HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.11.06;),) t) Burl ingame; November CaI i forn ia 6, !972 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council- was held above date. The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m., Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At the Chair's request, the City Planner led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL theon by Pre sent Absent CounciLmen: Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Cus ick-Mang ini -Mart in None MINUTES The minutes to council, of the meeting of were approved and October 2, adopted. 1972, previously submitted TlEARING APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT, EAST MILLSEALE INDUSTRIAL PARK NO.2 l"layor Mangini announced that this was the time and place to conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment of Nos. 62 and I5L, East Millsda1e Industrial Park, Unit No. ment District. Upon advice from the city Attorney that the matter can on the agenda from meeting to meeting untiJ, completed, announced a contj.nuance to the meeting of November 20, The Chair recognized Ms. Joan E. Briody, representing the firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, attorneys for the Assessment Dis- trict, who explained that the City Council, by resolution at its meeting on septembet L8, 1972, directed making of the amended assess- ment and called for the present hearing. Declaring the hearing open, the Chair invited comments from the floor favoring or opposing the proposal. There vrere none. the Chair declared the hearing closed. The Council was informed by Ms. Briody that the properties under negotiation to be purchased by Mrs. Jane !.{olyneux include the existing land-locked parcel (#170 on the amended assessment diagram) and that it was the attorneys' recommendation that adoption of the resolution confirming the amended assessment be deferred until such time that negotiations have been completed and title conveyed. scheduled As se s sment s2, Assess- be carried I'layor Mangini t972. RESOLUTI ONS BAYSIDE IMPROVE}iiENT DISTRICT NO. 4 2. NO. 72-72 "A Resolution Dj.recting Making Of Amended Assessment, Bayside Improvement District No. 4" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried on ro11 cal1. 1. No. 71-72 "A Resolution ordering Elimination of A Portion of rne liip-f&Efr5nts And Reduction of Assessments, Bayside rmprovementDistrict No. 4" was introduced by Councilman Martin, who moved itsadoption, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried on ro11 call. 336 3. NO. 73-72 "A Resolution Directing Partial Reassessment, Bay-sid e Improvement D istrict No. 4 Assessment District" was intro- duced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby and unanimous Iy carried on roll cal1. 4. No. ?4-72 "A Resolution Fixing Time And Place Of Hearing On Partial Reassessment And Providing Notice, Bayside ImprovementDistrict No. 4 Assessment District (hearing before Council on December 4, 1972, at 8:00 p.m.,) was introduced by Councilman Cusick, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby and unani.mously carried on ro11 call. 5. NO. 75-72 "A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries Ofpni€EI-EEEEEes sment District, Directing Filing of Boundary Map And Reassessment Diagram And The Recordation Of Notice Of Partial Reassessment, Bayside Improvement District No. 4 Assessment Dis-trict" was introduced by councilman Martin, who moved its adoption, second by Counci Iman Crosby and unanimously carried on ro11 calL. 6. No. 76-72 " Resolution of Intention To order The Vacation of A Pub1ic Serv ice Easement, Bayside Improvement District No. 4" was introduced by Councilrnan Crosby, rnho moved its adoption, second by Councilnan Martin and unanimously carried on rol-1 calI. 7. No. 77-72 " A Resolution Of Intention To Order Termination of Portio:r-i--6-f-6-ff er of Dedication And Abandonment of Right To Accept Said Portion Of Said Offer, Bayside Improvement District No. 4"(hearing before Council on December 4, L972, at 8:00 p.m.,) was introduced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Cusick and unanimously carried on ro11 call. COMI{UNICATIONS I. AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR CONDUIT INSTALLATION Unde! date of october 27, 1972, the Director of Public works sub- mitted for Council approval a form of agreement to be executedwith southern Pacific Conpany providing for certain installations that hrere made on railroad property by the city for its new alarm system at the draj.nage pump stations. The comnunication advised that the work has been completed and the system is in service.In an addendum to the letter dated Novembet 2, 1972, the City Manager recommended execution of the agreement. RESoLUTION NO. 78-72 "Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between City of Burlingame And Southern Pac if ic Transportation Company,Mile Post E-14.175 -c-N" was introduced for passage by Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried on ro11 caLl. 2. SAGA ENTERPRISES REQUEST FOR EASEMENT--VELVET TURTLE RESTAURANT In a colununication dated November 1, Lg'12, the Director of Public Works transmitted a request from Saga Enterprises, Inc., for an easement through the rear of the city-owned parcel on Rollins Road (main sewage pump station) for purposes of a storm sewer. The cornmunj.cation stated that Saga agreed to install a new fence and gate along the property frontage, to regrade the rear andinstall a field inlet into their proposed storm drain pipe todrain the pump station site, as conditions to the grant of ease-ment. The Director of PubLic Works recommended that the request be approved. In an addendum to the communication under date of November 2, L972, the City Manager suggested that the request and documents submitted by Saga be referred to the City Attorney for report and recom- mendation on the form and type of agreement requested. Drawings of "Fence Details & Storm Drain Counci 1. Inlet" were furnished the i.)4O.) I Mr. Marshall J. Cuffe of Allied Engineering ComPany and Mr. Otis Stiggins, General Manager, Jack Copple construction, contractors on the Velvet Turtle Restaurant project, vrere present. Mr. Cuffe explained that the restaurant site is landlocked to the extent that the only means of drainage is through either the city's property or Northpark Apartments proPerty and NorthPark tril1 not consent to an easement. Mr. Cuffe stated thatr at the request of the City Engineer, the drain will be kept as close to the fence as possible to minimize the area of infringement on city property. The City Attorney, responding to the Chair, explained that the document before Council is a grant of non-exclusive easement for a storm sewer and appurtenances, subject to Saga's formal acceptance of conditions requested by the City Englneer. Councilman Crosby asked if drainage can be arranged elsewhere than through the city's property. The city Engineer indicated there appeared to be no alternative, explaining that he was convincedafter on-site inspection and discussion with the contractor thatit will be very difficult to carry the water to the box structure except by eas ement over the cit parcel and the second shorter easement on the lilorthpark paf cel. Councilman Crosby's inquiry concerning Northpark's reasons for refusing the easement was ansrrered by Mr. Cuffe who explained there has been a change in ownership, the o\,{nership is multiple and the loca1 people feel there would be problems in attempting to con- tact and convince the new ot ners that the easement should begranted. Mr. Cuffe pointed out also that Northpark is almost entirely in pavement 16" thick and it will be costly and time- consuming to remove this new pavement. Councilman Martin suggested that before the city agrees to encumber its property there should be some proof that Northpark will grant the second easementi furthermore, the Council is being asked to release city-olrned land to private use but there has been no mentj.on of dollar value. He indicated no objection to Saga having the ease- ment but felt they were attempting to acquire something cheaper from the city than could be acquired elsewhere. Mr. Cuffe explained that palment was not discussed vrith Snyder but that Saga probably rrou 1d have been willing to negotiate. Mr. Skitter stated that vrithout the easement the contractor faces a critical situation; the box structure is the only way to properly dispose of the rdater. He confirmed Mr. cuffe's earlier remarks that attempting to obtain approval of Northpark owners could be adifficult and lengthy process and time is of the essence at this stage of the project. He stated that it was almost imperative that the easement be granted from the builder's standpoint, but that he had no authority to represent Saga in discussions relating todollar vaLue or payment. Council Anstrup pointed out that the builder agreed to the conditions requested by the city, the City Engineer has indicated no objection,the development is in progress and on completion will be a suitable addition to the commun j.ty; for all of these reasons, it would appear that the request is reasonable and should be approved. Councilman Cusick asked about the city's policy in similar situations. The city Attorney explained that every request of this kind has always stood by itself; the ci.ty cannot grant the easement unlessj.t owns fee title and, presumably, in the present situation the city has the fee. He indicated reluctance to encumbering the fee for theprimary reason that the grant is forever and, if there is anyalternative, the city should not encumber its property; additionally,if the city were seeking to acquire the easement, it would do so by condemnation and pay the fair price. He noted that, except for thefence, there has been no mention of payment and this should be considered by the Council. The City Attorney stated that the city can perhaps be helpful in the ultimate but it would seem that the 338 parties have not undertaken all endeavors and options open to them and have come to the Council qui.cker than they might have. Councilman Martin suggested, in lieu of the easement, that Council consider a revocable permit with cancellation clause. He asked that the Department of Public works attempt to fix a land value to the easement and cost esti.mates of the improvements. The City Attorney recommended that the matter be continued to the next meeting and a representative of Saga invited to appear; in the meantime, the easement or permit that NorthPark intends to grant should be executed and delivered to the city hall l^rith authori- zation for recording when the city grants its permit. The chair thereafter declared a continuance to the meeting of November 20, L972, RECONVENE Follor,ring a recess at 9:00 p.m., the Chair reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. COMMUNI CATI ONS ( cont. ) INCREASE IN TAXICAB FARES3. REOUEST FOR A communi.cation dated september 28, 1972, from Bel-Mateo EnterPrises, doing business as ye1lor., Cab Company of Burlingame, petitioned for an amendment of the existing ordinance, No. 87I, effective January, 1968, fixing the schedule of rates. The communication recited proposed raies and advised that the proposal is identical to rates curiently in effect in South San Franclsco, San Bruno, Millbrae, San carlos and Redwood City. Mayor Mangini recognized Mr. Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney represent- ing the petitioners. Mr. McMiIIan advised that the Purpose of the re{uest is to make fares consistent in all mid-peninsula cities and that the same proposal has been submitted to the San Mateo City Council. Mr. l.lcMiIlan explained that oPerational . costs have bee-n increasing steadily and there have been problems in attracting and holding coipetent, ieliable drivers; drivers receive 50t of all fares and i reasonable increase will have the effect of bettering the drivers' incomei this, in turn, may help to eliminate heavy turnover in personnel. councilman Martin asked if concessions are made to senior citizens, special rates for persons displaying Medicare ceds, for example. ui. oliver V. NordLy, owner of Bet-Mateo Enterprises, explained that there is a special lrrangement at present whereby groups of. four or five senior iitizens are transPortad to and from their neetings at a reduced rate but, normally, any attempt to make special rates can create problems with the unions. Following a brief period of Council comment, Mayor Mangini requested the City Attorney to prepare appropriate legislation providj-ng for the prolosed rates foi consideration at the next meeting. 4. SHOWBOAT DANCE PERMIT In a conununication dated November I, 1972, the Chief of Police recommended that the dance permit granted to showboat Restaurant for a period of one year (to November l, 19721 be continued, or a new pelmit granted sulject to the same conditions. The communi- catiln repoit"d there have been no special police problems in connectio; r^rith the operation. In an addendum to the communication, the City Manager concurred in the reconunendation. On a motion introduced by councilman Amstrup, second by Council- man Crosby and unanimously carried. Council accePted the recom- mendationi and authorized issuance of the pernit. 5 ;l;]1) INTERIM ORDINANCE INCREASING OFF-STREET PARKING FOR APART!.4ENT BUILDINGS Under date of Novenber L, 1972, the city Planner submitted the Planning Commission's Resolution No. 9-72 "Recomrnending Adoption Of An Interim Urgency Zoning Ordlnance To Require AdditionalOff-Street Parking For New Apartments.tr fn his conmunication,the Planner explained that it is the Commission's reconmendationthat parking be increased to 1-I/2 spaces for each nerd apartmentunit; also, the requirements can be implemented by Council's adoption of the interim ordinance while the Colrunission continuesits deliberation on more comprehensive review of parking regu-lations. The City Planner, invited by the Chair to comment, recaLLed that the matter of increased parking for new multi-fanily construction hras brought to the City Council upon reconunendation from the Parking Commission that there should be 1.5 parking spaces for each apart- menL unit. The CounciL requested a report from the Planning Com- tnission and, following some preliminary study, the Conmission decided to reconrmend the interim ordinance as a method of imple- menting the Parking Commission's recommendation and of pursui.ngits studies. ?he Planner stated tfEe have been reactions from persons designing and buildlng apartments, furthermore, plans are on file in the city ha11 but permits have been withheld pending determination on the Environmental Impact Reports. He discussedresults of on-street parking surveys made recently on Capuchino Avenue and Bellevue Avenue, srhere there is concentration of apartment building, and advised that the number of automobiLes onthe street day and night emphasizes the need for on-site parkingspaces. He pointed out that neither of the areas surveyed have been developed to their ultimate in zoning, that Floribunda Avenueis single-family in use but it is anticipated that a large portionof the area will develop in apartment buildings within the nextfive to ten years. He mentioned the numerous complaints that have been brought to city hal1 by residents in ard near apartment dis-tricts, because of problems created by heavy on-street parking, and recommend.ed adoption of the ordinance so that it will applyequitably and reasonably to aII property o$rners. Mayor Mangini acknowledged a communication dated November 6, 1972,with 29 signatures of "Concerned Property Owners" protesting the proposed ordinance as "an unnecessary hardship on obrners who have purchased multiple zoned property in Burlingame in good faith withthe intention of future development. " Mr. Lester T. Alexander, developer of apartment buildings, r,ras accorded the privilege of the floor. Mr. Alexander explained that the ordinance will create a situation of hardship to the extentthat premium prices have been paid for properties on the assumptionthat X number of units can be built; to reduce the number of unitswill have the effect of devaluing the properties. He cited as an example three properties that he owns where the value will drop 20 to 40t by reason of the parking change. Mr. Alexander suggested that rather than attempt to affect the change by an urgency ordinance,the Council should call for a general meeting where all of thepeople who own apartment-zoned lots will have an opportunity to beheard. He stated that in circulating the petition filed with theCouncil, he discovered that pecple vrere not ar,rare of the ordinancenor its impending adoption. Mr. Alexander requested that action be delayed to allorir a reasonable length of time to complete and submitplans to the building department under the existing ordinance. Mr. James Marsh of James Marsh Company, 735 Industrial Road, SanCarlos, stated that the company owns an apartment lot on Floribunda Avenue that has been determined to be suitable for a 30 unit building based on current parking requirements. He advised that the project has been j,n the planning stage for several months and to be forcedto revise the plans because of amended parking will result in severehardship. Mr. Marsh asked for 90 days to complete the preliminarydetails and to f i.Ie plans with the building department. 340 There vrere no further comments from the f1oor. Councilman cusick recalled that Mr. Alexander was granted variances to construct apartment buildingson duplex-zoned lots on Capuchino Avenue, one of the streets where parking is critical . She Pointedout that in single-family construction a three-bedroom home requires tlro garage spaces and that it is only fair that the apartment developer should do his part. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 97I "Interim Urgency 25.70.030 (b , Tit Le 25 (zoning) of Off-Street Parking Requirements For was introduced by Councilman Martin, by Councilman Cusich and unanimously A motion introduced by a Burroughs accounting seconded by Councilman rolI call: AYES: COUNCIWEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCIWEN: * (Preferred other than zoning ordinance Amending Section -1The Municipal Code Regulating Apartments and Apartment Hote ls " who noved its adoption, second carried. on ro11 caII. Councilman Amstrup authorizing purchase of machine at a total cost of $19,962.45 was Cusick and declared carried on the following ACCOUNTING MACHINE Under date of November 3, !972, the Director of Finance submitted an evaluation of the four accounting machines that were considered as a replacement for the present system. ft was his recormnendation that a Burroughs L-5OOO be acquired for general accounting purposes and a Burrouqhs L-3OOO for water department accounting. In an addendum to ihe communication, the City Manager concurred in the recommendation on the basis of letters of conunitment on file from Burroughs Corporation. consideration of new eguipment for the water office was PostPoned pending review at the study meeting. DONEY PROPERTY In a communication dated November 6, L972, the city Manager reported that Mrs. Doney, upon returning from a vacation, indicated untilling- ness to proceed with the sale of her property to the city for $?5,000.00, because of higher offers. oRDINANCE No. 970 "An ordinance Amending section 25.L2.010 of The Bu-rIi-nglJIlffiPa1codeAndTheZoningI'1apsThereinIncorporated ay Reclassifying -ertain Lands From A tight Industrial (M-1) Dis- tiict To A waterfront Commercial (C-4) District" was given its second reading. on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Council- man Martin, siia ordinance Passed its second reading and was unani- mously adopted on roll call. oRDINANCE NO. 9?2 "An Ordinance Amending The Municipal Code Of The dfE -6-f-Eurl L n-game By Adding Subparagraph 48 To section 13.20.010 And Providing For An Intersection Stop For Vehi-cles At The Inter- section Of Alvarado Avenue And Hillside Drive" was introduced for first reading by councilman Amstrup. oRDINANCE No. 973 "Arnending The l{unicipal Code By Adding subpara- graphJl--5f-T-o--Se?don 13.36.040 A (?wo Hour Parking) And Regulating Parking on Burlingame Avenue Between Myrtle Road And carolan Avenuen was introduced for first reading by Councilman Cusick. oRDINANCE No. 974 "Amending section 13.15.070 of The Municipal doae Eegul-aTing Right Turns At Red or stop Signals" was introduced for first reading by Councilman Crosby. UNFINISHED BUSINESS l\mstrup-Crosby-Cus i ck-Mangini Martin* None Burroughs equipment) In response to Council inquiry, the City Attorney explained there was merely an oral agreement be !-qe_gn M_r s_. Doney and the -city, .whichcannot be considered binding. He statad lhat if it is Council's desire to pursue condEmnation, a formal resolution can be adoptedat the next meeting and the complaint in condemnation prepared and filed thereafter. NEW BUSINESS ENVI RONIT{ENTAL IMPACT REPORTS -. RESOLUTI ON A resolution providing for Environmental Impact Reports (Private) submitted for consideration. At Councilman Martin's request, theCity Attorney agreed to review the Ianguage of the section titled APPEAL with reference to the time eLement. JAT{ES MARSH COMPANY PROJECT Mayor Manginj. recognized Mr. James Marsh hrho referred to his letter dated October 20, 1972, outlining in detail problems encountered by hls firm in attempting to complete an office building project at Bayshore Highway and Hinckley Road. He asked Councilrs considera- t,ion to authorizing issuance of the final permit. 341 just now approved Mr. Marsh should was Following revj.ew by the Council, RESOLUTION NO. 80-72 "AdoptingRules And Regulations For The t'taEinf-O?ETifr:unen-Eal Impact Reports(Private) " was introduced by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption, second by Councilnan Amstrup and unanimously carried onroll ca1I. The City Attorney pointed out that the Council has the procedure for issuance of building permits and undertake to have his processed immediately. Councilman Martin suggested that perhaps some arrangement could be made for plr. Marsh to drive the piles under the original permit sothat the holes that have been drilled will not be lost. Council accepted the City Attorneyrs recorunendation that the depart- ment head relay the suggestion to the building inspector for con-sideration, rather than Council taking an action. MATTERS REQUIRING ACTION BY THE COUNCIL Reference lras made to the many items handed to the Council just to a meeting requiring some form of action. It $ras reconunendedin the future any material not included in the regular agenda p and of sufficient import to require formal action, should be deto Council at their respective homes at least by fi.ve orclock o day of the meeting. Pr lOr that acket, l ivered n the GRANT TROM POLICE OEEICERS STANDARDS TRAINING COMMISSION (POST) Chief of Police Lollin presented to the Mayor a check in the amountof $3350.13 covering costs of peace officers training. Following a recess at I0:I0 p.m., the Chair reconvened the meetingat 10: 15 p.m. WORKSHOPS IN ARTS :Councilman Cusick noted that the brochure pre- paietl by the au-fingame Arts CounciL fails to show that Burlingameresidents will receive the special rate that was mentioned to theCouncil ldhen the program was discussed. The City Manager was requested to investigate. BURLINGAI{E HIGIT scHool, EcoLoGY CLUB RECYCLING PRoJECT councilman Cusick reported there have been inquiries concerning the aboveproject. Mayor Mangini advised he is in close touch with thestudents and their advisor and they will be directed to the City Manager when ready to make a presentation. RECONVENE 'J42 BAYSIDE PARK BALL DIAMOND AND BAYSWATER CALIFORNIA DRIVE TRATFIC SIGNALS Councilman l,lartin asked for reports on these tt o projects. on the balffield, the city Engineer stated he will investigate and report but it is his undeistanding there is approximately a month remain- ing for the work to be completed. The traffic signal.s job is under- way and should be completed within two to three weeks. The City Engineer reported that Hovrard/Park traffic signal. instal- lation is progressing well; Murchison,/El camino signals probably will not be completed until February or March, 1973, because of difficulty on the controLlers. BURLINGAME AVENUE The City Engineer reported city crews should compfete street patch ing within a week or ten da cost figures wiLl be obtained on slurry seal. F list was furnished the contractor of a number of ysr after that, urthermore, a chebk sma1l items requiring attention but there has been no problem on drainage. HYATT HOUSE SIGN Councilman AmstruP asked that the records be AI6EEA" on the permit granted Hyatt House for its sign, currently, there is a political advertisement urging Passage of one of the state propositions, which would aPpear to be misuse of the purpose for which the sign was intended. The matter was referred to the city Planner for investigation. ON-STREET PARKING ROLLINS ROAD In response to Councilman Cusick's reference to an item in the Par king Commission minutes relating to PARKING METERS-BURLINGAII,TE AVENUE MAYOT MANgiNi MENtiONEd tWO problems created by trucking companies parking trailers in the street, Ltre Ctriet of Police reported that an effort is being made to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the Parties involved. parking places in front of the te parking meters. The City Enginee lephone company building void of r gave a background report and stated he will investigate further. GOLF coURsE COMMITTEE Mildred Grens and Polly Herrick of the Park and Recreation Commiss ion have volunteered to serve on the golf course study committe, as has Edward (Ted) Sheehan. POLICE AND FIRE DEPART}4ENTS ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL A TCCONNENdAtiON Erom the City Manager under date of N organizational changes and additional ment $ras approved by a majority vote ovember 2, 1 personnel i on motion of 972, concerning n the Police Depart- councilman crosby, arbuio,th a local 1Iness. learnedher the city The City du€hority CouncilmanI draft a o be for- Hovrardleft turns second by Councilman Amstrup. Councilman Martin voted no. A second recorunendation j.n the same communication concerning additional person- ne1 in the fire department, because of shorter working hours, h,as unanimously approved on motion of Council-man Crosby, second by CounciLman Amstrup. COMMISSION REAPPOINTMENTS The Council unanimously confirmed reap- m].ssron. AMBULANCE SERVICE A communication from Mrs. Juanita G A-aEAic-6Ee;*Z7; 1972, related a recent experience wi ambulance company upon the occasion of her husband's i The council was informed by the city Attorney that he of the incident from Mrs. Garbuio and that he advised had no authority over the company nor its employees. Attorney reported that he r"ras able to ascertain where lies and intends to pass this on to Mrs. Garbuio. At Martin's request, the City Attorney stated that he rrril Ietter for the city Manager's approval and signature t warded to Mrs. Garbuio. NO LEFT TURN BURLINGAME PLAZA A communication dated october L2, L972, from Mr- and Mrs. Rathlesberger, L795 Hunt Drive, concerning prohibition of @ Rusch to Beautification commission and Mrs. Mildred Grens and Mr. John O'Leary to Park & Recreation Com- in and out of the Burlingame Plaza was referred to the City Manger and Chief of Police - .) I .)il.. ) A cornmunication from the Health Division, concerning rabies control program $ras referred to determine details of the vaccination require- RABIES VACCINATION Countyto the ments . of San Mateo, City Attorney ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR The Cit y Manager reported under dateof November 2 , L97 2, that the gentleman who rrras to cone to r^rork on November lst has decided to remain vrith his present employer. The comnunication advised that the list of eligible people will be reviewed and if no one is available or suitable, it may be neces- sary to start recruiting again. ACKNOWLEDG!,,lENTS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT The Cit y Manager I s November 6, L972, concerning J.ncreased costs of acknowledged and authorization given to proceed COMMENDATIONa letter on behtraffic crossinastute observat suspect. d[Iy Efdited, in the amount of 9357,763.L6, ment on motion of Councilman Cusick, second unanimously carried. communication dated operation was accordingly. October Oc tober and Octo 16, Nos. 1423 through 1638, $rere approved for pay- by Councilman Crosby and Mayor Mangini requested the City Manager to direct alf of the Council to Maryangela Sylvestri, studentg guard at Our Lady of Angels School, who,throughion, was instrumental in apprehension of a kidnap dated Avenue , Comnunications from Metropolitan Transportation commission, octobef 4, L972; from Mrs. Rose victoria Schmitz, BeLlevue dated octobet L4, 1972. Chanber of Commerce report of expenditures, October I through December 30, 1972, was authorized on motion of Councilman l"lartin, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried. city Planner report of Planning Commission actions, october 11 and October 30, 1972, meetings. Councilman Martin referred to an it,em concerning installation by P.G. & E. of an alleged j.lIega1 service and requested that inquiry be made to determine the companyb policy in such situations. Commission Minutes: Beautification, September ? and Health, Safety E Traffic, October 12,Library Board ,Park & Recreation, October I0, Parking, September 27 Planning, October I1 and October 30, L972. APPROVALS Warrants for October invoices, 5, 17, ber Payroll for the month of September, 1972, Checks Nos. 8176 through 8507 and 900I through 9277, in the amount of $223,959.65, was approved on motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Counci Iman Amstrup and unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT There beingat 11:05 p.m no futther business, the meeting was regularly adjourned Res ectfully submit erbert K. {7novno,.,rn---&(.^-z^-Victor A. ily'ngini, Mayor City Clerk ed q te