HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.05.0549 Burlingame, llay 5, California 1969 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held on the above given date. Tlhe meeting was called to order at 8:o5 p.m., itayor Martin in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AT,T.FGIAIJCE At word from the Chair, al.l in the Council Charnber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present - Counci lrnen: AbEent - Councilnen: A,mstrup- Crosby-Georg e-Johns on-Mar t in None CALIFORNIA I,EGI SI.,ATURE RE SOTUTIONNREIATII'E WER}IER H. DTEDERT citsEN " t{r. Robert caughlin, a member of the staff of the Honorable I€o J. Ryaa, As s embllanan, Tl,renty-seventh District, was introduced by Mayorllartin, who, in behaL f of Assenblyman Ryan, presented Resolution No. 133, tncluding a large framed coPy, aPProved by the Assembly Rules coruai ttee of the California Legislature, on the llth day of Itlarch, 1969, expressing sincere and profound condolences to the wido,rof werEer H. Diederichsen, Iilary Diederichsen, and to the membersof his fanily. Mayor Martin expressed the appreciation of council to the tributepaid to ttre late councilman Diederichsen bry the Legislature. Mayor !{artin introduced lrlr. Robert St. Clair, Board of Supervisors, San Ir{ateo County, present on this occasion to report on his recenttour of tlexi.co, in connection with the San lrlateo county ?ourist and Convention Bureau and particularly to comoent on his special tripto Cuernavaca, the Cityrs Sister City. Supervisor St. Clair presented a small medallion bearinq the insigniaof the County of San Mateo to lltayor Martin, similar to one presentedto Dr. Bruce Vickers, National CorEritteeman of the Sister Cities and to Mayor Riviera of the City of Cuernavaca, with a photogrphof the presentation in that city. Supervisor St. Clair relayed personal messages to Council from Dr. Vickers. COUT{CIL CO!{MI TTEE APPOINTMENTS llayor Uartin announced the follovring council conmittees and liaisonofficers to be in effect during his tenure in office: counci Iman Amstrups Planni ng Conmission, Greater Highway Cor nission,Civil pefenEE and Oisaster Preparedness and alternate to each of theAssociation of Bay Area Governnents and the ttegional Planning Comnission. counci lman crosby: Finance , Vice-Chairman Budget and Bay Front. councilman Johnson:Charaber of Commerce, Sister Cily and City Ea1I Furnishings . Councilmaa Georqe 3 Chai rnan Budget, Broadway Overpass, Parking andcity Employees. Havor Martin: Association Bay Area Governments, Coruri s sion and Burlingame Hills.Regional Planning ROLL CAI,L SUPE8I'ISOR ROERT ST. CIAI R RtsPORT RE: VISIT TO CUERIIIAVACA MINUIE S PREVIOUS MEETING Ihe Minutes of the regular meeting of April 21, L969. submitted to menibers of Council previously, were approved and adopted. gids for Water System Improvements, itob No. 69-6, opened at 10:30 a.m. on April 29, L969, in compliance with published notice to bidders, were declared as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID Fairley Constructora Wenrick and Associates Associated Pipeline James EngineeringEngineer's' Estimate $138,1O1.L44,026. L45,469. L72,992. 45 50 50 75 $13O,402.50 A cmrunication from the City Engineer, dated April 29,. L969, confirmed that the lca, bid was received from Fairley CongtructorE and recourended that the fim be awarded the contract. A memo from the City l.tanager, dated ttay 1, 1969, reporting on the urgency to correct rrater system deficiencies, concurred with the reconunendations. RESOI,UTION NO. 43-69 "Awarding Contract for Water System Improvementsgob Uo. 69-6- lFafrley Constructors, $138,101.45) wis j.ntroduced for passage on motion of Councilraan Crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimouEly adopted upon RoIl Ca1I. (b) RE SI'RFACING MI SCELI.AIIEOUS STREETS Bids, per bid advertisemeDt, received for the resurfacing of !{iscellaneous city Streets, were opened at 1O:30 a.m. on April 20, 1969, and declared as folIo,rs: BIDDE R $13,387.50 13, 611.25 16r O43. 50t 16, 938. 15 $ L2.L42.50 A corurunication from the city Engineer, dated April 30, 1969, advisedthat the loh, bid was received from the L. C. Sni th company, in the amount of $13,347.50 and reeorunended that the contract be awardedto tbe 1o^r bidder. A memo from the City uanager, dated llay 1, 1969, concurred withthe recommendation. RESOLUTION NO. 44-69 "Awardi ng contract for Resurfacing of ltliscel- laneous c ty st.reets - Job No. 69-7" (1,. c. $ith Co. $13,387.50) t. c. srith I-owrie Paving Co. Fisk, Firenze & I{cl€an Piombo colsportation Engineer's Estimate L was introduced by Counci lman Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by counci lman crosby and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l call. (a)WEED ABATEMENT PROG RAM 1969 I{ayor Martin announced the public hearing on the proposed Weed Abatement Program, 1969, open and at which time obj ectiona to the removal of "noxious and dangerous \.reeds and rubbish " would be heard and given consideration. There being no protests received by written communication and no one appearing in person to protest, the hearing was declared concluded. so BIDS (a) WATER SYSTEIT! I!,IPRO/AUENTS ?OTAI, BID HEARING S 5t RE SOLUTION NO. 45-69 norder ing Destruction of Noxious and Dangerous !fieedE and Rubbi sh a Nuisance in the city of Burlingarne' was thereafter introduced for paaEage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Counci lman Amstrup and unanimously adopted uponRoll Call. (b) It{ayor uartin announced that this was the time and place scheduled conduct a hearing on the application of l.{r. Robert L. Chrisman for an amusement license to oPerate a bo,vJ.ing al1ey, a pool room, a restaurant and a bar on the premises, 1340 Ho^tard Avenue (formerly Burlingame B@rI. ) to fhe hearing was declared open and reportE received from the Police Department, the Fire Department and the Health Department, follcnving an' investigation of ttre applieant and the premises, recommended thatthe application be approved. ttre Chair invited those favoring the issuance of the license to cotunent. Ir{r. Chrisman, the applicant, gave a bri.ef resume of his plans to improve the premises; replacing the alIey beds with the nevrest on the Penin-sulai the remodelling of ttre kitchen with the installation of new eguilment; the erection of a canopy over the sidewaLk area and theinstallation of concrete florer boxes; the total remodelling Programto cost pproximately eighty thousand dollars and scheduled for completion by the niddle of June. In reply to Mayor trtartin, Ur. Chrisman stated that a liquor licensewill be purchased through "trangfer" procedure and in reply to Councilman Johnson, advised that the premises will be open daily from 9:0O a.m. to midnight, or slightly later. Ihere being no one present to express objection, the hearing was declared concluded. counci lman Johnson moved that the application for an anusement licenseto operate a borrling alley, a pool roqt, a restaurant and a bar on the premises at 1340 Horard Avenue, be approved. lhe motion waE seco,nded by Counci Iman ceorge and unanimously carried. APPEAI RE: CAR RENTAL AGENCY A comunication r,ras received from lt{r. William Hotmann, dated Irlay 5, 1969, appealing the decision.of the Planning Cormission in denying a specili use lermit to the Vtlfl corporation] dba Dollar-A-Day Rent-ACar, 1290 Bayshore Eighway, to conatruct a building for daily carrental operations on unimproved property on Bayshore Eighway. A public hearing before Council was scheduled for trlonday, May 19, 1969, at 8:00 o'clock, p.m. CO!4MI'NI CATIONS 1. PARKING LI!{ITATION A c@trunication frm the city llanager, dated April 30, 1969, advisedthat the Parking c@liEsion has recornnended that 'tot A' Extension adjacent to the Public Ltbrary, parking limitation be changed from 'tit"ro o to ofour" hours and that his Office concurs with the recommen- dation. !{ayor Uartin suggested t}rat the subj ect matter be more fully examined at a Etudy meeting. Council indicated no objection. 2. RONAYIE ENTERPRI SES, INC. USE PE R!,II T FOR EOIEL CONSTRUCTION A communication frqn the City Planner, dated Aprilthat the applieation of Ronalme Enterprises, Ine.,30, 1969, advisedto eonstruct a APP LICATION TO OPE RATE BOI|LING ALLEY APP ROIED se hotel on Old Bayshore, near Burlway Road, was heard before the Planning Conmission on April 28; that the Coluri ss ion approved the use of the area for a motel, that final approval, however, is contingent upon the city releasing for purchase, a portion of a drainage channel to enable the cnrner to conEtruct a deck to provide parking spaces and meet code requirements for the proposed five- hundred room complex and the approval of B.c.D.c. to fiU a snall area of property under water. !{r. Ronayne identified himself as the applicant and questioned whether the matter may be heard this evening. It{ayor Martin explained council policy i.n scheduling hearings onissues emanating from the Planning Comrniesi.on and observed tttat, council bcks sufficient information on the plans to conEider the appli cation. The City Planner concurred vri th statements from the Chair, suggestingthat three major points are at issue: (1) the purchase of a portionof city-owner property, wherein an offer Ehou1d be advanced by the applicant r (2) the presentation of a detailed design of conEtruction proposed for the channel for engineering study and approval and(3) pernission from B.c.D.c. to permit the required filling. In reply to CounciLran Crosby'sthat a recent agreement whereinportion of the drainage channel been finalized and that current agreement be re-written. inquiry, the City Planner advisedthe city haE congented to sell ato Mr. H. Richard O'Eara haE not circumstances may require that the J Ihe City Attorney spoke on the elements that are to be incorporatedwithin the agreement and suggested that Mr. Ronayne subrni t a draftfor Counci-I review. Follo*ing further discussion, members of the City's staff were requested to furnish Mr. Ronayne with information on details he will be reguired to present to Council. l[}re subject was thereafter refdrred for discussion and considerationat the June 4, 1959, study meeting. POLfCY RE: SCHEDULING HEARIIiIGS The City Attorney sras requested by Council to prepare a resolutionsetting forttr a policy with respect to scheduling public hearings on isaues referred to council by the Planning comriEsion eitherdirectly or by appeal. A corununication vras received frm Mr. Philip s. Ner,,rman, 1300 Broadway, and Vice-President, Broadway Merchants' Association, suggeEting that consideration be given to the placement of one or more outdoor coin telephones olr Broadway, Burlingame, between Lagune Avenue and El Camino Real. Reference was made to an attached survey eondueted Ithe Pacific Telephone Cdnpany and its recommendations with respectto installationE at strategic locations on the north side of Broadhray. Itre subject matter was referred to members of the City's staff andto the Health, Safety & Traffic comnission for analysis and rePortto council. 4. V'ASTEWATE R TREAT}IENT CONTRACT A memo frqn the City Attorney, dated lt{ay 1, 1969, advised that a request fronr Council to examj.ne the contract Docurnents and Specifications for the construction of the Wastevrater Treatment and Iteclamation Works is in progress and a report shaIl be made to Couneil either at the Ivlay 7 study meeting or at the regular meeting on May L9. BROADVIAY-BURLINGAIT{E ME RCFiATiITS ASSN. OUTDOOR COIN TEI,EPHONE INSTAI,IATION 53 Replying verbally to the Chair, the City Attorney stated that hisreport wiLl be made on lfednesday, Irtay 7 at the study meeting. 5. 'IPREVAILING WAGE STATUTES AFFECTING CITY EMPLOYEES.' A memo from the City Attorney, under date of May 1, 1969, statedthat in an April 8, 1969 Newsletter from the I€ague of CaliforniaCities, the City Attorneys were advised of a decision by the District Court of Appea1 in San Francisco, whi ch holds, in substance, thatthe prevailing wage statute requiring payment of \,rages at theprevailing wage scale must be paid by a city (!an Jose) to its civilservice employees engaged in force account projects. fhe City Attorney advised that the League is requesting that a1Iinterested cities j oin i-n an arnicus curiae brief in s upport of a peitition for hearing by the @Iifornia Supreme Court and to sharein the expense therefor. fhe City Attorney stated that because of the possible financial impact the deciEion may have on this City i.f allcr^red to stand, it was his recommendation that his Office be authorized to join inthe amicus brief with other City Attorneys. A motion lrras thereafter introdueed by Councilman Crosby, secondedby councilman Anstrup and unanimously carried, authorizing the CityAttorney to proceed as outlined. 6. H. RICI1ARD O'HARA RE: OIERPASS IMPROIE!,iENTS A corununication vras acknorledged from !1r. E. Richard O'Hara, President Pacific Coach and Ambulance Sales Co., 1540 Bayshore Highway, dated April 2e. 1969, appealing to Council to take measuresto correct hazardous traffic conditions in the area of the Broadway- Overpass, particularly at the east end of the freeway lane andoffering several suggentions as a temporary correction. Ihe Comtrunication and its recomendation for improvements wasreferred to the City Engineer and to the State Division of Highways, through its representative, Irtr. Ctlarles Nordfelt. RE SOLUTIONS RE SOLUTION NO. 46-69 "Directi ng the Purchase of a Boat, llotor and nquiptrEnt for Cle Sampling of waters as Required by Regional water Quality control Board No. 2 - WaBte llhter Treatment aad Reclamation worka - Job No. 67 -L7 - IEc-ceL-345 - Burlingame " was introducedfor passagc on motion of councilman crosby, seconded by Counci lman ^AmEtrup and unanimously adopted uPon Roll call. A question arose on the action before Couneil (Resolution 47 -691affecting parcelE within East ttillsdale fndustrial Park Unit No. 2,with the City Attorney explaining that a proposed division upon which a partieular apportionnent was based, has not been conEummated andlegislation tso rescind a prior action confirming said apportionmentis presented to Council for enactment. RESOLUTION NO. 47-69 "A Resolution Rescindi ng ReEolution No. 3-69ffirial Park unit No. 2 - Parcels 20 and 21r r'rag introdueed for passage on motion of Counci.Iman George, seconded by Councilman tohnaon and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l Call. ORDINA}IqE S - Introduction thereof3 OBDINANqE NO. 896 "Adding Sub-Sections (n) and (O) to Sec.trroE'iSiiEingTarEng on the Bayshore Ilighway n was intrdocuedgiven its first reading by Counci lman Crosby. 13.36.O10 and ORDTNNiICE NO. 897 "Repealing Sub-Paragraphs 9 of Sec. 13.36.020 ofthe Municipal Code Prohibiting Parking on the Easterly Side of Bay- Shore Eighway Between the Hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m." wasgiven its first reading and introduced by counci.lrran .lohns-on - 84 ABANDONMENT UTII.,ITY EASEMENTS ( safe$ray stores) The City Attorney advised that the matter of the abandonment ofUtility Easements in East Uillsdale Park Unit No. 2 ( Safflay Stores)Inc. office building site) has not been resolved and thr.:it'em was continued on the agenda of Council. CITY OP WESTUINSTER RE: ASSEII{BI,Y BILL NO. 1445 A cornmunication frqtr Robert ar. Huntley, city Adninistrator, Cityof westminster, referred to AB 1445 (attached) propoEing to eEtablishthe right of city Councils to renove from ttre liter*t system, public enployeeE covered by collective bargaining agreements. and moreparticularly to S€ction 2 of the Bill whi ch would permit departnent heads positions to be removed from Civil Service or uerit qystem status without the vote of the electorate. T'he comnunication urged the supPort of City Councils, eithercollectively or individually, to contact State legislators requestingthat ttre legislative measure be approved. A memo from the City ltlanager, footnoted on the couaunication, suggested that Section 2 of AB 1445 be endorsed. Mayor !,tartin recornmended that Council concur and that the comrittee on PubLic Etnployment be so notified. counci lman George moved that a cornrauni cati on be addressed to the co nittee on Public Emplolment advising of Council's approval to andthe endorsement of section 2 of the propoEed AB 1445. Ttre motion \rag seconded by ltayor Martin and unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. TEI,EVTSD PROGRAM RE: councilman George ackncnrledged receipt ofthe Chief of Police, calling attention to televised on firesday evening, May 5, 1969,entitled 'rhlho WantE to Ee A Cop ? " etter to Counci 1 frm irnely program to be 1O:3O p.m., Channel 5, aIat at 2. SUPPORT OF SB 347 RE CONTI NUA}ICE OF B. C.D. C. Irtayor Johnson referred to a proposed resolution brought to theattention of those in attendance at the recent meeting of the North county Council of Cities by Councilman Eleanor Eoushey of Portolavalley, with the reconmendation that a similar resolution be adopted for transmittal to the covernor and to legislators urging support of SB 347 "providing for continuance of the San Francisco Bay conservation and Development comr[iEEion. r Tlhe city clerk uras instructed by council to place the item on the agenda of May 19, for council disposition. SAN MATEO CCI'NIY COI'NCII, OF MAYORS councilman .fohnson reported that lrtayor Martin has been elected to serve aE Chairman of the San Uateo county Council of MayorE. 3. IAGUI,IA AVENLTE PARKING LOT counci lman Arnstrup referred to a possibility that the Laguna Avenueparking lot on Broadway may be const.ructed upon and suggested that council investigate and consider its purchase to continue its usage as a parking facility UNFINI SIIED BUSINESS 1. 55 For the information of Council, the Ci ty Pl-anner advised that hisOffice has recently submitted to the Parking Corurission, a report onthe creation of a Broadway Parking District, that the statistics include al,l of the properties within the proposed District, the aEseEsed valuations, the estiJtrated cost to the individual property cnrner and a map of the proposed District.. Tlhe city Planner stated that offieers of ttre Broadway-Burlingame Area Uerchants' AEsociation \"rere given copies for presentation to the menibership at large. Follcr'ring a brief discussion, the matt,er of acquiring the Laguna Avenue lot was referred to Councilman ceorge, Council parking liaison. 4. COMMISSION VACAIiICIE S TO BE PUBLICIZED Counci lman Amstrup suggested that the City publicize vacancies oceurring on ttre several Comissions, to attract interested citizens. Ittayor Uartin spoke on the Policy established by council in selecting members to serve the various comtrissions, stating that he had no objection, hol'/ever, to advertising the vaeancies. ltle city Clerk was directed thereafter to confer with local news- paper reporters on giving appropriate publicity. ACKNOWI,DDGEMENTS A}iD REPORTS ltayor l{artin acknowledged receipt of the follovring comunications, departmental reports and CoEEoission minutes: t. John H. Jenks, submitting a coPy of his communication to the State Water Resources Control Board, dated APril L6, L969, expressing the opinion that the "Board would be well advised to refrain frqn premature and hasty approval of the Bay-Delta rrater Quality control Program Report recqnrnendations " and to instead, ,obtain the necessary resources to lrursue the original Program task objectives to involve the local agencies in study and discussion of alternatives. " Irtayor uartin expressed his concurrence rrith the stated opinion ofHr. Jenks and the city Bngineer reported that the Board of Supervisors, San ltlateo County, are also in accord. 2. Ihe city lrlanager, dated May L, L969, submitting a "Facility Sdedule " from alune l6-August 8, prepared by the Recreation Department, requeEted by Council in response to a recent inquj.ry concerningthe Recreation Center; 3. fhe City llanager. dated l{ay L, 1969, suhnitting a list of the Police Department and the Street Department automotive repairs and costs for tilarch as requested by council. A brief discusEion on the Police Department's transfer of emergency equipment, to new vehicles concluded with the city tJtanager requestedto include the issue on the uay 7 study meeting. 4. UinuteE from the Planning Cqunission, the HeaLth, Safety andTraffic Cormri ss ion, the Parking Cqunission and the tibrary Board; 5. A reminder from the city [anager on t]te vacancieg existing onthe Parking Commission, the Beauti fication comtrission and the Health, Safety and Traffic CorutrisEion. fhe city Manager advised that three names have been recommended tofiII a vacancy on the Library Board. lhe date for the submissionof further reconuaendations on Cqnnrissions having a vacancy, \.ras extended to ltay 19, 1969. 3B 6. I€o J. Ryan, dated April 28, 1969, requesting notification from Council when to approach the State Eighway Comni ssion for anallocatiion of Etate highway funds for the Broadwsy-Burlingame Overpass ; 7. Redwood City ?ribune, da favorable response received funds to meet the needs of aaid at the College of San Irta d April 25, L959. reporting on thea request from the omraunity for students who require maj or financial o; te to I1 te 8. Developnent Research Assoeiates, dated April 25, L969, announc-ing a series of one-day seminars on the Neighborhood DevelopnentProgran, commencing on wednesday, Ylay 2L, L969i 9. San Uateo-Burlingame Board of Realtors, dated May 2, L969, extending an invitation to the Mayor to be a guest at the annual Realtor Week Luncheon on llonday, l,!ay 19, at noon, San ltlateo ElkE Club. Ihe City clerk was requested by l,tayor l{artin to ackno^rledge t}reinvitation and to express his regret on betng unable to attend. 10. U. S. Department of Comtrerce, dated April 15, 1969, requestingthe assistance of Council in focusing the attention of the residentsof the city on "National Maritime Day, ylay 22." An acc@panying proclarnation issued by ttre President of the UnitedStates, urged the people of the United States to honor ttre Anerican Merchant Marine by displaying the flag of the United States attheir homes. At the request of the Chair, the City Clerk was directed to post theProclamation on the City Hal1 Bulletin Board. SAI,E CITY TTALL P ROPERTY Counci lman ceorge referred to his conversation with the City Manager on the issue of the sale of the City Ilall property, statingthat Mr. Robert Ttronpson, local attorney, has been named Chairaanof a comtrittee to present a petilion to the merchanta concerningthe purchase of the city ha11 property for a parking Iot. Councilman ceorge recormended that a date be aelected as a deadlinewherein a report will be submitted to council. Uayor l{artin suggested that Councilman George confer \^rith the merchants and that a closing date for the submission of an offer be scheduled at the Council meeting of !4ay 19. CENSI'S REPORT fhe City Planner, Burlingarle census coordinatorr 9av€ a brief report on the status of the forthconing census, advising that enu.Berators would corunence a houge to houEe count on Wednesday, ltay 7. In reply to Counci Iman ilohnson, the City Planner stated ttrat queEtionswill not. be asked of the residents. AD\'OUXN!'ENT {here being no further tranEaction of business, the meeting waa regularly adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /,/rlr"rllc/,ul.la HERBtsRS T(. gIEITE city clerk APPROVED: D. II.ARTIN MAYOR {