HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1968.01.1524L Burlingame, California iranuary 15, 1968 PI,EDGE OF' ALLEG I AIiICE At word from the Chair, all in the Council Ctrarnber arosethe Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CAtL and qave Present - Absent Counci lmen : Counci lmen : Crosby-Diede richsen-George-Johnson-llarti n None The minutes of the regular meeting of January 2, L958, in responseto advertisement, for "wa1k - Donrt Walk - Pedestrian Signals to be installed at the intersection of Burlingarne Avenue and Primrose Road Lrere announced as follorrrE: LUI"IP SUM BID Bergesen Electric Company South San Francisco $ r,376.00 Standard Electric Company san carlos 1, 500. oo tichrnond Electric Burlingame company r, 675.00 Steiny and ll.itche1, Inc. San Francisco L,747.OO Rosendin Electric, Inc. San Jose 2.862.OO R. Flatland Company San Francisco Engineer's Estimate 1,500.00 In reply to Councilman George, the City Engineer confirmed thatthe figures quoted applied to labor costs, with the City of Burlingame to furnish the electrical materials. RESOLUTIONS NO. 1-68 "Awardi ng Contract for Walk - Donrt Walk Pedestrian Signals - Rrrlingame Avenue and Primrose Road -Job No. 67-40" (lo,vest responbt e bidder, Bergesen Electric Co. $I,376) was introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman Crosby, seconded tryz Counci funan Johnson and unanimously adopted upon Roll Cal1. COMlitt'NI CAT I ON S 1. TOP SIGN FROIiIIE RA WAY- SEBASTIAN ERTVE A comnunication frcm the City Manager, dated ilanuary 11, 1958, advised that in corrjunction qrith an action to be taken by theCity of Millbrae to install a stop sign on its portion of theinterseetion of Frontera Way and Sebastian Drive, legislation has been prepared to provide for an intersection stop on the City of Burlingame's portion thereof. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council vras held onthe above given date. I{eeting ca11ed to order at 8:00 p.m., -Mayor Diederichsen in the Chair. MINUTES BIDDERS 3, 680 . O0 24?, ORDINAIiICE NO. 874 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the Municipal code of thecity of Burlingane By Adding sub-Paragraph 38 to Section 13.20.010 and Providing for an Intersection Stop at the Intersection of Frontera Way and Sebastian Drive" was introduced for first reading by Counci lman Johnson. A memo frorn the City ltanager, dated alanuary 11, 1968, referred to a comnunication received from the State Iands c€fiEni ssion under date of ilanuary 2. L968. concerning negotiations with the I-€slie Salt Company for the purpose of settling outstanding title and boundary problems in the South Bay area and o<tending an invitation to the city ofBurlingame to attend an open meeting rrith public officials and members of the Press on January 11, 1968, to elate the current status of the negotiations. A report frqn the Oity Planner to the city lttanager, dated January II, 1968, copies of which were sutmitted to council, advised of his attendance as an interested observer. The city Planner, at the request of the Chair, briefly outlined the purpose of the meeting, stating that the State LandE oi.vision iscurrently investigating bay ownership titles and that the present negotiation involves an exchange of slougha and waterways to the State for marsh land acreage proposed for development by the I€slieSalt company, exclusive of any portion of the Bay. The city Planner, in reply to counci Iman Martin's reference to theclosing paragraph in his report, confirmed that the State LandsDivision "takes the position that granta and patents to tidelands issued after a constitutional ctrange of 1867 are invalid aE againstthe authoirty of the State to convey these pror 'ies" and that if their contention is upheld, many claimed ownerships of bayfrontproperties may be in jeopardy- 3. AqtION RE: WATE R QIIALITY COIirI ROL BOARD A memo frqn the City lilanager, dated January 11, 1968, reported thatin conpliance wi th a council request, his Office has comrunicatedwith appropriate agencies to advise that the San Francisco Bay negional water Quality Control Board has formally wi thdrawn itsoriginal coEnents adversely affecting the application of the cityof Burlingame for a ten percent Federal bonus grant. In a verbal report, the City llanager advised that ttr. irohn H. Jenks,the city's consulting Engineer, under date of January 11, 1968, has directed conununications to the State water Resources control Board and to the Federal water Pollution control Administration, sutmitting copieB of plans and specifications for the construction of "wastevrater Treatment and Reclanation works " for the city of Burlingame, hrith a request that each agency review, approve and certify the eligibilityof the City Cor a Federal grant. A brief discussion arose on the considerable efforts being exPended by the City of Burlingame to meet rrater quality standards and the City I'{anager was requested by council to continue the solicitation of the additional three percent bonus grant. 4. I4ASTER P IAN FOR SCENIC HIGIIWAYS A ccnununicatj.on from the State Department of Public Works, dated ,ranuary 3, 1968, informed council that the Advisory cdrunittee on a I{aster Plan for Scenic Eighways and the State Public lvorka Depart- ment are engaged in a program to assist local governments in advancing the scenic Highway progr.rmr that as a part of this co- ordinated effort, Iocal representatives are invited to exchange information on ways to protect scenic corridors along county roads andstate high\.ays within the scenic Highway Program at a meetlng scheduled on Thursday, February 8, in the San l{ateo County Supervisors' Charnbers at 9:30 a.m. 2. STATE IANDS DIVISION RE: NEGOTIATI ONS LESLIE SAI,B CO. council concurred with a reco[unendation from the Chair that information be directed to the attention of the Chairman of Park comrission. -44 the the Preparednes s counci 1year for RESOLUTIONS - BAYSIDE NO. 4 PRGIEqT uayor Diederichsen recognj-zed Mr. Kenneth I. Jones, Attorney, representing the la&r firm of wilson, Jones, Itlorton and L,ynch, who advised, in behalf of the okners within the new assessment district "Bayside Improvement District No. 4" that two resolutions with regard to the project are before council for execution: (1) Calling for sealed proposals for the construction of Phase I of the project improvement to be received by and opened on February 26, L968. at 4:00 p.m and for consideration by Council on March 4, 1968 at 8:oo p.m.; (2) Awarding Sale of Bonds in the amount of $525,00O.00 to provide the finances for the first phase of construc- ti on. I4r. Jones explained the rates of interest, stating that in view of the current condition of the mar}(et, the average interest rate of 5.28fA is considered favorable and the property ovrners are of the opinion that it is to their best interest to provide the assured placement of the bonds so that funds will be available prior to awarding the contract for the proposed improvements. councilman Martin stated his interest in a coordinated landscape and pedestrjar and cycle paths scheme to establish uniformity withproperties of the Anza Pacific corporation and the city's Bayshore Park area. It{r. David Keyston, orrner, representing the Anza Pacific Corporation, in reply to counci lman l4artin's inquiries, advised that he had been approached by a representative from the City's consulting architects during the prelirninary studies of Bayshore Park and gave a briefreport on the progress thus far in the development of the bayfrontproperties of his company. Mr. Keyston expressed his agreernent qrith CounciLman Martin's recolEnendation that the Anza Pacific Corporation confer with a member of the City's staff to be selected by the city Manager on a land developtent plan of mutual advantage to each of the property o\^,ners. RE SOLUTI ON NO. 2-68 "A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals -Bayside Improvment District No. 4 -Phase I" (Bid opening Feb. 26 -Contract Award Dlarch 4) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded bry Counci lrnan Martin and unanirnously adopted upon RoLl call. RESOLUTION NO. 3-68 "A Resolution Awardi ng SaIe of Bonds - Bayside Improvement District No. 4 - $525,0O0 - First sa1e" introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman ilohnson and seconded by CouncilmanMartin was unanimously adopted upon RoIl ca1I. None I'NFINI SHED BUSTNESS None ![EW BUSINESS 1. CIVIL DEFENSE-DTSASTER P REPAREDIVE S S COI'NCI L Councilman eeorge, council liaison, civil Defense-Di saster Council, reported on his attendance at the recent Disaster meeting, stating that the County will not bill cities this expenditures of the Civil Defense areal office. ORDTNATiIgE S ?.44 Referring to the county-wide micor-wave cqmnunications system, Councilman George advised that his opinion that an installationis unnecessary remains unchanged, in spite of medber citiespressuring that the City of Burlingarne becone a participant The ensuing discussion brought out the fact that CiviL Defensein the City of Burlingame is well organized and efficiently operated and @uncilman George confirmed that "thiE City has conformed withall phases (of civil Defense) to afeguard itself during casesof emergency without a rnicro-wave aetup. " I'tayor Diederichsen indicated his interest in attending the next scheduled Civil Defense-Disaster Preparedness Council meeting. 2. REPORT RE: CHAUBER OF COMIiERCE councilman ilohnson, Council Chamber of Corunerce liaison, reported on her attendance at an Executive Board meeting, at which timeMr. cilbert Rodli, Jr., was elected President and Mr. P. R. (Aua) Taylor elected Vice-President for 1968 with Installation ceremonies scheduled on Friday, January 19, Hyatt House, at noon. 3. BURLINGAII{E HII.,LS IMPRO\IEMENT ASSOCIATION uayor Diederichsen reported his receipt of a comnunication frqn It{r. Sl.lvan ]4ayer, 15O Los Robles Drive, representing the BurlingameHills Improvement Association, in whtch it was requested that a meeting be scheduled between Counci I and members of the Associationto reEume discussions on annexation. tihe Chair suggested that Council meet with the group at the next'regularly scheduled study meeting on February 7th. Counci lman l,lartin, counci 1 Burlingane Hills hprovement Associationliaison, questioned the advisability of a joint meeting when a nurnber of issues are yet to be resolved and stated a preference that he be permitted first to sutmit a report to counci I on hisfindings. The City Attorney expressed an opinion that prior to renehring the conferences, council, through members of the City's staff, be advised on such issues as utility facilj-ties, strqets and sider,ralks, maintenance repair and procedure with respect to annexation proceedings. Further discussion concluded with Council requesting the City P.Lanner to compile a list of problems for review by Council at the February 7th study meeting and the Chair to notify Mr. Mayer that council will schedule a joint meeting in due course of time. RE P O RAS/ACr$ OWLE qGEI,IE NTS Uayor Diederichsen acknorrledged cqnmunications from the folloring: the Crysta1 Strrrings Chapter No. 1210, B'Nai B'Rith wqnen, District No. 4, dated Januat! L2, 1968 and in rqronse to its request to cofiEnence a membership drive, proclaimed ilanuary 2].st as B'Nai B'Rith !{omen's Dayr: the City of Red\^rood City, dated January 9, 1968, stating its endorsement of the Counci I of Mayors' position in opposing the application of western Greyhound Lines for fare increases; the city of comnerce, dated ilanuary 10, 1968, opposing the I€ague of California Cities' reconmendation to revise the current method of distributing cigarette tax revenuesi Ittrs. william F. L,anam, 1369 columbus Avenue, conunendi ng the Police DePartment for courtesies extended to the public during the holiday seasoni the League of california cities, dated January 4, 1968, re: "suggested Underground Ordinanee - conversation of Existing Grerhead utility Facilities;" a report of the Intergoverrnnental counci I on Urban cro^rth; a bulletin, entitled "Governmental Observer; " the County of San Mateo announcing a "Charter Study cdmission" meeting in Pacifica on January 18t County of San Mateo re: "Poverty Program"; reportsfrom the Burlingame Fi re and Police Departments and ltinutes from the Planning CmiEsion, the Eealth, Safety & Traffic Com-mission, the Parkihg Comtission. COU}II SSION APPOINTIIlENI S The following reappointments to the several Comtrissions were confirmed by council: 245 ward Sulge rCyrus J. r,tclti l lan - william I{.Elbert E. Hunt 1ey - Ernest w. Ben L. HechingerWilliam F. Lanam COTIIMI SSION VACANCIE S A memo from the city uanager, dated January 11, 1968, set forth the date of February 5 for the submission of names for vacancies on the Parking comnission and the Park comni ssion. WARRANT APPRC'VAL January, 1968 warrants, Nos. 9828-10000 and Nos. 1 - 3, in thetotal amount of $142,7LO.67, duly audited, were aPproved for payment on motion of counci Lman crosb,l, and seconded by Councilnan Johnson. PAYROLL APP RO/AI., Deceliber, 1967, payroll warrants, Nos. 6137-6644 in the amount of $14L,557.26 were approved on motion of Counci lman Crosby and seconded by Counci lman Johnson. ADJOURNMENT There being no further transaction of business, the meeting \.ras regElarly adj ourned at 9:55 P.ro. Respectfully sulmitted, J{r-1"4c-4/Ah HERBE RT K. WHITECity Clerk APPROVED ///zor-, s)Vrerner II. Di Uayo 12ederichsen r Civil Service Health, Safety & TrafficLibrary Board Parking District