HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.11.20344 Burlingame, california November 20, L972 CALL TO ORDER A reguLar meeting of the Burlingame Clty Couneil was held on the abovedate. The meeting was ealled to order at 8:05 p.m., by Mayor vietor A. Mangini. PI.EDGE OF ALI,EGIA}ICE At the Chairrs request, the City Planner 1ed the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALI. Present - Councilmen:Absent - Councilmen: Ams trup-C ro sby-Cus i ck-lr{ang ini-Ma rti n None MI N1ITE S The minutes of the meeting of November 6, 1972, previously submittedto Couneil, vrere approved and adopted, follcr,.ring an amendment to changethe name "Skitter, " shcnrrn in the 8th paragr.aph on Page 3, to rrStiggins. " PRESEMTATION - 1972 LIGHTING AWARD It lras noted that eorrespondenee had been reeeived from the EleetriealIndustry Trust of San Mateo County stating they wished to present the 1972 Lighting Award to the Burlingame City Hall at this Couneil meeting. Hcfi,rever, no representative Of Electrical Industry Trust \ras present. Mayor Mangini suggested that there may be a presentation at a later date. BTDS - SIDEWALK REPAIR PROG&AM L972 . L971 Bids for the above project, opened on Novembe r 15, L972 at 2:00 p.m.in aceordanee with published notiee, were declared as follors: BIDDE R TOTAL BID Barney's ConcreteU. Peira & Son Andero Const. co. Casey-Fogli Conerete Asphalt Paving Company Engineer's Estimate $15, 594.50 Couneilman Martin questioned the quantities shorn by the lour bidderon sidevralk and driveway, noting the second bidder was Lo?rer on these t$ro items. City Engineer Marr replied that they $rere sure of theirquantities but they will be watched very elosely to see they do notoverrun. He commented the City had previous experience with Barneyrs Concrete under another name. Resolution No. 79-72 "Awarding Contraet - Ci.ty Sidewalk Repair program -1972-1973" was introduced by councilman Martin who moved its adopt-ion, second by Councilman Crosby, and unanimously carried on ro11 call.(Barney's Conerete $14, 467.50) TIEARII{G S - EIIVTRONME}ITAL IIIPACT REPORTS Mayor Mangini announced that this was the time and place scheduled to eonduet a public hearing on four environmental impact reports, ofwhieh the fourth, Cities of Burlingame and I'li llbrae WastelraterDisposal System Project, would be considered first beeause of itsinvolvement. $14, 467. s0 L4,77 6.OO 15,460.00 16, 965. O0 25,5t2.50 315 I,lr. John H. Jenks of the eonsulting firm of Jenks and Adamson addressed the Couneil. He stated there are speeifie requirements by the Water Quality Control Board and the Federal Government for projeets sueh as this presently proposed. These include the projeet report and the EIR whieh have been presented. The hearing proeess and purpose is to eneompass adequate notiee to publie ageneies and the eneour:agement of environmental hearing input and a taped record for future referenee, In deseribing further the purpose of the hearing, he stated that itis the aim of the State Board in reguiring waste water procedures thatthis be explored thoroughly by the responsible loeal agency. This exploration must involve the eommunity served or affeeted by the project to the maximum extent feasible, The Board reeogrnized that eontroversyis no exeuse for not eleaning up water but wishes to promote reasonable eost proeedures. Speeifie reguirements are to present a statement of the projeet objeetive,deseription of alternate plans, give tentative costs, the EIR, and allotp diseussion or eonunents. He noted that the projeet objeetive had been advertised and the EIR been made pubLie. He presented for dis- cussj-on basleally four alternative p1ans. 1. Involves a single point disposal system in whieh treated effluentis taken from the two existing plants and tr:ansported to South San Franeiseo where it joins in the single outfall line off San Franciseo. 2. This involves a two point system where Burlingame and I'lillbraeeonstruet individual outfalls whieh are extended to the end of Rurnvay #I at the San Franeiseo Airport. 3. Would be to go to the highest level of treatment of outfatl that would be required to have a minimum length of single outfall 1ine. 4. Would be a system of traneporting the waste through DaLy City andto the oeean, joining with San Franeiseo in an outfall line, Mr, Jenks noted that from a eost standpoint there is about a 2-I- eostfaetor in terms of all eost operating. Capital eost for Alternatives3 and 4 and Alternatives 1 and 2 are esrsentially the same. Inrespeet to the other quantities of gualitative impact it appears thatthe alternatives are very elose also. He noted that the report finalizedthat these alternatives are elose enough so that the State Board shouldevaluate in terms of meeting their eonditions and advise whieh aLternativeis best from their standpoint. He emphasized that the main purpose of this hearing is to ascertain that there are eomments by the publie on the EfR. Declaring the hearing open, the Mayor invited eomments from the floor. There were none, and the Chair deel.ared the hearing closed. Couneilman Amstrup questioned Mr. Jenks about nehrspaper eoverage ofseveral plans for reeyelingr waste water. T\^ro State ageneies arepreparing engineering plans for large seale reeyeling of waste \rater. One involves transporting waste water upstream frorn San Franciseo Bay and depositing it in the Saeramento Delta. Horrever, this does notpreelude the possibility of a plan by the Corps of Engineers whiehwould result in San Mateo County beeoming a dumping ground forsewage. He questioned the possible relation of our Loeal plan to theseother projeeted plans. Itlr. Jenks r:eplied that originally there was the San Franeiseo Bay -De1ta program, and ther:e was one plan to make Redwood City a dump. Then there have been a series of subregrional plans of which the Projeet we are inrroLved in will beeome an integral part. There are14 sueh subregional plans in the Bay area. He believed these will be supported by the Federal Government for funding, He went on to saythe Corps of Engineers has had a pilot study, and their charge has beento look at the alternative for the entire Bay area. This alternativeprecludes the possibiJ.ity of using two locations for diseharging onthe land. This latest alternative is an ultimate objeetive type of 346 program, for possibly the Year 2,OOO. The plan would reverse the program from dumping it in the ocean and would discharge either into the Carquinez Straits or be for a large seale agrieultural irrigationprogram. This is one of the several programs specuLated. H@rever,the present loeal pt:ogram is neeessary and required to meet immediate needs, He noted that there is a plan for long range needs in this area ancl the San l,ilateo County Plani but there is nothing being eontemplated or that has been done so far that will be Lost as far as a long range program is eoneerned. Councilman Amstrup noted that the Water Resourees ControL Board and the Department of Water Resources indicate eompletion of plans by January L974, and the City does not wish to caneel out what it will do this year. Mr. Jenks replied that one of the objeetives in their working witheight of the 14 subregional eities is that they should develop programs that would represent the least commitment of resources,especially in terms of finaneial resourees. He noted they are not making any significant eommitment to anything other than outfall atthe present time. Councilman Cusiek questioned the requirements for a Federal Grant,stating she understood that any development that has more than afive-year eommitment eould lose its eligibility, and we are asking foran 8-year grant. In answer to this question, Mr. Jenks stated that possibly there willbe an amendment to the regulations. This ehange is being suggestedby staff for two reasons, the first of whieh is that there has been areevaluation in Saeramento as Lo how much money will be available thatthey ean disburse. They are looking for ways to cut dourn. The second reason is that the State Air Resourees ControL Board has soughtto use any number of means to evaluate gror^rth in areas subjeet topollution. However, he did not believe the LocaL plan would faII intothis eategory sj-nce there is no ehange in plant capaeity or intreatment Ievel. liothing is being done to generate a population increase. Tlhe outfaLl line is designed on the basis of an hydraulie need, which is constant. He noted that in eonneetion with the grant,the latest word fr:om Saeramento is that the Federal funding will be 75%t however, the State, instead of going baek to 5% funding, iseontinuing so that the final result will be 85% funding. Councilman Cusiek asked if we take Alternate No. 1 if the City muetpay for buying into the South San franeiseo Distriet, and Mr. Jenksreplied this would be neeessarly. She further queried if Alternate 2involved easements from the S. F.. Airport" Mr. Jenks stated that itwou1d. They are working on this aspeet and it involves some eonfusingproblems. There was no further Couneil eomment. The City Attorney explained to the Couneil that he had drafted aresolution that eould be used for every EfR that eomes before the Couneil. Resolution No" gl-72 "Making Environmental Impaet Report - Wastewater DisposaL system Projeet, uras introdueed by Councilman Cusiek who moved its adoption, Seeond by CouneiLman Amstrup. Couneilman ![artin. as a matter of reeord, asked i.f the City ofMilLbrae was in full aceord with this resolution. The viee-mayorof t',tillbrae, Arthur LePore, stated iL was. Millbrae City Engineer,V. F. Padovan, was also present in the audienee" This resolution was carried unanimously on roll call vote. 1. Anza Paeific Corporation S-story office buiLdinq Mayor Mangini announeed consideration of this EIR. There being noquestions or eomments from the Direetor of Publie Works, Mr. DavidKeyston, developer, was aeeorded the privilege of the floor. :147 Mr. Keyston explained that this proposal involves a five-storybuilding south of the present Show Boat Restaurant. It trill be arigid steel frame building with eurtain wall type strueture involvinga maximum amount of glass around the building. The site will be utilizedby leaving it unfilled and having underground parking. There will be 15% landseaping as reguired by c-4 regulations. A restaurant similarto the present "Empress of China" will be loeated on the top floor. Safety details will be worked out, with complete ccrnpliance with theproposed sprinkler ordinanee. The building will result in additionaltraffic in the area, but streets will be modified to provide greater ingress and egress to the site. llayor Mangini declared the hearing open and invite<i comnents from thefloor. !.{r. Chuek Nolan of 221 Victoria approved the building from the standpoint of planning and underground parking. Mrs. Dennis Huajardo, 1400 Colurdbus, guestioned the location of thebuilding, and was informed it would be 4OO' back frqn the waterfr:ont. There being no furtheri elosed. eomment. the publie hearing was deelared I{ayor Mangini questioned the conelusion of the Environmental hpact Repor:t,. Tte Direetor: of Public Works stated the only significant impact would be that of traffic. Hoirever, the inpact will be slightsince the street can carry more traffie than is on it at present. Resolution No. 82-72 "Making Environmental fmpa ct Report, 433 Airpor:tBoulevard. Of fj.ce Building" was read by Counci lman Amstrup r"rho moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carriedon roll ea1l vote. Sheraton Inn 300 room hotel, I177 Airport Boulevard The Chair invited the City Planner to eomnent on this application. He stated there had been compliance with EIR procedures and indicatedthat in his opinion this hotel would be an adjunet to the City. Hesuggested the applicantrs representative be alloured to address the meeting. Mr. Zack R. Stet a!:t, architeet, informed the Council that this projeet had been previously approved in 1968, but the building is now reducedboth in height and gross area. It bears the same relationship to theCity as before. He noted it is very well landscaped. The meeting was declared open. Mrs. Huajardo questioned what effectthis building would have on the vielv of the Bay. The City planner replied that this had been eonsidered in the design of the building. The 1on9 axis of the building rrill be at right angles to Old Bayshore Freet^ray and the narror^, urj.dth of the str.ucture wi 11 be presented to thecity. The view of the Bay from either sl"de area back of this will beobstructed by only a small portion of the building. The lor,u levelarea will be about one story in height. Ehere was no further comment and the public hearing was deelared closed . Councilman Cusick noted the EIR stated there t ould be removal of some euealyptus trees. She questioned where and hcnr many. The cityPlanner replied that plans for the building were conditional uponconstruction of a safe right angLe int.ersection at Broadvray and O1dBayshore. Sonre eucalypti must be removed to aceomplish, but more willbe planted in other areas to offset this. Mr. Sterrart added that therewere many trees in the windrors and they would be taking out onLy a few. ) Counei lman ltartin rrished eonfirmation that approval of this EfR didnot release the applieant from submitting his plans to the Couneilafter the approval. There followed a dj-scussion of storm se$rer 348 requirement. The city Attorney commented that there had been an agreement with p!:ior developers on the storm saters. Ho\^rever, the proj eet trould involve a variance procedure and it should eome back to the City Council for the plans. Mayor Mangini guestioned the method of dirt removal and was informed that a contraet woulil be negotiated for this. Resolution No. 83-72 "Making Environmental fmtrEct Report - ll77Airport Boulevard, Sheraton Inn Hotel. was read by counci lman crosby who moved its adoption, second by councilman Amstrup and earried on the following ro11 call vote: AIIE S : COUNCILI{EN: AI{STRUP , CROSBY, I{ANG INI , IUART IN NOES: COUNCIIIIAN: CUSICK ABSENT: COUNCILI'IEIT: NONE . 3. Kaiser Aetna-Woodruff 3-story office building with cafe, 1639 Bayshore Hiqhvrav. The City Planner was invited by the chair to sunrrnarize this report. He described this projeet as being a three-story frame structure in East Millsdale Industrial Park with reguired landscaping and parking. It was approved by the Planning Comiission on October 30, 1972. He noted that the major impaet of this office building is that it will house a number of people and there will be an increased traffic flotv, but eommented that the!:e have been a series of aPPlications approvedfor office buildings a1on9 Bayshore Highway previous to the EIR requ i rements . The Mayor declared the hearing open and invited comtrents from the floor. Mr. chuek Nolan of 221 Vietoria, approved the project, suggesting that all office buildings be considered in this a::ea from the standpoint of traffie. The publie hearing was deelared closed. Councilman Crosby questioned the bus serviee in the area. He was informed by the city Planner that there was at Present only the service of shuttle buses from the various hotels and Anza Pacifie to and from the Airport. Tentative studies indieate there would be some support for a !{uni bus system at some date in the future. Councilman Martin guestioned the landseaping in the parking lotpartieularly with regiard to trees. He noted the narrow 3 foot sPaee along the building itself and the narrcir, area for screening along the edge of the lot" He questioned if the Plannj.ng Commission had eonsidered this. ltre City Planner pointed out the unusual landseapingof this building in the inner court area and noted that the mounding separating Old Bayshore from the parking lot added to the landscaping treatment and $rould hide automobiles. He eo{ iented that the Planninq corunission had made it a condition of approval of the Permit thrt landseaping plans leou ld be revier,ved and noted the imPa ct of landscaping of recent buildings in this area as oPposed to those built previously t ith litt1e or no landscaping. He rrent into other details of width of landscaping along Old Eayshore and stanton Road. Councilman Martin stated he still had reservationE and indicated the only way the landscaped area eould be increased would be to decrease the size of the parking lot and henee, of the ProPerty. Mr. Art Boone, representative of the developer, addressed the Council. He stated that the parking area would be dotted htith 15 equal size trees which would provide shade, and noted that the berm around the lot wouLd be mounded to avoid any via,v of the 1ot f rom +-he road. The city Attorney eommented that an EIR rePort had been Presented by the devLloper but the report whieh the council was considering was the one prepared by city Staff. Resolution No. 84-72 "Making Environmental ImPaet Report - 1539 Bayshore llighway, Office Building" vras introduced by councilman crosby who moved its adoption, second by Counci lman Cusick and earried on the folLo,ving ro11 call vote: 319 AY-ESs COTNCILMEN: AIjISTRUP, CtSICK, CROSBY, MANGfNI NAES: COUNCIIJ"TEN: MARTIN ABS]EIIT: COUNCfLMEN: NONE RECO}IVENE: After a ten minute reeess the Council meeting reeonvened at 9:30 p.m. COMMT'NICATIONS I Reeommendation for adopti on of Emergeney Sprinkler Ordinance. Mayor Mangini stated that this emergeney ordinanee had been reeommended by the Fire Chief and the City Manager. Couneilman Martin commented that it was fairly simple and not too restrietive, the intent being toget it on the books to eontrol high rise buildings and allor the Fire Chief time to formulate the more eomplieated methods neeessary. He suggested that for the time being this ordinanee would fairly well eontrol the situation. Couneilman Cusiek questioned if this would apply to old buildings and was informed that it would if they increased in height, Ordinanee No. 975 "Amending S17.04.210 of the Munieipal Code and Reguiring Approved and Supervised Sprinkler Systems in Certain Struetures" was read by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption, seeond by Couneilman Crosby and unanimously carried on ro11 eall vote. ? 2. Renewal of Contraet with Cooperative Personnel Serviees (written tions for s ieati s The City Manager informed the Couneil that this entailed extension ofthe present contraet for three years, from November 1, L972 't,o October 31, L975. Couneilman Cusiek read Resolution No. 85-72 "Authorizing Exeeution of Agreement With State Personnel Board" and moved its adoption. Councilman Amstrup seeonded and the motion earried on unanimous ro11 calL vote. Health, Safety, Traffie Commission Reeommendation, One-way Traffie on Off-street Parkinq Lot, S.E'. Water Department Riqht-of-Way. Under date of November 15, L972 the City Manager presented for Council approval a suggestion from the above Commission that the entranee roadway to the parking lot at North Lane extending to the exit atCalifornia Drive and Bellevue be made one-way. In this eommunieationthe City Manager reeommended that legislation be prepared to aecomplishthis regulation. During diseussion it was established that enforcement would be aceomplished by eitation, after the area had been signed. The firstexit north would be Bellevue. Mayor Mangini direeted the City Attorney to prepare the neeessarylegislation. 4. Planninq Consulting Service To Update General Plan Communieation dated Novernber 16, 1972 from the City Manager transmittedthe City Plannerts report and reeommendation on eonsulting servieesneeessary. The Plannerts report indieated that a Planning Commission subcommittee had agreed to reeommend the firm of William Spangle and Assoeiates as eonsultant. The City Planner was aeeorded the floor, He explai.ned that it is necessar]' for the City to have an Interim Open Space Plan adopted and eompleted by June 30, L973, and eonsulting serviees are neeessaryto get a detailed program. The seope of the work planned and theeontract will be p::esented to the Couneil for approval. Ttre Mayor requested the City Attorney to prepare a eontraet, afterthe seope of work had been presented and reviewed by the City P1anner. 350 5 Request PoLiee for "Traffic Grant" proposed to be submitted by Chief ofto Offiee of Transportation Safetv Coo rdinator. communieation from the city Manager under date of November 16transmitted proposed letter by Chief of Poliee. There hrere nofrom Council members. The Mayor di::ected the City Manager to sLetter. obj end eetions the RESOLUTIONS 1 Amendinq Resoluti No. 8A-72 (grn) Reso}ution No. 86-72 "Amending Resolution No. eO-72 (EIR) and Providingfor Form of Reports and for Appears, Fixing Fees and DeclaringPresumptions, was introdueed for passage by Couneilman Martin, andseeond by Councilman Crosby, Before the vote, the City Attorney requested the Couneilts eonsiderationof a fee schedule, shOrrn On a memorandum, tO t'e .lnserted in the resOlution.There follovled diseussion of fees, in particular fee to be charged fornegative deelarations on minor applieations. At the suggestion of theCity Planner and Building Inspeetor, it was agreed that this fee shouldbe $1o,oo. This resolution was unanimously earried on ro11 eall. 2 Direetinq Eminent Domain Proceedinqs. The Ivtayor requested the City Attorney to discuss this resolution. TheCity Attorney reported that this resolution, whieh he had been direetedto prepare at the Last Couneil meeting, pertained to the acguisitionof l"and desired as an addition to a City park and on whieh negotiationsfor purchase had not reaehed a sueeessful conelusion. CouncilmanMartin indieated approval of the resolution, noting that eondemnationproeeedings could be halted at any time should negotiatione be resumed.The other Couneil members aqreed. Resolution No, 87-72 "A Resolution Determining That Public InterestAnd Neeessity Require the Aequisition and Taking of Certain Iand andDirecting the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings, was introdueedby Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, seeond by CouneilmanMartin and unanimously carried on ro11 cal1. 3. Resolution Deelaring Zoning Ordinanee to be Consistent wLth General P1an Couneilman Martin reported to the Couneil that he had asked the CityAttorney to prepare this resolution because of the eoneern of variouscitizens regarding Senate Bill 1301 whieh requires that the city.szoning ordinanee be eonsistent with the ceneraL Plan by January- 1, L973.He commented he was offering this resolution, to be tabled with noaction at the eurrent meeting, to inform all eitizens that the Citywas eognizant of its neeessity. Councilman t{artin introdueed Resolution 88-72 "Deelaring Zoning Ordinanee To Be Consistent With General Plan" and moved that it betabled. Seeond by Couneilman Crosby. Couneilman Cusiek asked the City Attorney if this declaration ofconsisteney were ehallenged by a developer eould it go into SuperiorCourt. The City Attorney replied that eonsisteney ean be deelared onlyif (1) lhe City or county has adopted sueh a plan. (2) rhe variousland uses authorized by ordinance are compatible. He added that whilea resident or proPerty owner may bring sueh an aetion, the mere faetthat the action is filed does not make it an ineonsisteney. Theburden of proof must be on the plaintiff. Also the deliberate ac!:ionof the City Couneil in making such a filing wouLd be entitled to someweight in such an aetion. The motion carried on ro11 caLl vote. ;i5l O RDINANCE S Ordinance No 972 "An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the cf ty of Burl Or an Inters ngame by adding Subparagraph 48 to 13.20.010 and providing ection Stop for Vehicles at the Intersection of AlvaradoAvenue and I{illside Drive" (Second reading) \^ra s introdueed by Councilman Amstrup who noved its adoption, seeond by Councilman crosbyand unanimously carried on ro11 eaII. Ot'dinance No. 973 I'Amending the !.lunicipa1 code by Addinq Subparagraph 31to.36.0 A o llour Parking) and Regulating parking on Burli ngameAvenue bet$reen Ir{yrtle Road an d Carolan Avenue " was introduced by E- councilman Cusick who moved i ts adoption, second by councilman Amstrupand unanimously carried on ro 11 ea11. ordinance No. 974 "Amending 13.16.07 of the Munielpar code RegulatingErgfrffis amai or stop 6ignals" was introdueed iy counei lmin cros6ywho moved its adoption, second by councilman Amstrup and unanimouslyearried on ro11 call vote. Ordinanee No. 976to section-I3.361b1 was introduced for "Amending the Municipal Code by Adding Subparagraph- Prohibiting Parking on OId Bayshore uighwayi,first reading fu Counci lman Amstrup. (s) Munieipal code and rnereasing the rates of Fare for Transportation inTaxicabs" tlra s introdueed for first reading by Councilman ilartin. Ordinanee No. 977 [Amending Sub- Secti on D of Sec. 6.36.120 of the UNFINI SllED BUS IITE SS 1. Easement for velvet Turtle The Mayor stated that saga1972 had asked to withdriw eome up \,ri th another p1an. Enterprises by eommunieation of November 20,this request for easement, since they have 2. Amended Assessment - East Millsda 1e Industrial Park #2 Sinee there wascarry this it em NEW BUSINESS GoIf Committee 29-30 Victoria Eyatt House Sign no representative in the audienee, it wasover to a subsequent meeting. agreed to Couneilman Amstrup announeed that the firstcornFrittee would be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Novembe r 27. meeting of the GoIfcity Hal1 on Monday, The City Manager repo!:ted that the ortrner of this property, Ange1oPasquale, h-ad been given notiee several times by the-citjr-rirefnspe-etor that his property was considered a fiie hazardl but sofar there had been no aetion by the c,hrner. He repo,.ted this had beenturned over to the r,ega 1 Department in an effort io get the o^rner: toimprove conditions on the property. , th! city Pranner reported that eomplaints had been received about I p-olitieal vierrs expressed on the Hyatt House sign. He stated thatL- the-attorney for the Hyatt House had been contacted; the a ttorneywill eonrmunicate with the operator of the Hyatt House and advise.' Burlingame Avenue Ded i ca ti on counei rman Arnstrup expressed eoncern that there had reeently been adedieation of Burlingame Avenue, many eity offieials as weli as eitizenshad not been notifie6, there trad beei: ,ro idrrarrce pufficitv, -nor anopportuni ty to make this a community effort. re felt tlat in view of 352 the amount of money spent on this projeet, lt- should have been much more of an event, and suggested better public relations should be established. couneilman Martin and Mayor Mangini agreed. The City Manager stated that the dedieation had been set up by a merehantsr group, since it ttas getting close to the holiday shopping season. Mayor Mangini expressed the hope that more detailed information would be available by the next couneil meeting. Council of Mayors counci lman Martin announeed that there trould be nominations fron the floor for the shore Line commission at the next meeting of the council of Mayors. He noted an aPParent confliet betl^reen the City election statutes and that of the Council of Mayors. DeLeuw, Cather Parking Study Reeeipt was aeknorr,rledged of 1O copies of draft report on the DeLerv cather Parking Study, It \^ra s agreed discussion would be withheld until the final report is reeeived. Poliee Radar unit Couneilman Cusiek questioned the rePorted infrequent use of the police radar unit. The Police chief rePorted this unit lrra s used on a seleetive basis, i.e., whenever there are requests or special needs. RA bies control Proqram The City Manager presented the names of Mrs. Robert Hatunett and Mr- Philli;l. Hartliub for appointment to the undergrounding eorunittee. Council approved their appointment, and the City Manager eonfirmed that a meeting would be set uP. The City Attorney rePorted that consideration delayed until the county's ordinance has been Und erq roundinq conmittee: Acknowled ent s Ai rport Iand use commission Hearinq warrants for poverrber invoices, Nos. 1639 through 1905, in the amount of $235,6eO.82, \,rere apProved for Paymentof Councl lman cusick, second by councilman AmstruP and carri ed . of this program must be received and examined. The duly audited, on motion unanimou s Iy Receipt of memorandum of November 14, fr:om John H. Jenks regarding propoied ehange in State C1ean water: Grant Pr:ogram regulations. commission Minutes : Parking Commission, November 15, Beautification commission, November 2; Hea1th, Safety and Traffie. November 9, Planning Corntl"ssion, November 13; Fire DePartment RePort for oetober; Poliee DePartment Report for October. counei lman Martin suggested council members might be interested in attending this meeting which will be held at city Hall on December 7. APPROVALS: Payroll for the month of October, 1972, Checks Nos. 8508 through 8821 and Nos. 9OOO through 9412, in the amount of $280,694.46 r)-s)DOn were approved on motion of Councilman Cusiek, seeond by Couneilman Martin ard unanimously earried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjournedat 1O:40 p.m. to a study session. Respeetfully submitted, He rt WhiteCity Clerk APPROVED: v etor A.n Mayor