HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.03.18269 Burlingame, california tarch 18, 1968 ESLL TO ORDER A rcaular neeting of thc Brrlingue city councl l wrs held on the above given date. trlayor Pro IeEpore Johnaon, acting ag Chailoanat ttre request of Uayor Diederichscn, called the Daeting to ordcrat 8sO0 p.n. PLEDGB OP ATI,EGIANCE At t ord fro the Chalr, all in the Council chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROI,L CALL Present - &unci Lnen : Dicderichaen-George-Jotrnson-UartinAbr€nt - Councilnen: Crosbry Counci Lnan croabtT, abcent because of a businesa c@itEent, waa excuged. ITINT'TES Ehe llinutes of tlre rcgular D€eting of lfarch 4, 1968 and the a djoutned neeting of ltarch 13, 1968, guhitted to eounci I previoualy, were appro\rcd and adopt.d. COTiIMT'NICATIONS I KAT PATCR II PENUIT APPRO\TED A coDunication fr6 ttre City flanager, dat€d l,tarch 14, 1968, referredto reporta received fro the Fire, tlealth and Police DePartnentB in cdrnection with the applicrtion of lira. Llnda P. Johanaen, qrner of Kat Patch II for a public dance perrit. The reporte ihdieated no objection to the igguance of a dance penit,with the Police f,rapartrent recmending that if approved t[' Oounei]., the pemit be subject to specific conditiore. !tra. alotranaen, in attendance. replying to inquirie! fro Council, advi aed that she is the dner-nanager and on occasions of her abaence, a eapable neuber of the e8tabliahncnt'a peraonnel eerveg aa Enager in her bchalf. Chief of Police L,ollin, in attendance, advieed Guncil that eqlecoplaints regietered against l(at Patch II t,ere investigated bytlre Police Departnent and that in view of the siEplicity of pro- vigione within the Ordinance Code, applicable dr tlrtr instanceit was his rec@endatidr tlrat 'guide lineg' be egtablished. In reply to Guncil inquiries, the Chief of Police stated that his departllent will continue to investigate coplainta received, to nalce periodic vigits to the eetalrliehment and ttrat violations notedwill be proceaaed at the digcretion of the inveatigating officer. Counci lman lilartin 8uggrestd tlrat in addition to recmendationB ofthe Chief of Police, the cdrditions include that when opened for buginese, Mrs. alolranlen, or the reliable peraon she referred to, bein attendnace at all tin€s, that the penit run for a period of eix nontha and that dancing ber p€tilitted only between the hours frco 6:O0 pn. o'clock. to 2:O0 o'clock, a.n. Folloring a brief diecusaion in which lilrs. Johansen expreaaed herwillingness to cooperate, Counci lnan ltartin noved that the per:mit b€ approved, Bubject to the folloring: 27U- 1. No dancing be aIloed betueen the hours of 2:O0 a.n. and 5!OO P.n.,2. No dancing be allowed between eBployees of the liceneee and the cust@ers i3. No person ghall be pemitted to engage in any dance wlri le in an intoxicated conditioni4. No peraon shall be Frilitted to engage in imoral or obacene dancing,5. No rninor under the qre of 16 years ahau be p€tmitted to enter the preoisee or dance therein, unlegs said ninor ie accoBpanied by and under the care of hia parent, parentE, or guardian;6. Ehe licensee or a gualified employee authorized !y the licensee ehall be in attendnace at all times; and7. fhe pernit shall run for a period of six nonthg. Ttre motion, seconded by Councilrnan George, wag carried, rittr Mayor Diedericheen casing a ino' vote. ftre City l{.nager was requested to autoatically su}oit reports to Council every eix months and the Chief of Police waa requested tonotiflz eouncil of c@plaints qainat the egtablislment inveatigated by the Police Department. 2. PROPOSED ADOPTION I[LI( ORDINAI{CE A cmnunication frcm the City lilanager, dated litarch 14, 1968, advisedthat Dr. lI. D. Chope, Dlrector of Public Health, San Mateo @unty,is requeating cities within San Uateo County b adopt ordinancearequiring that only pasteurized ni lk be distributedr that the county mi1k ordftance i8 not applicable unlees legislation is enacted bit, the individual city incorporating ttre County of San Mateorsnilk ordinance ttr reference. Reporting verbally to Council inquiriea, the City Uanager advsiedthat the oounty Health DepartDent states that raw milk is beingdistributed through soe health food Btores ana that the cost ofsurveillance of 'raw certified toilk' in jurisdictions pemitting the eale ie very high in relation to the anount sold. Counci Lman llartin and Councifuaan ceorge €xxpresaed heaitancy in j eopardizing the sale of raw nilk by agencies handling the product. A brief diacuaeion conc luded uith eounciLman Martin recmendingthat thc City Mmager requeat infomation on the 'coat of gurveillance "referred to by the County of San ltateo Eealth DepaltDent and Btatingtttat it nay be neces8ary to anend provisiona of the eity'8 Ordinance Code, a ffectirg inslrectidr costa. REPOR:P SAI,E OF PIAITT BOI{IDS A cmunication frcm th€ City llanager reported, in reply to a previous request frql Oouncil, thrt investigation didicatea that tlre Bgrqgeplant bonds "could not advantageously be bid in one lr rge sum rriththe aale of the bonde to be in lncreoents x and tshat 'auch a rale ianot follo$re d in the bond narket. " The City llanager further reported that 'the size of thc aDount offered can have acme dfect on the bialding r too small an offeringelininatee tlre large syndicates, but on the other hand, increasea the nrnber of mall bidders. " The city llrnager reccmended that a sufficicnt anount of bnda be sold after the construction bids are opened to finance the firsteix rnonthe of the proJect conatructiqr. eounci lnan George gave a reaune of revenue to be received ty the eityfro participating agenciea, indicating that bondg should be icsuedin the total amount of 9975,964.00. 3. 27*. It l,aa recormended btr Oounci lnan ceorgc that the entire sun beoffered for sale and the receipta therefrcrn placed on deposit to accrue interest until paynents for conatruction work are due. Counci lman ltartin e:qrreaeed hig concurrence r suggeating, horever,that it nay be favoralrle to the city to perni.t individual investorato bid on the seeage plant bonds. The city llanager wa. requeated to Eeek ttre advice of the bonding counael arrq inveatnent copanies on tlre propriety of sellitrg bondsfor the entire a[ount under one bid and offered in terns to attractboth large and rnall bond bidder!. 4. SEN ilATEO T'ltrOE ITIGB SCEOOL DISIRIET EASEI{EIOT A cmunication fro Urc city Engineer, dated uarch 11, 1968, advigedthat a fully executed gratrt of ea8€nent, apProved b,y the Boald ofDirector!, San [ateo Union Eigh Schoo1 Diatrict, is available for execution ttt Oouncil. Ttle City Bngineer recalled that the eaaeEent ie neceeeary to installa atorn drain frqr park facilitie8 in washington Park to a large drainage pip€ on Oak Grorre Avenue, for the purpoae of alleviatingthe flooding condition in the Palk during inclenent rreather. A rec@lendation fro! the city Engineer that thc easement be forual ly accepted waa concurred with hy the City Irgager in a meno footnoted on the cmnunication. RE SOLUTION NO. 24-68 'Accepting Grant of Eaaenent - Pror: San l{ateo Union High SchooL District, a High School Distrlct of the 6untyof san llateo, state of california, Dated ltlarch 7, 1.968' yras i,ntroduced for paasage on Dotion of Councilnan lilartin, aeconded by llayor Diedericheen and unaninously adopted upon RoIl call. RESOLTITION NO. 23-68 "Declari ng Noxioua and Dangeroua weeds andffid setting forth April 15, 1968 ae a public hearing, was introduced by Counci han l{artin, who noved its paasage, seconded bl}' CounciLnan ceorge and unanimoua Iy adopted upon Roll Call. RESOLUTTON NO. 25-68 'Approving senate BiU No. 231 Introduced During the 1968 I€gi Blature Providing for Extension of the Porera of tlre San Francisco Bay Conaervation and Deve lopment Cmission to Isaueor Deny FilI Permits tso the Ternination of the Existence of SaidCmieeion" wag introduced for pastage on motion of 6unci hanl{artin, aeconded h7 ouncilnan George and unaniuously adopted uponRoll call. ORDIIIANCE S - Congideration thereof: ORDINA}TCE NO 878 "An Ordinance enending the l,tunicipal Code of thety of Burl ngane qf Adiling Subparagraph 39 to Section 13.20.O1O and Providing for an Intersection Stop at the Interaection of Oak Grove Avenue and carolan Avenue' ras given itg gecond reading and upon notion of counci ltran Uartin, geconded by ltayor Diedericheen said ordinance paased its secona reading and wag adopted by thefolloring RoIl Call vote: Ayes: 6uncilDen: Diederichsen-ceorge-Johnaon-llartin l{ooa ! councilnen: None Abaent 3 Counci Luen Crosby UIIFINT SIIED BUSINESS RESOLT'TIONS 272 I CIlrY HALIJ ARCIIITEETS A memo fratr the city ltanager, dated Itlarch 18, 1968, recmendedthat Council indicate (1) ho,r soon prelininary plane and coateatiDates for the city EaU ghould be cmpleted and delivered bythe architeeta and (2) hcn soon thereafter working draringe andspecifications should be copleted and delivered. Ittr. Albert Kahl, Architect. aaaociated tdith I'tr. willian llhifler andllr. Venice Hdell, selected bl, Council as architects for the n6,City Eall, slreaking in behalf of the alchitectural firm, requeatedCouncil's consideration to extending the period in which to sutmitplans to Counci 1 beyond the ninety day tine li.ttrit. Ir{r. Kalrl, cmenting on the magnitude of the proJeet, related theaurveyo, achenatic plans and site develolnent atudies requiredprior to the preparation of the prelininary pIana. A period of questiona and answers follded, in which Council was advised by llr. Kahl that p1anE for the n* City Hall would beavailable in Noveuber or Decenber of this year. councl lman lilartin atre8sed the inportance of the proj ect goingto bidl not later than Septenber, 1968, to eliminate conatruction coata that nay increaae next year with the adoption of nenr andhigh prevailing wage scalea. Irlr. Kahl thereafter con8ented to the S:eptember copletion anddelivery date of the plans. Council auggeated that the architects nake notrtions of circum- atances unavoidably delaying the presentation to Council. BURLIDEAIqE IIILLS "A}ITIEXATION " Councilnan llartin, councl l-Bur lingarne Hills Irnproveloent Asaociationliaison, referred to copies of minuteg taken at a recent neetingof the Annexation c@ittee of the Burlingane Hills Inpro\renent As8ociation distributed to CounciL for purpoaes of infomation and inquiries. council, indicating agreenent, in principle, with the contentatherein, authorized Counci Lnan titlrtin to continue his cmunicationlrith the Bur lingame Hills ImproveDent Aasociation. 3. SAIMA CIARA COIn TY RE: POSITION VT:ITH ABAG A cmunication rraa acknorledged fr@ ttre Board of supervi sor a, county of Santa Clara, dated Ittarch 12, 1968, adviaiog that each member jurisdiction of the Agsociation of Bay Area co\rernnentsia being inforroed of that agency's position with reapect to ABAG and that respoDaea are being solicited. 4. CODE VIOI4ATIONS IIITHIN CITY 1rhe City Planner advieed, in replyItartin that hi8 Ilst of violations be made curent for report to Counc lnguiriea frcm Councilnanthe city's zoning Code, willat the next regular Eeeting. toinil IIEW BUSINESS I. AUBT.,LAIICE DONATION ACKIfOI{IJEDGED A ccr@unication fr6 Ing. E€lipe Rivera creapo, Presidente !,llrnicipal Conatitucional, Cuernavact, Itlor., datcd llarch 2, 1968, expre![ing appreciation to the City of BurlingaBe for t]re donationof an adbulance to the nehabilitation center in orernavaca, wa8 acknohrledged and placed on file. 2. 279 CITY SERIII CE OFFERED A cmunication waa read frql Ur. Ronald Durkee, 1353 Coluubus Avenue, dated March L2, L968, offering his gervices aa a neob€rof the Planning Cqmi saion at such time as a vacancry nay occur. Tihe City llanager rra! requeated to acknorrledge ttre couunication. MASTER PI,AIT HEARIIIGI S Counci Lnan ltartin referred to the t{aster Plan of the City of Burlinganc and itar effect on areaa outaide city linits. T1re City Planner atated that he would extend invitations to representativeg fro adjoining cities to attend public hearlnga onthe liaater Plan rrhen scheduled. COIIIMI'NI TY-A}IMVE RSARY DINNE R ACKNO{LEDGEMEIITS I{ayor Pro Tempore ilohnson acknorledged receipt of reporta frd thePolice and Fire DepartmGnts and lijlnutes fro the Burlingane Library Board. CT,AIIIS llarranta, Nos. 195-356, in the total uounl of $225,792.48, for the tlonth of lrlarch, 1968, duly audited, rere approved for palment on notion of Counci Lr.n c€orge and eeconded I Counci lnan ltartin. PAYROLL Payroll warrantsa, Nos. 7160-7686, in the total anount of $140,955.45, r,ronur of February, 1968, rere approved on motion of counci Lnan George and eeconded blr uayor Diederichaen. ADJOURNUEI*T The neeting was regularly adJ ourned at 9:55 pts[., in nenory oftitr. Iouic Francia, revered civic leader, who recently pas8ed in death. Reslrectfully sutoitted, &-TE, city clerk APPROIED: 2/4r*,/^A)*;-z*,- !{ERITER E. DIBDERICIISEN UAYOR 2. l{r. cilbert Rodli, President, Burlingaoe Chuber of Cmerce reported that a canbined 'cmunity " and 'anniversary* dinner,cmemorating the 60th 'birthday " of the City of Burlingane has been scheduled on itune 11, 1958, at the Eyatt Eouse.