HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.12.18362 Burlingame, California December 18, L972 CALt TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingameorder on the above date at 8:12 p.m presided. City Council was calIed to Mayor Victor A. Mangini PLEDGE OF ALI.,EGIANCE ROI.,,L CALL Present - Councilmen:Absent - Counci.lmen: * (Not present at ro11 MINUTES l\ms trup-Crosby-Cus ick-Mang ini -Martin* None call, arrived lat.er. ) The minutes of the meeting of December 4, 1972, previously sub-mitted to Council, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS DELAYED TEMPORARILY Mayor Mangini explained that a Council member must be present forthe entire proceeding in order to vote on a matter that has beenthe subject of a public hearing; for that reason, the hearingsscheduled for this time will be delayed unti.l Councilman lr,tartinarrives. COMMUNI CATI ONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Under date of December 13, 1972, the City Planner submitted for Councj.lrs consideration copies of three resolutions unanimously adopted by the Planning Commission, as follows: No. l0 -72 "Recommending Amendment Of The off-Street Parking Regulations Eor Apartments And Apartment Hotels. " Councilman Cusick noted there hras no provision for three bedroom,three bath units. The City Planner expressed the opinion that it would be the Planning Commission's position there should be 2.4parking spaces, the same as for three bedroom, two bath. No. 12-72 "To Republish Zoning Map. " The City Planner stated that the map has been amended and redatedto January, 1973, and that the P].anning Conunission recommends itto the Council for consideration as the official Zoning Map to beused as part of the Zoning Code. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED Mayor Mangini announced that pubLic hearings matters will be held at the regular meeting on Tue sday , ,January 2 , 197 3 . on the above twoof the City Council No. 13-72 "Making Environmental Impact Report, EIR 6-P',(18 unit condominium at 1.205 E1 Camino Real) was accepted bythe Council. RESOLUT I ONS AGREEMEN? WITH WILLIAM SPANGLE AND ASSOCIATES Responding to the Chair, the City Planner reported that the con- The City Planner 1ed the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegianceto the Flag. ) )( . .)).) sultant is ready to conunence work immedlately on the open SPace and Conservation Elements of the General PIan and also the Urban Design Framerrrork and Guidelines, aJ.1 as recited in the agreement. The Planner presenled Mr. Frank Gray, associated with Mr. Spangle, who wil} be working on the urban design study. Councilman Cusick asked if public hearings on revisions to the general plan can be scheduled concurrently with hearings on the Open Space and Conservation Elements. The City Planner explained that studies concerned with residential density will encompass a broader scope than zoning and height limitation,and the determining factor as to trhen the studies will be comPleted and the material in form for hearing is the time avail,able to staff to devote to the work. RESoLUTION NO. 95-72 "Agreement Bet!.reen City Of Burlingame And wilIiam -pangle a Associates For Plann ing Services And The Preparation of General Plan Elements" (effective date of Agreement December L9, L972, ) was introduced by Councilman AmstruP, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby and carried on the following ro11 call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-Mangini NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILI{EN: MaTtiN ORDINANCES 2. NO. 979 "Amending Section 22.08.020 Of erovlEIi{-For The Issuance of Sign Permits" reading by Councilman Cusick. The was Municipal Code introduced for first UNFINISHED BUSINESS AMENDED ASSESSMENT EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 2 (Councj.lman Martin HEARINGS arrived, approximately 8:30 p.m.) I. PACIFIC WESTERN CONTRACTORS, INC. ,'PARK PLAZA TOWERS., (a) Application for Special Permit to exceed building height limitatlon in Burlingame Avenue Area off- street Parking District. (b) Environmental Impact Report - FiIe No. 8-B. Mayor lilangini announced that thj.s was the time and place scheduled to conduct public hearings on the above matters. Declaring the hearing open, Mayor Mangini invited the ProPonents to make their presentation. Mr. Harry J. Riskas, President, Pacific vlestern contractors, Inc., expressed appreciation for the opportunity to explain the project in detail. He announced that the following persons were present to answer technical questions: Mr. Theodore C. cannis, C.E. of I. NO. 978 "An ordinance Adding Sub-Paragraph 10 To Section f:. ZEI OT6-(one way Traffic) on Leased san Francisco water Land From North Lane To BeLlevue Avenue " was given its second reading. On motion of Councilman Crosby, second by councilman Amstrup, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted on the following roll call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Ams trup-Cro sby-Cus ick -Mangini NOES: CoUNCILMEN: None ABSENT CoUNCILMEN: Martin There \,ras no one present to discuss this matter. The Chair declared a continuance to the meeting of January 15, 1973. 364 the firm of Frahm, Ed1er, & Cannis, who prepared the Environmental Impact Reporti Mr. Allan Hammer, landscape; Mr. Williarn Kuback, william Kuback Associates, Inc., Designersi Mr. John Riskas, Vice- President, Pacific western Contractors, construction. Mr. Riskas stated that the project proposes a 50 unit luxury apartment condominium, Class A type structure, the exterior wa1ls finished to carry out contemporary design. Reference was made to a drawing on display illustrating architectural design. Mr. Riskas mentioned siderralk improvements to be made at the property frontage, special security services for the benefit of the occupants and other features designed to make the complex pleasing to the resi- dents and the conununity. Councilman Cusick asked for cLarification on the actual number ofunits in the building. Mr. Riskas reported 12 one bedroom/one bath, 36 tlro bedrooms,/t$ro baths, and 2 three bedrooms,/three baths. Councilman Anstrup asked about building setback. Mr. Ilamer noted that in one area there appears to be approximately 25 feet from curb to structure but the distance will vary depending on Iocation as related to sidewalk and curb. UTILITIES Councilman Amstrup's reference to page 2, item 5, Building DePart- ment Environmental Impact Report, wherein the statement was made that "existing water mains too sma11 to provide adequate fire f loh, protection," initiated a period of discussion during which the City Engineer responded to a series of questions from the Council. He reported that on Park Road there is a 4" main, 12" on Howard Avenue and 6" on Bayshrater Avenue' that if the project is approved a }arger main will be required on the one block of Park between Bayswater and Howard. Mr. Riskas stated that the develoPers will pay a pro rata share, or pay the entire amount on the premise they will be reimbursed when the main j.s tapped to supply future developments. In response to the Chair, there we The hearing was decLared closed. Councilman Martin corunented that it aPPears the be expected to create 350 movements, as oPposed properties remained single-family in use, or an vehicle movements daily. re no cornments from the audience. The City Engineer stated the city would prefer a 12" line. It was his opinlon that the developer should not be required to absorb more than the costs of 8" and the city pay the additional between 8" and 12". PARKING AND TRAFFIC }4OVEMENTS Councilman Martin referred to the parking plan, noting that 85 underground garage spaces are proposed (17 tandem) plus three at ground 1eve1 for guest parklng. He commented on the location, within the boundaries of the parking district, and requested an opinion from the City Planner as to adequacy of parking and number of traffic movements that the project could be expected to generate . The City Planner stated that data on file in his office on traffic engineering studies made by the State Division of Highwaysj.ndicates approximately seven trips per apartment unit per day. The Planner suggested there could be fet er vehicle movements because the bullding will be close to the downtor"rn area. Further, in response to Councilman Martin, the Planner rePorted the s ame studies j.ndicate 10 or more trips per unit per day from single- f amiJ.y dwellings. deve lopmentto 60 if theincrease of can 290 .) The City Planner discussed on-street parking spaces available to the building and mentioned proximity of public parking lots. In response to Councilman Martin, the city Planner advised that the property is in a C-l District. Councilman Martin raised the issue of a residential use of the type proposed on land zonedfor commercial development, with resultant additional traffic on top of an already serious situation that exists in the dovrntown area . Councilman Cusick referred to ne\d parking requirements for apart- ment buildings recorunended by the Planning Comrnission. She sug- gested their application in the present situation, since the developer is asking the Council for a special Permit; furthermore, the proposed regulations would require a total of 96 spaces, eight more than the development offers. 1,1r. John Riskas advised that the plan was prepared on the basis of 1-I,/2 spaces to each unit. He agreed that visitor parking may be shy but this can be j.ncreased by reducing Planted areas. Mr. Riskas stated that on-street parking wiII be expanded by eight spaces as the result of new driveway construction. In response to Councilman Amstrup, Mr. Kubach reported that when presented to city staff on a preliminary basis many months ago, the project met all of the cityts requj.rements. Councilman Cusick asked if it would be possible to scale the project down somewhat. Mr. Riskas discussed economic factors that make anything less than 50 units unfeasible. LANDSCAPING )(5 Mr. Hanmer, respondi.ng tointendent was furnished aj.t was satisfactory. the Chair, confirmed that the Park Super- copy of the landscape plan and indicated RECONVENE FoIlo$/ing a at 9:35 p.m. recess at 9:20 p.m., the Chair reconvened the meeting HEARING SCHEDUIJED ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Mayor Mangini announced a continuance to the meeting of L973, of the hearing on the Environmental Impact Report to Pacific western Contractorrs project. January 15, re lating PROCEDURE The City Attorney advised that the application for Special Permit should be considered first, and then the Environmental Impact Report. A motion was introduced by Councilrnan Martin to deny the request of Pacific Western contractors, Inc., to construct a building having more than 15,000 square feet of gross floor area and exceeding two stories in height on land situated $rithin the Burlingame Avenue Area off-street Parking District. The motion was seconded by Councilman Amstrup. Mr. Joseph GeIIer, attorney for the applicants, requested clarifi- cation of the provisions of the interlm urgency ordinances. the City Attorney responded by reading the applicable sections. The motion was thereafter declared carried on the foLLowing roll call : AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup, Cusick, Martin NOES: COUNCILMEN: Crosby, Mangini ABSENT COUNCILMEN: NONE 366 Mr. Geller, upon recognition by the Chair, announced that becauseof confusion and misunderstanding on the part of the applicantrrrlth regard to the appJ.ication for Special Permit, it was his intenti.on to resubmit requirements of the inthe application will b ormal application in accordance with im urgency ordinance and that, hopefully, eard at the meeting on January 15. 11 be landscaped and mentioned benefits thatcity by reason of job opportunities that will increased sales and property tax revenues. Use Commission,te for the purpose of two miles of aftereh In response to the Chair, the City Attorney confirmed that the applicant is within his rights to resubmit the application. 2. ENVIRONI\,IENTAL II,IPACT REPORT - "SF AIRPORT TOWERS. " Mayor Mangini recogn5.zed Mr. Richard Ware representlng CharJ.es King and Associates, real estate development fifm that proposes toconstruct a l6-story office building and four leve1 parking struc-ture at 1350 Bayshore Highway. Mr. Ware referred to the f irm's Environmental Impact Report filed$rith the CounciI. He discussed construction details, advised that 22* of the sitewill accrue tobe created and wi- the by Mayor Manginj. asked Mr. Ware if he had seen a copy of the memo to the Council from the City Planner dated Decernber 15, L972, regarding the project; he replied in the negative and was furnished a copy. Mayor Mangini then referred to a comunication from Bay Conservation and Development Commission dated December 15, 1972, addressed to Carl N. swensen Company, with copies to the Council;Mr. Ware st,ated he was familiar with that communication. Mayor Mangini informed Mr. ware further that the San Mateo County Airport Land Use Commission may possibly be involved in the project. Counci.Lman Martin, Chairman of #SyBtIport Land explained that it was established by State statuof controlling land use planning within an area an airport,. The City Attorney reported that under the amended Act, which became effective December 5, L972, a new code section provides that every Iocal agency, prior to completing its Environmental Impact Report,shall consult with and obtain conunents from any public agency which has jurisdiction by law hrith respect to the project. The City Attorney expressed the opinion that before the Council can complete the Environmenta.L lmpact Report it 1s obligated to at lea6t consult with BCDC and the Airport Land Use Commission. Mr. Arthur Gensler, architect in the project, referred to the City Planner's communication and explained that he was most anxious to confer with staff in an effort to clarify the issues noted. Councilman Crosby conunented that problems of concern to staff should be resolved before the Council can be expected to take an action. with Council concurrence, Mayor Mangini thereafter declared the hearing contj.nued to the meeting of January 15, 1979. 3. 2OO PARK ROAD COMPANY Mayor Mangini announced that this $ras the time and place scheduledto conduct public hearings at the request of 200 Park Road CDmpany on the following matters : (a) Application for Special Permit to build office buildingaddltion exceeding height and gross floor area limi- tations in Burlingame Avenue Area off-Street Parking District. (b) Environmental Impact Report - FiIe No. EIR-7P ) ) )I Councilman Martin announced that he intended not to participate in the discussion nor to vote on the issue because of a possible con-flict of interest. He Ieft the dais and remai.ned seated in the audience during the proceedings. Declaring the hearing open, Mayor Mangini recognized the applicant's representative, Mr. Theodore T. Blumberg. Mr. Blumberg requested the Council's favorable consideration, under the current interim ordinance, to a proposed building addition to the existing office building at 1290 Hohrard Avenuer/200 Park Road. Mr. Blumberg stated that the proposed addition is actually two stories of offices above ground leveI parking that \^ri11 provide 18 parking spaces. Mr. Blumberg pointed out that the property is within the parking district and that on-site parking need not be provided because credits were never taken when the parking district was created. He mentioned that the attorneyrs office building at 216 Park Road, the existing office building at the corner of Park and Hovrard and the property which is the subject of the present hearing have paid yearly assessments to the parking district. He explained that the proposed addition will connect directly to the existing bui.lding at floor Ieve1s, will share the entrance of the existing building, also lavatories and elevators. Further- more, entrance to the parking area will be maintained at Park Roadwith exit at Howard Avenue; traffic exiting will be restricted to right,-hand turns to prevent motorists from attempting to cross Howard Avenue against west-bound traffic. Mr. Blumberg stated that landscaping has been expanded at staff's request and, to achieve a pleasing effect, the same architectural design of the existi.ng building will be continued to the additionwith cantil-evered columns projecting one foot over the sidewalk. He advised that the building department. has approved the columns. I"1r . Bl-umberg reported that can rent spaces to private and his associates will be sPaces . such time that the city decides it in the public parking 1ots, he at use ready to undert rite a minimum of I0 Corunents were invited from the floor. Mr. Charles No1an, 221 Victoria Road, stated that if the bank drive- in window were eliminated from the p1ans, there would be space for more on-site parking; a1so, the driveway cut will eliminate someparking spaces on Howard Avenue. Mr. William Wright, 1245 Howard Avenue, protested that the building will seriously burden on-street parking on Howard Avenue, that he will be adverseb/ affected as his building is directly across the street from the proposed construction, and that under existing con-ditions there j.s never parking available to him, his staff or clients directly in front of the building. Mr. Wrlght stated that the public parking lot on Park Road south of Howard is filled to capacity every morning shortly after 8 o'clock; he asked where personnel of the new bank and the proposed offices will find parkj.ng and urged the:Council to consider providing expanded parking before granting permits for new construction vrithin the area of theparking district. There were no further coflurents from the floor. The hearing declared closed. was Mr. Blumberg was glven the opportunity of rebuttal. He referred tothe speaker who objected to a drive-in window and explained there witL also be a walk-up window, similar to that at Peninsula National Bank and the customers, presumably, will park on the street. He agreed with Mr. Wright. in the comrnents that r,rere made concerninglack of parking in the public lots after 8:00 a.m. but stated that, from personal observation, there appears to be sufficient on-streetparking on Hor"rard Avenue. 368 Mr. Nolan stated that when the matter was heard by Commission, Mr. Blumberg made the statement that a wj.ndow was part of the contract negotiated !,rith the Councilman Cusick inquired as to the numbewiLl be lost on Howard because of the new advised probably four or five. P lanning ve -innk tenant. f parking spaces that veway. Mr. BLumberg thedri ba Mr. Richard Condit, 5920 Skyline Boulevard, owner of the traveL agency in Mr. Wright's building, asked when improvements in the parking situation can be expected in the downtown area. Mayor Mangini explained that the consultant's report and recommendations will be forthcoming shortly. rn response to Councilman Anstrup, staff reported that the parking lot behind the buildings on Howard is a 16-hour lot. The City Engineer reported no problems relating to sewer service in connec-tion with the proposed building. Councilman Anstrup asked if drawings were available for Councj.l, other than the sma11 mimeograph sheet. The City Planner stated he rras furnished one set of plans. Mr. Blumberg advised that the building department was given a complete set but that no additional copies were requested. Councilman Crosby suggested that Council should be furnished at least a site plan. RECONVENE FoLlowing a recess at 10:55 p.m., the Chair reconvened the meeting at 11 :10 p.m. Councilman Cusick referred to item *4 on the EIR form havinq to do with removal of structures. She pointed out that the property was improved with a building which was demolished prior to Council receiving the EIR and asked the reason for the question being included on the form. She also asked if a permit is required for structure removaL. The city Engineer confirmed that a permit must be issued by the building inspector prior to demolition. The City Attorney mentioned that when procedures were established there eras a list of categorical exemptions from the EIR; demolitbn was onei for that reason, the building inspector can issue apermit. He stated that one reason the question may be included is to protect buildings that could have some histori.cal significance; further, not every building contemplated for removal will be removed; should there be an adverse EIR, the city srould then withhold a per- mit until the City Council acted on the EIR. rodri Councilman Cusick requested the City Attorney to comnent on the applicant's proposal to rent parking spaces. The latter suggested that, for the present, it would be grossly impractical to under- take to write any conditions with respect to rental parking. A motion was introduced by Councilman Crosby to approve the appli- cation of 200 Park Road Company for special permit to construct the office building addition aL 1240/50/60 Howard Avenue. The motion hras seconded by Mayor Mangini. on the question, Councilman Amstrup objected to unqualified approvaL. He indicated that the Project had some merit but felt that the Council had a responsibility to uphold its earlier comnit- ment not to permit new buildings that might compound existing parking problems in the dorrnto$rn area. He stated that the Council should delay actlon unt,il the consultantrs report l^ras received. Mr. Blumberg stated there is some urgency from the standpoint of 3(i9 construction, it may be a year or 18 months before the city resolvesthe parking situation. He expressed willingness to furnish anydetails that the Council might desire in an effort to expedite theproject. Councilmen Amstrup and Cusick inquired concerning the columns onthe building that will project beyond the property 1ine. The CityEngineer reported the area of encroachment is not at the sidewalk;the situation is sinilar to an awning on a building that extendsover the sidewalk but the awning may be I0 to 12 feet above ground 1evel. The City Planner stated that the city owns the right of !,ray r theexisting building was permitted to extend hqrond the right of way and the proposal is to use the same design on the addition. Councilman Cusick asked if the city has the right to give airrights lease without some reimbursement. The City Attorney pre-ferred to reserve the right to verification before answering. He indicated that no one has the right to a1Iow a structure to 90permanently on the city sidewal.k. Councilman Crosby requested that more detailed drawings be madeavailable at the January 10 study meeting. He withdre$, his motion and Mayor Mangini, the second. With Council concurrence, the Chair declared the hearing continuedto the meeting on January 15, 1973. APPTICATION FOR GRANT - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Under date of December L5, \972, the City Manager submitted theapplication prepared by the Police Department for a grant from theState of California Office of Traffic Safety - Project Title "Selective Traffic Enf orcement . 'l In his communicati.on, the City Irlanager reported that the State agency is unable to approve the grant for which the city madeapplication originally but that the revised and reduced project has merit. Following considerable discussion, the City Manager was authorizedto submit the revised appJ.ication. Sergeant Quinn stated thatat the end of, the six month period he wilL evaluate the program andsubmit a report. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Mangini asked that Council submit narnes for consideration appointment to the Beautj.fication Commission by the meeting ofJanuary 2, interviews to be held at the study meeting on January to r0. TROUSDATE DRIVE,/ SEOUOIA AND MARCO POLO The Council heard a strong plea from Mr. Frank Cistulli for someform of traffic control at the above intersecti.ons. Mr. Cistullirelated incidents r.lrithin the last day or two rrhen a young boy ona bicycle and a male pedestrian t ere struck by vehicles travellingeast on Trousdale. The City Manager was requested to make a thorough . investigation. ACKNOWTEDGMENTS Police and Fire Departments monthly reports, November, 1972;City Planner report, Planning Comnission actions December Ll , \972iMinutes: Planning Commission, November 27 and December 11,Beautj.fication Commission, December 7, Park & Recreation Commission, December L2, 197 4. 370 APPROVALS On motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councilman Amstrup, warrants Nos. 1906 through 2096 in the amount of $1S9r344.88, duly audited, were approved for payment. On motion of Councilman Cusick, second payroll checks Nos. 9413 through I0r13I $253,290.54 were approved. byin Councilman AmstruP,the amount of ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regub.rly adjourned at 12 Midnight to an Executive Session on litigation matters. Re , t wh tea City Clerk APPROVED: A- t;-+t/Victor A. I{ahgini, Mayor