HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 2019.09.121 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Approved Minutes Regular Meeting of Thursday, September 12, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Bush (arrived at 7:49 p.m.), Israelit, Londer, Martos, Wettan MEMBERS ABSENT: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) August 8, 2019 Meeting Minutes The August 8, 2019 Meeting Minutes will be approved at the October 10, 2019 TSPC meeting. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS – NON-AGENDA Manito Velasco thanked the Commission for their efforts regarding the California Drive Complete Streets Project as it’s been about a year since its completion. He stated some elements are working really well and requested any temporary measures be made permanent. Mr. Velasco encouraged the TSPC to request a report back about what’s working and what is not. He said there are still some challenging portions, such as in front of Goodwill, but on the whole, it was a great project. 6. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS a) Community B/PAC Update (Informational Only) Ms. Beatty shared that the B/PAC went on a six mile bike ride with City Council, staff, and planning consultants. She said they covered a lot of territory; they went up through BIS, down Murchison, over to California Drive and over to Broadway and across the tracks down Carolan. Ms. Beatty said they had the opportunity to give feedback and the consultant will be coming back to their next meeting in October to present their initial 2 findings. After that, Ms. Beatty said a community meeting would follow in order to present the findings. b) Roosevelt Elementary Turn Restriction Mr. Wong stated Roosevelt Elementary changed the time of the pick-up window from 2:45 – 3:15 PM to 3:00 – 3:30 PM and therefore he recommended that the Commission support the time change for the turn restriction to coincide with the new pick-up time. Mr. Wong indicated that notices were sent out to invite the public and Principal Matt Pavao. The City only received one email stating they had no issue with the time change of the turn restriction. As a result, Commissioner Wettan made the following motion: Move to support the staff recommendation to change the turn times from Carmelita to Vancouver from 2:45 to 3:15 PM to 3:00 to 3:30 PM. M/S/C; Wettan/Martos, 4/0/0 7. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Engineering Division Reports Mr. Wong provided the following updates regarding Public Works – Engineering projects and activities. • Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan Update - Earlier today, there was a project ride with staff and the consultant. A community meeting has been tentatively scheduled for October 15. This will be the second community meeting and will be at the Recreation Center again. • TDA Article 3 Grant – Project will be presented to the County B/PAC on September 26 in San Mateo. • Broadway Grade Separation – The community meeting has been postponed to November. • Lots F and N Construction Update – October 1 is the anticipated construction start date for the parking structure and it is expected to last 12-18 months. Construction for the affordable housing project is slated for April 2020. Council has approved Peninsula Parking to provide valet-assist parking services during the construction. At the same meeting, Council also approved the agreement with Caltrain to lease 38 parking spaces in Lot O and the request for $20K towards a transit incentives program. 3 • Lyon-Hoag Neighborhood Traffic Calming – A community meeting has been tentatively scheduled for October 2. The Citizen’s Advisory Panel met and reviewed the presentation on September 4. • Dynamic Wayfinding Signage for Parking Availability Pilot Project – At the September 3 City Council meeting, the Council provided staff direction to continue moving the project forward. Council approved the pilot program for Lots Y and C, and added a third location to be determined. There was a not to exceed cap of $60,000. • ECR Task Force – Tentative meeting on September 24. • TSPC Priority List (revised August 2019): TSPC Led Effort 1 Downtown Parking and Access 8/8/19: Item 7a 2 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8/8/19: Item 7a 3 School Traffic and Safety Issues 5/9/19: Item 6c 4 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 8/8/19: Item 6b 5 Citywide Transportation Alternatives 6 Electric Vehicles 5/9/19: Item 7a 7 Broadway Parking 5/9/19: Item 6b 8 Bike Share Feedback 9 Parking and traffic considerations w/Planning * 10 Joint meeting with City Council * 11 Halloween Traffic Impacts (July) * 7/11/19: Item 7a Staff Update via Report 1 Caltrans’ ECR Corridor 2 Hoover School Update 3 Downtown Parking Strategies 8/8/19: Item 7a 4 City Hall Traffic Calming/Floribunda 4/11/19: Item 6b 5 California Roundabout 5/9/19: Item 7a 6 Oak Grove/Carolan Traffic Signal 7 Bike\Ped Plan Update: fwd to BPAC 8/8/19: Item 7a 8 Rec Center Parking 9 Old Bayshore Corridor Study 8/8/19: Item 7a 10 Grant Opportunities 8/8/19: Item 7a 11 Broadway Grade Separation 8/8/19: Item 7a 12 San Mateo's Peninsula Ave OC 13 School Speed Limit Updates 6/13/19, Item 7a 14 School Safety Improvements 5/9/19: Item 6c 15 Lyon-Hoag Neighborhood Traffic Calming 8/8/19: Item 6b 4 16 300 Burlingame Point Traffic Impacts 8/8/19: Item 7a 17 Broadway/California Update 2019 Agenda Item Action Status 1 Council Direction Regarding Improving Short-Term Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Area South and West Lane to be converted in late-July 2 TSPC’s Lot N Parking Structure Recommendation Completed 3 School Speed Reductions Completed 4 North Carolan Avenue Parking Restrictions Restrictions adopted. Working on sign installations. 5 McKinley Turn-Restrictions Completed 6 Stop Signs at 3 locations Completed b) Police Department Reports Sergeant Dave Perna reported 40 documented accidents in this reporting period—a significant increase. Of those, he stated there was one fatal vehicle/pedestrian accident and three accidents involving bicyclists. Included in the total number of accidents are three outside agency reports per Sergeant Perna. Commissioner Wettan felt there should be a review of the area in response to the fatal accident, such as adequate lighting and location of crosswalks. Sergeant Perna stated that in response, the BPD conducted a pedestrian decoy operations at various locations in the City. He said upwards of 35 violations were issued in about a 6-7 hour period. Commissioner Londer commented that he continues to see people speeding and failing to yield at the California Drive Roundabout. Sergeant Perna stated that the BPD is doing targeted enforcement at that location and will continue to do so. Mr. Wong said that staff is working on other planned improvements such as changing the yield signs to something more dynamic and providing advance warning as you approach the roundabout, possibly a rumble strip. Chair Bush inquired about an accident reported at the intersection of El Camino Real (ECR) and Floribunda that was reported on Nextdoor. Per Sergeant Perna, the only information the BPD had was that it involved a Fiat, BMW and truck and that all parties were okay and information was exchanged. Sergeant Perna stated that they have the ability to access information that has been reported to insurance companies for accidents that did not generate a police report. Mr. Wong stated that without knowing the primary collision factor, the accident would not be included in the overall statistics for the intersection of ECR and Floribunda. 5 Commissioner Israelit commented on the number of DUI accidents (4) as she thought that was a high number. Sergeant Perna explained that 3 of the accidents were related to alcohol and one was drug related. He also agreed that the number of DUI collisions were high but also pointed out that the total number of accidents increased significantly this reporting period as well. Sergeant Perna stated that they have two scheduled DUI deployments through the OTS grant. He also shared that he is working on an application for 19 additional DUI deployments. Sergeant Perna also shared that BPD conducted a pedestrian and bike safety enforcement decoy operation and issued approximately 40 citations at various locations. Commissioner Wettan suggested Quesada and Trousdale as a location for the next pedestrian and bike safety enforcement sting given the high volume off traffic and proximity to schools. c) Farmer’s Market Commissioner Londer stated the Citizen’s Environmental Council will participate this Sunday. Commissioner Londer was unsure about his availability and said TSPC may wait and participate next month. d) TSPC Chair/Commissioner’s Communications Commissioner Londer reminded everyone that the Pet Parade is September 28 and Broadway will be closed until at least noon. Commissioner Wettan shared some observations, one of which was a large tree covering a stop sign at Trousdale and Ogden. He also said on Trousdale, near 280, there is a left- turn lane and a lane to go straight and it’s an awkward signal that doesn’t seem to match the traffic behavior. Mr. Wong indicated that the City received a See Click Fix ticket regarding that area but part of the problem is there is only one receiving lane once you cross Skyline. Mr. Wong also indicated that there is a sign for through traffic to merge right and the City also added additional left-turn arrows. Lastly, Mr. Wetten tried to use the EVgo station on Broadway (Parking Lot Y) but it is not compatible with Teslas. He said an expensive adapter is required and is not commercially available and he felt more than half of the electric vehicles in Burlingame were Teslas. Mr. Wettan also pointed out in both his visits to Broadway, the parking lot was empty. He posed the question if EVgo would consider refitting the machines in order to be usable for Tesla drivers. Chair Bush also inquired if EVgo could provide usage reports. Mr. Wong stated he would reach out to the EVgo rep. Commissioner Wettan also suggested staff review the EVgo contract. 6 8. COMMISSION & SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a) Downtown Parking (Martos & Wettan) No update. b) Broadway Parking (Bush & Israelit) Vice-Chair Israelit stated she spoke to Mr. Wong about considering some changes to California Drive near Goodwill such as removing four on-street parking spaces to have the bike path continue straight. She also said oversized cars are parking in the diagonal spots on Broadway which blocks the lane of traffic. c) School Traffic (Israelit & Londer) Commissioner Martos asked if the City has 15 MPH signs near all the schools, including BIS. Mr. Wong stated they have all been implemented but he is going to double check the sign on Quesada. d) Citywide Transportation Alternatives (Londer & Wettan) Mr. Wong agreed to reach out to the City of Palo Alto regarding parking incentives. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Parking Incentives • California Drive Bike Path (near Goodwill) 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:43 pm