HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.10.0537Ft Burlingane, California october 5, 1970 CAI,IJ rO OFDER A regular meeting of the Burlingane City Counci 1 wae heldgiven date. ttre neeting was called to order at 8!lO p.n. William J. crosby. on th by lta e above yor PI,EDGE OF ALI.EGTANCE At word fr@ the Chair, all in the Counci I Chamber aroee and gavethe Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL UIM'TES Ithe Minutes of the regular meeting of septembe r 2L, L97O, sutrni tted to Council membera previously, vrere approved and adopted. BIDS - E,RLINGA!,IE AVENI,E AREA PARKTNG DIST CT 1969-1 ContractorE' bids for the improvement of the parking lot at the locationof the old city ltrall, received in compliance with published notice, were opened on october 1, 1970, at 10:30 a.n. and declared as follors: BIDDER Present - Councilmen:Absent - Councilmen: Imstrup-croEblr-Johnson-Mangini -uartin None O. C. dlones & SonaI-rrri e Paving ConllanyB. Pontana CotuPany Anza Pacific Corp. Fiake, Firenze, Ucl€an D. venturiniL. C. slri th Co. Engineer's Estimate $39,879.50 A cqunrnication frm the city Engineer, dated october l. 1970, advisedthat the low bid repreaents an anount of 8.64* over ttre engineer's eatinate. A recormendation frqn the city Engineer, that the lorest responsiblebidder, o. c. ironea and Sons, in the amount of $43,330.85, be accepted, ua8 concurred in by the city llBnager in a footnote memo. In reply to inquiries fron council concerning the price rangedifferential bet\,een the engTineer's estinates and the bida received,the city Bngineer advised that on occasion, estinates suhi tted btt engineers may be high or lov, that under lter i[o. I - 'Site crading' on the aurEnary aheet, aole of the quotationa nay include thecontractorrs job contingency costs to be reflected in the first Proqreas lla:ment. Ihrough the Chair, councilnan eurstrup questioned the statuE of thebeautification program proposed for the area by Ur. Lr'rrence P1agmann, Burlingame Avenue merchant at the last regular council meeting, inrelation to the acceptance of the bid for the improvement of the lot. Mayor Crosby recalled that the proposed beautification progran will be before Council at the next study [eeting. fhe City Bngineer reported that records researched in the Office of theCity Clerk revealed that the adjacent aUtT-rray is omed by severalproperty d,rners and through a transaction executed Eome years ago,the City was granted the usage of the property, conditional that it ben intained exclusively to accormlodate vehicular traffic. TOTAL BID $43,330.85 43, 521 . OO 43.883.50 44,O22.94 44,855.65 45,862.25 52,971.00 378 the city llanager confit ed the statement of the city Engineer and colDented upon some of the ramifications that would result if the current use were discontinued. the city uanager recomended that the bid be awarded and that conatruction work on the project proceed according to plan. RESOL,UTION NO. 93-70 "Awardi ng contract - Burlingane Avenue Area Parking District - Project 1969-1 - Old city Hall Iot - arobIto. 70-9' Haa thereafter introduced for pasaage on notion of Counci Lnan irohnson, seconded by ouncilnan Martin and unanimously adopted by RoU Call vote. VARIANCE APPEAL RUCT FIVE T GARDEN APART!,IE s 51I NEWIANDS AVENT'E Itre Chair announced that this was the tine and place Bcheduled to coneider an appeal from a decision of the Planning Comlission in deny-ing an application for a variance to conatruct a five unit garden- tlE)e apartment on property Located at 1511 Newland s Avenue. A letter dated Augus t 25, L97O. was read from the applicant, Ilillian E.Jenkina, or.rner of the subject property, requesting that Councilreconsider an original application for a variance to permit theconatruction. A comunication fro the City P1anner, addressed to the P LanningComiseion, under date of August L7,. L97O. prior to a pirblic hearingbefore the comj.ssion, referred to ttre land uses in the area and tothe existing illegal and non-conforming conversions that have occurredin prior years. Ihe Ci ty Planner cqrmented upon the relationEhip of the propoaal tothe G€neral Plan and its designation for eventual redevelopment tolc,tr-density multiple usea. A letter from the City Planner, addressed to Council, dated Auguat 27, 1970, Etated that 'based on the actual conditions existing, it isny opinion that the najority vote of the CmiEsion was in error andthlt the variance should be approved. " Continuing, the City Planner adviEed that the propoEed building andthe nunber of units coincide with the R-3A regulations in the UunicitrS Code, a Eection rdritten to provide the rules for a zone \rhich souldfall betrreen the duplex (R-2) zone and the existing apartment (R-3) zonei that a study of the entire area between El Catnino Real and Occidental Avenue made in 1963 resulted in his recormendation that a@epart of the area, particularly that in close proximity to El Camino ReaI should eventually becoae a multiple-unit district and that inthe preparation of the General Plan, Hr. William Spangle, Consultant, reached the same conclusion and therefor designated the area for nedium-density multiple usagea. fhe hearing was declared open by the Chair, rules of procedure wereoutlined and those in favor of the proposal were invited to speat(. !tr. arenkins, the applicant, in addreasing Council, advised that in February of L964, his application for a variance to congtruct an apartnent on the property was approved by a six to one vote of the Planning Comissi.on; the matter came before Council (on an appeal) andthat upon that occaaion and upon advice of oounci t he wl thdrew hisapplication pending the adoption of the city'E General Plan. ttr. irenkins tated that reasons of health haE forestalled improvenentsto the property, the property has been oGred on the narket aE"first residentialn property hrith little or no regponse received andthat he personally has experienced a "hardship " because of the R-I zoning claEeification in a distriet wherein a nrmber of the properties have been converted to multiple occupancy. I TIEARTNGS 1. 87? 6unci lman ltangini, speaking on hls pereonal visitation to the area, cormented on the nuruber of buildinga that are in need of repair and questioned whether council has gufficient information at hand to rendera decision on the issue this evening. counci lman Johnaon cmented on the number of non-forming uses in evidence and spoke in favor of the lo$r-conatructed aparu[ent facilitythat would i.nprove the property and the area in general. councilnan l{artin guestioned the city Planner whether a variance procedure nay be applied in thie particular area as applied in the Capuchino Avenue area. llre City Planner, indicating that such procedure rrEy be appropriate, advised that the General Plan doea propoae thiB area for lor-densityrnultiple usage. To elarify his point, Councifunan Martin stated that rather than re-zone Capuchino Avenue, a variance procedure rras adopted where\r ttre PlanningCmission, in approving applicationa, maintained full control. Councilnan titartin suggested that the sanre procedure be applied withinthe subject area by talcing a $nall section at a time. the city Planner stated that \ri th the adoption of the General PIan, itis not, possible to revid areas within the City that requi re attention. councilnran Imstrup extrreaaed his concern with the nunber of iIlegal conversions and in comending Ur. Jenkina on his courlre of action,Etated that he wae in favor of approving the application. {he City Planner advised that technieal errors have been noted onthe drawings Buhitted by the appu.cant and if the variance isapproved, plans should be revieed to confdla to building standards. Counci l-man ltartin observed that the variance requested by the applicantmeets all four requisitea of the eode stlpulations. A petition bearing the signatureg of ProPerty ordnera within che 15oO block on Eorard Avenue (Burlingne geights Subdivision) requestedthe adoption of an ordinance "favoring variancea fr@ R-I to gardea- tyt e apartmente zoning, in accordance with ttre ner,r ceneral Plan of hrrlingrame " and Etating that it is the "degire of the undersignedthat 'select variances' or 'spot zoningr be adopted rather than c@plete zoning to apartment zoning for the area.' fhe City Planner atated that the petition, appearing to sanction the current proposal, may be interpreted to inply that their particular propertiea also be conaidered. A c@unication rraa acknowledgd frcn John Frankoni, ormer of 1507-1509 Nertrlands Avenue, favoring the construction of the nultiple drrelling. Tlhose in opposition rdere next invited to coEnent. !tr. Vaughn Janasen, 121 Crescent Avenue, obj ected to the additionaltraffic hazards that rrotrld result frm increased apartnent house occuPancy. li[r. Robert E. Anderson, 113 Crescent Avenue, atated that he obj ectedto the encroachment of apartment8 into a reaidential area and the hardship it nay invoke, particularly tax-uiae on nany of the residents who are living within the area on a fixed incmei that in his opinion, :rn apartrent-houae next door to a residence would create a 'depreEsing atmosphere . n Tfhere being no further cments, the hearing wae declared closed lvy the Chair. the city Planner, in replying to llayor crosby's inquiry concerning the inference that the granting of the variance would increase taxea, Btated that in his recent inveEtigation concerning procedure appliedin the re-appraisement of propertieg. he was infomed that the "land'is taxed on the basig of ita value' and the 'improvenenta r on the baEis of "itg use.' i 973 A motion \raa introduced by Councj.lman ltartin that the action of thePlanning Cormisaion be overrules and ttre variance to conatruct afive unit garden-type apartnent be approved r that the building plans be revi*ed by the Building Inspector and amended to meet cderequirenente and thereafter referred to Council for final approval. I'he motion rras seconded bl:l counci lman ilohnson and adopted unaninously upon RoIl Call. RECESS A recea8 sas declared by the Chair at 9:15 p.m. and the neeting re- convened at 9:35 p.n. EEARIIIG S (Continued ) 2. LINCOIN PROPERTY CCI{PANT IN RE: SHORELAND PROPERIY DEVEIOPI{ENT Irtayor croEby announced that a public hearing had been scheduled to consider the propogal of the Lincoln Property Conpany to developproperty orned try the Burlingame Shore Iand c@pany on Carolan Avenue, Cadillqe ney and the Bayshore Highway. A cououDication, dated July 28, 1970, was read fr@ the city Planner, advising that by a unanimous vote, the Planning Comission recmendedthat the land u8e be approved generally in accord lri th the plans suhritted, with a condition that planE for the restaurant in the north-east corner be presented for architectural reviff before its approval t and that the action of the Comdsgion rras in the foru of a recmendationsince the property is nc,w the subject of a prior agreenent between the orrner and the city. l.linutes frorn Planning Cmnission's study neetjrg, dated iIuly 13, 1970,l,ere read at \rhi ch tine the application for a variance \f,aa irillally Presented . An "analy8is of Lincoln Property @. PIar for Burlingane Shore Iand Parcelr prepared by the city Planner under date of iluly 23, 1970, stated in part that "in every way, the suggested development is whatis knovrn in today'e planning terms as a "planned unit developlent, "the property is c).assified R-4r prior to that classification it was zoned U-I, Industrial, but changed at the request of the crrner andprior to the approval of the two earlier plans for the use of theproperty; the proposed population density is 42.6 duell1ng units per acre (504 units on 12 acres) and the city's ceneral Plan deaignates the area as Uedium-High Density whi ch has a range of 21-50 drellingunits per acre. ltre hearing was declared open by the Chair, rules of proceudre setforth and the applicants vrere invited to present their proposal. tlr. Quentin cooke, Attorney, representing the Lincoln ProPerty c@Pany, introduced Mr. Dan Crosby, Vice President, frank Hope and Aasociatea, Architects, who requested and \ras granted permiesion to Preaent slide projections to describe the proposed development. A series of projections, cotrulented uPon by ur. croaby, included thefolloring: (1) uaster Plan Develotrment, featuring the reataurant, apartDent units, parking structurea and recreational areaEt (2) Iand Use Plan (coverage, 51.3% of the total site, 48.7!6 regerved for primary and secondary recreation areaa;) (3) Circulation PIan (Vehicular and Pedestr:Lan, ) (4) ProJected structures, vi ewed frd carolan l*ay (tvro-atory qnit8, three story units at rear, and ttrree parking garagesi) (5) Ttrree Etory unita on tJre gite and the n jor recreation-iI aiea; (6) Vierr overlooking the entire develotnent and heavily landscaped; (7) Interior PLan, recreational areas, two and three story units; (8) Parking structures vi etred fron the air, ahoring t}te landscaping, (9) rlro storied structurea and dePicting extengive landacaping; (10) Building Plan, site arrangenent, indicating the attractiveness fra all sides of the building and thereafter a seriea of projections shouring the interior floor plans of the unita. 3'7s' Ilr. Croaby stated that the site iE an ideal location for the proposed development; the ingrese and egress conveniences will create litt1edisruption in the general traffic. Ittr. Denny llclarry, a partner aseociated with the Lincoln Property Company, apologized for the t\ro week delay reque8ted by hie firil topresent their propoaal, atating that a problero having ariEen has now been alleviated try converting parking atructure t{o. 1 into a three- 1evel unit to provide additional autmobile apacea. titr. Paul Conatantino, a nerlber of the Broadway Ierchanta Asaociation,referred to the proj ect auggeated several years ago sherein the merchante "envieioned a lot of cmercial usager " tlri s particular plan roinlrni zeg the colercial zoning and the consenaus of property ownera and nerchants 'uhole-heartedly approve the plan;" the developnent as proposd is cmpatible wlth the general area and meetawith the approval of the Broadway nerchante. lhere being no comunicationa received, eittrer in favor, or in oppoaition, and no further c@lenta frm those in favor, the Chairrefered to those opposing the developent. Ehe Fire Chief, appearing before council, adviEed that whlle his dePart- nent vraa not opposd to the project, there is a problem of concern that haa not been regolved since the proposal hras first presented, thatof the adeguac!, of the proposed trelve foot roads within the conplex. ttre Fire Chief stated that the roadways should be at least trrenty-one feet in width, that he was inforned by Hr. ltclarry that to change the roadg was a matter of 'esthetics' not "economics; " that his dePartment ha8 tried in good faith to confer with the aPPlicants but aE of this date a change in the road plans have not been received by his departnent. counci lnan ltangini queEtioned wtrether a 'turn-around' area would accmodate fire apparatus. with the Fire Chief pointing out the inpractibility of the suggestions by reason of the street lay-outswithin the conplex. Ur. titclrarry confi rned that hi8 aseociates have been len in neetingwith the Fire Chief, primarily because of failure to reach an agreenent, and he rraE therefor appearing before Council to Present the vielh/tr,oint of his firm. Referring to the drawing and particularly to the outline of the roads, litr. Uctarry stated that if cotpelled to conPly \ri th the Fire Chiefrs recmendation, considerable landscaping would be lost. Ouestioned by Counci lman llartin concerning the garage areas, !tr. crosby adviged that ttre atructurea would hold the trucks frqtt the fire depart- ment and aceeaa would be convenient i that it was his opinion, horever,that the iaEue is the width and character of the roadg and that the twenty-one foot roads proposed would be introducing wide streets within the cmplex. Further digcuesion continued, lri th the Fire Chief rebutting aonre of thepoints raised by the applicants concerning the roads and stating that as proposed, ttre r.oadc uould acc@date only one vehicle at a time andin addition, the roads are curved; access to some of the units would be particularly difficult and the chained entrances to the cqrplexto prohibit vehicular traffic frm entering, would further handi capfire fighting. ur. I{. J. Canpau, 1416 Alvarado Avenue, eqinented on the additional nulber of vehicles that rdould be generated into the Preerray lanes during peak traffic hours. ltre Chair obaerved that whatever use is made of the eubJect property,traffic rril1 continue to be an issue, with the city Planner addingthat the 'spread in tirne " would be greater. Ihe hearing was declared cloged by the Chair and Council coments vrere thereafter invited. 880 A series of inquiriea \rere dlrected by Council to the applicants, with!tr. Uelarry advising that (1) a private tranaporation ay8tem will not be provided; (2) external ramps will be installed on the garage atructures (the lorer level to be four feet belcrr ground leve1i)(3) all entrances will face the front of the unit, with stair casesto accormodate the aecond and thi rd floor tenants; (4) ttrere ig a naxiroun diatance of 20O feet from the garage strnctures to the units;(5) approximately ninety percent of the units will be furnished; (6) thatinitially, a security service will. not be provided, but nay be considered; and (7) the word "leEs" in a propoeed "one bedrom orless' unit refers to tlre aeventy-tlro studio-t)Tre units. Councilman Martin, in comenting ulron the.iasuea: thaE muat be first resolved, particularly in regard to ingress and egress for fire equitrment, sumrarized his position by stating that basically, the land ia lil-I and should be developed as induetrial property; ho,vever, in his interestin seeing that the crrrner develop his property, it waa his opinion thatthe proposed use is "not in keeping with the City.' Counci Lman llartin, in closing his stateloents, read an excerpt fro ttre Irlinutes of the Planning Comission, dated Janua 4 28, 1963, wherein theapplicant's stateloent to justify his request for the original varlance, read in parts rBecause of its location, the property is not suitable for develotment with s,nall, two-story apartnent buildinge.' Uayor Crosby, atating that he waa not particularly concerned with the "densj-ty, " reguested clarificatlon concerning the tera, and the copariaon between the density ratio in the Idlane area in San ltateo and withthat of the proposed project. ttre City Planner explained that the proposed 'population density" is 42.6 &veeling units per acre or a total of 5O4 units on trrelve acrea. llr. lilclarry advi8ed that the population density rrithin the wood lakeproject is forty units per acre. Counci lman Arnstrup expreEaed his interest in seeing that the property is developed, stating that the issue with the Fire Departrnent ghould be firgt resolved before a cc.uncil decision is rendered. Inguiries were directed blr counci lDan ttartin to t{r. croaby, the Architect, who advised that the preparation of an architectural plan for a specific developm.ent is based upon economies, zoning, prior experience and\rhat i6 applicable to the market, with extensive etudieg conductedthereafteri that he was the architect aaeociated with the Sharon Greenproj ect in Uenlo Park and that \rith reference to density cornparisons between the Sharon creen project and the current propoEal, the areal coverage wag much legs rrithin the foraer conplex and the unite therefor were reade larger. counci lman ltartin raised a question concerning the selection of thisparticular site, with a total of 504 regidential units proposed. !tr. ltclJarry advised that the 'price of ttre land " was a prime factor indetermining the nurber of units. To Counci Lman lilartin's inquiry concerning the atatus of ttre propoEed 'recreation club" Mr. Crosby advised that neobershi.p to the Club will be restricted to residents within the coplex and to their guestsexcluaively, catering service nay be brought in, residents can furnish and serve their own liquor but no bartending service will be provided. counci LEan l.{artin referred to the nunber of vehicles that will betravelling cadlllac tEy and carolan Avenue, particularly those enteringthe colrlex that will requi re left-hand turnE. Ittt. Crosby expressed the opinion that little inconvenience will beexperienced, in that the plan proEroaes only tlrree access points thatwill reduce the flcr of traffic. 381 counci Lrlan titangini atated that he would not vote on the proposed proj ect until the matter of ttre Fire DePart[ent's concern on the adequacy of the roads is resolved; that in addition, the applicant should be cautioned concerning the heavtT traffic in the imediate area. counci lnan Johnaon stated that in her opinion, the currently proPosed development iE the most desirable Plan yet PreEented to council but concurred with Council that the fire dePartnent issue should be settled. It{r. I{clarry Etated that the aetbacka frm the roadway to the unitEconfor to code and co be requi red to create a trtenty-one foot road would not only eliminate a number of units btrt would also deatroy the esthetic features of the complex. uayor Crosby trointed out to t.tr. ltclarry that the najority of council have indicated interest in the proposed development, Provided the problem of the roads may be resolved to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. ur. Oacar Person, Burllngane Shore Iand Cmpany ckner, cmented upon the nudber of areas within the city, particularly within his otrn neighborhood, wherein the narrotrness of the streets render fire truck maneuverability difficult and yet the departnent has been able tofunction efficiently. Uayor crosby, in acknorledging the atatementa, advised ur. Person thatthe street deficiencies should not be cglrtr ounded and that it i8 incumbent upon couneil to consider the reconmendations of staff. Folloring further discussion wherein the applicant's representativeE concurred to meet with the Fire Chief in further consultation, councilman uangini moved that the hearing on the proposal of the Lincoln Property Conpany be continued to the regular neeting of Council on october 19. tthe motion was seconded by counci lnan Imstrup and unanimosly carried. RECESS A receas was declareil by the Chair at 1L:2O p.n. and the meeting re- convened at lls40 p.n. mARINGS (continued) NATIOT{AL EI,ECTRICAL CIDE SA}I !,TATEO C-,OUIITY ORDINAIICE I{ayor Crosby announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the propoaed adoption of the NationalElectrical Code and the County of San Uateo Ordinance to becqne apart of the City of Burlingame 's Municipal Code. The City Attorney, in reply to the Chair, outlined the procedure requiredin adopting material by reference. the Suilding Inspector, invited by the Chair to cmrent upon the Eubject,reported that the 1968 National Electrical Code with its amendments, has been adopted by the County of San Mateo and that a controversary has arisen by permitting within the County ordinance, the use of non-netallie sheathed cable, kn6*Tr as 'Rmexi " coast-side cities have adopted the ordinanee, Daly City, Ilillsborough and Atherton a1l haverejected its uee and the remainder of the cities are debating thei ssue . {he Building fnspector advised that the product has not been used inthia area, that although he has no objection to its inclusion withj.nthe City'E code, his major concern was that all cities should beuniform in its rules for conEtruction. lhere being no cmnunications received :ither in opposition or infavor and no further cdurents frol those in favor, those in oppoaition 'were invited to speak. 3. ts82 l1r. Robert c. Co1eman, representing the National Electrical gforkers, Epoke at sdne length on the survey his agency has conducted throughouttlre:nation and referred to repeated reports that tha IUex productis a particu}ar fire hazard; that in the number of fl.res that are recorded and the reports filed, not one has been attributed to metal-arrnored cable inatallations. l,lr. Coleman took exception to the Board of Supervisor's action inincluding the uae of the product within its ordinance, Etating that those cities within the county having conducted public hearings on the is8ue, aII voted againEt the non-metallic cable. Slides were projected to corpare the fire reaiatancy in buildingsinstalled nith netal arroored cablee and those installed with non-metallic tlrl,e cables. Alao Epeaking in opposition to non-metallic cable were I{r. vtalme Roberts, member, National Brotherhood of Blectrical vtorkers,lilr. Ernest E. Eills, former City Electrician and !tr. Eric l{auaser,local electrical contractor. A period of inquiries frm councj.I, analrered b!, the electricalrepresent.tives follovred the presentation. T{he Fire Chief, in reply to Council, advised that he rras not faniliarwith the u8e of the product; that it was his experienee, however,that electrical fires were not cauged by the actual wiring in thebuilding but rather by applicancer inproperly in8talled. councilnan itartin spoke favorably on the use of the non-netallic cable, Btating that he \rould have no objection to using the Productin his ohrn h6e and pointed out that the national electric code, the county ordinance lnd the building insPector have all indicated no objection. Councilmn trtartin statd that he \rou1d not oPpoae the Productparticularly when it is nationally endorsed. Councilman Johnson referred to the vohme of naterial that has been received by Counci I Btating that r,rhen a najority of the citiea have objectrd to ttrc i.nclusion of the non-meta1lic cable within their codes, she felt their retsoning was juatified. Counci lnan ohnso[ reSd exierpts'fron a nufrber'of articlCa irdm' thCSlectrical contractors and frm reporta citing deathE by fire, weredirectly caused by the in8tallation of non-metallic cable and in concluding her statenenta, emphaaized that hone ormers ehould be protected by a maximun code and that she was oppoeed to any cmPromise when safety ie a faetor. A Eotion was introduced by Councilman l{artin that ordinance No. 926 adopting by reference the Hational Electrical Code and the County ordinance (including the use of non-metallic cable) be adoPted, seconded by Counci lman ltangini. A vote by Roll call \raE recorded as follovrs: AyeE: ouncilnens Martinnoea! Councilmen: emstrup-Croaby-Johnson-ltangini the City Attorney advised that an uenfuent to the Code is ncrr reguired and suggested that the meeting be adJdurned to wednesday, October 7, at hrhi ch time an amended ordinance would be Presented for council action - I . REQUEST TO REVI SE ORDI IiIAI{CE RE: SWIUIiING POOL CONSTRUCTION A ccfimunication dated septenber 29, 1970, fr6 t{r. Alan Shedroff, rePresenting the National grimtdng Pool InEtitute, requestlng a revision in section 24L6 of ordinance No. 599, pertaining to swiming pools, wag referred to the City planner and to the Building COUI{T'NI CATI ONS 383 Inspector for reviex* and rePort to Council. 2.PETITION IN RE:WASHINGTON PARK IIIPROVEUEIITS 11O HORSESHOE PIES-L I GHTS A petition, dated september 14, 1970, bearing the signature of horseshoe pitching hobbyiste, requesting that the lrashington Park horseehoe pits be improved and lighting Provided, was ackno,rledged and referred to council for consideration at a study meeting. 4. City Clerk, dated October 1, 1970, submitting nanes of parking Cotmiaaion nenbers whose terms will expire in t{overuber. ftre cityllanager was requeBted to aecertai,n if Lhe nernbers are interested inreappointnent. RESOLUTIONS None ORDINAIICES lfone INFIMStsED BUSIITESS llone IiIEY' BUSIIiIESS 1. fiIA}IKSGIVIIIG "BARREL .I TO VIETNAU Counci lman Johnaon suggested that a presentation be made to city employeeE requeating their asgistance in filling a barrel during thanksgiving week, with itenrs that nay be fonrarded to the militaryin vietnam. councifunan ilohneon stated that a eimilar Project lastyear conducted by the employees waa highly successful. tlayor crosby stated that he would approach the employees. ACIGIOWLEDGEUENTS ltayor crosby acknorledged receipt of the folloring I confirNrcATrors Frcm 1. city lranager, dated october 5. L97O, advising that l.trs. PollyIlerrick and l.lr. wiUian N. Beuttler, Park and Recreation omnisgion and !tr. Richard Bortolin, Beautification coulission, have indicatedtheir \rillingneaa to aerve another tern on their respective Cormi s- eione; Ilrs. Bette llarder of the B€auti fication has adiv8ed that she she will be unable to accept a reappoint$ent. the City llanager was requeated to direct a letter to t{ra. Ilarder expreseing the appreciation of Council for her service to the Citywhile serving on the Comission. Irirs. Polly lterrick and !lr. willian N. Beuttler were unanimoualy reappointed ae mernbers of the Park and Recreation Coutission andItr. nichard Bortolin was unaniraously reappointed to the Beautification coffinission- Tte City l{anager was requeated to furni sh council rrith a list ofpotential candidates to fill vacancies existing on the various Comissione at the october 7 Etudv meetinq. 2. city ltanager, dated october 1, 1970, advieing that the Board of SuperviBors has extended an invitation to Council to attend a luncheon on Wednesday, Novetnber 4. A poll of Council indicated that anotherdate would be preferable and the City llanager rraa directed to sonoti fy the Board of Supervisors. 3. L. wilbur Snith, 18r.1 Davls Drj.ve, dated Auguat 14, acknc,hrledginghis confirmation as a neniber of the Eealth, Safety & Trafficcmnission. 484 5. City Engineer, dated Septenber 24, L91O, advising that in reaponse to an inquiry fron Counci Lmn Amatrup concerning thecondition of the pavement acroaa Trouadale Drive inEtalled by the Underground Construction Cotrpany for the San Franciaco ltLterDepartnent, a conference wi th the principals indicated that the Pavement will be replaced. Counci lman ,l\mstrup acknorrrledged that the replacement rork haa beenaatisfactorily completed. 5. Trhe California Legislature's Assanibly Cmittee on TranEportation,dated September 25, announcing the scheduling of a hearing on the "outlook for the development of high-epeed ground transportation aystema in california' on october 20, L97o, state Building, sanFrancisco, at 10:00 a.n. 7. Urs. coldie L. Prunk, 1475 Lincoln Avenue, requeEting the place- meng of bencheE in the area of her hme, for the convenience of theelderly. fhe subject was referred to the Park lnd Recreatiotr Corunission. 8. County of San Uateo Couliseion on lging, drted Septeobe r 23, L9?O, extending an invitation to Council to participate in the ttrird Annual tltayor'a Conference on Senl.or Citizens and a Pre-I{hite ltrouae Conference on Aging, to be held at the BereEford Park Recreation Center in San Meteo on ttrursday, February 1I, 1971. ltre City Uanager waa reguested to mark the date and to remind Counci I shortlyin advance of the conference. 9. San Bruno Charnber of Comerce announcing the Pifth Annual Banguetin recognition of "Aviation Appreciation hleek " to be held at theHilton Inn, San Francisco International Airport, on Friday, October 9, L97O. 10. Paul J. ConEtantino, siater city comittee member, dated October 1, 1970, requesting that a survey of the Recreation Center be conducted to detemine a site where the bronze bust of Josel Maria l,torelos may be permanent ly installed. fhe city clerk rraa reguested to reproduce the cqmunication and suboi t copiea to Council. 11. San llateo Sister City Association, Inc., announeing a workEhopfor interested citizens frqn a1l Northern California cities wi ttl tc.rn affiliations, especially those having close ties lrith Japan, on October L7, L97O, College of san l{ateo, conunencing at 8830 a.m. 12. Burlingame Charnber of comerce, dated October 2, L97O. expresaing appreciation to council for action ta]<en in making available to the Charnber of c@trerce additional funds in the 197o-1971 Budget. 13. city of San carlos, dated october 3, 1970, conveying congrltulationa and thanks to the City of Burlingar0e Fire Department for their nutualaid aEaistance on the occasion of a serious brush fire that occurredin the unincorporated canyon area in san carlos. MINUTE S A}iID REPORTS Plannj.ng cdrEission, septenber 281 Library Board, SepteDber 15, Park and Recreation Cmission, September 8 and a report frm the Directorof Traffic in re: "trousdale and Sequoia Traffic surveyo suhitted under the date of SePtenrber 23, L97O. PROCAI,AMATIONS llayor Croaby issued the follo^ring proclamations: "Danny Ttrqnas Teenagera Uarch Day" Novsnber 8, 1970, in suPPort ofst. Jude Children'E Research HoaPital devoted to children strlcken rri th Leukeml.a. i "National Bible week " Noveflrber 22 - 29, L97o. 885 SCHOOL-COI,!}TUM TY COIIMI TTEE ftre Chair announced receipt of a telephone call frorn ur. Elwlm Gregory recmnending the appointment of counci lman uangini to serve on a school and comnunity advisory ccrmnittee. ltle appointnent was confi rmed by Council and the City Clerk was instructed to Eo notify Mr. cregory. }IEWLETTE R PRGTECT Councilman Instrup referred to a proposed 'tNerrsletter" project to beinitiated by Council in the near future and recomnended that department heads be invited to contribute timely information. BURLINGNI1E SHII.DREN*S GALLERY Counci Lrnan Johnson announced that an invitation haB been received frmr DaIe Perkins, Art ConEultant, Burlingame School District, to attenda special Grand Opening of the Burlingame Childrenrs Art Gallery on Sunday, October 11, 1970, frm 2:00 p.m. to 3:3O p.n. at the Burlingane Main PoEt Office on Park Road. ADJOURNMEN? ttere being no further transaction of businesE, the meeting was adj ourned by uayor Crosby at l:10 a.m. to meet on Wednesday, October 7 at 8:O0 p.m. RBERT X. IIHITE CITY CT,ERN APPRO\IED: drr**-"A* WILLIAIIT J. UAYOR ROSBY ITE