HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.09.05.)1c).)L Burlingame, September California 5, L972 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Citythe above date. The meeting was calledby Mayor Victor A. Mangini. Council was held onto order at 8:05 p.m., PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The to City Planner 1ed the assemblage i,n the Pledge of Allegiance the F1ag. ROLL CALL Pre sent Absent Counc i Imen : Counci.lmen : Ams trup-Crosby-Cu s ick-Mang ini -Martin None MI NUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 21 and the adjourned meetj.ng of August 30, 1972, previously submitted to Council, were approved and adopted. IIEARING USED VEHICLE SALES, MILTSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK (CONtiNUCd) Mayor Mangini announced that the public hearinq scheduled for this date on the application of Baywest Associates Recreation Vehicl-e Company, San Francisco, for a used automobile dealers license will be continued to the regular neeting of the Council on October 2, L972, pending a recommendation from the Planning Commission on zoning matters relating to the proposed operation. COMMUNICATIONS I. IMPROVEMENTS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ACCEPTED In a communication dated August 30, L972, the Director of Pub1ic Works reported that C.W. Roen Construction Company has satis-factorily completed the contract for improvements at the waste- water Treatment Plant. His recommendation that the r,itork be accepted rrras concurred in by the City Manager in an addendum tothe communicatj.on under date of August 3L, L972. RESoLUTIoN NO. 60-72 "Accepting Construction - wastewater Treat- ment And Eec IamaElon Improvements - Job No . 67-16A' !,ras intro- duced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Cusick and unanimously carried on ro11 cal1. 2. REQUEST FOR RESEEDING PORTION MILLS CANYON In a communication dated August 22, 1972, Dr. and Mrs. R. Jacobs, 2965 Arguello Drive, requested that an area in the Mills Canyon behind their home, burned in a recent fire, be reseeded to pre- vent erosion. The conmunication stated that a large section ofthe canyon, burned last summer, is still bare, indicating thepl,ants do not reseed. A photograph accompanying the communi-cation shovred the area in question. In an addendum to the communication, the City Manager reportedthe Park Superi.ntendent is of the opinion the heat $ras notintense enough to damage the soil and the plants will reappearafter the first rains. The City Manager reconunended that the 314 party be notified accordingly and also that the canyon will be kept under observation. The Council heard a report from Fire Chief Moorby that he inspected the site and believes there is no cause for concernat this time. He explained that he discussed the situationwith Mrs. Jacobs, assurinq her there would be no erosion thefirst year, even if the land does not reseed. He mentionedfurther that the location is some distance from the Jacob'sproperty, that the fire was fast and that the roots remain in the ground; furthermore, every ot,her portion of the canyonthat has burned shows new plant life after the rains. The City Manager stated that the Park Superintendent is also of the opinion there will be no erosion. Following co[unents from Councilman Cusick suggesting there be reseeding as a precaution against erosion and from Council,- man Martin questioning the extent of the city's obligation to reseed, inasmuch as the canyon was intended as a natural ,uncultivated area, the Chair referred the communication to the City Manager for reply and, additionalLy, to have staff makeperiodic inspections once the rains start. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED ON ZONING MATTERS The Chair acknohrledged receipt of the following Planning Com- mission Resolutions: No. 7-72tsify certain a waterfront Recommending adoption of an ordinance to reclas- Iands from a Light IndustriaL (M-1) District to Commercial (c-4) District; No. 8-72: Reconunending denial of application for recLas- sification of certain lots and portions of lots in Block 6 and certain lots in Block 7, Easton Addition.No. 1, from a Second Resident.ial (R-2) District to a Third Residential (B-3A) District; No. 9-72: Endorsing and recommending Interim open Space EIe- General P1an.ment of the Burlingame Public hearings on the matters were scheduled before the Council at its reguLar neeting on Monday' October 2t 1972, at 8:00p.m., the City Clerk to have appropriate notices of hearing published. RESoLUTIoN NO. 61-72 "Providing for The Removal of Commissioners f'or Non-Attendance" was introduced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman cusick and declared carried on the following roll call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Ams trup-Crosby-Cus ick-Mang i n i NOES: COUNCILMEN: Martin* ABSENT COUNCILI"IEN: None rCouncilman Martin considered the present system adequate for dealing with commission absenteeism. ORDI NANCE S oRDINANCE No. 968 "Amending Section 3.52.0I0 Of The Municipal Code And P rovl d 1ng For oivision Of the Administrative Service Of The City Into Classified And Unclassified Services And Pro- viding Dj.sciplinary Procedures In The cases of Members of The Unclassified Service" was given its second reading. on motion of Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman Crosby, said ordinance RESOLUTI ONS ;l l5 passed its second reading and i^ras unanimously adopted on the following roll call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILIIEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN : Amstrup-crosby-cus ick-Mang ini -Marti n None None ( ORDINANCE NO. 969 "An Ordinance Amendin s Section 13.36.040 (25) g On Chula Vista Avenue introduced for firstTwo Hour Par ,(r-ng)And Regulating Parkin Betxreen Broad$ray And Sanchez Avenue 1' was reading by Councilman Martin. UNFINISHED BUSINESS BURLINGAME AVENUE DRAINAGE Mr. Robert Davidson, Assistant Civil Engineer, rePresenting the City Engineer, resPonding to an inquiry from Councilman Martin, reported that the city is waiting for P.T. & T. and P.G. and E' to expose their utilities before contractors can be asked for a quoiation on installation of a catch basin and storm drain across Burlingame Avenue at Park Road. WASTE RECEPTACLES BURTINGAME AVENUE Councilman Amstrup called attention to the new traste recep- tacles on Burlj.ngame Avenue, commenting that if there are to be no covers problems will develop during wet h,eather. The City lJtanager r^ras requested to discuss the situation with the engineering dePartment. The City Manager, resPonding to the Chair, confirmed that the matter of no on-street parking on a portion of Old Bayshore will be on the agenda for the September study meeting; utilization of ficilities at Coolidge School for city activities wiII be brought to a study meeting as soon as a report is forth- coming from Mr. Ray Wagner of the Recreation Department. Tuesday, September 12, at 8:00 p.m., $ras selected as date and time of the next study neeting. ITEMS FOR STUDY MEETING AGENDA WIDENING OF BROADWAY - S.P.R.R. TO ROLLINS ROAD NEW BUSINESS ].. CITY OF MILLBRAE PROPOSED IMPROVEI\'IENTS In reply to an inquiry from Mayor Mangini as to the status of the aLove improvement, Mr. Davidson of the engineering depart- ment advised that the Project was initiated by Atlantic Rich- field Company; they planned to contribute aPProximately $6,000.00, oi one-half of the cost of the street widening from their station at Broadway to the railroad tracks, but the issue of the contribution nov, appears to be unsettled--ARco has not withdrawn formally but they have made no decision. Mr. David- son stated that in a recent conversation with Lowrie Paving they indicated willingness to hold to their bid until the middle of September. Councilman AmstruP reported that at a recent meeting of the Council of l,tayors, vice-Mayor Arthur Lepore of Millbrae mentioned studies undervray for improvements on Millbrae Avenue, which may involve relocating the train depot and closing of California Drive. Commenting that changes in that area could affect Burlingame, Councilman Amstrup stated he asked Council- man Lepore if aurlingame might have the opPortunity of viewing 316 the plans. inform t.he At his request, the City Manager vrascity Manager of Millbrae of Council's directed tointerest. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES COORDINATING COMMITTEE A memo from the City Manager reported that Robert N. Podesta has been designated by P.G.&E. its ex-officio member of the comnittee and Virginia Mueller by Pacific Telephone Company. The Chair announced that Councilman Amstrup will serve as Council's representative. There remain to be named representatj.ves from Planning Com- mission and Chamber of Commerce and two resident householders. COUNCIL OF MAYORS RESOLUTION A communication from the Legislative Committee of the Councilof Mayors requesting support of a resolution concerningviolation of municipaL ordinances by public and private utilities hras ackno$rle.lged. The Council unanimously endorsed the resolu-tion and authorized Mayor Mangini to cast an affirmative voteat the next meeting of the Council of l4ayors. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Communi cat ions 1. Mrs. Emanuel Kohn, I21 Occidental Avenue, a new resident inthe ci.ty, expressing gratification at courtesy extended by city employees, especlally assistance of City Planner wayne Swan. 2. Town of Hillsborough appreciation for fire department immed-idate response to call for mutual aid. 3. Bay Land Area Study Team concerning State Lands Commission/ Westbay Community Associates litigation over title to southern San Franc j-sco Bay shoreline. 4. Mrs. Harry A. Marks, 1651 Stonepine Lane, Atherton, con- cerning noise pollution by railroads. 5. Copy of letter sent by Councilman Amstrup to T.R. Lammers, District Engineer, oivision of Highways, reaffirming hisopposition to the solution offered by the State in regard to traffic movements at Trousdale and El Camino (no right turn on red light, southbound on EI Camino). Reports and Minutes City Planner report of Planning Commission actions, August 28,Parking Commission minutes August 23 and Planning Commission minutes August 28, 1972. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Councilman Amstrup mentioned that the Police Department apparently is attempting to enforce the law that designates Trousdale Drive a "Limited Truck Route." Relating an inci- dent wherein a truck driver attempting to make a delivery to his home hras stopped by a police officer because the vehicle exceeded the permitted maximum weight, Councilman Amstrup expressed the hope that the department will continue its The City Manager announced that Mr. Peter Tesseff has been selected to fill the above position, following written andoral examinations conducted by the CiviI Service Commission. POLICE PERSONNEL - COMMENDATIONS 317 I efforts to control truck t,raf f ic on the street. Counci Iman Martin reported that he ran out of gas on El Caminorecently and was ably and eo+l-++€i}y _assisted by Police Officer Kenneth Snodgrass. a*A---:/l / ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m., to an Executive Session for wage negotiations di.scussion. Res ctfu I Iy submi t r K teCity Clerk APPROVED: ctor A.n yor