HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.09.08*gr Burlingame, California September 8, 1970 CATL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame given date. The meeting was called william J. Crosby. City Council was held on the above to order at 8:1O p.m., by Mayor PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIAIICE At word from the chair, P1edge of Allegi.ance to ROLL CALL all in the Council the Flag. Chamber arose and gave the Anstrup-Crosby-Johnson-Itlangini-Uartin. None. Present - Ab sent Councilmen: Councilmen: MINIITE S The minutes of the regular meeting of August 17 , L97O, submitted to Council members previously, were approved and adopted. BIDS S IDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAI"I (1e70-1e71) contractors' bids received in response to advertisement for the Sidewalk Repair Program 1970-1971 project were opened at 1O:30 on August 26, L97O, and declared as follows: BIDDER annual 4.m., Venturini Trucking-Grading Honesto Paving Co. A.V.C. Paving Co. Casey and Fogli Co. co.$11,103.20 \2,755.OO 12,855. O0 14, 100. O0 Engineer's Estimate $11, 992 .00 A communication from the Director of Public Works, dated August 26, L97O, recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, the venturini Trucking and Grading Company, in the amount of S1I,103.20. A footnote memo from the City Manager, dated september 2, with the recommendation. 1970, concurred RESOLUTION NO. 85-70 "Awardin g contract - City Sidewalk Repair Program - 1970-1971 - Job No. 7O-8" (Venturini, $11,f03.20) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CaIL. HEARINGS (a)WEED-RUBBISH ABATEI4ENT P ROGRAM 1970 Mayor Crosby announced that a report of the cost of the weed and rubbish abatement program for 197O has been sutrnitted by the Superintendent of Streets and declared the hearing open to enter objections from those opposing the assessment. No one appearing who objected to the filing and to the adoption of the weed abatement report, the hearing was closed. RESoLUIIION NO. 86-70 "Fixin g Assessment for Weed and Rubbi sh Abatement, 197O" was introduced by Councilman Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon RolL Call. TOTAL BID 858 (b)RENA},IING BAYSHORE HIGIIWAY AIID BAYSHO RE BOI'LEVARD The Chair announced that public hearings had been scheduled on this date to consider the following recommendations of the Planning Commission: (1) fhat the street presently designated Bayshore Boulevard be renamed .._t,* Tulape Boulevard, and (2) lrhat the Bayshore Highway from its beginning- at Millbrae, a short stretch (extension of Broadr.itay) the unnamed road on the perimeter of the City park property and the present AirPort Boulevard to its junction with Lang Road be named Ol<i Bayshore Eighl'ray. BAYSHORE BOI'LEVARD Council having seLected for first consideration of Bayshore Boulevard to open the hearings. the from the City Planner to initiate discussion. Hearing no protests from the audience on the Rollins Road, the Chair declared the hearing RESOLUTION NO. 87-70 "Ch anging Name of Bayshore Boulevard to Rollins 1972, was introduced thereafter passage, seconded by Councilman Roll CaIl. the proposed Chair invited renarnJ.ng comments The city Planner explained tha t the so-ca1led "service road" adjacent to the Freeway on the west side begins at the Broadway Overpass extending to the City of San l.tateo, and that subsequent to considerable study and a public hearing, the Planning Comnission reconunended that the name Tulare Boulevard be substituted for Bayshore Boulevard. Mayor Crosby made the observation that the logical name for the street would be "Rol1ins Road " the southerly extension of the Rollins Road north of Broadway, and the City Planner, in reply to inquiries from the Chair, confirmed that property numbering can be made continuous. Conmenting upon the objections that have been received frqn property olrners, and referring particularly to an objection from the Japanese- American Citizens League on the proposed "Tulare" Boulevard, the latter because of their internment during the war years at TuIe Lake, the Chair invited Council comments. Council members, in turn, expressed approval to the suggestion that "Rollins Road " would be appropriate. A communication was acknowledged from George A. and PauI c. Smith, owners of property located at 639 Bayshore Boulevard, dated September 2, 1970, opposing the reconunended name change, stating that a different name may create postal problems and the necessity ttrereafter to replace street signs would be an unwarranted expenditure. recommended closed . change to Road " to become effective .ranuary 1, by Councilman Martin, who moved its Mangini and unanimously adopted upon Mayor Crosby opened the hearing on the matter of renaming the Bayshore Highway and Airport Boulevard to "Old Bayshore Eighway " by inviting those in opposition to speak. Representatives from firms located on Airport Boulevard addressed Council to protest the reccxnmended street name "Old Bayshore Highway " r,rith the majority advising that their respective companies urere repre- sented throughout the nation and the name "Airport Boulevard " associates their particular business in an area adjacent to the airport and there- fore enhances their position nationally. Those speaking in protest represented the following firms on Airport Boulevards compar Corporation, a national distributory company; BAYSHO RE HIGHhIAY 858 Panotor. Inc., an international corporation; Interswitch; Dataservi San Francisco Lease Automobile Auction, Inci Special system Company, James Rector Company r Hybrid Electronics, Environmental Science Associates and Willi.am J. Purdy. There were no further verbal protests. Mr. Richard Grey, Vice-President, Consolidated Test & Equipment, 1330 Bayshore Highway, spoke on his prior pleas to Council thatstreet name "Bayshore llighway " be retained; that he would be in of the one n.rme, if the selection rrra s "Bayshore Highway"; if the decision is to "split" the street, he would prefer that Bayshore and Airport Boulevard remain as is. Inc. , the favor Ilighway :I'he City PLanner, in response to inquiries from the Chair, advised that "Bayshore ttighway " is the officially designated name for the streett the recommendation of the Planning Conunission to add the word "Old" (Bayshore Highway) was based on the fact that it is more frequently referred to as "O1d Bayshore Highway. " The City Planner commented on the decision and to further designate perirneter of the park. of Council making the roadway along importanee a name for a the The Chair thereafter declared Council for comment. the hearing concluded and referred to Councilman Amstrup reconunended that the existing names be retained and that the naming of the small strip (Broadway extension) should be the sole concern of Council. Councilman Johnson stated that the original preference of council was that the entire street be given one name and the matter was referred to the Planning Conunission for recommendation, that in heari.ng protests from those firns who are establishing their enterprises on Airport Boulevard, she was in favor of retaining the name and suggested that the entire subject of street-naming changes be abandoned. Councilman Mangini, questioning the City Planner with respect to the extent t]le city would be involved in cost to change the street names, was advised that expenditures woul.d be negligible. councilman l'lartin stated that the key issue is that there will be one street extending from Peninsula Avenue to Millbrae and the street, therefore, shouLd bear one name: Airport Boulevard is not visible to cars traveling from Broadkray to the Bayshore Highwayr the name will create confusion with Airport Boulevard in the City of San Bruno and in referring to those agencies objecting to the changing of Airport Boulevard. advised that the designation of the street will not be sign-posted on the Bayshore Highway. Councilman ltlartin urged Council to take this opportunity to the one name and to consider the advantages to the City by the one name for the entire length of the street. Uayor Crosby requested statements from Council concerning (1) the current Airport Boulevardi (2) the naming of the Broadway strip; (3) the inclusion of the word "Old" with the "Bayshore and (4) the naming of the park area roadway. e stabl i sh s electing reta ining extension Highway" councilman [angini expressed preference that one street name be selected; that he was concerned, however. with the incumbent costs to those firms with national commitments and he would, therefore, favor two street names. 360 Councilman Amstrup stated that he would have no obi ection to name "Bayshore Highway " commenting that insofar as the Local are concerned, this particular area v/ould always be referred "Old Bayshore Highway. " In reply to the Chair, the City Clerk confirmed that the fulfilled ordinance requirements and will present a bond tion of Council approval . Councilman Johnson stated that as a matter of preference she favored "Old Bayshore Highway. " Following further discussion, Councilman uartin reminded council that the roadhray along the perimeter of the park cannot be officially named until it becomes a dedicated street and that if Airport Boulevard and Bayshore Highway are to be retained, the only action required of Council is the naming of the Broadway Extension strip. lrhe City Attorney referred to a preparation of a resoluti.on by his Office proposing the changes in the names of both the Bayshore Highway and Airport Boulevard as recotnmended by the Planning CoNnission and requested a directive from Council. RECES S A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:30 p.m RECONVENE MEETING llhe meeting was reconvened at 9:40 p.m . BAYSHORE HIGHWAY "(cont inued ) At the request of the Chair, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution naming that parcel designated as the " Broadway Extension"as "Bayshore Highway" for Council consideration at the September 21st Council meeting. A communication from Morris Bach, dated August 19, 1970, submitted an application for a license to conduct a oneday auction sale from his warehouse located at 31I California Drive, on Septeniber 13, to dispose of surplus apartment house furnishings. A comnunication from the Police Department, under date of August 25, 1970, submitted a favorable report on the reliability and responsibility of the applicant and recommended that the license be granted. the street cit izens to as applicant has upon notifica- Councilman Amstrup referred to a ner'rspaper advertisement in Sunday's newspaper announcing that the auction would be conducted on the specified day and questioned such procedure prior to an action from Council. Ur. Bach, in attendance, advised that he has met all requirements and because of a matter of meeting a "deadline" to dispose of the furnish- ings , he placed the advertisement in the nevrspaper at his own risk. An inguiry from Councilman Martin to the City Uanager policy established by Council to request departmental reports, was referred to the City Attorney. concernLng a inspections and Reading a section from Chapter 5.12 of the Ordinance Code, the City Attorney confirmed that with respect to the application and the investi- gation of the appli.cant by the Police Department, the procedure thus COMMT'NICATIONS 1. UORRIS BACII AUCTION APPLICATION '361 far in this instance was correct. Councilman Amstnrp expressed his objection to of an irnpending auction and being required to the issue is before Council thereafter. reading an announcement render a decision when !tr. Baeh expressed his regret on his premature action, stating that if he had been so informed when sutxnitting his application he would have deferred advertisement. A motion was introduced by one-day auction be granted Johnson. Councilman Mangini that the permit for a to the applicant, seconded by Councilman On the question, Councilman Uartin expressed concurrence with the statements made by Councilman Arnstrup, that in fairness to the applicant, however, he would not object to the issuance of a permit, with the understanding that the Offices of the City Clerk and the City Treasurer be instructed to advise future applicants that appro- priate procedure requires that approval must be first obtained from Council . A vote on the motion carried, hrith Couneilman Amstrup abstaining. A conununication from wil,liam E. Jenkins, 2111 Roosevelt Avenue, dated August 25, 1970, appealed the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a variance to construct a five-unit garden-type apartment at I51l Newland s Avenue . The Chair announced that the applicant has requested that Council consider the issue at its October 5 meeting. The city Planner advised that the code requires that an appeal received by council frqn a decision of the Planning Conunission, must be scheduled for hearing at the Council meetingf following; Council is privileged, however, to continue the subject on that date to an ensuing meeting. A communication was read from Mrs. D, Bellevue, 700 !.{orningside Drive, trtillbrae, advising that she has applied for a permit to conduct a dancing school at 1853 EI Camino Rea1, Burlingame, for the purpose of teadring young children to dance and subsequent to inspection by the Building, Fire and Health Departments at her request, their specific requirements have been met. The City Planner advised that the use requested is permitted zone and that the applicant was informed by the Office of the collector that her request, classified under the category of License" requires council action. in a C-I License " Amusement fhe City Attorney confirated that under Chapter 5.15 of the llunicipal Code, a license is required and that the operation of a dancing school (place of public amusement) must first reeeive the inspection and the approval of the ltealth, Fire and Police Departments. Mrs. Bellevue, the applicant, was recognized by the chair and in report- ing on plans to conduct classes in dancing and in exercising, advised that it was her understanding that she should take the initiative in requesting inspections and that the premises are currently being altered to meet code requirements. 2 . WILLIA}I E . JEIiIKINS APPEAI RE: APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AP ARTI,IE}IT 3. REOUEST PERMIT TO CONDUCT DANCING SCHOOL, 1853 EL CAI.4INO REAL EA8 A discussion departmental arose on the policy of Council to first authorize inspection reports during application processes. Irlrs. Bellevue spoke on the inconveniences a delay vrould create especially insofar as obtaining an early student sign-up. !,1r. Bellevue requested Councilrs consideration in approving the issuance of a permit pending receipt of the inspection reports. uayor crosby thereafter referred to Council. Councilman uangini stated that in view of circumstances, if it is 1egal1y permissable to approve the application conditional upon receipt of favorable inspection reports, he would consent. Councilman Johnson concurred . Councilman llartin suggested that it may be prudent to reverse the poli.cy of Council by permitting applications autqnatically referred to departments for i.nspection and report. A motion was introduced by Councilman Johnson that the permit to conduct a dancing school be issued to tlrs. Dee Bellevue, upon condi- tion that favorable reports are received from the required departments, lfhe motion was seconded by Councilrnan Mangini and unanimously adopted. COUNC IL POLICY CHANGE RECOITII.{ENDD Councilman llartin initiated discussion on his suggestion that inspec- tions be automatically processed by departments at the request of City staff. The City Attorney stated that there would be no objection to process- ing some of the applications received under this procedure and may expedite an action particularly when an application is received too late for Council disposition at a regular meeting; Counci}, in addition to inspection reports requested by staff mentbers, may alsodirect other agencies to submit inspection reports. The City l*lanager commented on the obsolete code sections regulating "amusements" and referred to a memo from the City Planner, dated September 2, captioned "Revision of Code Sections - Re: Licenses (Chapter 6.16) " recommending that the entire chapter be revievred and rewritten to provide appropriate guide-lines. Councilman Amstrup ments necessary in suggested that perhaps a printed booklet on require- filing applications may eliminate processing problems. lttre City I'lanager was requested thereafter to investigate forms that may be applicable for distribution rvhen filing applications and that the subject of revising code sections affecting licenses be placed on the next Council study meeting agenda. 4 REQUEST FOR CIIY ANNEXAT ION A corununication hras read from Norman W. Kavanaugh, L47 5 Alvarado Avenue,- and Robe rt S. waligore, L46L Alvarado Avenue, within the Burlingame HiLls area, dated September 3, 1970, requesting Council consideration in annexing their respective properties to the City of Burlingame. The Chair recognized Ir1r. Norman W. Kavanaugh. who stated that the area to the west of the subject properties is the site of the Burlingame Reservoir and the Fire Station and displayed a sketch illustrating that the two properties are almost entirely surrounded by properties within the City of Burlingame. 868 1.1r. Kavanaugh Burl ingame is expressed the opinion that to be annexed to the City of the logical move. The City Planner stated that the issue of "annexation" is one of poliry; the last annexation of property within this particular area occurred in 1961; and a series of conferences held on prior occasions between the City of Burlingame and BurLingame Hills representatives proved ineffectual . lhe City Planner recalled that previous Council poLicy favored annexation of the Burlingame Hills area as a unit and that piece-meal annexation was to be discouraged and suggested that if the proposed annexation meets with the approval of Council, the subject be referred to his Office anC to that of the City Engineer for further investigation and report to Council . In a further explanation, Councilman l.tartin advised that the original reasoning of Council was two-fold: Annexation was being requested from owners of hillside properties because of the 1ot size restrictions placed into effect by the County and from owners of isolated lots $/ithin the canyon area, each location inaccessible to maintain adequate City servicing . Following a brief discussion on the applicants' submission of the pro- posed annexation to the Local Agency Fotmation Commission (LAI'CO) and the likelihood of that agency sanctioning the annexation if approval is indicated by Council, the subject was referred to the City Planner and to the city Engineer for investigation and report to council . 5. WILSEY & ILqM ARCHITECTS RE: ADRIAN COURT RESUBDMSION A communication was read from Wilsey & Ham, Architects, dated september 2, 1970. advising that documents relating to the Adrian Court project have been submitted to the City Engineer and to the city Attorney for review. A memo from the Assistant City Engineer, dated September 3, 1970, advised that the construction plans and specifications for the irnprovement of the street, vrater, drainage and other utilities have been completed and approved both by the City Engineer and the rire Chief and the performance bond in the amount of $60,000 has been specified by the City Engineer as sufficient for the project after a review of the cost estimate. The City Attorney advised that the project was approved in principle at a prior Council meeting and the subject was continued pending receipt of related documents i a revie\^, of each indicates that all have been received in proper form and resolutions have been prepared approving the final parcel map and accepting the deed of dedication of the public streets and easement. "Approving Final Parcel Map - Lots 1, 2, and 3, BLock 6, unit No. 3, Millsdale hdustrial Park and Directing Execution of Agreement to Construct Public Improvements " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Anstrup and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call. RESOLUTIoN No. 89-70 "Acce pting Deed of Dedication of Public Street and Public Utility Easement" was introduced for passage on motion of Council- man Johnson, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon Ro11 CalI . 6. BEAIITIFICATION COMMISSION IN RE: TREE PLANTING P ROGRAII1 ON BROADWAY A comnunication was read from the Burlingame Beautification Commission, dated August 25, L97O, advising that in response to a request received by the Comm{ssion frorn Mr. Paul Constantino, Broadway merchant, it was unanimously recornmended "that evergreen trees be required for street RESOLUTTON NO. 88-70 884 tree planting on Broadway, a variety of species may be planted but selection will be made frqn a list of five (5) supplied by Park Director Francard . " Questioned by Mayor Crosby, Mr. wj.llian J. Hau6er, General lr{anager, Burlingame Chamber of Comnerce, advised that the merchants on Broadway have not as yet established a definite programr Wells Farqo Bank and Ur. Paul Constantino have planted trees and the latter is hopeful that a program will be initiated on a block to blocl< basis. tilr. Hauser stated that two points were of importance in considering a tree planting prograrn: (1) Uniformity with respect to requiring the base of the tree properly finished with brick and sand, and (2) the selection of mature trees. Councilman tlartin referred to an original plan wherein each block was to be planted with the same variety of tree and questioned the intent of the Conunission in its recommendation that "selection wi}l be made from a list of five. " fhe communlcation further set forth procedure for downtown Broadway for a five point tree planting prograrn CounciL to cons ider. RESOLUTIONS None. ORDINANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINAIICE NO. 924 "An Ordinance Amendin g Sec. 4.O9.O4O of the Municipal Code and Increasing the Rate of Transient Occupancy T.rx from Four Percent to Five Percent" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Amstrup, seconded by Councilman Johnson, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes 3 Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Amstrup-Cro sby-.f ohnson-Uangini-Martin. None. None. ORDINAT{CE NO. 925 "An Ordinance Amendin g the Municipal Code of the City of Burlingame By Adding Sub-Paragraph 45 to Sec. 13.2O.01O and Providing for an Intersection Stop for Vehicles at the Intersection of Burlingame Avenue and victoria Road " was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Amstrup, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Roll CaIl vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Councilmen : CounciLmen: Ams trup-Crosby-Johnson-Uangin i-Irtartin. None. None. ORD INANCES Introduction thereof: fhe City Attorney explained the procedure in adopting an ordinance to incorporate provisions of the National Electrical Code and a San Uateo County Ordinance, advising that among the provisions is one that will. permit the use of Romex (cabling) in the City of Burlingame. ORDINANCE !IO. 926 "Amendi n9 Sec. 18-15.OI0, 18-16.O2O and 18.15.O5O of the Burlingane Municipal Code; Repealing Sec. 18.16.O3O; and Adopting By Reference the National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70-1968) 1968 E<lition, and Ordinance No. 2O4O of the County of San Mateo" (setting forth October 5, 1970, as a public hearing) was introduced for first reading by Councilman Marti.n. Following a brief discussion, the City Manager was requested to invite the Park Director to attend the next study meeting to clarify the issue. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FIRE zoNE CTIANGE Mayor Crosby advised that at a recent study meeting, advisement, the request from the ABC Realty Company change at 20 Park Road to permit the construction of and invited the City Planner to conunent. 365 Council took under for a fire zone an apartment buildi.ng fhe City Planner advised that all of the property on the east side of park Road is within a C-l District and fire Zone I; the proposed construction of an apartment house, under the current classification, would be pro- hibitive, and the suggestion that the one parcel be excluded from Fire Zone I would be improper. l,!r. stanley Stebenne, Real Estate Broker, 1120 Broadway, Burlingame, recognized by the Chair, stated that property development \^rithin the area h.rs reached an impasse and a change in the fire zone classification would afford an opportunity to enhance the property. The City Planner explained the procedure required in the reclas s if ication of properties and the incumbent complications. councilman Martin suggested that the Planning Conunission be directed to examine all C-l zoned areas that have not developed throughout the years to determine if they are incorrectl-y zoned. The City Planner confirmed that a study of C-l zones is hrarranted at some future date; that in the interim, hovrever, the Planning commission is scheduling public hearings on the recLas sification of the Corbitt Iract \,rith studies and hearings next programmed for Arundel Road and adjacent areas. Councilman Martin suggested to I{r. Stebenne that he obtain the approval of the property owners to rezone the area and thereafter petition the Planning cormnission. NEW BUSINESS The City Manager advised that a request has been received to enqage the Council Chambers for political purposes, v/herein the public may be appraised of State measures to appear on the Novedber 3 election ba1lot. and recommended that Council adopt a policy coneerning the use of the Chambers. Councilman ltartin stated that council has observed an inforrnal that Council Chambers be used for non-political activities and that political groups seek other sources that are available. pol icy sugge sted f'ollowing a diseussion on r,iho engages the Council, Chambers, wherein Councilman Mangini recommended that because of possible embarrassment, political groups be avoided, the City llanager was requested to furnish council wi.th a list of those using the council Chambers. 2. PEACE OFFICER TRAINING FIJND Itre Chief of Police presented to council a check in the amount of $1,316.38, for payment of the 1969-70 Fiscal Year allocation to the city of Burl ingame frqn the California Peace Officer Training Fund. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ltayor crosby announced receipt of the following: 1. USE OT COI,NCII CHAI*IBERS ts66 COMMUNlCATIONS 1. From the San Mateo county Fire Chief's Association, dated August 28, I97O, referring to the proposed consolidation of the existing san llateo and santa Cruz Ranger Units of the Division of Forestry and reguesting the support of counciL in opposing the consolidation. The Fire Chief, in his verbal report to Council, spoke on the dis- advantages of the consolidation and the possible personnel dranges that may lorer the standards of fire protection and affect the services of this County. "he City llanager was thereafter requested to communicate with Assemblyrnen Ryan and Britschgi, Senator Do1wig, the San Uateo County Board of Supervisors and Governor Reagan and to the State Division of Forestry solieiting their opposition. 2. From Ronald Conway, August, 1970, concerning efforts being expended through carmpaign processes to "exert pressure on Ilanoi" and requesting the issuance of a proclamation in behalf of Americans who are prisoners of war or missing in action. The communication was referred to the Office of the City Clerk for appropriate response. 3. From William A. NeLson, dated August 20. and urging that they " continue doing a good 1970, complimenting Counciljob"; 4. r'rom the City of Redwood City, dated August L7, L97O, submitting a copy of a resolution enoorsing the action of the Council of lrlayors of San Mateo County opposing the bayfront freeway. " Councilman llartin observed that the City of Burlingame has been on record opposing the "bayfront freeway " for some tirne. 5. From the Chainnen of the San Mateo County Republican and Democratic Central cornmittees, dated August 14, 1970, urging an "all-out effortto promote voter registration in San l4ateo County"; 6. From ltlrs. Lloyd A. wollmer, dated August 22, L97O, protesting the $4.0O fine for overparking in Burlingame. The Chief of Police advised that the court establishes the parking fines, 1[he City l{anager advised that he would so advise Mrs. Wollmer by communication; 7. From the Burlingame Fire Fighters Local 1872, dated August 18, 1970, referring to its communication dated JuIy 31, I97O, conveying to Council and City management, recognition of the time and effort put forth during the recent wage and fringe benefit negotiations. The comuunication gras acknowledged and placed on file. 8. From Dr. Ray L. Ferguson, dated August 22, L97O, submitting his name and qualifications to the post of the Planning Commission that may be vacated by Commissioner llhomas Sine who is seeking a trustee position with the High School District, 9. From Mrs. E. subsidize a bus Feliz, sy stem dated August 26, 1970, requesting the City to for its residents; 10. From the Peninsula Hospital District, dated September 1, 197O, thanking Council for its support of the Hospital. Districtts efforts to obtain an underground utility district along El Camino Realt 11 . A bulletin from the Goverrunental Research Council of San lr{ateo County, dated September 4, 1970, announcing its support of the San Irlateo ifunior College District's Septedber 15 bond and tax rate increase election; 12. From the Mai-l Users council, dated August, 1970, announcing a 'fNational Postal Forum" on October 26, 27, 1970, and a joint Mail Users Council and Burlingame Lions Club Luncheon tentatively scheduled on September 24, L3. From Hot Dog, dated september 4. 197O, (Lee t4endelson-Frank Buxton Film Productions) announcing a feature on chocolate mal<ing filmed at the Guittard Chocolate Company to be televised on september 26; 14. From the County of San Mateo Arts commission, dated September 3, 1970, announcing a series of dates at which time interested persons may attend to converse on cultural deficiencies, problems relating to the arts or to advance a particular arts programi 36? toa use of prepared held for 15. From the City Manager, dated September 2, 1970. refering report submitted by the Burroughs corporation relating to the the Cityr s Burroughs E4294 arrd, an analyzation of time records by ernployees operating the aceounting machine. The report was consideration at the next council study meeting. 16. From the Burlingame chardbe r of Commerce, dated Septedber 3, L97O, advising that the proposed beautification program for Burlingane Avenue, under preparation by the Charnber's Beautification Committee, will be completed shortlyt 17. From the League of California cities, of lvleeting, llhursday, september 17 , 1970, dated August 26, L97O, Notice Lake PiLarcitos. MINUTES From the Park and Recreation Commission, August 11; Beautification Commission, August 13; Health, Safety & Traffic Commission, August 13i Public Library Board, August 18, and the Planning Commission, August 24. councilman Martin, referring to the minutes from the Health. Safety & Traffic Cormnission, wherein it was recorded that 'rxr. Ted Long, Mayor of San Bruno, would meet with this Commission to discuss the program (re-cycling materials) if it is desirable, " stated that Mr. Long is Vice-llayor of san Bruno and requested the City l{anager to obtain more information srith respect to !1r. Longrs appearance at the Commission meeting. COMI4ISSION-COUNCIL-STAFF ROSTER Councilman Johnson, in acknowledging receipt of a nee, Colunission roster, noted that a nurnber of terms will expire the end of 1970 and requested that in the notice to Council advising of such expirations, the attend- ance record of each be included. ADJOURNII'IENT lIhere being no further transaction of business, the meeting was adjourned by Uayor Crosby at 12:0O o'clock midnight. HERBERT K. I{IIITE CIT]T CLERK APPROVED:t)tz;, WILLIAI{ J. MAYOR SBY _zdrlr-rrer.rA,b