HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.06.16?5'. IN TtsE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAUE C!I,'NNT OF SAN ITATEO, STATE OF CAITIFORNIA REGUIAR MEEIING lhe city council of the city of Burlingane met on June 16, 1969,at the hour of I P. !,t. fhe meeting was ca1led to order by ltayor R. D. !!artin. 1. At rrord frqn the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Upon RoIl Call, those preaent were: councilmen AnstruP-crosby- ceorge-irohngon and lilartin. 3. fhe lrlinutes of the regular meeting of June 2. L969, the adj ourned meetings of ilune 4 and June 7. L969, suhitted to membera of councilpreviously, \.rere approved and adoPted. @IO{T'NICATIONS 1. AI{USEUENT LICENSE AP PLI CATI ON A comunication frqn the ci ty lilanager, dated June L2, L969, referredto the appLication filed at the last regrular meeting by persons seeking an amusement license to oPerate a cabaret-night club tyPe of business at 1333 Hcn ard Avenue, and to reports received from the Police, the Fire and the Health Departments. An investigation made by the Police DePartment dieclosed that the applicants, R. D. Rasmussen and william H. Bazinett, are reliable and responsible business men and it waa recqmended that the license be issued. tteports frqn the Fire InEpector and the Health InsPdor confirmed that the proposed occupancy meeta zoning requirementa and that the intended usage is appropriate, provided all code provisions affectingpubllc assenblage are satisfactorily met. Iilr. John R. Blun, Realtor, addressed Council to advise that the applicantE were unable to be Preaent and that he would therefor represent their interesta. In reply to inquiries from council., Mr. Blum atated that the venture repreaents an investment of $20o,o0o.oo; that it will be operated in the manner of an old time cabaret type club, featuring small orchestras from four to seven piecea including vocalists and strictly a "Jan carber t]rpe of entertainment. t Iilr. Blum, unable to adviae on building plans lnd other pertinent information sought be Council, the Chair poUed Council fots its reaction to his recomlendation that an action be withheld until the applicant or applicants may be present. A majority of Council favoring the postponement, uayor I.tartin announcedthat the subj ects matter would be continued to the regular meeting ofcouncil on July 7, L969. 2. CITY ATTORT{EY RE: AB 1908 A cm[unication frqn the City Attorney, dated June 11, 1969, referred to AB 19Og (Airport zoning) that would permit the San Francisco InternationalAirport to exercise zoning functions within three miles of the airport ProPerty. :[he City Attorney adviaed that he was hopefu). of receiving a coplr ofthe bill from the Iegislative Bill Room for reading and considerationat the ilune 16 council meeting. 3 In a verbal report from the city Attorney, Council was advised thata copy of the fourteen-paged legislative bill has been received and reviewed by his Office; that he has been advised by the I€ague ofMunicipalities Office in Sacramento, that the Icague's Aviation Comnittee, among other agencies, has opposed the bill and that thebill has now been assigned to an interim comittee for study. lIhe City Attorney Etated that there is no irmediate action necea8ary from Council and that prior to the opening of the next. L€gislature Session, public hearings will be scheduled on the subject. JOHN I,{. FI SCH RESIGNATION A memo from the City Manager, dated June 12, 1969, advised of receiptof a written resignation frqr !tr. ,fohn !1. 8isch, a member of theBeautification Comnission. The connunication from !lr. Fisch, dated \rune 2, L969, expressed "deepregret" in submitting his resignation and stated his pleasure onbeing selected to serve on both the Park Comni ss j.on and the currentBeautification Corunission. fhe resignation was accepted with regret and a letter directed to beEent to Mr. Fisch, acknorrledging his long association aa a cmaigsioner and his servi.ce to the cqutrunity. SIDET.IAIJK REPAI R P ROGRAM ACCEPTED A conmunication dated June 12, 1969, fror the City Engineer, recolunendedthat the contract of U. Peira and Son for repairing certain citysidewalks, curbs and gutters, Eatisfactorily perfomed, be fornally accepted as cmplete. A recmnendation from the City trlanager, footnoted on the cmnunication, under the date of June 12, concurred with the recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 50-69 'Accepting City Sidewalk Repair Program -1968-1969 - Job No. 68-1I' was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Counci lraan Crosby and unanimously adopted upon Roll CalI. RE SOII'TIONS 1. PARKING IOT "A" REGUIATIONS A propoaal reconunended by the Parking Comrission to change theparking regulations on a lot contiguous to the Burlingame PublicLibrary from "two hours' to oPour hours" considered at a recentcouncil study meeting was before council for a formal action. A prepared resolution, stipulating that no person shall park any vehiclefor a "period longer than four hours between the hours of nine a. m. and s p.m. on any day, Sundays excepted r was amended, at the requestof Councilman Johnson, to also include the worda follcrring Sundays, "and holidays " (excepted. ) counci lman Johnson thereafter introduced and moved the passage of RESOr,UfrON NO. 5l-69 'Regulating the Hours of Parking on a Portion of Burlingame Avenue Area Off-street Parking I,ot A (extended) seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon rcll CalI. 2. MAINTENATiICE MECIANIC CO!{PENSATION A conununication from the city lrlanager, dated June 12, L969, advisedthat the State Cooperative Personnel Services has reconrmended thatthe main welding duties be added to the job description and the responsibility of the "l4aintenance lilechanic " and that a two and one- half percent increase be granted to compensate the additional assign- ment of dutieE. A prepared resolution Eetting forth the new rates of pay for the classificati.on "Maintenance Mechanic' was subrnitted for the considera-tion of Council. 76 4. 71' Discuseion arose thereafter, initiated by counci lman George, on the extent of the welding work performed to \rarrant the increase in salary. lhe City Engineer advised that the maintenance mechanic, qualified in bottr electrical arc welding and acetylene torch welding, services city equillDent on occasion and Particularly on street sweePer repairs. ftre city Engineer stated that \relding " was included among the dutiesof the rnaintenance mechanic when reporting to the State cooPerative Personnel Services and omitted therefrom in the job description setforth in the latter's classification survey. Reconunending that "welding " be included in the job description for maintenance mechanic, the City Engineer stated that with respect to the proposed increase in coapensation, his office had no recormrendation. Inquiries were directed by the Chair to the City Engineer, on the nuruber of occasions per month when welding is required and whether maintenance men, skilled in welding and the category listed as a dutyin their particular job description, may perform the work. T1Ie City Engineer, in reply, advised that repairs requiring welds occurfour to five times per month; that in his opinion, the maintenance mechanic is the proper person to asEume the responsibility of the main welding projects rather than the maintenance man in the field. fhe City l{at1age r, in reply to the Chair, stated t}rat the requeat isa legitimate one and it was his reconunendation that it be placed intoeffect - fhe City Uanager observed that the issue may have been one originally created by a lack of eormuni cat i on betvreen the maintenance nechanic and the street superintendent. Mayor llartin Euggested that the matter be continued until the regular meeting of iruly 7 and that in the interim, the City Engineer preparea sumary of the nunb€r of welds that were made last year and ttratthe City Manager, the City Engineer and the Street Superintendent meetto compile further data for the information of Council. llayor Ittartin stated the opinion that it rnay be proper to have welding work done in a regular service shop. Counci lman George expreesed the opinion that. small welds would be more costly by this procedure. Council thereafter concurred to withhold an action on the resolutionestablishing an increase in the compensation of the maintenance mechanic. 3. BAYSIDE III{P DISTRTET NO. 4 !lr. ceorge Keyston, President, Anza Pacific Corp., advised Councilthat in conpliance with an agrriement betrreen the City and the AnzaPacific Cory., (ilune 2, 1969) work has been cdtt treted under Schedule Iand portions of Schedule V of the Bayside Improvement District No. 4 and reinbursemeDt for "out of pocket " expenditures is thereby requested . fhe City Engineer confi rmed that the improvements are conplete. RESOqITfOMO. 52-59 "A Resolution Approving Certificate of Cost and ment Di8trict No. 4 - Schedules IOireCting nayment - Aayside Improve and Portions of Schedule V' \,raa introduced for passage on motion ofCouncilman Crosby. seconded by Councilman Amstrup and adoptedunanimously upon RoI1 Call. w..AReso1utionAcceptingcq!P1etionandDirectingEngineer to File Notice of Acceptance of cornpretion - Bayside rmprov--mend DiEtrict No. 4 - Schedule I and portions of schedul-e vr wasintroduced by Counci lman Amatrup, who moved its passage, seconded bycouncilman Johnson and unanirnogly adopted upon Roll CaI1. ?& 4. BURLINGAIiIE CIIAII{BER COMME RCE CONTRA T A cormrunication from the Burlingame Charnber of cotnmerce, dated June lI,1969, requested Council to enter into a contract with the Charnber of Cquoerce, the latter to serve as an agent for the City of Burlingame,for the purpose of inducing imigration to the city, to assist withpublic celebrations held by the Citsy at large and to generally advertiEe and promote the city of Burlingane at a nonthly fee of 9500.00, with tshe understanding that the Chamber of Cosuoerce will submit quarterlyrePorts to council. RESOI;UTION NO. 54-69 "Authorizi ng Execution of Agreement with the(I969-1970-$500 .00 ) was introducedBurlingane Chamber of cornmerce "for paseage on motion of Councilman lrohnson, seconded btr Councifutran Amstrup and unanirnously adopted on Roll call. ORDINANCE S - Introduction thereof: 1. PROPOSED REPEAI OVERNfGHT PARKING ORDINANCE An Ordinance to rescind the current legislation requiring overnightparking permits, prepared by the City Attorney at the reguest of uayor Martin at the last regular meeting, hraa presented to Councilfor first reading. Follohring a brief discussion, wherein Councilman Johnson and Councilman Amstrup each voiced their objection to the cornplete recieion of the ordinance, a public hearing on the iseue was scheduled before Council on l{onday, July 7, 1969. I'NFINI S}IED BUSINESS 1. ABANDONUENT UTILITY EASEIIENTS ( Safeway Stores) fhe City Attorney outlined the status of the proposed abandonment ofUtility Easements in East Millsdale Industrial Park and the re-location of the utility cornpanies' poles to accommodate a nerv Safeway Store in the area, advising that the matter should be resolved atthe next regular meeting of council. The city Engineer confirmed that frotn word received by his Office,the re-Iocation project should be completed in time for council to take an action at the next meeting. r'he subject matter was continued to July 7, L969. 2. PRI}IGLE " SKYLTNE TE RRACE II In reply to council inquiry, the City Planner advised that hig research through prior minutes revealed that "landscaPing " was :,-Eot made apart of the motion approving the project, that it was inEtead, a verbal agreement made by Mr. Pringle to the residents of Hunt Drive. ltayor Martin requested the City l.lanager to iasue a directive to the Fire Inspector and to the Building InsPector to check the aPartmentbuildings' safety meaaures, particularly with reference to the number of fire exits that remain oPen and whether the ventilating fans in the ggrages are operable. Counci Iman ceorge suggested that the matter of landscaping be pursued by requesting ur. Pringle to noti fy council in writing of his inten- tions . counci lman Anstrup referred to his previous inquiry concerningI{r. Douglaa Pringle's failure to landscape the grounds surroundingthis Skyline Terrace property and to a report received thereafter by the City !{anager advising his Office that }lr. Pringle haE recently expended $2,000.00 on ground improvements. I{r. Anstrup Etaled that frdll his personal visitation to tbe subj ectproperty, little improvement, if any, is noted. ?9' Councilman Crosby suggested that Mr. Pringle be invited to appearat the next regular meeting to personally advise Council. the City Manager stated that his Office would request t{r. Pringleto be present. NEW BUSINESS 1. 1969-1970 BTJDGET Councilman George, Council Budget Comnittee co-Chairman. reported onthe progress thus far in preparing the 1969-1970 budget and reconEnended that a public hearing be scheduled. l,tayor [artin reconmrended that tlro hearings be Echeduled and the dateaof July 7 and July 21, L969, were confirmed b!, @uncil. 2. AII{I'SEMENT LICENSE EXTEIIDED fhe City tjlanager having previously notified Council that the anusement lieenee of the Cricket ) formerly Kat Patch II) has expired, the Chair requested the pleaeure of Council. Councilman Crosb,], moved that the amusement license of the Cricket, operated by tilr . Chri s Vlassi s, be extended under the preEent ormershipuntil revoked for cause. fhe motion was seconded by Councilnan ceorge and unanimously carried. 3. DIRT EXCAVATION AUTHORIZED In a f ortna I action to proceed with the excavation work reguired to exPand the dump site area, the subject having been considered by Council at a recent study meeting, Counci lman &nstrup moved Chat a purehase order be issued to Arthur Haskins, Jr., employing hisservices to proceed wi th the dirt excavation trork aa outlined inhis proposal to Council under date of ilune 13, 1969. Ihe motion was seconded tryr Counci lman Crosby and unanimously adopted. 4. NEI{ TREATMENT PI,ATVT OPERATION A neno from the city uanager, dated June 16, 1969, advised thatUr. E. H. Trhouren, Regional Conatruction Grants Program Directorof the Federal Weter Pollution Control Administration, has informedhis office that the Federal covernment is requiring professional aesistance in all its grants affecting seter plant construction byplacing a consulting engineer at the plant to prepare manuals, totrain the operators and to place the plant into satisfactory operation. the City llanager recomended that the emplolment of Ur. Robert V.Bernicchi be confirmed as the consultant to asEist in the openingof the Plant and to be on calL for a period of one year thereafter,at a fee amounting to one-half of one percent of the constructioncosts, of which a portion will be reimbursed by the Federal covernment. The City Engineer, in a serieE of inquiries directed to him by theChair, confirmed that the engagement of a congulting engineer is thecurrent "procedure of operation;' that 1,1r. John Jenks' prime concern was with the design of the plant, and, because of the highly technicaloPeration of the new sewer plant facility, the Government is requiringthe training program to avoid a mis-operation. Itlayor ltartin guestioned the authorative role of lilr. Tlhouren in issuingdirectives in behalf of the Government, with the City Engineer citing,as an example, the instance of !tr. Thouren'E signature appearingon the reirnbursement check received from the Government for the SevrerPlant'E nonitoring boat and cdf,lenting, a1so, that all requests for reimbursement, are procesaed through the Office of Ur. fhouren. In rePly to llayor llartin's inquiry concerning wherein it is stipulatedin the 1aw that the appointrnent of a consulting engineer is mandatory,the City Uanager stated that his Office would request a colry of the di rective . 80 Follc ^ring further discussion, Mayor llartin recognized tilr. Bernicchi, who advised that the Federal Government apProve E the grants and under the n€!$, Water Pollution Control Act, a training Program is Dandatory. !1r. Bernicchi briefly exPlained his Position aa consulting Engineer in the starter program and hiE "on caIl" service for a period of one year, stating that once the laboratory data is correlated, there should be no problems in oPerating the plant. ltre city Attorney qras authorized thereafter to prePare an aPproPriate contract engaging the services of Mr. Bernicchi. ltre City Engineer advised Council that Ur. Bernicchi's presence will be required at the Sewer Plant on the follovring morning and in reply to the Chair's inquiry, !{r. Bernicchi expreesed his willing- ness to corunence the training program in advance of the preparation of the contract. ACKNOWIiEDGEMENTS Mayor litartin acknorrledged receipt of tll.e follorring: COUI,TUNICATTONS I. Frm the Charnber of courerce, dated June 3, 1969, exPressing appreciation to lhe llayor for the Presentation of the t{ise Burlingame Award and to the participation of the various departments in the dinner arrangements in connection hri th the recent Comtrunity Dinner; 2. From the co€n company, 1510 Rollins Road, dated June ll, 1969, corunending the City, its Police and Fire DePartmenta for theefficient manner in whi ch a recent employee ltas treated during an emergency experience i 3. From Matt vuksinich, Larrrson's Broadway Pharmacy, dated iruDe 3, 1969, suggesting severaL alternatives to provide parking faciilltiesfor merchants on Broadhray. T'he conununication was referred to the Parking Comnission for study and recorunendation to Council, 4. Prom senator Richard .7. Dolwig, dated Uay 26, L969. reporting onhis recent discussion hri th the State Division of Highways District Engineer, relating to the atatus of the proposed improvements forthe Burlingame-Broadway @erpaEs. fihe City Engineer, in reply to Mayor llartin, advised that no further word haa been received frorl the State Division of Highlrays sincethat agency reported that a plan will be presented to the City forperusal befofe it is subrnitted to the Gacramento Office. t'he Chair suggested that the City Engineer make further inquiry ofthe State Highway Division for report to Council. iIOINT EXERCI SE POWERS PENINSUI,A I{ATE R AGENCY fhe Chair referred to a communication received from T'hqnae M. iFenkinE,I{ayor, city of San Carlos, dated June L2, L969, concerning the City'spartici.pation in the formation of a voluntary agency to "plan for the unquestionable shortage of water that will occur within the foreseeable future" and to an accompanying draft of an agreement. fihe City Attorney, in reply to Mayor Martin, Etated that the agreementis in proper form for execution, noting that the agreement does notinclude a epecific provision for trnotice of withdrawal; " that a member city may withdraw from the agency, hchrever, by the withholdingof the palment of dues, a procedure not objectionable to hLs Office. Trhe City EngTineer reported on his recent attendance at a meeting ofthe san Francisco Bay Area waters Users, at which time it was announced that the Public Utilities Comission's scheduled public hearing on the proposed san Franciaco whter Department'a water rate increases had been postponed for three weeke. 8t RE SOLUTION NO. 55-69 Exercise of Pci'rers "Authorizi rg Execution of Agreement for Joint Peninsula water Agency' \raa introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman Crosby, seconded by councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon Roll caII. Ihe City Engineer advised that at the next neeting of the San Francieco Bay Area l$ater Usefs Agsociation, assessment. levies \riIl be deter:rnined to help defray costs in opposing the \rater rate increases as proposed. UTILITY I,IIYDEG ROT'ND DISTRICTS A memo from the City Planner, dated .rune 16, 1969, referred to aletter received frqn the State Public Utiliti.es Corunission in replyto his inquiry concerning the use of allocated fund s for undergroundutilities and the opinion of the PUC that the 'use of allocated fundsis subject to liberal interpretation, especially where there is mutual agreetnent between loca1 authorities and the utilities. " fhe City Planner stated that with this broader method of classification,there ie no reason Council cannot resolve a program and recorunendedthe follcning underground utility district priorities be set bD,Council: (1) Chapin Avenue, Primroae Road to El Camino Real, (Area adjacent to the ne*, City ttall; (3) Old Bayshore, and (4) Eill areasof such extent as may be feasible. In concurring krith a recomendation from the City Planner, the City lilanager rras requegted by the Chair to place the subject matter on a Counci I study agenda. RECEIil]T CENSU S REPORT A memo from the City Planner, dated June 16, 1969, advised that thetabulating printout has been completed and the actual population according to the recent census is 26,724. A cotfitruni.cation from l.lr. ceorge Sleeter, Manager, Bank of American,Burlingame, dated June L0, 1969, accompanied by brochures on the eubjectof the "Federal Income Tax Refom- Orging council comnunication with State officials to oppoae the legislation that would adversely affectthe financing of public improvements, \^ras received and placed on filewith the city Clerk for reference. CIVIC III.IP RO\TEMENT PROPOSAL A conuaunication from Earl M. Marston, l,4OA.A1varado Avenue, dated June IO, 1969, suggesting that reaidents be encouraged to improve easements adjoining their property by either reducing vrater ratesor borroring city equipment for grading, removal of excess earth and bringing in free soil, was referred to the Beautification Coruni s-sion. 2OOTII AI{INIVE RSARY TIIEME COUNE:T FAI R-FIORAL FIE STA A corurunicati.on from the San lilateo Times, announcing a specialpublication to advertise the forthconing San llateo county Fair andPloral Fiesta and urging the participation of the city of Burlingarneby contributing a atory of the City, was referred to the Chamber of Cqlmerce. MINUTE S- REPORT S Monthly activity reports fron ttre Fire and the Police frepartments, May, 1969, and llinutes of the special Planning Corui ssion tleeting con-cerning the Cityrs 'ceneral Plan' were acknowledged and placed on file. BANK OF A ERICA RE: PUBLIC IMP ROVEI'IENT FINAiICING 8g PETITION - .IOPEN HOUSING '' A petition, circulated at the Our Iady of Angels Church recently and filed by l,lr. fhsnas iI. Pders, 2730 EL Prado Road, pertainingto r'open Housing " recorunended that the (1) city council reaffim and endorse as a Statement of Policy of the City and its citizensthat all residences within the City be open and available for purchase or rent by all, regardless of race, religition, or nationalorigin; and (2) that t}le San lilateo-Burlingame Board of Rea1tora,property olvners, tenanta and all interested parties, that thepolicy of open housing, so enacted into law, be by them pursuedin fact and in practice. uayor ltartin, in recognizing the presence of Mr. Po^rerE, advisedthat the sentiments expregsed in the petition are endorsed; statingthat an official action, hohrever, cannot be taken by council. ttlr. Pcrre rs suggested that an advisory co[utrittee be appointed and that a 1lst be prepared of those residentE who are willing to sell or torent to minority groupE. ltayor llartin, in reply coruBented on the large number of individualcitizens who are working in this behalf and on his personal involve- ment at recent meetings; reiterating, that an official agency, Council can merely reaffirm its previoua stand in favor of open housing. qIE RPASS TR,AT'FI C Mr. Peter schrager, a representative of the -3urek Frozen Food a company on Burlway Road, questioned the removal of police officers stationed recently in ttre area of the Broaaray-Burlingame overpass lnterchange, stating that traffic conditions have been increasingly aggravated by their removal. trhe Chief of Police advised that officers were stationed motorists to the ehanges that have occurred when the ne$, improvernent $ras accompliEhed and that it was his opinion condit.ions will improve when the public becmes educated change. to alertpaving thatto the Mayor lrtartin, in reply to an inquiry frsn lrtr. schrager, concerning the Statela plan to improve the Overpass Interchange, stated that an estimated two years has been projected by highway officials but council is hopeful that the time period will be reduced. SEITER COUP IAINT I{r. Iruther zerga. 1101 crove Avenue, spoke on his failure to obtain emergency relief in connection with a sewer condition on Grove Avenue, through several calls to the Serter DePartment. ltre City Engineer advised that a sanitary sewer pipe problem has developed under the southern Pacific cornpany's tracks within the area and that work is in progress to alleviate the condition. the City Engineer vras requested by the Chair to ascertain if rePortE from Mr. Zerga to the Sewer Department were recorded. ABAG I,TEETING REP councilman Atnstrup, council's alternate liaison to ABAG, and attedding a recent AB,AG meeting, Epoke on the claim made by the llayor of A1bany that the passage of AB 2057 would deprive cities control of 1,0O0 feet of their bayfront proPerties. uayor uartin stated ttlat all bills pertaining to the Bay have been held in cotmrittee and that at this point,, no one can Preduct what lirnitations will be imposed by future bills proposed. 88 JI,NE I'TARRN{T APP ROVAL claims, Nos. 3O39-3224, ytont-h of irune, 1969, in the total amountof $1641296.59. duly audited, r,rere approved for palrment on motionof Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and earried. ltay Payroll warrants, Nos. 5239-5864, in the total .rmount of $199,079.12, $rere approved on motion of Counci lman Crosby, secondedby Counci lman ,ohnEon and carried. HERBERf, K. WHITE CIIY CI,E RK APPROVED: R. D. I,TARTIN t,tAYOR MAY PAYROLT APPROVAL AL'q'RIIIITENT Trhe neeting was adjourned by the uayor at lO:3O p.n. -C"L../lt-retr