HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2022.02.17CITY 0 Raoawteo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Holzman at 7:00 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Milne, Ardito, Chang, Holzman, Brunello, Pappajohn, and Wettan None Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Manager Acquisti, Recreation Coordinator Bliss, Parks Supervisor Holtz & Recording Secretary Helley Commissioner Wettan requested the following change to the December 16, 2021 minutes under 8b. Staff and Commissioner Reports, second paragraph to read "Commissioner Wettan reached out to user groups, OLA and Lacrosse, and requested contact information for St. Catherine." Commissioner Brunello made a motion to approve the December minutes with changes to read: second paragraph to read "Commissioner Wettan reached out to user groups, OLA and Lacrosse, and requested contact information for St. Catherine." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wettan, and the motion was approved. 7-0. 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022 None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Community Center Programming Survey Results Recreation Coordinator Bliss introduced herself to the Commission and gave a brief background on her work experience. Bliss previously worked for the City of Burlingame about five years ago. In the interim, she worked in Moro Bay and the City of Pacific with teens and seniors, facility rentals, special events, and during COVID, she was involved in Pacifica's Senior Meal Program. Coordinator Bliss shared the results of the recent Community Center programming survey to ascertain what the community would like to see programmed in the new Center. The survey was distributed via Facebook, City eNews, Nextdoor, and Burlingame community groups and generated 203 responses. The survey asked the community to choose what type of programs they or their family would like to see offered in the new Community Center. When analyzing the responses from the community, staff was able to identify the top requested program areas. The top 6 choices were low impact fitness, fine arts, hobbies, music, dance, and language. The top choices are consistent with the 2018 survey, where the top choices were fitness, creative arts, special events, performing arts, and languages. The gaming/streaming option did not receive significant votes. However, the response from the teen population was low. Therefore, staff will be conducting additional outreach to this population. Also, on the survey was a question about additional services the new Community Center can provide. The most popular answers were Passport Renewal and drop -in hours, which will allow the community to enjoy the new maker's space, tech lab, senior lounge, and various workspaces. Coordinator Bliss noted that staff is utilizing the information from the survey to recruit new instructors to engage the community with classes they are interested in and encourage them to participate in the program offerings. Coordinator Bliss concluded by thanking the Commission and inviting any questions. Chair Holzman thanked Coordinator Bliss for her report and opened Commission discussion and comments. Commissioner Pappajohn thanked Coordinator Bliss for her report and hard work. She was curious about the drop -in times and the possible fee/cost involved. She asked if it would be possible to have times with no charge as there are so many places on Burlingame Avenue where people have to pay. Coordinator Bliss said that drop -in for the senior lounge would be free. She noted that the fee could be associated with an activity such as bicycle repair where the instructor needed to be paid. Chair Holzman asked if there was any duplication of respondents between the current survey and the 2018 survey or if this survey reached an alternative group of people. Recreation Manager Acquisti stated that in the time between the two surveys, there was some turnaround in members 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022 of some of the groups that the Department reached out to, such as the Mother's Club, PTA groups, etc. Commissioner Wettan asked if the Department would try to do an ongoing extension of the survey, such as a suggestion box to obtain ideas from the community. Coordinator Bliss noted the Department would continue to survey as the programs are concluded to keep up to date on the community's interest. Wettan suggested reaching out to those living in apartment complexes as there is a concentrated source of possible responses and input from those residing there. Commissioner Brunello thanked Coordinator Bliss for the time it took to put the presentation together and appreciated the breadth of the responses. He inquired about the passport renewal because it scored high. Director Glomstad said the Library offered the service; however, during COVID, they were unable to do it. When the Library offered the service, it was very popular. Recreation Manager Acquisti noted that the survey also asked about other services such as blood pressure screening. In addition, there will be a police sub -station on site. Commissioner Milne asked about the youth that did not appear to be fully responsive and asked if YAC could spearhead outreach to make the Teen Scene a vibrant and active room. Coordinator Bliss expressed being excited about the Teen Scene and noted she will be overseeing the YAC and would love to see teens come to the Center. She noted that this could be done with word of mouth via YAC. Commissioner Milne also suggested free drop -in time when it is cold or windy outside for children to play. Coordinator Bliss agreed and noted several cities on the Peninsula offer that as well. Milne asked if anything was revealed from the new survey that was not something the City already offers. Coordinator Bliss noted she was recruiting a new guitar instructor and noted the music classes are very much requested. Manager Acquisti noted there were requests for dog training and that Coordinator Bliss is recruiting an instructor. Commissioner Brunello asked if there had ever been any programs offered that allowed community members to interact with the Chief of Police, the Fire Department, or the Mayor. Coordinator Bliss recalled having offered an afternoon or evening with the Mayor who would chat with different groups. Director Glomstad said that a Conversations with Council program occurred in the old Recreation Center where Council members would rotate meeting with different groups such as youth and seniors. Staff noted that this would more than likely be returning when we are in the new Community Center. Chair Holzman inquired about a food cart to draw people into the Center. Glomstad noted that, at this time, there would be no food service. Wettan asked if the Department asked people if they were interested in teaching something. Acquisti noted that was part of the survey. Pappajohn would like to see high school students sharing their skills with others in an instructive capacity. Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022 Commissioner Ardito asked if there was any discussion about extended hours on Friday and Saturday nights to allow teens to have access and early morning hours for seniors. Coordinator Bliss noted the Department is working on the facility hours. Commissioner Chang asked if there has been any pushback from local businesses that offer similar classes. Coordinator Bliss has not had that experience and noted that the Department does its best to fill the blanks in programming to the community. b. Financial Analysis for Youth Programming Manager Acquisti gave a brief background on the staff report and noted in November 2021 staff presented an update on Elementary and Middle School Youth sports to the Commission. The presentation focused on the impact of the pandemic and how the Department pivoted to offer sports programs to Burlingame's youth. At that time, the fiscal impact was unclear since the season had not concluded, and staff said they would return in the New Year with financial analysis for after - school programming, including enrichment and sports. When the pandemic began, the Department worked to create alternatives to traditional programming. Traditionally, youth sports were in gyms (and outside depending on the sport) and part of the North County Recreation League (NCRL). The pandemic sports programming was done outside and not as part of NCRL. Enrichment classes were held in classrooms and then canceled and offered online when the pandemic occurred. In the fall of 2021, the schools opened onsite programming. Manager Acquisti noted the information is a three-year review starting in 2018 with enrollment and revenue numbers sorted by season. She also stated that after a full year's revenue, staff would report back to Commission. The charts in the Staff Report showed the impact of the COVID closure. Staff is using outdoor space and City parks to augment the program due to limited access to the school gym. Fall of 2020 revenue show low numbers, however, the trend is in the upward recovery direction as evidences by Fall of 2021. Commissioner Chang asked if the participant numbers were at capacity. Manager Acquisti confirmed this to be the case. He also asked about the revenue per participant, seeing it to be dramatically higher. Acquisti stated the fees were raised minimally to cover some the costs of cleaning/sanitizing and scheduling our part-time field monitors to ensure all the responses to COVID guidelines were being followed by the participants and any other participant's spectators/parents/guardians. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported that City Council approved the Robert Barry words. The Top Golf agreement is progressing and may be ready for Council review at the end of March, and if approved, it would be about eight to twelve months before construction begins. The Victoria Park 4 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022 ribbon -cutting is scheduled for March 3; Arbor Day is on March 7 at Village Park, and spring registration will start on March 2. Manager Acquisti reported on the ongoing implementation of the new registration system and the reservation portion for picnics, fields, and tennis courts. She also reported that the Yellow Flag program for the public to report dog feces, digging, etc., would begin on Monday in Washington Park. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Brunello reached out to BYBA and BGS to schedule a time to meet with them. Commissioner Wettan has met with all three user groups OLA, Lacrosse, and St. Catherine. Commissioner Chang noted he and Commissioner Ardito attended the first meeting of the Alpine Playground Committee and are excited to be a part of the process. Chair Holzman noted that Victoria Park was almost completed, and the ribbon -cutting would be soon. She also noted that the Anson Burlingame Public Art project would be opening soon. She contacted Mercy High School and spoke with the new athletic director. Commissioner Milne reported he attended his first Parks Foundation Meeting in the capacity of a liaison from the Commission. He noted it was nice to see how much the Foundation has grown in fundraising and applauded the efforts and progress. The Foundation is interested in ideas of goals for the Foundation from the Commission and interested parties. One suggestion was to have the Foundation cover the cost of the running power to the Robert Barry Art installation. Commissioner Ardito reported she reached out to Burlingame Soccer Club but had not heard back. However, she wanted to commend Senior Management Analyst Hager for the wonderful work she has done with the Alpine Playground Committee. She is excited about the plan proposed for a relatively small space. Commissioner Pappajohn reported that Coordinator Houghton had reached out to her to help find volunteer callers for the Senior Bingo program. She was able to find a community member who could help when the program resumes. Commissioner Pappajohn presented the idea of having "Guest Callers" once a month to keep the program interesting, such as having a Commissioner, Council Member, etc., to engage with the senior population. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm via zoom webinar. Respectfully submitted, 5 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022 Joleen Helley Recording Secretary Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes February 17, 2022