HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.05.0427q"-, Burlingane, Ylay 4, California 1970 CALL TO ORDER A regular neeting of the Burlingarne city Council wae held on the abovegiven date. lhe meeting was d.Ied to order at 8:10 p.n. by uryorwiUian ir. Crosby. PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE At vrord from the Chair, all Pledge of Alleglance to the the Counci 1 Charnber arose and gave the ag. in FI ROLL CALL Upon Roll CalI, thoae present weres Counci lmen: AmstrulFcroEby-irohnson- Uangini-l,lartin. UI NUTE APPROVAL ttre llinutes of the regular neeting of April 2O and the meeting to canvaaaelection returns on April 2L, LglO, sulnitted to nenbers of Councllprevioualy, were approved and adopted. APPEAL RE3 APPRO\,AI KARAlts SCHOOIJ An appeal received fron lrlr. Ernest A. Schroder, 1048 Balboa Avenue, dated April 29. Lg'lO, from an action taken by the Planning Conuiseionin approving a variance to allot !lr. I{artin }lackorski to operate akarate school at IO45 EI Camino Real, was acknorrledged and a hearing sdreduled before counci 1 at the regular meeting, May 18, 197O. BIDS - I{ASBINGTON PARK BASXETBAIJL COURT Bids advertised for the construction of the lEshington Park Basketballcourt and opened aa per bid schedule at 10:30 a.n., April 29, L97O, were declared ae follcrrs: BIDDER Anza Prcific corp.P. D. ap€rry Co. Weniick & AssociateE B. FontanaIorie Paving Co. O. C- Jones Gray & Lewis Co. Engineer's Estinate 96, 5. 7 8III 1. 20 2.10 37.00 45. 50 90.75 44.OO 91 .00 89 99 ,3 ,0 ,o ,6 ,6 $ 8,581.30 A recmendation frcm the City Bngineer, dated April 29. L9?o, that theproject be awarded to the lcrrest responsible bidder, the Anza Pacific corlroration, in the anrount of $5r891.2O, was concurred in by the City Hanager in a nemo to Counci 1 under date of April 30, 1970. RESOUTTIOII NO. 35-10 'Awardi ng Contract for Construction Heshinglonffi - Job No. 70-3' (Anza Pacific corp. 96,891.20) waa thereafter introduced for passage on notion of counci lnan AnstruP, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unaninously adopted upon RoU crU. HEARTTG . I{EED ABA 1970-1971 titayor crosby announced that this waE the tine and place scheduled when obJectiona to the proposed rernoval of nor(i otrs and dangeroua weed8 to proj ect the cityrs 1970-1971 tteed Abatement Program nay be heard and given coneideration. the hearing was declared oPen and cqEents frqn the audience were invited. TOTAL OUOTATION Eearing no objections to the ProPosd removal of weeda, the Chair referred to Council. fhe City Engineer, rePlyiDg !o inquiriee fr6 Council, adviEed thrt aEsessments will be levied only against proPerty or.nerE hrving vacant lots upon rrtrich weeds are to be destroyedI thc tylt cihenlcal to be applied w"ill not be hazardouE to the rnvlrorlcnt rnd the renoval of weedg by a contracting fira applying the qptay is more econmical than enploying youDg men to hand-remove the weeds. the hearing was thereafter declared closed. RESoUTIION nO. 36-70 "Orderl ng Deatruction of Noxious and Dangerous weeda and zubbi eh a Nuisance in the City of Brr lingane " was introduced for pasaage on notion of Counci lnan Johnlton, aeclonded by Counci lman Amstrup and unaninously adopted uPon b11 call. COUMT'UICATIOI{S 1. SBYIER RENTAL CIIAn(;E INCRE.ASE BURLIAGiAII{E EILLS IIAII|TEIENCE DISTRTCT A cmunication waa read frm the San l{ateo County Engineer, datedApril 27, 1970, acknowledging new legielature enacted blt council to increage the City's outside aerrer sental charge. ltle County Engineer advised that in order that the Burlingane Hill8 Sewlr ltaintenance Di8trict nay aaaule the inerease in the sewer rental charge under the terua of an existing agreement betrreen the city and the District, a aupplenental agreeDent is to be executed for preaenta- tion to the Board of Supervisors, actirEt in behalf of the District. A neno footnoted on the c@unication frm the city l{anager, under dateof April 30, 1970, concurred that to effectuate the na increase in drarges, a regolution authorizing the execution of the suppleoentary agreement is required. RESOUTTION NO. 37-70 "Authorizi ng Execution of suppl€nentary Agreenentto Sanitary Sewage Agre€ment Between Burlingane HillE Serer l{aintenanceDistrict and the City of Burlingaroe wae introduced for paasage onnotion of Counci lnan Xartin, seconded by Counci lnan irohnaon and unanimously adopted by Roll Ca1l vote. 2. IAND ACPUISITION ARE,itr BROADIIIAY GRANT DEEDS AND 8ESOIT'TIONS A cmtrnication rraa read fron the City llanager, dated April 30, l9?O,advisirg that reaolutions are to be enacted try Council authorizing the execution of trro grant deeds in connection r'"i th the land acquisitionfor the State of california and the City's Broadrray Overpaas project. In a verbal report, the city l{anager referred to the pareelE to beincluded in a conveyance of land to the BurlingaDe Shore Land Conpany and to the State of California by the City and necessary to proceedingwith the Broadway Overpasa project, the execution of two grant deed6, when accepted, will pernit the State Division of Bighways to conpleteits plane for the re-deaign of the freerray intereection and to preparefor the advertisenent of bid8 in August of this year. ltayor lrlartin queatj.oned the identity of the several parcels and a mapdisplayed by the City Engineer indicated the location, the square footagein each and the designation of those to be acquired, exehanged andtranaferred. Counci ltoan Uartin, e@enting on the two parcels owred by theinvolved in the land transaction, stated that he r*ould prefer an action until all pertinent docrlnenta are in escror.r. lhe City Attorney read frm a copy of the escrd, instructiongto the Tit1e Insurance and Trust coulpany, under date of April frcm the law fi rrn of i*ilson, Jones, I{orton and Llmch. city andto delay :rddregsed 24, 1970, 27s D7$ Folloring further discussion, wherein the city Attorney indicated noobjection to a delay in the execution of the ttro grant deeds, the City llanager was requested to prelrare property tranarction detaila, includinga copy of the escrow instructions, for submission to each neober of counci 1 at the tir,ay 6 study meeting. 3. EI'RLINGEUE LI OIIIS CII]B RE: REFURBISHING rY PIAYGROT'ITD A coNmunication rras read fron the Burlingae Lions Club, dated April2L, L97O, notifying Counci I that the Board of Directors and the neobership of the Burlinga[e Liong club have approved an expenditureof $2,505.00 for the purtr ose of renovating and restoring the playground owned by the city of Burlingame at the intersection of Edgehill Drive and Palma Avenue. the cmnuni cati on advised that a set of planE have been prepared throughthe cooperation of the Park Department, including the installation ofsix playground pieces, the installation of a wire fence with baffleentry, a covering of the entire area with Band pLus a concrete \ralk,with all labor costs of installation to be absorbed by the Fark DepartEent. Ur. A1 ltrssell, President, Burlingame L.ions Club, was recognized by Uayor Crosby. and in turn, introduced I{r. Elden E. Iane, Vice-Preaident and ur. cilrert Iarish, Proj ect Chairman. litr. Russell expressed the pleasure of the Lions Club on being accorded the opportunity of continuing wi th the project of refurbishing snallcity parks and loernbers of council individually expressed their appreciation. Counci lman ltartin moved that the City of Burlingane accept the alloca-tion for the purpose outlined, Eeconded by Counci lraan JohnEon and unanimously carried. {he City Irlanager \ras reguested to appropriately acknovrledge the generouE contribution of the Burlinga[e Lions c1ub. 4. AIYZA PACIFIC CORP. IN RE: IMPROI/EI.TENI AREA SEITER PIANT A corurunication was read from David E. Xeyston, Executive Vice-President, Anza Pacific corp., dated April 28, 197O, requesting pendssion to grade an area b€tween the Sewer Treatnent Plant and Anza Pacific properf,y and to replace and extend one rolrt of Eucalytr tus trees along the southerly edge of the road. The City !{anager advised that in a discusEion with the Park SuPerintendent on the subj ect, the latter indicated no obj ection, provided the treeE are planted as near the road bed as possible. !lr. Keyston, in attendance, verbally confi med his ProPosal, stating that the planting of the trees rri1l replace those that have not survived previous planting and that grading was suggeated by the Park Superintendent. Council concurred to confer with the Park suPerintendent when he aPpears before Council at its ilay 6 Etudy meeting. 5. UATEO.CIARA GAREAGE!,IEN.S ASSOCIATIOII A comuni cat i otr was read fr@ the [ateo-Clara Garbagemen's Association, dated April 22, L97O, alerting council to and entering an obj ection to a current pr@otional campaign institued by tJte Sira corPoration to discredit reclamation as a beneficial Eolution to any city'3 refuEe disposal problem. lrtayor Crosby recalled that the eubject of an effective long-range nethod of solid lraste disposal was discussed at the last neeting of the san Irlateo County Council of ltayors and at whi ch tine, the City of Uenlo Park 215 indicated tlat it t ould accept garbage and refuEe frm cities within the county to be applied to a Eite development- the City Uanager was questioned by Councilnan Irlartin whe-l-her the subject has beei discussed wi th the San ltateo County Scavenger ConPany, wlro rePlied that his office had been advised b[r the cqtany scne mont]rE prior, that it will continue to use its Present eite and a site on o:< Irtountain and that no problens were indicated. DiscuEsion aroEe on the garbage disposal cmplexities facing the individual cities and proPosals in the offing to rectify the situation. counci lman uartin was thereafter aPpointed \r the chair to serve aE a c@ittee of one to confer \rith the local scavenger comPany in order that a position Day be taken on the isgue. lltre City ltanager was requested to Place the subject on the irune Etudy meeting agenda. RESOEUTTONS None ORDININCE S - Consideration thereof: ORDIXAI{CE NO. 916 'An Ordinance Artending sec. 15.08.070 of the }tunicipal code Establishing Rates of se\rer Rental Charges" rras given its second reading and upon notion of counci lDan ilohnson, seconded t,!7 Counci lmanI{artin, eaid ordinance passed its second reading and \rae adopted by thefolloring RoIl call vote: Ayes : counci leen : Aostrup-crosby-ilohnson-Mangini -tttartinNoess Councilmen! None AbEent Councilnen: l{one oRDINAI{CE NO. 917 tAn ordinance Repealing Ordinaace No. 719 and Mcling Chapter 15.04, Water Connections and Pees to the Burlingame lt{unicipal code" rdaa given its second reading and upon notion of Councilran emEtrup, seconded by counci lman Johngon, said Ordinance paesed ita second reading and was adopted by the following Rol1 call votes Ayes : counel lnen : Amstrup-crosby-Johnson-Iangini-l,iartinNoes: Councilnen: None Absent courcilnen: None fhe city llanager advised that a cqutrunication rrould be addressed to theCity's \dater consunerE alerting each to the increaEe in water rates thatshall becme effective on June 4, L97O. REr'ERENCE 1|O VIArER BILIJING councilman uartin queEtioned the reasons for whi ch the water billing hadnot b€en transferred to ttre Burrougha Electronic Accounting lrlachine,stating that one of his reasons in conaenting to the purchase of thecostly unit rras based on the asaruption that water billing would be processed through this loediun. I$e City Clerk referred to s@e of the ramj.fications in an effort to program water billing in addition to the payroll and other city accounting procedures. the City Clerk and the City llianager were requeEted to confer with theBurrough's representative and that their reapective office fileg on the subj ect be researched for detailed report to Council thereafter. CHAUBER COU!{ARCE LIAISON Ur. Iavrrence PlagEann, proprietor, Burlinga$e Drug Co. was introduced hryz lhyor croeby as the Chanber of cmerce liaiEon to the city council. U!{FINI SHED EI'STNESS I None 2?8 1 COI'NCIL COIIII{I fhe folloning Council Vice-uayor Anstrup 3 s 1970-1971 comnittees were announced by tlayor Crosby s Budget, Alternate to Aasociation Bay Area covernnent and to Regional Planning Cmigalon; Greater ttighways Cdtission (franeportation) Sieter City; Iiaison to Chanber of Cormerce tlial.aon, Elenentary School District ArtDisplay at n4 City 8a11. Counci lnan Johnson: counci Lman Martin 3 Chai rnan, Brdgetr Regional Planning cmissiontAssociation 8ay Area GovernBent r Liaison to Burlingame gills Improvement Aaaociation. counci lnan ltangini :Planning Comission, Civil Defenaei Finance Chairman. Budget, North county Council of Cities and San Uateo County Council of ll{ayor8. 2. COUNCTL REPORjrS Counci Lnan ltartin announced that he had been unaniEously elected to fiU an unexpired tert! as a mernlcer of the Board of Directora of ABAG. counci lnan Johnson reported on her attendance at a uay I "Iaw Day'cmemorative function. Counci Lman Anstrup reported on his attendance at the laat regular neetingof the Planning Coulission, at whi ch tine he extended the thanks and an appreciation in behalf of Counci 1 to outgoing Chairman, Charles w. Uink, for hia outstanding leadership during his tqro-year tenure aa Chair:man. 3. DR. MARTE BOITFII..IO PRESENTATION fhe City tilianager reported that Dr. Hrrie Bonfilio, noted for her work in connection with nailing packages to gerviceoen in Vietnan,will present plaques to school children at the entrance-uay to Urecity HalI on l{ednesday, liay 6 at 2:00 p.n. to acknoyrledge their dona-tiona of Hallore I en "trick or treatr candies diatributed to over8eag aervicenen; military tIen were also to be in attendance at the Presentation. uayor crosbl, cmented on t]re outstanding civic service belng Perfomedby Dr. Bonfilio. ACKNOIII.ED@UENTS Mayor crosby ackntrledEed receipt of the folloring: COMI,IUNICATIOBIS - AIINOI NCEMENIS - IWITATIONS 1. Fron toEeph t{. Irlcxi ernan, April 24, 1970, announcing the wi thdrawal of his aignature frm the Petition favoring the formatlon of the Burlingane Aveaue Park District ProJect 1969-I. fhe cmunication was referred to I{r. Kenneth I. Jonea, coonsel for the District, to deternine uhether the request of Itlc. Itlcliernan nay be coneidered a "Iegal proteat. o 2. san llateo county District Attorney's Office, Bureau of Investigation,April 23, 1970, announcing the Annual conference of the california DiatrLct Attorney InveEtigatore' Aeeociation at the villa Eotel, l{,ay 2O-24, at whi eh time the Honorable Shirley TeErPle B1ack, DeP4rty Chai rman, united stateg Delegation to the united Nations conferance on Iluman Environment ri11 addregs the conferees at a luneheon, Vlay 22; 3. ltre Aegociated studenta, Univeraity of California, April 2?, 19?0, IIEW BUSIIIESS Uayor Crosby 3 27? rDtrouncing "City AdEinistrator I E lray 6 on the Berkeley CanPus, Iltondayi trtay 4, ieaturing a progran concerned wi th "alternativeEolutions to the probleme of the citieE;' 4. Itre State Iands Division, State Lands Cmission, April 24, l9?0, referring to problens relative to cn nershiP of land in and contiguous to San Francisco Bay and requesting that the City eupply that agency with a list of all lawsuits affecting title to lands granted in trust b)r the State to the CltY. trhe city Attorney recalled that the only land grant affecting the city reverts to the year 19195i that he would respond to the inquiry and submi t a report to counciL. 5. ttre city of tlenlo Park, Atrri 1 27, L97O, referring to a coPlt of Irlayor Ira E. Bonde'a stateoent made at the April 24 meeting of the Council of ttlayors and to a copy of a letter fonrarded to tlre Boardof Supervisora on llarch 11, indicating its willingmeaa to accePt garbage and refuse frm ttre entLre county for a five-year period. 6. A1bert vr. Katrl, city ltal-l Architect, April 29, L97O, referring to a change order authorized by Council with respect to council Chamber alterationE (2.956.441 and requesting formal approval of said change order Eo that it may becone a part of the contract. Council thereafter officially approved the change order as requested. 7. Albert w. Kahl, Architect, April 28, 1970, certifying that the Near-Cal corp., contractor, General construction vbrk, Burlingame city 8a11, is entitled to a palment of $15,588.69, under terms of contract. counci luan t{artin entered an obj ectlon to the release of fund s as requested and referred to a nmber of items on conEtruction that havefailed to neet contract speci fications. Counci I thereafter concurred wi th a rec@endation fron the City tlanagerthat the issue be discusged with the Architeet at the ttay 6 study rneeting. 8. National Rehabilitation Association, san l,lateo county Chapter, announcing a general meeting on wednesday, llay 6, L97O,' at the Shadoss Restaurant, San }{ateo, at noon and at vrhich tine !tr. Harold D . Chope,l.l.D. and Director of the County Departnent of Public Health and welfare would address the guests. 9. I'he Board of Supervisors and the !{ental Health MviBory Board extending an invitation to Council to particj.pate in a comuni ty youth drug abuse forum, Itrrnday, llay 6, 1970, at the Departsent of Health and trtel fare on 3?th Avenue in San l{ateo. 10. A Resolution from the Burlingane Wqlan I s Club, requesting that theold Bur1inga,lle City HaIl building be preserved and held for the benefitof reEidents of the city. CITIZENS CO'iI,IITTEE On the subject of preserving the olct City Hall, Mayor Cro8by advisedthat a letter had been sent to interested citizens invitJ.ng their menibership on a cmittee to determine whether it is econmicallyfeasible to retain and use the old city 8a11, an organizational neeting was scheduled on Taresday, I{ay 5, 7:3O p.m., in t}re new City Hall Council Chanlcers, wi th !1r. ilohn Bauer, #2 nio c\curt, aerving aE Chairman. 11. City Hanager, April 20, 1970, referring to vacancies on the severalcmissions and to possible appointees for three of the four existingvacancies. l\n action was withheld for an additional uro weeks with further names tobe Buhtritted. flhe Clty lrlanager was requested to solicit furtherpublicity through nerrspaper media and the Leagare of wmen voters. 12; An announcement from the North County Council of Cities, of a dinnermeeting in South San Francisco, on fhuaday, Uay 7; 2?.8 13. United Nationa Association of the United States of lnerica, ltarch 31, 1970, requesting the appointnent of an outstanding citizenof the cmuni ty as United Nations Day Chai rman in 197O and that aproclrration be isgued designating October 24. L97O as 'Unl ted Nationa Day. ' lte City Clerk advised tE, !trs. Edith Cohendet, Chairaan, ErrlinganeLibrary Board, has expresaed her intereat in the chai:manship andthe cqmunication was thereafter referred to her attention. 14. Rry W. savage, Ticket Chairman, Retirement ?e8tinonfl Dinner to 'Bdward iI. Denniat long-tirne Daly City Councilnan and ltlayor, extendlng an invitation to the event, l{ednesday, ltay 27 , 1970, }rar l,lenorialBrilding in Daly cityr 15. An annouttcement, I€ague of california cities, Peninsula Divigion, dinner neeting, Ihursday, Hay 14, 1970, at the Four seaE Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco, featuring a panel discussion on rlluclear Porer and California's Electrlcal Needs;' 16. An announcement of an "Annual International Banquet and Dance, Priday, l{Ey 22, 1970, {Iack Iondon Square, Oakland, honoring the Consular Corps of the San Franciaco Bay Area. L7. county of san l,lateo Board of Superviaora, auhlitting ninutea oftlre firat rneeting of the "Board of Control " neeting on April 24, L97O,in re: "San Francisco Nrport Accesa ProJect.' MIM'TES A}ID REPORTS uinutes from the Burlinganre Park and Recreation Coission, April 14, 197O, Burlingane Public Library 8olrd, April 21, 197O, Prrking Coule-sion, April 22. A97O,. and the Pleoning Cqruaission, ,Erril 27, 1970. STREET SV'EEPIIiG A cquunieation waa read fr6 ltarcia Rickaon, 10 Xeruaar Wiay, identified aa a Girl Scout Beeking a 'lry Governnent " nerit badge, questioning the street sweeper service in her neighborhood. the City Bngineer, replying to council inquiries, stated that the atreetis serviced at least once a nonth and nore frequently wten treea losetheir foliage. 1r}re ci ty Clerk r*ae instructed to reproduce the cmunication and to furniah Council wi th copies. GREAltsR TRNiISP T ION COi,[tlI TTEE counci lDan enstrup reported breifly on hi8 recent attendance at a Eeeting of the Greater ltansportation (Formerly Bighway) comittee at which time it wa8 announced that an additional nember would be aPpointed to the Corloittee aelected by "conservationi at' grouPa. INTRODUCTION GIRI,TROUP UEI.IBERS titayor Crosby acknowledgpd tlc preeence of a group of Girl Scouts and their leadera, fr6 UcKlnley EGhool, in attendance to earn Eeritafor thei r -Governnent " Badge. An qrmo{ENt {he ueeting waa adj ourned by uayor Crosby at I0s20 p.n. APPROVED: WII.LIN{ i'. MAYOR SBY RT . ilgITE - City Clerk