HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.06.04?ir Brrlingane, California June 4, 1969 CAI,I, TO ORDE R An adj ourned meeting of the Burlingane City Council frqa the regular meeting, l,londay, Junc 2, 1959, was held on the above given date. ftre meeting wae called to order at 8:00 p.r0. r - Mayor M.rtin in the chair. ROLL CALI, Present - Council-men:Absent - councilmen: Amstrup- Crosby-George-Johnson-tlartin None The city Attorney advised council on the suit filed by the State Iands commission, through the Office of the Attorney ceneral,to clear title on certain tidelands and submerged lands, portionsof which are within the corporate limits of the City of Burlingame. Folloring a period of discussion, a motion was introduced by counci lman Amstrup, seconded by Councilman cros\z and unanimously carr5.ed, that the city Attorney be directed to remain active inthe litigation suit filed by the state Lands coturission. COI'IUI SSION APPOINTI{ENTS fhe appointment of nonlnees to fill vacancies on the several CityCmisaions, vrere confirmed by Council as follors: BEAUTIFI CATION COMI.{I SSION Ura. DoloreB Fisch, 1011 Capuchino AvenueI{r. Laurence Day, 1404 Balboa Avenue PARtrtNG COMUI SSION !lr. Horard cunderaen, 1375 gurlingame Avenue EEALTH SAFEIY & TRAFFIC COIOfiSSTON l,tr. Robcrt lloroney, 3 Hillvicw Court AA'OURN}IEIIT fhe mceting was regularly adJourned to reconvenc on Saturday, June 7, 1969, at lO:O0 o'clock, a.m. Rcspectfully submitted, K. VIHITE CIerk IIERBERT citY %z R D. ITAR3IN lleyor S?ATE OF CALIFORNIA, VERSIJS CgtNIY SAI{ l,tATEO, CITY OF BURI,MGA!,IE lM APPROVED: