HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.09.18318 Burlingame, California September 18, L972 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order at 8:,05 P.m.,by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGB OT ALLEGIANCE The City Planner led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-l,langini-Martin Absent - Councilmen: None MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 5, L972, previously sub- mitted to Council, were approved and adopted. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD AUTHORIZED Communicati-ons from Herman H. Fitzgerald, Trustee, Burlingame Elementary School District, and Mrs. Joanne K. Borg, I2OB Mills Avenue, in addition to a petition with 50 signa- tures representing parents of children attending Linco1n, Burlingame Intermediate and Our Lady of Angels Schools, requested the Council's considert,ion to authorization of an exfen<liture to provi<le for school crossing guards at E1 Camino/ Adeliner/Oxford intersection and at El Camino,/Rosedale. Mrs. Joanne K. Borg, accorded the privilege of the floor by the Chair, spoke briefly in support of the request. Mayor Mangini referred to a communication dated September L5,L972, from Carl M. Lol}in, Chief of Po1ice, concerning surveys con- ductecl by Sergeant Robert Quinn at the two locations. Chief Lollin, commenting verbally, explained that the surveys di.sclosecl t,hat Adeline,/e1 Camino meets one of the three criteria or warrants applied in such surveys, thereby justifying a corssing guard- at that locationi conversely, because Rosedale,/ EI Camino fails to meet any of the three warrants, a crossing guard there cannot be recommended. A communication from the City Manager dated September 15, L972, reported that one of the guards retired and there are funds for an additional man. On a motion introduced by Councilman Amstrup, second by Council- man Cusick an<l unanimously carried, employment of a crossing guard for Ad.eliner/El Camino intersection was authorized' HEARING APPEAL OF' ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION TO EXPAND DRIVE-IN TIIEATER EACILITIES (CONT INUED) A communication dated.September L4, L972, from Cyrus J.McMillan, attorney, requeste&)€fie lpplication of Anza Pacific Corporation to add i thi;d "cr"'"t at ttre drive-in theater site, scheduled I .) ')I t) for hearing at the present meeting, be continued to the meetingof October 2, L972. The communication explained that the delaywill allow the project architect to determine feasibility ofmodification of existing screens. Acknowledgment was made of a reportfrom the City Planner reviewing the cati-on. dated September 14, 1972, background of the appli- Following a period of Council discussion, a motion introducedby Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman Cusick, to grant therequested continuance was unanimously carried on ro11 ca11. ORDI NANCE ORDINANCE NO. 969 "An Ordi-nance(Two Hour Parking) And Regulati Betrdeen Broadway and Sanchez Avreading. On motion of Councilm man Anstrup, said Ordinance pas unanimously adopted on the fo1l Amending Section 13.35.040 (25) ng Parking On Chula Vista Avenueenue" was given its second an Crosby, second by Council-sed its second reading and was owing roJ.l call: AYES : NOES : ABSENT RESOLUT I ONS APPORTIONMEN? OF ASSESSMENTS EAST I4IILSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-t4angini-Martin COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILMEN: None I i,layor .l,tangini recognized Mr. Xenneth Jones , bond counsel , whoexplained that a resorution prepared for councir considerationproposes amendment of assessments in the East Millsdale fndus-trial Park Unit No. 2 Assessment District. Mr. Jones reportedthat. normal-ly such procedures are initiated at the requeit ofthe property owners and are routine, but in the preseit situa-tion one of the parties in the transaction is in bankruptcywith resultant probtems of securing binding signatures Lf ii,"owners; for that reason the decision was made io come t.o theCity Council to have the matter set for public hearing. Council received copies of tentative assessment diagrams fromthe City Engineer. The city Engineer referred to the parcel numbered 170 on theassessment diagram and questioned whether a land-locked 1otwith no street access will be created as the result of thenew lot 1ines. Commenti.ng tht. he rras not sufficient.ly informed to discussthe j-ssue raised.by the city Engineer-, ttr. Jones suggestedthat action be withheld until an explanation is forffrcoming. Councilman Martin pointed out that the resolution calls fora hearing on October !6, 1972; because of the League ofCalifornia Cities Conference, Council will not meit on thatdate but will meet next on November 6. IIis reco(unendationthat the hearing be scheduled for the first meeting in Novem-ber, and any changes necessary be made at that tim6, wasaccepted. RESOLUTION NO. 62-7 2ffiNo. 63-59, East Mi1lsda hearing before CouncJ-egal and enqineering mar) -l,lartin , rrho moved and unanimously carrie UNIT NO. 2 "A Resolution Directing Making Of AmendedAssessments Under Resolution Of Intentionale Industrial Park Unit No. 2 (settingiI on November 6, 1972, and providing iorfees of S235.00) was introduced by Council-its adoption, second by Councilman Crosbyd on ro11 caII. J 320 2 TEC}INICAL CHANGES - BAYSIDE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 AND RECLAMATION DISTRICT NO. 2097 Mr. Kenneth Jones addressed Council explaining that the series of resolutions relating to the lands of Anza Pacific Corporation concern technical matters involved in the settlement negotiated betvreen Anza and the State Lands Commissi-on. He advised that the subject. is complex but that there is ample time for detailed study before the documents need be processed. Displaying a large scale map of Anza properties abutting-the Uay, ui. iones identified the area where the State's titl-e $'as re-cognize<l by reason of a compromise agreement between the Stat6 and Ania. tlr. Jones explained that the State acknowledged that considerable reclamation r"rork had been completed and agreed to lease certain parcels to Anza on the condition that improve- ments conform to an aPProved P1an. Mr. Jones discussed existing assessments on the Properties and changes and modifications that will be made' The City Attorney recommended that Mr. Jones be Present at the study s-essi.on on October 4 at 8:OO p.m., when representatives of t-ne State Lands Commission and the Office of the Attorney General will be present to discuss the agreements' The chair thereafter declared the discussion concLuded; action on the resolutions was withheld for the time being' Ui'IFINISHED BUSINESS COOLIDGE SCHOOL TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO RECREATION DEPARTI\,lENT A conununication from the city Manager,dated Septembet l-4' L9'12' "o"""i".a availabitity of Coalidge School for city-sponsored activities, and reporied that, aicording to information received irom ur. Jack R. crrapp.if , oiitrict sup6rintendent, the facilities are co*nitted for thl remaincler of the current school year to ;-;";i.tt-"i educational prosrams conducted bv the Pl?llrlll Uy Count-y of San Mateo and the Adult Center of San Mateo unron uigh-i;h-.,"r District. The coNnunication stated further that uil cn"pp"fl indicated that the District would prefer to have ;;;ia;-;;" it. u"iiJing if a definitive plan can be developed' During a period of council discussion, Councilman Amstrup i"Eifi"a ln.t ni" ""gg""ii"" that the city consider. utilizing Coolidge SchooL was predicated upon the facilities belng maoe avaitable to the artTcultural group but it appears nohT that the Recreation Department is interested also' Mayor Mangini recognized Mr. Chappell who requested that a plan be'prepar6d that cin be presented to ttle Board of Trustees' i. to"i:.r*"d that trre uuitaing is committed to the end of the pi.".tt school year; furthermore, in the motion whereby the ioard decided t6 close the school, staff !'as directed to con- a;;i-" ",ri.r"y to determine school-age populationi the survey piou"fr:.V ,riii Ue maae not later than May, 1973' and must pre- ;A; ;ty action by the Board on requests for the use of the school . The Chair thereafter directed the City I'lanager to instruct i"pt.""nl.tives of the Art,/Cu1tural Committee and Recreation ;;;;;h;;a it.ff to i"u.:-t' Proposals for council's considera- ti-on at a future study meeting. J Under date of September 18, L912, the City Manager requested :l2l Couneil to authorize transfer of $6,350.00 from Fund to D-90 Recreation Department-Art/Cultura1 the Contingent Program. by Mayorthat the Recreat i on 1 approval . on a moti.on introduced l,langini- , the transf er funds shall be placed Department budget and LEGISLATION REOUESTED EL CAI{INO/TROUSDALE by councilgfrBnYf,E&i1tr :gggndwas approvecl/on tne condltlon in a separat'e category in the expenditures subject to Counci PROHIBITING RIGHT TURN ON RED, Councilman Arnstrup referred to a cornmunication dated September 11, 1972, from the District Engineer, Division of Highways, concern- ing installation of a sign prohibiting right turns against the red Light during certain hours at the northwest corner of EI Camino and Trousdale. Councilman Amstrup reiterated his position that the ban should be in force on a 24-hour basis and requested that the city Attorney be directed to prepare an appropriate ordinance. ACCOUNTING MACHINE Councilmen Crosby and Martin recalled difficulties that arose with the Burroughs equipment currently in use in the city ha11 and the company's failure to support commj,tments made by the salesman. Council heard a report from the ing his position that the L5012 requirements. Director of Finance substantiat- is best suited to the city's The Chair thereafter instructed the Director of Finance to secure a firm commitment from Burroughs, covering all phases of their proposal, for Council consideration. DONEY PROPERTY On a motion introduced by Councilman Amstrup, second by Council- man Martin and unanimously carried, an expenditure of $75,000.00 was authorized for acquisition of 5-l/2 acres of the Doneyproperty off Adeline Drive for the purpose of open space and expansionYtnd second access to Mills Canyon Park.'/ Councilman Cusick suggested that an attempt should be make toeradicate or control poison oak in the canyon. NEW BUSINESS FEDERAL REVENUE SI]ARING BILL A telegram from M.D. Tarshes, County Manager, dated September 15, 1972, advised in part, as foLlows: "Because of inquiry from the !,Ii-th Council concurrence, the Chair directed preparation of the ordinance; at the recommend,ation of the City Attorney, the Chidf of Police $'as directed to have a traffic study made at the intersection and a written report filed with the Councilfor consideration in conjunction with the proposed legislation. Council-man Amstrup referred to a proposal received from Burroughs Corporation for installation of an L5012 accounting system in the city hall and to discussions that have occurred at the Council leve1 indicating some opposition to Burroughs. Com- menting that he personally does not feel qualified to judge one system against another, Councilman Amstrup recommended that the Director of Finance, who is aware of the city's accounting needs, has seen demonstrations of other systems and favors Burroughs, be authorized to proceed on the basis of their proposal. 322 City any c rate Bi11. ofirin il San Mateo, the County has decided it will accommodatey or town which decides to reduce its L972-73 taxanticipation of adoption of Federal Revenue Sharing I Council indicated concurrence with Councilmen Amstrup andMartin who felt that any reduction in taxes at this time, based on potential Federal revenue, would be premature. It was pointed out that there are two versions of the bill-- one in the House and one in the Senate--as yet, neither has been adopted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FINAL REPORT OF PLANNING INTERN: ISSUES IN BURLINGAME COMMENTS ON PLANNING A paper written by Chris Ilendrickson, who served as "PlanningIntern" during the sunmer, was favorably received by the Council and, at Councilman Amstrup's suggestion, the City iulanager was requested by the Chair to prepare an appropriate commendatj.on for Council's signatures and transmittal to Mr. Iiendrickson. Monthly activity reports of the Po1ice and Fire Departments were acknowledged. APPROVALS Warrants drawn in September, Nos. 125I through *77i in the amount of $951402.88, duly audited, were approved on motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councilman AmstruP and unanimously carried. PayroII for the month of August, L972, Checks Nos. 7537 through 8L74, in the amount of $227,395.09, were approved on motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried. ADJOURNI\,IENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m., to an Executive Session for personnel discussions. Respectfully submitted, City C1erk PROVED l4 Lr* tt .''i -y'4rtl. ,, Xt( t ,h -e, I{ERBERT K. WIIITE ,