HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2020.12.101 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, December 10, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Leigh, Bush, Martos, Wettan, Israelit MEMBERS ABSENT: None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) November 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes Motion: To accept the November 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes as written. M/S/C; 4/0/0, Abstain: Leigh 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA None 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Item Only) On behalf of the B/PAC, Madeline Frechette thanked the TSPC for adding the California Drive/Trousdale Drive item on the agenda and also thanked staff for California Drive/Trousdale Drive presentation item. Ms. Frechette stated that the B/PAC is supportive of the proposed resolution for the California Drive/Trousdale Drive intersection. Ms. Frechette also stated that the B/PAC would also be supportive of improvements to shorten the crosswalk at Trousdale Drive. Ms. Frechette stated that the hardened 2 centerline resolution for the intersection at California Drive and Trousdale Drive “made a lot of sense” and was simple. b) Review of Proposed Parking Time Restriction Options for the New Parking Garage on Lot N Mr. Wong reviewed parking Option A and B. Option A dedicates the upper three levels to long-term parking and dedicates the lower two levels to short-term parking. Option B dedicates the entire parking structure to long-term parking and transitions Howard Avenue’s long-term on-street parking to short-term on-street parking. Mr. Wong reiterated the option selected by the TSPC during the November 12, 2020 meeting – Option B. Mr. Wong spoke about his discussion with the City of Burlingame’s parking enforcement officers regarding the upcoming changes, and they relayed that merchants did not like the transition of Lot W to short-term parking. Mr. Wong also spoke about his own conversations with merchants on Howard Avenue, and he relayed that they were supportive of the on-street parking transition to short-term parking. Mr. Wong identified the short-term parking transition area on Howard Avenue between El Camino Real to California Drive. Mr. Wong stated that the transition area on Howard Avenue had a total of 97 long-term on-street parking spaces. Mr. Wong stated that the Economic Development Specialist would be able to poll businesses near Howard Avenue to ask them about the transition of long-term on-street parking to short-term on-street parking on Howard Avenue, and he asked the TSPC for additional questions to add to the poll. Mr. Wong also clarified that the new parking garage will allow overnight charging of electric vehicles and that there would be 2 elevators in the new parking garage. Chair Israelit inquired if businesses would receive a notice regarding the proposed changes. Mr. Wong clarified that businesses would be invited to the associated meeting. Commissioner Leigh inquired if the lights would turn off at night within the new par king garage. Mr. Wong stated that current parking lots have lights on at night, but would inquire about the lights in the new parking garage. Sergeant Perna agreed that the lights should not turn off at night and said he would make the recommendation for the lights to remain on due to possible transient activity. Vice-Chair Wettan stated that the poll should encompass the following questions: how many employees drive to work, where are your employees commuting from, do they carpool or not, and where do your employees park. Vice-Chair Wettan noted that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan did include where employees commuted from. Vice-Chair Wettan stated he strongly agreed with Option B and also stated his support for the recent conversion of Lot W to short-term parking. Vice- Chair Wettan recommended wayfinding signage for Lot W. Vice-Chair Wettan spoke about converting additional parking areas to short-term parking - Lot K, Lot V, and Lot D. Vice- Chair Wettan stated converting street parking spaces to short-term parking is an important goal due to upcoming Downtown developments (i.e. Town Square, parklets). Commissioner Martos also expressed his support for Option B. Commissioner Martos stated that the merchants should be asked if they would be willing to pay for their employees to park in the new parking garage at a discounted rate. Commissioner Martos stated the importance of incentivizing the parking lots on the perimeter to employees to 3 allow shoppers to park in nearby short-term parking spaces. Commissioner Bush agreed with Vice-Chair Wettan’s suggestion to convert other parking areas to short-term parking and to gauge other short-term parking conversion opportunities. Commissioner Leigh supported Commissioner Martos’s suggestion about incentivizing parking by selling discounted monthly parking passes to either the employee or employer, and having the employees park on level 4 and 5 of the new parking garage. Vice-Chair Wettan concurred with Commissioner Leigh. c) Consideration of Applying California Vehicle Code Section 22514 (b) and Modify the Parking Restriction Distance at a Fire Hydrant Mr. Wong clarified that per California Vehicle Code 22514 (b) the City would need to adopt an ordinance or resolution to reduce the red curbing requirement for fire hydrants. California Vehicle Code requires 15 feet of distance from the fire hydrant. Mr. Wong explained the need to formally adopt an ordinance or resolution to allow for the reduced red curbing. Mr. Wong stated that the Fire Department supported the adoption of the ordinance or resolution to allow for the reduced red curbing, and additionally that each location would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Martos, Leigh, Bush, and Vice-Chair Wettan supported the adoption of the ordinance or resolution to allow for reduced red curbing. Chair Israelit inquired about the 10 feet minimum red curbing distance and Mr. Wong clarified that the red curbing distance would be a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Martos inquired about how many hydrants would be assessed and Mr. Wong clarified that the red curbing distance would be assessed each time a fire hydrant red curb is refreshed. Motion: To approve staff’s recommendation regarding the fire hydrant ordinance. M/S/C; Wettan/Leigh, 5/0/0 d) California Drive/Trousdale Drive Safety Enhancements Update Mr. Wong spoke about the need for safety enhancements at California Drive and Trousdale Drive intersection due to broadside incidents and failure to yield violations. Mr. Wong presented the hardened centerline option to improve the California Drive and Trousdale Drive intersection. Mr. W ong spoke about the New York City’s pilot program implementation of hardened centerlines and their improved statistics. Ms. Frechette stated she supported the hardened centerline safety enhancement at California Drive and Trousdale Drive. Mr. Christopher Beall thanked staff and the TSPC for proposing the safety enhancement and stated that he supported the safety enhancement too. Commissioner Martos inquired about bollard alternatives to decrease maintenance to the hardened centerline safety enhancement. Mr. Wong spoke about reviewing the hardened centerline installment and exploring other options if needed. Commissioner Martos stated he supported the hardened centerline safety enhancement. Commissioner Leigh inquired 4 about the yellow bollard location. Mr. Wong clarified the location of the yellow bollards. Commissioner Leigh stated she supported the hardened centerline safety enhancement, but expressed concern for pedestrians crossing the crosswalk. Commissioner Leigh suggested 5 feet of yellow bollards parallel to the pedestrians and also a raised hump with yellow stripes in front of the crosswalk. Mr. Wong stated he would review the area. Commissioner Bush stated he supported the hardened centerline and inquired about maintenance since the location is near the police station and will also be the only hardened centerline. Mr. Wong stated the hardened centerline would be continually reviewed since it is a pilot enhancement. Commissioner Bush inquired about the verticality and its effectiveness. Mr. Wong stated that the verticality is preferred since it would make drivers aware of the hardened centerline. Vice-Chair Wettan stated he supported the hardened centerline safety enhancement and stated that there is a blinding sun-factor at the intersection. Vice-Chair Wettan stated that reducing the area of conflict “was the right thing to do” and would also reduce the speeds. Vice-Chair Wettan spoke about compiling an accident “hot map.” Chair Israelit reiterated the need for the accident map. Chair Israelit inquired about the verticality of the hardened centerline. Mr. Wong stated that the pilot hardened centerline would be assessed and elements changed if needed. e) Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations Mr. Wong stated that the rotation schedule aligned Vice-Chair Wettan for the Chair position and Commissioner Martos for the Vice-Chair position. Vice-Chair Wettan stated he would like to be Chair again. Commissioner Martos stated he would like to be Vice - Chair. Motion: To have Vice-Chair Wettan as Chair and to have Commissioner Martos as Vice- Chair. M/S/C; Bush/Leigh, 5/0/0 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports  Broadway and Burlingame Parklet Update – At their December 7 meeting, the City Council approved a parklet program for Broadway. Staff will work with businesses to inform and install parklets for those interested businesses. Parklets will be permitted until Labor Day 2021.  El Camino Real Roadway Renewal Update – At the November 16 City Council meeting, Council approved purchasing approximately $7.5M worth of Rule 20A credits from Shasta County for $2.2M ($0.30/credit). These credits will be applied to undergrounding the PG&E facilities along ECR estimated to cost between $25M-$30M. With the credits previously purchased from the City of Saratoga, the City will have approximately $18M worth of credits for the undergrounding work. 5  Lyon-Hoag Traffic Calming Update – Contractor has started some of the layout work for the improvements.  Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan –The Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan was presented to Council for approval at their December 7 meeting.  Hoover School Update – At the August 17 City Council meeting, Council awarded the 2020 Street Resurfacing Project to O’Grady Paving. Work on this project includes the rehabilitation of the Easton Path near Hoover Elementary.  Federal Resurfacing Project Update – Broadway has been paved and striping work is being completed.  Burlingame Point Update – The Burlingame Point project at 300 Airport Blvd. project was presented at the December 7 City Council meeting for acceptance. All public improvements have been substantially completed and are open to the public.  TSPC Priority List (revised November 2020): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking and Access 12/10/20: Item 6b 2 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 12/10/20: Item 7a 3 School Traffic and Safety Issues 3/12/20: Item 7a 4 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 12/10/20: Item 7a 5 Broadway Parking 12/10/20: Item 7a 6 Citywide Transportation Alternatives 2/13/20: Item 6c 7 Bay Trail Improvements 8 Electric Vehicles 11/12/20: Item 6b 9 Bike Share Feedback 12/12/19: Item 6b Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR Corridor 12/10/20: Item 7a 2 Hoover School Update 12/10/20: Item 7a 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 12/10/20: Item 7a 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 4/11/19: Item 6b 5 California Roundabout 5/9/19: Item 7a 6 Oak Grove/Carolan Traffic Signal 10/10/19: Item 7a 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 12/10/20: Item 7a 8 Rec Center Parking 3/12/20: Item 7a 9 Old Bayshore Corridor Study 12/12/19: Item 7a 6 10 Grant Opportunities 11/12/20: Item 7a 11 Broadway Grade Separation 6/11/20: Item 7a 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 6/13/19, Item 7a 14 School Safety Improvements 3/12/20: Item 7a 15 Lyon-Hoag Neighborhood Traffic Calming 12/10/20: Item 7a 16 300 Burlingame Point Traffic Impacts 12/10/20: Item 7a 17 Broadway/California Update 2020 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Council Direction Regarding Improving Short-Term Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Area Poles and SMART meter have been installed and are currently being programmed. Vice-Chair Wettan and Chair Israelit stated the importance of the public’s input in the El Camino Real Renewal project, and that the online portal was open for input until December 17, 2020 via ecralternatives.com. Vice-Chair Wettan stated that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was very thoughtful and detailed. Commissioner Leigh inquired about the sidewalks on the west side of the El Camino Real and their installation according to the plan. Commissioner Leigh also inquired about the Lyon-Hoag Traffic Calming project’s removal of 6 stop signs. Mr. Wong clarified that the stop signs would not be removed. Mr. Wong stated that Transportation Engineer Michael Tsai worked hard on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Commissioner Leigh inquired about the Hoover School Update and a recent accident at Hillside Circle and Alvarado Avenue, as well as, improving the entire area. Mr. Wong clarified the intersection where the incident occurred is an all-way stop intersection. b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Perna relayed that the City Council approved free parking for 4 Saturdays for the holidays in the Downtown Burlingame Avenue Area and Downtown Broadway. Sergeant Perna spoke about the incident near the Hoover Elementary School (Hillside Circle and Alvarado Avenue) and stated that is was a failure to yield violation. Vice-Chair Wettan clarified that the sidewalks are not striped on both sides of the intersection at Hillside Circle and Alvarado Avenue. Sergeant Perna reiterated that the pedestrian was in the crosswalk when hit. Sergeant Perna stated that there were 15 documented collisions in November 2020 and spoke about an increase in minor injury accidents. Vice- Chair Wettan spoke about California Drive and Grove Avenue accident. Sergeant Perna clarified that the driver was driving northbound on California Drive and attempted to make a left on Grove Avenue. Sergeant Perna stated that the pedestrians were struck at 6 P.M. and were half way through the sidewalk. Chair Israelit spoke about the area being well lite. Sergeant Perna stated he was unclear about lighting conditions at the incident location. Vice-Chair Wettan stated that the area is not well lite. Sergeant Perna stated that the report stated that the driver commented that the intersection was not well lite. 7 Commissioner Leigh inquired about the possibility of sending staff to review the area at Hillside Circle and Alvarado Avenue during the paving project. Commissioner Leigh stated support for a high-visibility crosswalk at California Drive and Grove Avenue. Sergeant Perna stated that he would look into creating an accident “hot map.” Vice-Chair Wettan stated he preferred one map of Burlingame and one set of dots like a heat map where reoccurrences would display as enlarged dots. Chair Israelit spoke about have a conglomeration of data to be more aware of “hot spots.” Commissioner Leigh spoke about the heat map from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Chair Israelit spoke about the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan heat map being out dated. Commissioner Leigh stated that the data on the heat map uses data all the way through 2018 and that the patterns emerge despite the lack of current data. Commissioner Bush spoke about the Crime Graphics website that the Burlingame Police Department already provides the public and modifying it to add pedestrian and bicycle activities. Sergeant Perna stated the limitations of the Crime Graphics website and instead suggested that creating a map with the collision data would be more accurate. Commissioner Martos inquired about when a draft of the heat map would be ready. Sergeant Perna stated he did not have a clear date of when the heat map would be ready, but that he would work on it immediately and stated that his goal would be to have a map by the next TSPC meeting. c) Farmer’s Market None d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Martos spoke about a question from a resident who lives on Oak Grove Avenue between Paloma Avenue and Acacia Avenue regarding the slow down paddle in the middle of the intersection. Commissioner Martos was asked if the paddle was supposed to be on the other side of the crosswalk. Commissioner Martos stated to the resident that the paddle was probably on the side of most traffic. Commissioner Martos asked about paddle placement. Mr. Wong stated that Acacia Avenue has a stop sign and is a narrow street. Mr. Wong clarified that the paddles are placed where the location permits passage of larger-sized vehicles. Commissioner Martos complimented the Burlingame Police Department’s staff assistance with a car-selling transaction at the Burlingame Police Department’s internet exchange zone. Sergeant Perna was happy to hear about the positive interaction and encouraged the public to utilize the internet exchange zone and about making sure the liability paperwork is filled out correctly to prevent any liability issues. Chair Israelit welcomed Commissioner Leigh and invited her to introduce herself. Commissioner Leigh spoke about her background in supporting bicycle and pedestrian safety for children. 8. COMMISSION & SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) 8 No update. b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Israelit) No update. c) School Traffic (Israelit & Wettan) No update. d) Citywide Transportation Alternatives (Wettan) No update. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS  Priority List  Highland Parking Garage Update  Joint Meeting with Planning Commission regarding EV Charging Stations and Reach Codes 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:35 p.m.