HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.03.13267 Btrrlirgue, california ltarch 13, 1968 CALL TO ORDER A regularly adj ourned neetLq of th. Bur lingale city counci Ifro its regular neeting of nrdh 4, L968, wae held on tha abone given date. [ryor Pro feaPore ilotrnson, actittg as Chaitnln at the rcguest of tltayor Diederictraen, called the EeetiDg to order at 8:0O p.u. PI,EDGE OF AIJ..EGIANCE At word fr6 the Chair, all in the Counci I Chanber lroae and gave t}re Pledge of Allcgiance to ttrc Flag. ROI.I. EAI,L Preaent - counci lnen : Ctos\z-Dicderichaen-George-Johnson-uartin Absent - council$en: Nqle NEI{ PIRE P ION CODE lrhe Chair announced that the propoeed ordinance relating to the Fire Prev€ntion Code har becn resutmltted with a paragraPh of sub-scctlon 14.14a, Sectlon 17, rc-worded a8 reque8ted by Councll at tlre lagt regrular Eeetlng. A diccuesion aroae on a portion of the anended subsection 14.14a,stipulating that ranlz exlsting baacoent occuP,incy uay have ite use cotltinued cr(ccpt that a 'change in the occupancy' or characterof tlre eoriating occupanoy will require the installrtion of the autdatic sprinkler ayatet!. " council uenber s, c@renting on the rigldneae of the proPosed require- Dent, in that it partierlarly nay adversely affect the dorttto{nproperty (tr ners. uithlrcld further discugeion, until a Public hearingis conducted on the nes Pire Preventiqr Code. ORDIIIANCE NO. 879 'An Ordinance AdoptiDg By ReferGnce the Pire F-evention Cdie, 1965 Edlition (Revired Octobcr 1966) Recmcndeil by BURLIIreN{E StsORts IAIID CO{PATY'IT AGNEEI'{ENT WITH C T OP BURI,INGAME Mayor Pro Tenpore ilohnaoo referred to council's defermcnt of action on ! revised agreeoent Datrrcn tlre Brrlingane ShorG Lnd Cdpany and the city of BurlingaDc at tlre last regrular neeting. lhe City Engincer, replying to an inqdry fro tlrc Chair, advieed tshathie Office revienred the dosrsent and found it to b€ in satisfactory order. A poll taken aDong neoberg of the City'e staff, including the qity Attorney, the City Planner and the Ci ty tl&ager confined tlrat the agreescnt incorporatcr cqrditions set forth \z oounci I at a public hearJ.ng on No\reGef 20. L967. xEsgLUrIoN No. 22-68 "Authorizi ng Executiqr of Agreeoent By and Ectweenthe eity of Burllngane and ttre Brrlingame Shore land Copany. Inc. "ras introduced for paasage on rrotion of Counci lman George, seconded ty CouncLlnan Crosby and adopted by the folloring Roll Call vote; Ayes : Counci luen : Crosby-Diederichsen-ceorge-Jolrnaon lgoea 3 Counci Luen : Iilartin Absent Councilnen ! None the loericrn Inaurance Asaociation and Amending, Repealing or Adding certain Sections of Chapter 17.04 (Pire Prcvention code) ofthe Burlingmc ltunicipal Clode - and setting forth a public hearing before Council on trldrday, April 15, 1968, was introduced t,!' crcunciJ,aan Croslry for first reading. 28E SEI,ECTION CITY IIALI., ARCHITECTS lrhe Chair advised that conferences uith a nu[ber of architectsoffering their serviceE in preparing plans for the constructionof a new City EaU have concluded with Counci 1 reachilrg a deci sion. A notiotr rras introduced ry Counci LEan ceorge that tlr. Venic Eorell,ttr. I{illia llhlfler and l{r. Albert Kahl be retained to prepareplans for the new City llall. lrhe notion was seconded by eunci Lman crosby and unaninously carried. Tlhe City Attorncy was directed to prepare an appropriate contractfor Counci l execution. H'RI,IXGTIIE HILLS "ANIiIEXATION" Councilman ualtin, counci l-Bur lingane Eills lmproveoent Aasociationliaigon, adviaed that for the infornation of Counci I and cmentsthereafter, copies of rinute8 tal<en at a recent Deeting of theBurlingue tsiU8 Inlrrovement Association' g Annexation c@ittee would be reproduced. "JUDICIAL MERIT PI,ANI' A c@unication was acknorledged frm Luther !1. Carr, Boald of Governors, State Bar of California, dated February 27, L968,pertaining to the selection of judges 'free frcm partisan politicst and soliciting the support of Senate BilI *2, t-be provisiona of whi ch shaII enable the co\rernor to select a qualified Dan or wooan. The subJect matter was referred to counci I for individual attention. IIAYOR REPORfS Rf, K.City Clerk APPROVED ITERXER H. DDEDERICHSEN IIAYOR Zfu .r-r-.q/'il,.4r;-/*^- Hayor Pro f€rBpore ilohngon announced that in behalf of tilayor Diederl,chaen, the City of Brrlingane waa repreaented fu her attendance at the recent ground-brerking ceremonies for the Ba6tPark C@unity Recreation Center in San Uateo and at the ingtalla-tion of class officers at the Burlingae Inter ediate ltchool. AIT'q'ANUE$T Ihere being no further tranaaction of buainesa, the meeting waaregularly adj ourned at 8:50 p.m., to be folloed by a study roeeting. Respectfully suhitted,