HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.03.042,60 &rrllngane, California llarch 4, 1968 CALr, TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Brrlingme City @uncil ras held on the abo\re given date. lleetlng called to order rts 8:00 p.t!., - lLyor Pro feopore ifohnaon in the Chair. PIJEX;E OP AI;ITEGLANCE At word frqn tlre counci l, all in the Counci I Chanber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CAL,L Pre8ent - Councilmen s Cro8by-George-ifohnson-Uartin Atr sent - Counci lmen: Diederichaen Mayor Diederichaen, absent because of illneaa, was excuaed. II(INI'TES lrhe linutaa of the regular Deeting of February 19, 1968, suhittedto Couacil previously, coffected to record tbat thc San ltateo County counci L of ltlayora' meeting would be heldl in llrn Bruno atthe 'Iary V' and amended to add that the Chai rman of the Bast Palo A].to t{unlcipal Council be invited to attend neetings of the llayora I Counci I 'to participate in ttre diecussion but with novoting privilegea' were thereafter appro\red and adopted. CONSTFOCTION.GENBRAI, HBORERS I T'NION I'CAL +261 PRESITTATION l{ayor Pro Tenpore afohnaon recognized }t. George Evankovich, Secretar}r- Treaaurer, Construction and General Iraborera I Union Iocal No. 261, who identified himself as representing conatruction workerg,State, City aDd Federal eoployeea and stated tlrat on this occaeiqr he was preaent to apeak in behalf of BurllngaEe city emplryeea \rho are affiliates of Union Lcal Ao. 251. Refering to a salary and classification aurvey conducted bry the Union, embracing all positions \rithin tlre Park and Public Works DepartDent s, tlr. Ekankovich atated that the variety of work perforDed in relatlor to ttre salalies received h,!r those affected,indicated a definite '1ag behind those in induetrial fielde.' lilr. Ekankovich staCed, in concluding hia preaentation, thlt tlretrade union movement is becming more prevelant within Citygervice ae well as within State service and urged Counci I togive serioua cqlaiderltion to the survey prepared by the Union. counci Lman Martin recalled that @unci 1 eatablished a policy soetime Prior, wberebyz clasrJ,ficqtions would be evalrted once every three yeara and salary scales once every year and advlsed!tr. Ehankovich that next year ras scheduled to conaider citylervice claesifications. Councilnan George, ccmenting on his peraonal experience aa a member of the city council, stated that since 1963, wage increases have been granted to city enplqfees in tlre anount of thlrty-three and one-third percent, a greter percentage than that grented toindustrial personnel. Pol16ring further discussion, Council conaented to qrprove the request of lt{r. Evankovich that he seek a conference with til,ayor Diederichsen, Council-Enployee liaison, at a time selected atthe discretion of ttre latter. zfiL BIDS - PEASE I CONSTRUCf,ION fhe Chair invited Ur. H€iizard llidcey, District Engineer, Bayside IEprorreoent District No. 4, to cment on the proposed Bayside Ilrprov€sent District No. 4 conatruction. l.lr. Hickey advised that bid6 for Phase I con8truction of Bayside Inprorrement District No. 4. received in the Office of the City Clerk oa February 25. L968. in copliance with bid advertiseoent, wcre ched<ed and tabulated (Sheet B-1 Bid rabulation sumary; ) Counci 1 is therefore requested to arard the folloring sctredulesof construction to the low biddere: Schedule #4-u to Wenrick & Aaaociates, for uaderground atorE drainage, aanilary rswer, water distribution ayatema, in ttre aount of $101,339.9O; Schedule #4-S to East Bay Excavating Co., Inc., for paving, curbs,g"utters, sidelvalks, in the amount of 559,364.0O; Schedule li4-l to East Bay Excavating Co., for the construction of a two- lane blacktop surfaced road, in the anount of $38,75O.00; Schedule {*4-g to E. F. Iauritzen, Inc., for the construction ofthe four lane Airport Boulevard Bridge, in the amoutrt of $90,030.00; further, that the contract for the construction of Schedule #4-8,fire alarn Eystem, be arrarded to the Anza Pacific Corporation inthe amount of 96,000.0O, exercisit{, t}te right as t}re property cirner to conEtruct the work approrrinately $4O0.0O bele ttre lorbidder on that scheduled; and that the conatruction work in the total amount of $395,483.9O iswithin the budget for the project. fo councilman llartin ' s inquiry concerning the lqr bid received frdlthe East Bay Excavating cunpany in cmparison with those subirittedby ottrer biddera, t{r. Hid<ey advised that the cmpany haa a convenient source available for the base rock reguired and the city Bngineer,in reply to counci lman lr{artin, stated that his office rill seEk thelaboratory services of the State Division of lligtwaye to per folmtests. Rts SOWT ION !tO. 18:-68 'A Resolution of trward of Cahtracts -Bayaide Impro\rement District No. 4 - Phase I ConEtructi.on - Sctredules 4-u,4-S, 4-A and 4-B' waa introduced for paasage on motion of Counci Lnan crosby, seconded by Councilnan eeorge and adopted by the follorringRoll Call vote: Ayes: Councitaen: crosby-Cleorge-Johnson-MartinNoeB: Councitnens NoneIbsent CounciLren: Diederichsen REgOI{t TfQI NO. 19-68 "A RsBolution of Aerard of Contract -BaysideI[proveoeat DiBtrict So. 4 - Phaae I Cdratruction - tlchedule 4-E' (Anza Pacific Oo4roratior) was introduced for passage on motiqt of Counci lnan George, cecqrded \r CounciLnan crosby anal adopted bythe follqring Roll &ll vote! Ayes: Councilnen: Crosby-George-irohnaon-UartinNoeE: Councilmen: NoneAbsent councilnen: Diederichsen coitllt NIceTIoNs -7'' .r"f I 'l lY1. BURI,INGAIG SEORE I.ATD COI@AUY XEl' RBVIIBD PARCEI, I'AP APPRG'ED A cmunicatiqr fro the City Planner, dated Febru ary, 27, L968, advi sed that at a reg.trlar [eatiDE of the Planning Cqmigsidr onPebruary 26,. L968, a revised rparcel ltap " dividing the Burlingate Shore Iand Cqnpany property betr,reen Carolan Avenue and Blyshore Ilighway into three parccle, was approvcd. RESOLT'TION NO. 20-58 'Authorizing Execution of Noticc of TerEination of Agreencnt Entc rcd Into By and Bctvreen ttre CitYof Burlingane and Burlingane Shore Lnd co., Inc., otl lleptembcr 16, 1963' was introduced { counci lnan crosby, who aoved ita pasaage and aeconded by Counci lnan ceorge. A Roll call vote waa recorded as follova: Ayea: Councilnen: Crosby-Gcorge-itohnaon NoGa! councilnen: [artin AbEent Councilnen: Diedcrichsen RESOLITTION NO. 2l-68 'Rescindi ng Resolution No. 77-63 Entitledtcranting ceitlin \t riances Fro Pro\risions of the 1941 Burlinganc Ordinance code to the Burlingame Shore Iand co.. Inc. '' wa8 introduced for passage on notion of counci lman crosby, seconded by Counci lnan George and adoptcd b,y thc following RoIl Call votc: Ay6s: Councilmen: Goaby-George-irohnaon NocB s Councilmen: Uartin Absent CounciLnen: Dicdericheen RESOI,InION NO. 22-68 'Authorizi ng Execution of Agreenent By ad BetweeD ttte city of Burllngane and Burlingane Shorc Lnd 6., Inc. r was introduced for passEa on motion of Counci Lman Crosby and eecondcd by Counci lnan George. On the question, @unci lman U.ltin qucationed nembcre of the City'astaff whether tlre agrccment incorporated conditions aet forth blt Council at a prior hearing. llhe City Engineer advised that his Office had not reviaed the anended agreement and therefore l,as not in a position to c@erlt. ifhe City Planner atated that he had nadc notltion3 prcvioualywith respect to the recoincnded changee and had read a draft ofthc agreement but had not been given a cot{y of the agrecmentcurrently beforc Council. Follwing aoe diecugaion, Councj.l concurred with the recmendationof counci Iman George that thc matter bc continued to an adj ournedDeeting prior to a study meeting of Council on- [arch 13, 1968 and that in the interin, staff eetrbera review the agrecnent. 2. SEI{AGE PI,AIIT CoI{STRUCTION A c@runication frm the City lLnager, dated Februrry 28. 1968, advieedx that thc Fedcral Water Pollutl,on Oontrol Adninistration has offcred thc City a baeic Arant of $495,000.00 tow.rd the Slerragc Plant construction and has authorized also, the advertiainglfor bids. Ttle City ltanager recmendad Ulat bidr be advertised for opcning on April 11, 1968 and suggested that the City ehould have castr inthe aDount of approxinate ly $750,00O.00 available for the firsthalf of construction. A discussion aroEe on an appropriate division of the galc of bondswith Council concurring thereafter to advertise for ttre sale of bonds in the anount of $75O,0OO.OO, stipulating that said bonds be issued on an increment basie. Tthe City l{anager was authorized to refer to the Bond Counsel for advice and recmendation. 28.2 263 3. NE!{ FIRE P ION CODE A cmrunication frqa the city tlanager, dated Pebru ary 29, L968, advised that the Fire Departsent i8 ProPosing the adoption of a neu Fire Prevention Code to Lnclude both the 1965 vcrSn and the 1966 revisiona to replace the 1966 vereion and rec@ended that procedure aff€cting the proposcd change be directed. counci lnan l,lartin initiated a brief diecuesion on the wording of the first paragraph in Sub-aection 14.4a of S:ection 17, Pertainingto autcmatic aprinkler ayateos in baaenente \rhen uged for thc nanufacture, aale or storlge of cobustible goodc or 'aerchandioe.'" ltr. cilbcrt Rodli, Preaident, Brrling.nc Chanber of cdrnercc, requested that a copy of the propoaed ordinancc b€ sulnitted to the Chamber of cqoercc for tlrc lnfomation of nenbera, before an actionis taken. :[he city Attorney, clarifying the procedure in adopting a 'printedbook' \l reference, advi ged that follding the introduction of an Ordinance, a notice, publiahed in the newsPaPer ie reguired, describing the contents of the book and setting forth a datc forpublic hearing; that in addition, three certified copies of thetext of the Fire Prevention Code, incorporated by reference intothe ordinance are placed qr file with the City Clerk frora the first day of said published notj.ce. Council referred thc Ordlnance to the Fire Chief, reque8ting that thefirst parrgraph of rub-aection 14.14a, Section 17, be reryrittento clarify the anbiguou8 phraEeologry and action wae deferred untilthe regular meeting, Ittarch 18, 1968. Counci lnan [artin recmaended that copies of t]re proposed legirlation when re-r*ritten a8 directed, be forn arded to the Burlingane Chanberof Cmoerce, to tlre San [rteo-BurJ.ingane Real Estate Board, to theloca1 Institute of Architccts and to the Peninsula General Contractora. 4.RECOT{UEIDATION RE: EL CAIiINO REAL SERTTICE ROAD PROPOSED IUPROVEI'IENT A cmrunication fr6 the City Planner, dated Feburary 29, 1968, advised that the Parking Comission at its last regular rneeting, renewed deliberations on the proposal of Snyder and Ross, repre-senting the property owners on the east side of EI Carlino Rral, bet\reen Trousdale and t{urchison Drives, for a change in parking arrangementE, the renoval of the chain-link fence and the replcce- ment of trees. llhe cmunication referred to a notion wherein t,!7a four in favor and one opposing, the Parking CcmissLon recmendedthat a new plan be prepared by the City Engineer to include s (1) park-ing spaces, deeigned at an angle of forty-fiva dcgrees; (2) heightof curba. for purposes of safety and dnlnege, and (3) lElandg forthc placeuent of atreet treea and electroliers; that new treea besubstitutcd for ttroae remo\red and plantcd under the direction ofthe Parking Department r tE, yater lines and hose bibs be installed and the parking lines striped; all co8t8 thereof to be borne hryzthe applicants. Polloring diacuseion, thc City Engineer waa requeated to prGparcthe revised plan ae rec@etrded by the Parking Cqmisgion for Eub-oi,ssion to the Park Cdlission for revis and recdloendation at itsregular necting, Trhuraday, titarch 7, 1968. Ttlc subj ect matter uas continued on the Council egenda for coneldera-tion at the regular neeting, Aprit l, 1968. 5.KAT PATCH II C DANCE PERITIT An applicatLon t'as r.celvcd fro lrlrs. Llnda P. ilohansen, ffrter ofXat Patch II, 1205 Burlingame Avemle, dated Pebruary 27, 1968. l,irs. Johansen, in attendance, wae advieed that the application will be e84 refcrred to the Pire, the Police and Health Departaents aarequired try code, for inapection of the prenises. The City Uanager waa reque3ted to refer the application to tlreapproprlrte departments for report to Counci I at the regular nectlng on l{arch 18, 1968. 6. SENATE BIL'/ NO. 231 A c@nunication dated Pebruary 17, 1968, was acknowledged frolthe @unci1 for Governnental Responeibility, bearing ttre eigaatureof l{ucella aracob8on, requoating the endorsement of Senatc BillNo. 231, elarifying an existing lar to aaaure tlrat controla onfilling and dredging rill reuain ln effect until ninety daya afterthe State lcgislature adjourns in 1969. The City trLnager waa reguestcd to include the subject on the @uncilrtudy neeting agenda, ilarch 13, 1968. RECESS A receaa was declared by the Chair at 9:3O p.n. oALL TO ORDER :fhe meeting reconvened at 9s5O p.m . RESOI/UIIOIS None ORDIXAIICE S - Conaideration thercof s oRDInANCE No. 877 rAn ordinance Anendi ng Section 3.12.020 of the BurlingDe ffunicipal Code by Increaaing the Penal $rn of the Pidellty Bond to bc Executed by the city TrcarurGr r ua8 given ite second reading and upon Eotion of Counci lDln lrlartin, seconded }ltr oounci lnen Cros\2, sald Ordinance paecrd it8 sccond reading and waa edopted bry the folloring vote: Ayes ! Counci lnen : crosby-Cieorge-alohnaon-l,tartinNoest CouncilDen: None Absent Councilmen: DLedericheen OnDMAIICE S - Introduction thercof: ORDINANCE NO. 878 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the llunicipal Code of thecify of Briliagame By Mding Subparagraph 39 to Section 13.20.010 and Providing for an Interaection Stop at the Interaecbrl of Oar( Grove Avenue and Carolan Avenue i waa introduced and given itafirgt reeding by Counci Lnan Martin. UNFI}IISEED BUSINESS I RECTOR- CADIIJ..ACE REVOCEBIIE PERIIIT llhe City Attorney adviaed, in reply to an inguiry fro counci lnan George, concerning the encroachmcnt by R€ctor-cadillac upon clty-c:red property, that a revocable pernit is on his deak for procereiag. BURIJINGAII{E EILLS AIIIIEXATION CounciLDan lr{artin, @uncil-Burlingarnc Eills Iuprovement Associationllaison apoke on his recent meetl.ng wlth memberg of the hrrlingltneHills Improveuent Aa8ociationc' Annexation c@ittee and that copies of ninutes talen at ttre necting will be made available toCouncil. In reply to Oouncil, Cotrnci hrn gartin adviaed that a nunber of probleos, incrmbent upon property annexationa, have been resolved. 1. ABAG GEI{IERAL ASSEITIBIJY REPORT Counci lnan fartin, Council-Aesociation of 6ay Area Governmentaliaison, referred to hi8 attendnace at the cencral Aseembly aeetingof ABAG, at wtich time the Executive C@ittee.a report recqmended 2. 265 that (1) the laEt neeting on the budget be set for Ittay r (2) that the Aasociation be authorized to engage its drn Counsel to inveatigate thc 'alleged' eobezzleoent I (3) a further audit be authorized atta (4) the 'prlnciples' of ABAG be reaffirmed. In conclusion, Counci lnan uartin recoended that counci I araitfurther developtrent. 3. SEI.ECTIQT CIIY EAI,I, ARGITECT concuEing with a reccmcndation fro tlre Chair, counci I gcheduled the adjourned ueeting of rlarch 13, 1968 to select aa architect forthc construction of a new city Rall, neeting f,rst in an executive seesr.on at 7:30 p.m. NEI| BUSIITESS 1. REPORf, RE: IiiAYORS CGIIICIL t{ayor Pro Terrpore Johnaon, aPPointed tDr Uayor Diederichsen to repreaent the City at the last neeting of the San l,tateo county mncl l of llayora, reported in sde detail the action taken by the Itryor8,r council, including ncminations to fill a vacan(ry on the Bay Area Rlpid Transit Cmisalon and ncminations to an Election Refom Cdnittee. councilman Johnson e)qrreaaed her obJection by reaaon of a prior directive frcn council,, to being placed in the Position of caating ttre only negative vote in an unaniooua action to Pemit the delegate frd the East Palo Alto lnrnicipal Council lirited votingprivi legee. the propriety of alloring delegatesfro unincorporated areaa voice in the llayora' council waa congideraDly discussed, t ith Counci Ithereafter conceding to the request of Uayor Pro TemPore Johnsonthat its original stand be reverged. counci lman crosbt, thereupon noved that the dissenting vote be reecinded and recast a8 favoring the delegate fr6 East Palo AItolitunicipal Counci 1 being exte rded linited voting privilegea. Tihe motion wag seconded \r Counci lnan George and a Roll CalI vote rccorded as follorr: Ayes: Councilmen: Crosby-George-Johnson-ltartin Noea: @uncilmeo! None Absent CounciLnen: Diederichsen ACKNOWLEDGEI,IEI{TS :ftre Chair acknoledgcd receipt of uinutes fro the Eealth, safety & Traffic Cml.aeion, the Parking Couission end the PlanningCmiggionr reportr fro thc Burlingue Police Departrent, th€Burlingue Public Library and a brochure entitled rNarcotica Inquiry Report. ' CITY CL,ERK.EI,TPIJOYEES BOND At the requ€lt of Counci Inan litartin, the City l.lrnager sas dircctedto place the Eatter of the clty clerk'E and clty Elaployees r bonds on ttre study nscting agenda. An Crnm'IEllT fhe Deeting waa regularly adJ ou.rned at 1O:5O p.D. tp neet on l$edncrday. llarch 13, 1968 at 8:0O p.rl., preceding the Etudy neeting. Rospectfully suhitted, 7ze, -/'*' *r:,-- r''/1,-t;ERIERT K. I{EITE, City Clerk APPRO\IED: IIAYOR PRO TBII.TPORB CSARLOTTE i'OHNSOII