HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.10.07386 Burlingane, california October 7, L97O CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting fron the regular meeting of Council, held onthe sth day of October, 1970, was held on the above given date. fhe meeting was called to order at 8:0O p.n., by uayor williarn iI. crosby. ROLL CALL Present - couneilnen:Absent - Councilmen! Amatrup-croaby-Johnaon-uangini Ittartin ORDINAI{CE }IO. 926 NEIJCTRTCAL CODE" fhe Chair announced that the meeting had been scheduled to consider an amendnrent to Ordinance No. 925 and referred to the City At,torneyfor c@nent. lhe City Attorney advised that the ordinance was introduced bycouncil on September 8 and cane on regrularly for hearing at the lastregular ureeting; a notion to exclude the non-netallic "Rcmex"cable, requiree that the ordinance as intrduced be so anended;the Statutes stipulate that an ordinance upon ita introduction, cannot be adopted at the aane meeting; Council will therefor havethe ordinance before it for final diapoeition at the next regular meeting. Councilman ,rohnson thereupon introduced the follcr.ring motion s xfhat Ordinance No. 926, ae introduced for adoption on september 8, 19?0,be anended in the folloring reapectss I) Ehat Section 3 be mended to read: Section 3 See. 18.16.03O of the Burlingame ltunicipal code is amended to read as follo,ys: "Sec. 18.16.O3O Article 336 not a part of thi8 Chapter.Article 336 of the llational Electrical Code(uppa no. 70-1968,) 1958 Edition, adopted by rheNational Fire Protection A.ssociation at its annualmeeting, uay 20-29, L968, shall not be a part of this chapter. 2l fhat a nert, Section 4 be added to read: Section 4 Sec. 18.16.035 is hereby added to the Burlingame UuniEiFEI Code to read as follo'rs I "Sec. 18.16.030 / Sec. 8226 of san Hateo county Ordinance No. 2040 amended. Sec. 8226 of ordinance !Io. 2440 ofthe County of San Uateo is anended to read: "'Concealed knob and tube wiring and TyIreE I{C, AC, liu and Nl,lC cable are not peroitted wiringmaterial, except concealed knob and tube nay be used in wood frarae buildings, Ilousing Group I andJ Occupancies, as defined by the Uniform BuildingCode. All permitted uses of theae materialE shallbe concealed, bored through ceiling and floorjoists and frane walls, and shall be limited tocireuits not exceeding in anpacity of 2O. "' 3) Tlhat sectione 4, 5 and 6 be renuabered 5, 6 and7, respectively. fhe motion r+as seeonded by councilman l.tangini and adopted { the follor"ring RolI call vote : lyes: councilmen: Amstrup-croaby-Johnson-UanginiNoess Councilmen: NoneAbsent Councilmen: Uartin 88? AB'C['RTU.TENT rrhere being no further tranaaction of business, the roeeting tlras adjourned by l{ayor Crosby at 8:10 p.m. W'HITE CTTY CI,E RK APPROVED 7))/";,* / e-"/'i ttrr.r,rar{ ,r. c$ossv v MAYOR