HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.02.05I 249 Burlingame, California February 5, 1968 CAL]., TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council r*as held onthe a.bove given date. Meeting caIled to order at 8:00 p.m., Mayor Diederichsen in the Chair. PLEDGE OT' ALI,EGIANCE At word from the Chair, allthe Pledge of Allegiance to the Council Chamber arose Flag. in the and gave Present - Absent Counci lmen: Counci lmen : Crosby-Di ede ri chsen-George-alohns on-Itlarti n None MIAIUTE S The minutes of the regular meeting of January 15, 1968, sutEnittedto Council previously, r.rere approved and adopted. HEARTNG BAYSIDE IiI,IPROVEII{EMT DI STRI CT NO. 4 ACSUISITIONS AND I}lP ROVEMENT S llayor Diederichsen announced that this was the time and place scheduled to hear protests relative to acquisitions and improve- ments proposed within Bayside Improvement District No. 4. Mr. Richard Hargrove, representing the lega1 firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, submitted for filing, a statement frqn the project engineer setting forth his qualifications and work experience and surmnarizing the methods used in spreading the assessments toinclude all properties within the boundaries of the District. A cornparison made try Councilman Martin between the project engineer's original estimate of total costs of acquisition, work and improvements and expenses incidental thereto, with the final estimate of the engineer before Council on this occasion, indicatedthe costs were identical. The Ci ty Eng$neer advised that during consultations with the engineer of work, a change was made from the original assessment and he could not verify therefore, whether the adj ustments had been incorporated into the final report. Concluding that the information available is insufficient, Council concurred to continue the hearing to Wednesday, February 7, with aclarification on the issue of the assessment costs sulmitted to Counci 1 in the interim. COMMUNI CAT I ONS 1. RECREATION CENTER PROGRESS PLANS A memo from the City Manager, dated alanuary 31, 1968, advised that I*1r. Kingsford Jones has reported that in order to design the heating plant for the Recreation center, the sutrnission of his amended preliminary plans and estimates to the Recreation Cormni s- sion will be delayed briefly. The progress report vras acknowledgedfor filing ROLL CAI;L I 24? 2. "BAYSIDE PARK.. PRELIMINARY PI,ANS A conmunication from the City Manager, dated February 1, 1968, advised that the consulting firm of Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, in suhnitting of the ceneral Preliminary Plansfor "Bayside Park" has recornmended adoption thereof by Council. Council, concurring that the Recreation Corurdssion be permitted toconfer with Council before an action is taken, requested the City Uanager to furnish each member of the cqunission with a copy ofthe plan reconmended. 3.BROADWAY-CAI,IFORNIA DR.TRAFFIC REPORT A conununication from the City Manager, dated February 1, 1968,referred to a traffic report as a result of a survey conducted bythe County Engineering and Road Department at the request of Council,to determine the feasibility of widening the north 1eg of CaliforniaDrive at its intersection with Broadway. Council concurred with the recofiEnendation of the City Manager thatthe report be referred to the Health, Safety & Traffic csrunissionfor analysis and comnent. 4 . S"IORM DRAINAGE EASE}IENT !!1I LI,S CREEK A cqmlunication frqn the Director of Public works, dated January 29, 1968, advised that L,ot 1, Block 19, Ray Park, has been recently resubdivided into two pareels and a prospective ovrner of the easterlyparcel, concluding a property survey, determined the location of anexisting tt^renty foot drainage easement. A request bras therefore submitted that the existing drainage easement be abandoned and a new one be dedicated to conform to the drainage channel. The city Engineer advised that his Office had no objection and in a memo footnoted on the cqEnunication, the City Irlanager recomnendedthe acceptance of the new drainage easement and the abandormrentof the old drainage easement as indicated. RESOLUTI ON NO. 5-68 "Acce pting Deed of Dedication of Drainage Ease- Eent From: Itenry J. cinotti and Tosca Ginotti, his Wife, Dated January 24, 1968" hras introdueed for passage on motj.on of Counci lman Crosby, seconded by Counci lman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RolI Ca1I. REsoilnI ON NO. 6-68 "Orderi ng the vacation and Abandonment of a Certain Drainage Easement Within Iot 1, Block 19, Ray Park Sub-division, Burlingame, California" was introduced by Councilman eosby, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Johnson and adopted unanimously upon RoIl Ca11. 5. SERVICE ROAD TROUSDAI,E DRTVE A cqununication frqn the Parking Cormnission, dated February 1, 1968, advised that the proposal to reconstruct the street section andparkinq area on the east service road bethteen Trousdale Drive and Itlurchison Drive, hras discussed at length at a recent meeting; a number of alternative methods were explored with no conclusion reached and it was the request of the Parking cqrunission that counciltake no inurediate action until a firm reconrnendation can be submitted . 6. OPPOSITION TO REMOVAL OF TREES SERVICE ROAD AREA T ROUSDALE DRTVE A conurunication from the Park Cqrunission, dated January 23, 1968, advised that the Cdmnission members unanimously voted againstapproval "of any eucalyptus tree removal on the east side of the ISOO block on El Camino Rea1. " Mr. Richard llargrove, representing petitioners seeking the formation 248 of an assessment district to widen the East El Camino Real frontage road bet\.reen Trousdale Drive and Murchison Drive, stated that an amended plan to preserve the trees has been prepared. The city Engineer, comnenting on the latter point, reported that of the threnty-three trees in the area, the new plan indicates nine will remain and fourteen will be removed. council thereafter concurred to withhold an action pending investigation by the Parking Cqrunission and report to council and that the amended plan be referred to the Park Conunission. 7 . CUERNAVACA PARK DEVEIJOPIT{EMI A ccErununication dated ilanuary 22, L968, from the Burlingame Recrea-tion Ccnunission requested that Council re-consider its decision onthe developnent of cuernavaca Park and include, under one contract,the installation of the proposed shelter in conjunction with the playground and basketball court. Referring to a decision concerning the cuernavaca Park Develo[roentat the study meeting of January 10, 1968, Council reaffirmed itsposition to proceed with the construction of the basketball area and to install pLayground equipment and to consider the erection of a shelter as a budgetary matter. The City Engineer confirmed his understanding that meeting his Office was instructed to prepare plans the area. at the studyfor grading Counci Iman l.tartin sugtgested, of the City Engineer include required. with Council concurring, that the plans aII the concrete \^rork that will be Mr. william Caplan, 27O1 Arguello Drive, at this time, introduced Mr. Fitzgerald as the new President of the Mills Estate Improve- ment Association and expressed appreciation to council for courtesies extended to him during his tenure as President. Mr. Caplan advised that the residents are extremely desirous that the basketball court be immediately constructed, follo^red bythe placement of the playground equipment. The City Manager \.\ras requested by Council to notify the members of the Recreation Conrmission that the matter of a "shelter" is a budgeted item. Questioned \r Councilman Crosby on the installation of a seconddrinking fountain at an appropriate location in the park area,the City Engineer advised that he would confer r"rith the Plrk Superintendent - 8. INFORMATION RE: REtr'U SE DISPOSAL A ccnurunication frcru lr{r. H. Richard O'Hara, }restern representativeu. s. Disposal corporation, dated January 23, L95A, recqunended the "incineration method " as the only permanent solution to garbage and refuse disposal and offered the services of a company engineerto confer with council. A brochure describing the prograrn andlisting cities operating under this method acconpanied the cdnmuni cati on. The City Engineer advised that there have been refinements for some yearsi however, within his knowledge, none located in western United statesi maintainence is costly and it would be difficult to obtain a suitable site. :fhe City Irlanager was requested to confer with the San Mateo Oounty Scavenger cdnDany and to so noti fy Mr. O'Hara. ?tLg Resoluti ons as follows: affecting salary increases Irlarch 1, L968,rrere presented RESOIIJTI ON NO. 7-68 "Increa dng compensation of t-he city Irlanager " on motion of @uncilman George,was introduced for passage seconded by Councilman Johnson a.rrd adopted unanimously upon RolI call. RE SOLIITT ON NO. 8-68 "Fixing and Establishing class i fi cations, Salaries and Rates of Pay of Enployees in the Classified Service of the city of Burlingame" introduced for passage on motion of counciLman George, was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll call. RESLUTION NO. 9-68 "Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Modi fy- ing the Agreement for Special Planning and Advisory Services Dated January 7, 1968" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman ceorge, seconded by Counci lman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RoII call. RE SOLUTION NO. 10-68 "Authoriziing Execution of an Agreement ith John J. Bro\^/n for Inspection Services"l,todi fying Agreement w was introduced by councilman crosby, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman ilohnson and adopted upon RoIl Cal1. RESOI,UTION NO. 11-68 "RC quiring the City Treasurer to Perform the Duties of Payroll Clerk, Prescribing fis Duties as Such Pay- roll Clerk and Fixing the comPensation for Such Duties and Rescind- ing Resolution No. 14-67, Adopted March 6, 1967" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman Crosby, seconded by council- man George and adopted unanimously uppn RoI1 ca1I. RESOTUTION NO. 12-68 "A Resolution Fixi n9the City Clerk for Special Services" was motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by adopted unanirnously upon Roll CaIl. the Compensation ofintroduced for passage on Counci lman Johnson and RE SOLUTIONS "Munic ipal Election April 9" RESOLUTI oN NO. 13-68 "Orderi ng and Calling a Municipal Electionto be Held in the city of Burlingame on April 9, 1968; Providing Voting Places and Designating Election Officers" was introducedfor passage on motion of Counci lman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoII CaI1. RE SOLITTfON fiIO. L4-68 "Resolution of coverni nS Boqy of the Cityof Burl r-ngame Reguesting County Clerk of San Mateo County to Render Specified Election Services Pursuant to Section 22003 of theElection Code and to zurnish voting t{achines " was introducedby @uncilman ilohnson, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Crosby and adopted unanimously upon RoIl CaII. ORDINANCE S - consideration thereof: ORDINAI\ICE NO. 874 [An Ordinance Amending the I'lunicipal Code of thecity of Burlingame B]z Aditing Sub-Paragraph 38 to Section 13.20.010 and Providing for an Intersection Stop at the Intersection of Frontera Way and Sebastian Drive" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adoptedby the follor*ing vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent Couneilmen : Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-I{artin Councilmen: None councilman: None RESOLUTI ONS 250 ORDINANCE S - Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 875 'AN Ordinance Amending the I'lunicipal Code ofthe City of Burlingane by Repealing Ordinance No. 800 andby Adopting a New Section 3.08.050 Fixing the Salary of theCity C1erk" was introduced for first reading by Counci lman Johnson. ORDINAIiICE NO. 876 "An Ordinance Emendin g the Municipal 6deof the City of Burlingame by Repealing Ordinance No. 8OI and by Adopting a New Section 3.12.030 Fixing the Salary ofthe City Treasurer" was introduced by Councilman Johnson and given its first reading. UNFINI SHED BUSINESS . None 1 . ST STER CITY COMII,IITTEE }{EETING Councilman ,fohnson, Council, liaison to the Sister City Comnittee, announced that the next meeting will be held in the City HaI1 on Tuesday, Eebruary 6, L96A at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Diederichsen stated that a request has been made to select a delegate from the City Council to represent the City at a Cuernavaca Festival from February 24 to 27, at which time an ambulance donated through the courtesy of Mr. H. Richard OrHara and refurbnished by the Burlingane Lions' CIub will be presented on behalf of the city of Burlingame to its' Sister City, Cuernavaca. Counci lman ifohns on stated and opportune. that the gift will be most \.re lconed councilman George, speaking frqn personal experience, expressed concern on ramifications incumbent r^rith the transfer ofvehicles from one country to another. zurther discussion concluded with Counci lman Johnsonthat council withhold an action until a report on theproject is received fron the Sister City Comnittee. sugge sting adbulance PERSONAL INJURY CIAII{ DENIED A claim against the City of Burlingame from Helen Gilpin, 126 E1m Street, San l"lateo, in the amount of $25,000.00 for injuries sustained in a faI1 upon a city sidewalk at the intersection of Park Road and Howard Avenue, was rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier, on motion of Councilman uarEin, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously carried. ACKNCI,ILEDGEI{ENT S !,layor Diederichsen acknowledged receipt of the following coununica- tions: Appreciation fron seventeen emplc4,ree s having served the City for twenty- five years and over, recently honored by the CityCouncil; an invitation to the dedication of "Ralston Ha1I" College of Notre Dame, Belmont, on February 22 as a "national historical landmark; " a dinner invitation on February 23 fron the catholic Social Services; a request frqn the Portola Expedition Bicen- tennial Foundation to support sB 2615, calling for a NationalItistoric Site for S^reeney nidge (Bay Discovery Site. ) The City Manager was requested to noti fy Senator Alan Bible, sub- ccEnmitteeman and Mrs- Spangler, San Mateo county Historical Society, of council's endorsement thereof. zurther acknowledgement included cqmnunications from the Nevada Southern University announcing a Public Administration Institute on February 17 and 18 in Las vegasr an Assoclation of Bay Area covernment meeting on February 23; appreciation to the issuance of a procl-anation declaring "national Federation of Music Week;,' NEW BUSINESS #I I'1r. Richard wolf, 525 Barbara way, objecting to a parkingcitation; a Bulletin from the Air Pollution Control Board anda League of l{omen Votera loca1 program 1967-1968; mj.nutesfrqo the Health, Safety & Traffic corulission, the Park Connris-sion, the Parking Ccrunission, the Planning Conmission and theLibrary Board and the Annual Report frqn the City Planning Cqrunission for the year 1967. A cqnnunication frqn the Division of llighways, Department of Public Works, dated January 15, 1958, notified that bids have been advertised for the construction of the Broadway Interchange temporary northbound off-ranp in the City of Burlingame. CLOSING ltayor Diederichsen addressed confiients to Mr. WilLian caplan, out-going President, Mil1s Estate Improvernent Association, counendinghis mannerism in appearing on occasion before @uncil in representing the interests of the Mi1ls Estate hme pwners and extending his good wishes to Mr. Fitzgerald, inconing Presidentof the Association. I*1r . Gi lbert Rodli ,for the year 1968, appropriate words. President, Burlingame Chamber of cmnerce, introduced by the Chair, responded with a few deri" chsen The Chair congratulated Mr. Everett Kindig, medber of the city Planning cofiEdasion, in attendance, on his recent retirenentfrqn his business association. Reporting on the accident in which Police officer Leonelli was seriously injured, l,layor Diederichsen advised that his personalvisit to the hospital assured that the condition of officerIeonelli was satisfactory. ADJOURTIMEIiM The meeting was adj ourned thereafter at 1O:00 p.m. to meet on Wednesday, February 7, L968 at 8:0O p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, K. WHITEcity Clerk APPROVED /(/L.2.,11/. Ee-rner H.'Die uayor