HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.03.2224 Burlingane, california March 22, 1969 CATJL TO ORDER A special meeting of tlre Br,rrlingane City Council wae held on ttre above given date in the Conference Roon of the Public Works' Department, all nenbera of Council having been notifted previously and con3enting thereto. Itre neeting was called to order at l0:O0 a.n., - Hayor Johnaon in ttre Chair. ROLL CAI.L Present - Councilmen:Absent - Counclhen! Crosby-George-ilohnson-!lartin uone PURPOSE OF I{EETING {tre city Clerk thereupon adninistered the Oath of Office, formally acknorledging the appointnent of ltr. A[rtrup. ADIOURNMENT Pollcrlring a brief exchange of felicitatione, the lneeting raa regiularly adJourned at 10:10 a.m. ReEpectfully suhitted, EER"ERf K. VIEIIECity Clerk APPROVED: lI/*'Ab))4*/"-' CITARI TTE JOIINSON UAYOR tiayor arohnson announced tlrat council had convcned on lueaday, litarch 11 and on tuesday, llarch 18, 1969, each in executive seasion, having given notice to the Prese in advanc€, to congider candidategfor neraberehlp on the city Council to f111 ttre unexpired tera ofthe late councilnan lierner E. Diederi.chaen. (Include uarch 15) APPOINTI'TENT trtryor irohnaon adviEed that at the executive eession on lLrch 18, 1969, Mr. frving S. enatrup, 2708 Trousdale Drive, waa unanimously selected to fiU the vacanclz on council. TISTION TO CONPIRII CounciLaan ceorge Doved tlrat t{r. Irving S. Anstrup be atrpointedto fill the unexpired ter[ of the late councilman Diederichaen, seconded by Councilnan Crosby and unaDl,oously carried. OAIE OF OFFICB