HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1973.03.07+15 Burlingarte, California ltE":ch 7 , L973 CALL TO ORDER A regular adjourned Deeting of the Burlingaroe City Council was held on the above given date, as per adjournment of }|arch 5, 1973. Tlxe neeting vras calIed to order by Vice-ltbyor l,lartin at 8:15 p.n. ROLL CAI' Present: CounciLmen:Absent: Councilmen: ADstlup, Ctosby, Cusick, Martin !,bngini I{ERBERT K. T,JHITE , Ci ty Clerk CIMRENT BUSINESS Vice-l{ayor Itartin stated the neeting rras called for the purpose of levidring the architectural plans for Cuernavaca Park irprovenents and Fire Station inprovenents. Irtr. Albert IrI. Kahl, AIA, addressed the Counci I, stating he had a cost esti-ihte, and there would be an additional cost fo! price increase in lusiber.firis rvould probably anount to $75O more plus cost of el<tension of utiti-ties, which leould anDunt to appr o:<i nat ely $L,sOO totaling S28,25O. f'k. Kahl also stated he vriIl have all necessary details and specifications for the departnent heads to examine. His estinated cost f,o! the Fire Station irprovenents was S18,OOO. He judged SSOO or $1,OOO v:ould be adequate to cov€r the anticipated increase in costs,or $19, ooo. A motion vras introduced by Cotrnci lnan ArEtrup, seconded by Counci lman Cusick,to advertise for bids on the plans of the two projects, subject to the con-dition that they are approved by the d€partnent heads involved. JOINT SUfT 1\rIEI PACIFICA ft rvas agr:reed to contribute $5O.OO torrrards a joint suit to be instigated by !,1r. John Shernan, Attolney f'or Pacifica, to obtain the elinination of a cer-tain class of prisoners flon San FYancisco jail neaf San Bruno. All this was subject to the approval of the City Attorney. ADJOT'RM.XENT Ttre meeting adjourned at 8:3O p.n. Respectfully submi tt ecl, D victor A. l{angilni,l,tayor