HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.08.03gs6 Burlingame, california August 3, 1970 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame given date. The meeting was called Crosby at 8: 05 p.m. City Council was held on the above to order by uayor william J. At r"rord f rom the Chair, PJ.edge of Allegiance to in the Council Chamber arose Fla9. all the and gave the lltre minutes of the regular meeting of July 20, L97O, submitted to Council members previously, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS A communication dated .fuIy 27, 1970, received from lrtr. J. Robert Notz. Jr., President and Chief Executive, Edinburgh West, advised that the corpor- ation, having encountered numerous obstacles that cannot be resolved in establishing the proposed art center, wish to withdraw its application for an amusement perrnit and a business license. The request was acknowledged by council and the subject matter r,ras with- draldn from the Agenda. 2. A}INEXATION-PORTION SKYLINE BLVD. Irlayor crosby announced that this r,ras the time and place scheduled by Resolution of Council to conduct a public hearing on the arnexation of uninhabited property designated the "westerly one-half of Skyline Blvd. " The City Engineer advi.sed that the project rras proposed several years ago and that recent proceedings were initiated by Council to annex a westerly portion of Skyline Boulevard, north of Uargarita Avenue to Trousdale Drive, an unincorporated area under the jurisdiction of the county r the easterly portion is within the City of Burlingame and the hearing this evening is to consider protests, if any. The City Attorney advised that he had directed a communication to the city Attorney of the city of San francisco, together with information pertinent to the issue, with a request that the information be sub- rnitted to the concerned department and that on this occasion, if there are no protests forthcoming f rorn the orrner, the matter can be concluded. There being no protests entered, either verbally or in r.rriting, the Chair declared the hearing closed. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present - councilmen 3 emetrup-Crosby-Johnson-Martin. Absent - Councilmen: Itangini. councilman Mangini. on vacation, was excused. II{INUTES 1. ED INBURGIT WEST AII{USEUENT APPTICATION WI THDRAIIN lfhe City Attorney confirmed that this is a protest hearing and that the only protestants that may be heard are those holding title to properties within the described area; litigation reports reveal the City and County of San Francisco to be the sole owne r of property. 337 ORDINANCE NO. 922 Approving Annexation to the City of Burlingame of Uninhabited Contiguous Territory Designated 'westerly ! styline Boule- vard Along l.{. E.25I" was introduced by Councilman ilohnson for first reading. PENINST'LA EARLY LEARNING CEMTER RE: AII{END}IENT TRANSPORTATION CONDITION (Under Communicat ion No. 1) Mr. Brian P. Burns identified himself to council as an Attorney representinq the interests of the Learning Center and recalled prior circumstances under which the permit was approved and reviewing particularl-y, the condition to the permit "that the students be transported to and from the school in a transportation van. " Ir{r. Burns advised in some detail, the heavy burden imposed upon the school, financially and administratively, by continuing this method of transportation and requested that Council consider an amendment to the condition to allow students to be transported to and from school in a car pool arrangement consisting of no more than four cars at any one delivery. Discussion was initiated by Councilman uartin, who questioned the adequacy of space available to cars that are entering or leaving the grounds. Ihe City Planner, in reply to Councilman Martin's inquiry advj-sed that four cars arriving simultaneously can be comfortably aceommodated. Councilman Martin stated that he was concerned with traffic problems that may arise when cars are leaving the school grounds particularly during the morning houre. !{r. Burns stated that the administration would be agreeable to accepting any limitation that may be set by Council; that the welfare of the children is of prime importance and that if Council so desires, hours of arrival and depaEture may be arranged on a staggered basis. Further discussion concLuded with Council approving the request that students be transported to and from school in car pools and upon conditions that motorists to the area (1) do not block the El Camino Real, or (2) back out onto the E1 camino Real. BURL INGAUE AVENUE AREA OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT - PROJECT 1969-1 Mayor Crosby recognized I!{r. Kenneth I. Jones, Bond Attorney, Wilson, Jones. uorton & Lynch. who referred to an "official Notice of Sale" covering the First Sale of $150,000.00, Burlingane Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District Bonds and to bids received, opened and tabulated on this day as follows: Grande and Seatt].e, Co., Inc. Washington 1973-1996 96.4O% 73-74 75-74 7 9-80 81-96 96.31% Par 7% 7.t943% 6%64 6 3/4% 7% 7.L32L% Gibralter Securities of California Beverly tlill s , California The City lr{anager advised of the receipt of a communicati,on from the Peninsula Early Learning Center, Inc., seeking a modification in one of the conditions stipulated in a special use permit granted by Council to the corporation some months prior. BIDDER QT'OTATION t3a BIDDER stone & Youngbe rg San Francisco, California San Francisco Securities San Francisco, California First California Company San Francisco, California wiLson White, Inc., of lrial ibu l,{alibu, california 73-96 95.532% Par 73-76 77-78 79-81 82-84 85-96 96.LL22% Par 73-80 81-96 94-7L% Par 73-96 91 .50% Par 7% 7.2769* 6%6464 6 3/4% 7% 7.L32L% 6r% 7% 7.2756% 7% ?.526% I!1r. Jones advised that the $150,000.00 sale iE the first portion of the $273,380.00 in bonds to be sold and that cash payment s are stillin the process of being received. It was the reco unendation of Ur. Jones that the bid be aerarded to the lourest responsible bidder, the San Francisco Securities. RESOLUTION No. 73-70 "A Resolution Determinin 9 Assessments and Providing For Issuance of Portion of Bonds - Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District - Project No. 1969-1 - First Sale - $150,O00" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalL. RESoLUTIoN NO. 74-70 "A Resolution Awardin 9 SaIe of Bonds - Burlingame BT'RLINGAI.{E OFF-STREET PARKING Mr. Jones advised that the assessment and diagram for the Burlingame Avenue Parking Project have been recorded in the Office of the Street Superin- tendent and the published notice to pay assessments has given the or^rne rs until August 20, L97O, within which to pay assessments in cash or allow them to go to bond, that rrith the extra clerical work required in the mailing of the notices and the incumbent delay, i.t is proposed to extend the payment period to August 31, 1970. RESOLUTION !O. 75-70 "Extendin g Cash Palment Period - Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District - Project No. 1969-1" was thereupon introduced for passage on motion of Councilm.rn Amstrup, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon vote by Roll CaU. ISSUANCE DI'PLICATE BOND - COUPONS EAST UILLSDAI,E INDUSTRIAL PARK I'NIT I Itlr. Jones advised that a lost instrument indemnity agreement has been filed by teigh and Nanqf H. Fisher, owners of Bonds Nos. 768 t-o 712, inclusive and 591 and 592, East Mill8dale Industrial Park Unit No. l, requiring the adoption of a resolution to authorize the re-printing of duplicate bond s and coupons, to be re-issued to the orrners. RESOLUTION NO. 76-70 "A Resolution Direct ing Issuance of Duplicate Bond6 and Coupons - East l.lillsdale hdustrial Park Unit No. 1" \ras introduced for passage on motion of councilm€rn Amstrup, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon RolI ca1l. QI'OTATION Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District Project No. 1969-1 - First Sale - $15O,O0O" (san Francisco Securities-7 .L32]-%) was introduced by Councilnan Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call . CASH PAYI4ENT PERIOD EXTENDED 8Ss rrNrrED sTA:rEE/ltqllcq !r1Y_!Err!I4EIeNq I.{r. Itechinger advised first, of the passing of senior Kurt Bartholomaus, a prominent personage. associated with the formation of the Sister City affiliation between the city of Cuernavaca and the city of Burlingame. ur. Hechinger recalled that at the time the anibulance was delivered to the citizens of cuernavaca, members of the Cuernavaca Lions Club spoke on plans to fonard to the City, a bust of the famous l.lex ican General Itlorelos Y Pavon r the bust has just been received by menbers of the Burlingame Lions club and he was ttrerefor seeking authorization to confer with the Park Superintendent on the erection of the statue hrith a suitable plaque, in Cuernavaca Park. tlr. Eechinger was 60 authorized and the City Manager was directed to write an appropriate message of sltmPathy to Urs. Bartholomaus in behalf of Council . Councilman irohnson referred to a copy of the Minutes of the Board of Directors, U.s.,/uexico sister city Association, June 7, 1970, who met at the BeverLy Wilshire in Beverly Hills, and at which tine lrlr. Hechinger was elected to serve as Northern California Area Vice-President. Mayor Crosby, on behalf of Council congratulated !1r. Hechinger. 2. FEDERAL SIGN-SIGNAL CORPONATION APPEAL PLANNING COMI.II SS ION DECISION A communication was acknorr.rledged from the Federal sign and Signal corpoation, dated July 29, L97o, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a variance to permit the erection of a new sign in excess of ordinance requirements. the subject was held for public hearing before Council on l{onday, August L7, L97O, at 8:0O p.m. 3. RE-NA},{ING''BAYSTIORE HIGIIIilAY.. AND THE .,BAYSHORE BOI'LEVARD " A conununication, dated July 28, 1970, was read from the City Planner, advising that the matter of street name changes for Bayshore Highrray and Bayshore Boulevard has been discussed at length by the planning Commission and a public hearing on the subject was held on JuIy 27; that instructions from Council were that a single name be proposed for the entire length of Bayshore Highway and its connecting streets and that a ne!, name be reconmended as a sub8titute for Bayshore Boulevard; with respect to the latter, notices were mailed to all Property owners announcing the purpose of the hearing; a public hearing on the subject of a single name for the Bayshore Highway was held by the Commission in January of this year. lIhe City Planner advised that the Commission recommendations were unanimously adopted as follows: "T'hat Bayshore Highway frqn its beginning at I'lillbrae, a short stretch now shown on the maps as 'extension of Broadway, ' the unnamed road on the perimeter of the Burlingarne park property and the present Airport Boulevard to its junction with Lang Road, be named rOId Bayshore llighway. "' Ittayor Cro6by invited Ur. Ben L. Hechinger, President, Burlingame Sister city cortrmittee to give a report on the current activities of the SiEter City Cornmittee. COMMI'NICATIONS E40 "fhat Bayshore effective date Council action Boulevard be renamed 'Tulare Boulevard, of the renaming be fixed at one year from thein both instances. that date the of !lr. Leonard C. waldo, an official in the East of Bayshore Improvement Association, in attendance, hras questi.oned by the Chair and confirmed that the original reconnendation fron the Association kas that "Bayshore Highway " be renamed "Airport Boulevard; " that in vievr of the over- whelming number of proteste received both in the proposed change to "Airport Boulevard " and in the name change to "OId Bayshore Highway " recornnended by the Planning Commission, his letter to Council under this date, not^r recommends that the streets remain as presently named. ouring the ensuing discussion, the City Attorney remj.nded Council that an ordinance is in effect establishing a street name change procedure ia request for a street name change, that may include a name or a choice of names proposed to be substituted for the existing name, is referred to Council and a public hearing set for the second succeeding regular meetingi the city Clerk is required to mail notices of hearing to all property owners of record on the street and any action taken to change the name of a public street shall be by resolution and a copy there- after fotr^rarded to the Board of Supervisors. A brief discussion on the recodunendati.on of the Planning Commission to rename "Bayshore Boulevard " to "Tulare Boulevard" met with no opposition from Council and the subject rras set for public hearing at a regular meeting of Council on Tuesday, Septedber 8. The City Planner commented on several issues to be resolved by Council if the name "Bayshore llighway " is retained; the matter of naming a strip designated as the "extension of Broadway " in an area to be occupied in the future by a lloward afohnson complex, and the unnamed road on the perimeter of the Burlingame Park property and the City's Seuer Plant. f'he Chair requested the pleasure of Council. Councilman uartin stated that the Bayshore Highway issue has been one of continual confusion and that it was his preference that the name "Airport Boulevard" be dropped and that one n.rme be selected for the entire street. Mayor crosby concurred, adding that he questioned the addition of the to the " Bayshore Highway. " Councilman Anstrup stated that he did not agree with the recommendation that the street bear one name i there are a nutdbe r of streets abutting into the highway and that he would suggest, to accommodate the many wtto have protested, that the existing street names remain. councilman Johnson stated that she could not justify Anza Pacific properties being associated with the name "old Bayshore Highway " and that should reserve further comment until. the public hearing. !1r. David Keyston, Anza Pacific Corp., developer, stated that he had no obj ection to changing the street name "Airport Boulevard " and in refer- ring to the numerous complaints he has received from his tenants to the proposals made affecting street name changes, he a].so would prefer that the current names remain. Councilman t'lartin observed that that despite the two right-hand ur. iI. D. Patterson, within the city with the street lras connected last year and turns, the street remains continuous. 1401 Grove Avenue, spoke on other commercial areas abutting streets bearing more than the one name 341. and suggested that by removing the word "OId" from the state Highway sign on Bayshore uighway, confusion would be lessened. The public hearing on the renaming of (1) the Bayshore Highway and (2) the Bayshore Eoulevard, was thereafter scheduLed before Council on Tuesday, September 8, 1970. In reply to !1r. william J. Hauser, ceneraL Manager, Burlingame Chamber of Conunerce, concerning that ageneyt s printing of street maps, Council advised that if street name changes occur, they will not be in effect for a period of at least one and one-ha1f years to two years and suggested that he limit the number of maps soon to be printed. tt*.. ,. t llO4. LINCOLN P6PPNTV PROPOSAI., A conununication from the City PLanner, dated JuIy 2A, 1970, advised that at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on JuIy 27, a public hearing was held on the variance appLication of Lincoln Property company proposing the construction of an apartment complex on the property of the Burlingame shore Land company bounded by carolan Avenue. Cadillac way and Bayshore Boulevard; the action of the Commission was in the form of a reconmendation to Council inasmuch as the property is the subject of a prior agreement betkeen the owne r and the city. It was the unanimous recolnmendation of the Commission that the land use be approved general).y in accord r,vith the subnitted plans and that plans for the restaurant in the northeasterly area be presented for archi.tectural review prior to its approval. The subject was held for consideration bry Council at the regular meeting of Septedbe r 2L, 197O. RECESS A recess was declared bD/ the (ttair at 9:25 p.m. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 p.m. CO!,TMI'NICATIONS (Continued) 5. PETITION FOR STOP SIGN A? VICTORIA ROAD-BI'RLINGAI{E AVENUE A communication from the City l.lanager, dated 'July 30, 1970, referred to a petition filed by residents in the area of victoria Road and Burlingame Avenue requesting legislation to create a stop sign at the corner of Burlingame Avenue and Victori.a Road. The City llanager advised that the request has been approved by the Police Department and the flealth, Safety & Traffic Comnris sion. In a verbal report, the City Irlanage r stated that there is a stop sign at the intersection of Bayshore Boulevard and Bayswater Avenue and recommended that it be removed and relocated to Burlingame Avenue and victoria Iioad . lItre City llanager referred to a sketch of the intersection accompanying the petition, with a notation that "there shouLd be a stop sign at the corner of Burlingame Avenue and victoria Road for cars going east. " In reply to Councilman uartin, the Chief of Police stated that there is a distanee of from sixty to seventy feet from the Bayshore Boulevard to Victoria Road and that he was in favor of relocatj-ng the stop sign. *42 Council indicated no objection and the City Attorney hras authorized to prepare the necessary legislation. RESOLUTION WELLS FARGO BANK ASSOCIATES fhe City Attorney advised that officiaLs from the new Wells Fargo Bank on Broadvray have requested permission to use an "alley" adjacent to the new building for an egress to accosnmodate vehicular traffic leaving the new bank parking lot; certain conditions have been agreed upon, a description prepared by the Bank has been approved by the Engineering Department and the "Grant of Easement'r form has been approved by his Office. In a further explanation, the City Planner advised that an access from Chula Vista Avenue to the parking 1ot and an egress across the easement to Broadrray r"rould facilitate the traffic movement i that all that the City o\^rns is an utility easement and the proposal would be of benefit to parties concerned. The City Engineer advised that the bank will be responsible for the removal of any water meters, sehrer cleanouts, sewer manholes or power poles that may be reguired. RESOLUTION NO. 77-70 "Authorizing Execution of Grant of Easement" lras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Amstrup, seconded by Councilman ilohnson and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CaU. ltre Fire Chief advised that neighboring cities have requested the City's -adoption of a written mutual fire aid agreement, with no change in polictr from that existing in the current practice betr,reen the fire services. Councilman Amstrup referred to a cotmunication from the attorney for the San Bruno Fire Fighters Local Union, wherein a statement vras made that should the City of San Bruno be picketed by its firemen, "no such mutual aid nay be forthcoming to a local government agencl, such as san Bruno. when the alleged 'extreme emergency t or iperil' results from a labor controversy" and questioned the status of Burlingarne in relation to the proposed adoption of r+ritten mutual aid agreements. 1lhe City Attorney referred to his detailed explanation on the subject, in his letter dated July 29, copies of whidr were distributed to Councifat the last study meeting and stated that the position maintained by the National Association of Fire Fighters that mutual fire aid agree- ment6 are based exclusively on authorizations stipulated in the California Disaster Act, is erroneous. Resolutions were thereafter presented as follows for Council disposition. RESOLLTTION NO. 78-70 "Authorizin g Execution of Agreement For !{utual Fire Protection Aid Between the City of lrillbrae and the City of Burlingame" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman Martin, seconded by councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon Roll Cal1 . RESoLWION NO. 79-7O "Authorizin g Execution of Agreement for l.lutua} Fire Protection Aid Bethreen the Town of Hillsborough and the City of Burlingame" introduced for passage on motion of Councilman l.{artin and seconded by Councilman Amstrup, was adopted unanimously upon RoIl Call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 80-70 "Authorizi ng Execution of Agreement For Mutual Fire Protection Aid Between the City of San llateo and the City of Burlingame " was introduced by Councilman l.lartin, who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon RoU CaU. MIIIUAL FIRE P ROTECTION AID 34'g RESOLUTION No. 81-70 "Authorizin g D<ecution of Agreement For lrlutual Fire Protection Aid Between the City of San Bruno and the City of Burl ingame " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman l{artin, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously adopted upon vote by Ro1L Call. RESoLUTIoN No. 82-70 "Authorizi ng D<ecution of Agreement for Mutual Fire Protection Aid Bett een the state of California, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and the City of Burl ingame " was introdueed by councilman Martin, who moved its passage, seconded by councilman Amstrup and adopted unanimously by Roll CaLl vote. ORDINAIICES - Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 923 "An Ordinance Addi ng Section 25.16.14O Zoning, of the Burlingarne Uunicipal Code Providing for the or Suspension of Use Permits or Variances" $ras introduced reading by Councilman llartin. oRDINAIICE No. 924 "An Ordinance Amendi ng sec. 4.09.030 of the l4unicipal Code and Increasing the Rate of Transient Occupancy T ( From Four Percent to Five Percent" eras introduced by Councilman Johnson for first reading. I]NFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor Crosby referred to tvro items requiring an action by Council that were under discussion at the last study meeting: ALIOCATION TO BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE To expedite proposed plans for the Burlingane Avenue beautification progr.im to be undertaken by the Chambe r of Commerce in the Spring of 1971. Counci.Iman Uartin moved that a cash advance in the amount of $5O0.00 be allocated to the Charnber of Cotrunerce Beautification Committee, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. 2. STEINBECK PROPERTY ON BELLEI/UE AVENUE llhe City Uanager recalled that Counci] had been approached on the subject of acquiring the Steinbeck property on Bellevue for future Library usage and that the property is now offered for sale under multiple listing. Councilman Anstrup expressed his interest in Council initiating an action to acguire the property. Councilman tlartin referred to the large expenditure allocated in the current Library budget; suggesting, however, that an appraisal be obtained of the Steinbeck property. There being no objection from Council, the City Irlanager r^ras authorized to seek the services of an appraiser. to Title 25, Revocation for first initiated a discussion on the enforcement of the DogCouncilman Johnson Leash Law. The City Manager advised that he has conferred with the SPCA Director, Mr. Turber, who stated that he would more rigidly patrol the streets of Burlingame r that he was limited, however, in manpower and in funds that are allocated through the County of San lrlateo. Questioned by councilman Johnson coneerning the issuance of citations, the City lr{anager advised that the 1ocal police cannot issue citations but the Humane Society may do so by deputizing one of its agents. 1. 3. DOG LEASH LAI{ 844 ftre Chief of Police pointed out that an ordinance adopted by Counc5.l would delegate that authority to the Police Departnent. Councilman Amstrup referred to the nudber of occasions wherein efforts have been expended to enlist the aid of the Humane Society to particularlypatrol Burlingame Avenue, apparently to little avail. Further discussion concluded srith the City Uanager requested to invite Mr. Turber to a Council study meeting and to ascertain from the County Board of Supervisors, the funds available to SPCA. In the interim, the City t{anager was requested to again appeal to the Ilutnane society for a more intensive patrol. 4. OFFER TO PURCHASE "CT'POLA'' Councilman lTohnson referred to a communication received from Mr. Iloward S. Blitz, dated June 27, L97O, submitting a bid to purchase the cupola atop old City Hall. Ttre City lr{anager }ras requested to advise Ur. Blitz that the item is not for sale. The City Engineer advised that he has received a favorable quotation from a eEecker to start demolition processes at the old City Hall on Sunday, August 9, or Monday, August 10. Councilman Johnson complimented those members of the Cityr s staff r.rho assisted in the recent auction conducted at oId City Hall . lrtre City M.rnager reportd that approximately $1,200.OO was received in revenue from the sale of furnishings and fixtures and suggested that in view of the proposed date of the demolition of the building, Council determine a date this week to remove the cornerstone. fhursday, July 6, at 3:00 p.m.. $ras thereafter selected. COI'NCIL REPORTS Councilman Martin gave a resume of his attendance at a recent meeting regarding "so1id waste Management'r at which time he obj ected to tre Board of Supervisors being proposed as the "ruling board." It r.ras also noted that the scavenger companies have indicated a preference that cities maintain control . Councilman Amstrup reported his attendance at a meeting of the Greater Highway s (Transportation) Commission and the lack of a quorur present. Councilman Amstrup stated that there is sqne evidence that a few are still urging the creation of a "bayfront freeway. " COT4MISS ION APPO INTII{ENTS l!}re following appointments and reappointments, announced by uayor Crosby, rrere eonfirmed by council: HEAITII SAFEIY & TRAFFIC COMMISSION Robert E. lloroney Ernest W. Sulger L. wilbur smith, lreappointments 1811 Davis Drive DEUOLITION OF OLD CITY EALL councilman I{artin: Councilman Amstrup 845 PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION Robert Leahy, 1129 Bernal Avenue PARKING COMMISSION Robe rt R. La.ltlar, 421 Occidental Avenue, San llateo. The requirements for membership on the Parking Cornmission were read with the City Uanager advising that the existing vacansy may be filled by a citizen. The city clerk eras instructed to so notify the appointees. Councilman Martin suggested that the city lilanager notify Council of the expirations of Commission terms at least thirty days in advance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The chair acknowledged receipt of the following: COMMI'NICATIONS 1. Senator Randolph Collier, .Iuly 27, urging Council action in opposing diversion of the gasoline tax and referring to legislation that is "designed to benefit the two major urban areas of this State who are interested in finaneing mass transit systems." councilman llartin moved that Council support the position taken by senator Collier on the diversion of gasoline taxes and that the City llanager be directed to so notify the Senator. The motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanj.mously adopted. 2. H. c. Harmelink, International Representative, Association of Fire Fighters, July 27, referring to an opinion from Attorney Roland c. Davis, representing the Firemen's Union in the city of San Bruno, concerninq 'mutual fire aid" on occasions of labor controversies- 3 The City Manager was requested to for"erard a copy of the City Attorney's position on the subject as outlined in his communication to Council under date of July 29. Burlingame Civil service Bnployees' Association, expressing apprecia- tion to Council for recent salary increase and fringe benefits grantedt 4 Chamber of program in Commerce, aIuly 24, concerning plans for the beautification the Springt 5. Morris A. cox, JuIy 28, expressing appreciation for the presentation of a resolution on the occasion of his retirement as a Peninsula Hospital District Director; 6. Resignation of ur. william F. Lanam, JuLy 22, as a member of the Parking Commission. The resignation was accepted with regret and the City anager rras instructed to hrrite to Ur. Lanan commending his years of service to the City; 7. congressman Paul N. llccloskey. Jr., July 2A, L97O, replying to Council inquiries relative to the proposed deconunis sioning of the Coast cuard cutter "ltlorris " and advising that the "applicable law requires that a coast cuard vessel upon decornmissioning be offered first to other government agencies and only if no governmental use is appropriate does the ship becorne available for offering to private groups." 846 8. city of Antioch, July 20, 1970, reporting facts on the misinforma- tion promulgated about the recent strike of polj.cemen in Antioch for the information of all cities; 9. Chief of the Fire Department, iluly 24, expressing his personal thanks for the recent benefits provided for the employees of the City of Burlingame; 10. An invitation to the central Regional Kict(-Off United Crusade meeting, Hillsdale Inn, San Mateor and 11 . A KIIBR Radio Editorial broadcast on iluly 17, 1970, concerning recent strikes of law enforcement personnel throughout the bay area and urging city governments and Iabor unions to agree to some form of binding arbitration to resolve all future contracts. Mayor Crosby announced that i{ednesday evening, August 5 "Burlingame Night. " was designated Minutes and report from the Pub1ic Library Board, .ruly 16; Beautification commission, JuIy 9; Parking Corunission, July 22; and the Planning Conmrission, JuIy 27. llhe meeting was adjourned at Il:00 p.m., in memory of Assistant Fire Chief Harvey E. Johnson. The City clerk was requested to for*rard either a communication or a copy of the minutes to !lrs. Johnson. HERBERT K. WIIITE CIIY CLERK APIRoVED: dr/L-,*f04TROSBYWILTIAI{ J. MAYOR SAN I-IATEO COITNTY FIESTA !IINI,ITES ADJOURNMENT