYO R Nqninations were declared open by ltayor Diederichsen for the position of Chairman of the Council and Uayor of the City of Burlingame. Councilman ltartin placed the narne of Councilman Charlotte Johnsonin nqnination and there being no further nominations, a unanimousballot hras cast for Counci lman Johnson as Chairman of the Council and Uayor of the City of Burlingame for the forthcoming year. ELECTION Ii1AYOR PRO TEMPORE Nondnations were declared open by the Chair for the position of Chairman-litayor Pro Tempore. Mayor Diederichsenr placed the name of Councilman R. D. Martin in nqni.nation and there being no further nqninations, a unanimousballot vras cast for Councilman llartin as Chairman-Ittayor Pro Temporefor the forthcaming year-. PRESENTATIONS Councilman George, on behalf of Council, presented Inmediate Past I{ayor Diederichsen with a gaveI, enscribed and mounted on a placque, lauding his serviees and the donation of his time in the interest of the City of Burlingame. 290 CITY CI,ERK WRITE-INS 918 27 945 WL C6rncilman DiederichEen accepted the gift from Council, expressinghis pleasure and appreeiation on being aceorded the privilegeof serving as Mayor and in turn, presented the gavel of officeto llayor Johnson. INTRODUCTIONS It{ayor Johnson, Mayor Pro Tempore Martin and Councilman Diederichsenintroduced members of their family in attendance for the occasion. Mayor Johnson pledged the continuation of the projects cuEently undertray and ccrfinended memberE of Council, the City Cdmisaioners, members of the City'E staff for their dedicated service to thecity. At the request of the Chair, all in attendance arose to extenda special vote of thank s to Councilman Diederichsen. !{r. william F. Hauser, General l{anager, Burlingatne Chamber of comlerce conveyed the b€st wishee of the membership to l,layor Johnson and extended his sincere appreciation to Council for the support givento the mernber s of the Chanber of CoNru[erce. COI]NCIL APPOINTMENT S lhe following Council counci lman crosb!, ! Counci Iman l{artin: cqmnittees were announced by !,tayor Johnson s Finance: Bay Front Park Budget co-Chairman; Asgociation Bay Area Governments, Burlingame Eill,s and Broadvray Overpass. Councilman Diederichsen: PlBnning Cqunission t Greater Highways, San llateo Regional Planning; West Bay RapidTransitr Employee liaison. Councilman George: Budget Co-Chairman, Civil Defense andCivil Defense-Disaster Preparedness. Mayor Johnson: Chanber of comtrerce, Sister city, North County Council of Cities and the San I{ateo County council of llayors. TEI,EGRAM A congratulatory telegram to ltayor ilohnson fr6 Counci lman Crosbry was ackncnledged. ADrTOuRNlilE![f : Ehe meeting thereafter adj ourned at 9:OO p.m. Respectfully suhaitted, APPROVED: CHARIPTTE JOENSON II{AYOR @ HERBERT K. YSHI:TE " city clerk