HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.08.30.)I I Burlingame, California August 30, 1972 CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame meeting of August 2L, L972, was called 8:L0 p.m., by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. City Council, from its regular to order on the above date at Present - Absent Counci lmen : Counci-l-men: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-l,tangini-Mart in . None BIJDGET AND TAX RATE 1972-1973 For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Mangini announced that Council will first review the report submitted by Budget Conunittee, Councilmen Martin and Amstrup, wherein certain changes vrere recommended in the preliminary budget submitted by the City Manager, and then proceed to the regular order of business. During the ensuing discussion, covering aII phases of the report, Council agreed as follows: I. POLICE DEPARTMENT - 'S-1 Sergeants": A minus item of $14,017.00 was changed to a plus item. 2. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - C-90 qapilal Expenditures:"ceneral Plan, $9,000.00." Funds not to be expended without specific author- ization of the Council. 3. WATER DEPART}IENT - An additional maintenance man position in the Water Department, created sole1y to accommodate the former sewer treatment plant operator, shall exist only as long as the incumbent is employed. It is not the Council's j.ntention to authorize a position for an additionaL maintenance man in the department, only the expenditure of funds to cover the incum- bent's salary. BLOCK FESTIVAL AUTHORIZED A petition filed by merchants of the 1100 block on Burlingame Avenue requested permission to hold a "block festival'r to celebrate comple-tion of the beautification project improvements in their area and to attempt to promote business, the street to be closed between the hours of 10:0O a.m., to 3:00 p.m., on Saturday, September 9, L972. A report from the Director of Traffic, dated August 30, l-9?2, indicated no objection on the condition that an authorized person, designated by the merchants, will be available should any problems or complaintsarise. llhere were no objections voiced by Council . the City Manager was requested by the Chair to so inform the petitioners and the police Department . ROLL CAIL 312 RESOIUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 58-72 'Ad opting Budget City of Burlingame Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1973" was introduced by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried on roll call . 2. RESOLUPTON NO. 59-72 "rixi n9 Tax Rate For The City of Burllngame For ltre Fiscal Year Ending irune 30, 1973" ($1.15 per $10O.00 Assessed Valuation) was introduced by Councilman Uartin, who moved j.ts adoption, seconded by councilman Amstrup and unani- mously carried on roll ca11. Mayor Mangini, on behalf of Council, expressed appreciation to councilmen Amstrup and Martin for the time and effort expended in preparing an informative and comprehensive report. Councilman Amstrup acknowledged the cooperation of all of the department heads with whom he had contact during the preparation of the report. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m., to an Executive Session for personnel discussions. Respectfully submitted, r ert K ite y Clerk ROVED: ictor A.ini, Mayor