HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.02.178 Burlingame, February CaIi fornia 17, 1969 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held above given date. I'/teeting called tso order at 8:1O P.m. , Johnson in the Chai r - ROII, CALL on the - llayor Pre sent Absent Councilmen : Crosby-George-Johnson-Uartin Councilmen : Diederichsen Councilman Diederichsen, absent because of illness, was excused on motion of Councilman Martin and seconded by Councilman Crosby. MINUTE S T'he Minutes of the regular meeting of February 3, and the reguhrly adjourned meeting of February 7, 1969, submitted previously to council, were aPProved and adopted. HEARTNG - TAXI CAB APPTICATION Mayor Johnson announced that a hearing on the Aloise and Robe rt .T. Warren, for the issuancePublic Convenience and Necessity to operate athe city of Burlingame, was scheduled on this hearing date of January 20. L969. application of Gary F.of a certificate oftaxicab service within date from the continued PRESENTATION BAY PARK ROADWAY PLANS (Mr. Asa Hanamoto) Mayor Johnaon gave a brief resume on the Bayside Park project and a study authorized by Council to permit Mr. Asa Hananoto, Land scape Architect, to investigate the feasibility of relocating a proposed access road. Mr. Hanamoto was thereafter invited to present the result of his intensi"ve studies of the roadtray p1ans. Mr. Hanamoto referred to the several drawings on display in the Council Chamber s and to his preparation of three alternate proposals to locate a roadway to accommodate the development of lands bethreen the Bayshore Freeway and the San Francisco Bay. ltre three afternate roadways were explained by Mr. Hanamolo in the f o1lo.ring seguence. ALTE RNATE #1: (t'tap "Alternate Route 1")From the extension of Broadway,paralleling Burlingame Shore Land Company properties and the Bayshore Freeway, easterly to Airport Boulevard. Objectionable featuresincluded: (a) The reduction in the park playfield and picnic areasi(b) Ttre removal of the line of existing eucalyptus trees along theproperty line; (c) fhe extensive filling of the lagoon, thereby decreasing available water surface for boating and flood cont.rol;(d) The necessity to construct a high bridge over the lagoon topermit boats to pass beneath; and (e) the separation of the city fronits park by a wider swath of asphalt,. ALTE RNATE #2: (t'lap "Alternat,e Route 2'r) From the extension of BDoadwayparalleling Burlingame Shore Land company, property through thewesterly side of the park lands. objectional features included:(a) tlhe reduction in the park and picnic areas; (b) Ihe removal of existing eucalyptus treesr (c) !1he construction htould reduce the area available for water-oriented recreati,on and would require the relocation and redesign of boating and central area facil.ities, I (d) The golf course vrould b€ substantially reduced; (e) The removal of underlying material to construct over the sanitary filled portions of the park would result in high construction costsi (f) Pedestrian overpasses would be necessary to provj.de access to the isolated portion of the park fronting the lagoon; and (g) 'rrhe route takes land directly from the park and renders the remaining land less usable. ALTE RNATE #3: (Map "Alternate Route 3") From theparalleling the easterly line of the park boundary eontinuous public access along the Bay. Broadway extension, to provide a Mr. Hanamoto spoke on his favoring the latter route as the most feasible location for a roadway in that (a) it will not interferevrith park activities, (b) the existing park edge, higher than the proposed road would provide pedest.rian overpasses easier and more direct access to the Bay, and (c) the road will be obscured from view by the park. Mr. Hanamoto, commenting on the economie, aesthetj.c and functj.onal advantages of Alternate No. 3, recommended that consideration begiven to (a) The development of lands to continue the park north of the road; (b) the construction of a curved, rather than a straight road to maintain a "parkway" character. Slides were project,ed to shc,!,, the park area outlay, supplemental parking and parallel parking areas, planting islands, pedestrian overpass and a fishing pier; a high water boat landing; a tidal flat habitat; a trail system to coyote Point and a system of access roads to the various recreational facilities. It{r. Eanamoto concluded his presentation and }layor Johnson thereafter invited colunents. Maj. Robert C. craig, 30 Stanley Road, questioned including the proposed island Protusion necessarypark north of the road. the area ofto continue Iand ,the Councilman Martin estimated an approximate t\^re lve acres, siating that the Anza Pacific Corporation, hcnrrever, is obligated through prior agreement with the city to acquire approximately ten acres that will include an eighty-four foot strj.p of 1and, together with a slope easement. Iltr. Hanamoto t4as questioned by councilman I'lartin concerning the elimination of the proposed islands extension, stating that in addition to cost, maintenance would be a Problem. Mr. Hanamoto indicated that the elimination hrould be acceptable. It{rs. O. Fred Fricke, 125 Arundel Road, questioned theindustrial traffic that \"ri11 be generated on the new a work week. extent roadway Both the City Engineer and Councilman lrlartin commented on the proposed four-lane, eighty-four foot width roadway to be constructed and considered to be a normal major city street. Inquiries from Mrs. Albert E. Sigel, Jr., 1355 De Soto Avenue, asto the compatibility of the road's location with plans of the Bay Conservation and Development Comflission and the type planting to be placed in the area, were replied to by Mr. Hanamoto who stated that appropriate wind tolerant trees will be planted and that the criteria of BcDc has been observed by the architects throughout thepreparation of plans for the park and the roadway. council-man Martin eommented on inquiries from It{r. Irving Amstrup, 2708 IErousdale Drive and from Mrs. w. Kracke, 101 Bayswater Avenue, concerning the availability of the additional land, rePorting on the current status of the proPerty and the possibility that it may be necessary to condemn the property in order to acquire the land for the City's purpose. of .Lhe during 10 A guestion from Mrs. Sigel on the Lrillingness of the city to purchase Property for the expansion of the park, was answered by Councilman ceorge who briefly explained the availability of Federal funds andthe budgeting of city funds to finance the acqqisition of the land and confirmed that, the project of the park is endorsed by Council as a wise investment- Irlr. Robe rt Leahy, 1129 nernal Avenue, identifying himself asinterested particularly in baseball's Little l€ague activities,questioned when the new park baseball diamond will be completed. Councilman Martin stated that in his opinion, it would become areality within two years. Further inquiries from Mr. David Larsen, 1215 Cortez Avenue, Mr. David Simpson, representing the Broadw3y Uerchants' Association, and CoI. E. L. Norbetg, 4O7 Occidental Avenue, were classified asrelating to engineering detaj.ls. Councilman Martin and Councilman George each spoke on the numerousdetails yet to be considered and that the architects were concernedprimarily with the aesthetic features in their design of the park. MOTION A motion was thereafter introduced by CouncilmanArchitect's P1an, Alternate No. 3, be adopted inby CounciLman Martin and unanimously adopted. George that Lheprinciple, seconded A 9 Mayor Johnson, in behalf of Council, commended Mr. Hanamoto and hisassociates on the detailed preparation and presentation of plans. i(tru.L 5 5 recess was declared :40 p.m. by the Chair at 9:30 pm and reconvened at 1. SANITARY SEITIE R IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTED A communication from the city Engineer, dated February 10, 1969, advised that the Fairley Constructors Contractor has satisfactorily completed a contract for Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Job 68-14 and Job 68-15, and reconunended that, the contract be formally accepted. A footnoted memo from the City }lanager, dated February concurred rri th the recorunendation. 13, 1969, RE SOLUTION NO. 10-69 "Acce Pting Sanitary Sewer Improvements - E1 c amr-no Real at H 1 llside Drive and Bayshore Highway at Burh"ray Road" ',sas introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, secorided by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon Ro11 Cal1. 2. MONI TORING BOAT PURCHASE A memo from the City Manager, dated February 13, 1969, requested theadoption of a resolution to be submitted to the Federal WaterPollution Control Board notifying that Agency of the necessity topurchase a boat to be used in a monitoring program in the receivingwaters at the Sewer Pl-ant and thereby qualifying the City to receivea FederaL grant of funds. fhe City At.torney was requested to prepare an appropriate resolutionfor Council action and transmittaL t.o the Federal water PollutionControl Board. 3. SANI TARY SEVIE R COMPIAINTS A conmunication vras received from the city Manager, dated February 13, 1969, concerning recent complaints received from residents living COMMUNI CATI ONS 11 within the Laguna-Paloma-Edgehill areas and fron a resident on Drake Avenue, eoncerning excessive sanitary selrer problems. fhe City Manager stated that the Engineering Department is currentlyconducting a study of the area and will sulrnit recqrurendations fora corrective program and that the isolEted incident on Drake Avenuewill be investigated. I€tters were read frqn l{rs. Earbara Jeanne Diehl, 1324 Edgehill Drive, January 19, 1969, ur. Arthur R. wodman, 1252 Drake Avenue, February 5,Mr. ceorge F. Bueckle, 946 Laguna Avenue, February 11, andMrs. A. Ghiotti, 907 Paldna, 'fanuary 28, the complainants referredto in the csnrnunication from the City lvlanager. l{rs. Albert E. Sigal, ilr., 1355 De Soto Avenue, addressed council to request that her name be added to those soliciti,ng he1p, stating that she is required to periodically call uPon the Public works dePartment for sewer assistance - fhe city Engineer, in reply to Mayor Johnson, confirmed that Paloma Avenue and Edgehill Drive are located within the problem area and that his office has cornmenced an intensive study; the infiltration of storm t^raters into the sewers frm the unprecedented rainfall this season has created a condition difficult to Pin Point and to correct and that the field study will determine the nost feasible way to resolve the situation. In reply to further inquiries, the city Engineer advised that as an emergency measure to offer relief to the subject neighborhood, a cross eonnection was made to a larger sewer line on california Drive; hohrever, hcr,, effective this measure will prove cannot be verified until another heavy precipitation occurs. Mrs. Barbara Diehl, 1324 Edgehill Drive, addressed Councilpersonally urge that the City take an actbn to Permanentlythe hazardous sanitary condition. to re solve !tr. willian caplan, 2701 Arguello Drive, colnmented on the possibility that "other community problems " may not be reaehing Couneil for an action. Councilman Martin, in reply, defended the Positions of both the City uanager and the city Engineer, by stating that the sewer improvements are a "continuing" program, vrith the most aggravated areas cbrrected first. councilman Martin, as an illustration, referred to an action taken by Council this evening wherein a sewer i.mprovement contract was accepted as having been complet.ed. Mayor Johnson suggeEted that the city Engineer submit interim reports to council. 4 . CENSUS AG REEIVIENT A corununication hras read from the city Manager, dated February 13, 1959, advising that the county of San uateo has consented to increase the reimbursement to the city for a special census count from $7,500.O0to 59,000.00 and recommended that an agreement be executed. RESOLUTION No. 1I-69 "Resolution Authorizi ng Execution of Agreement fy and Between the City of Burlingame and the County of San Mateo Undertaking a Special census - 1969" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by councilman Martin and unanimously adopted upon RolI cal1. (Regulation of Trees) A detailed report on the subject of "Regulating Trees Which rnterferewith views From Billside Lots !' dated February 13, 1969, was received from the City Attorney in response to a previous request from council. 5. HILLSIDE IOT REPORT t2 A brief statement from the City Attorney, in rePly to a request from the Chair, confirmed that the City has no jurisdiction in the regulation of trees on privately-ozned ProPerties. To a request from Mr. Kenneth Wil1ard, 2840 Rivera Drive, for reasons to substantiate the report of the city Attorney, councilman Martin suggested, with Council thereafter consenting, that the report be read in its entirety. T{le report included references to court-tested cases, citing reasons wherein lree control laws could not be legally upheld. Mrs. Jordan E. Beyer, 1826 caslenada Way, the originator of a petition circulated in her neighbori.ng area, spoke briefly and apprehensively on incidents follcnring the presentation of the petition to Council. lilr. Wi.lliam Caplan, 2701 Arguello Drive, suggested that consideration be given to the economic value of lots and the passage oflegislation on the premise that the "tax structure" of the City would be preserved. It{r. and Mrs. Joseph Green, 1817 Ashton Avenue, whose property is located at the base of the subject hillside, each spoke of their displeasure on a prior occasion when perrnission was given to the petitioner to tr.im trees on their property and their determination to refuse further authorization in the future. l1r. Dan Sullivan, 1875 Castenada:,Avenue, spoke briefly in&fense ofMrs. Eleyer's position. Mayor Jchnson concluded further discussion, stating that council shall accePt the findings of the City Attorney. 6. CITY TIALL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION-TESTING SERVICES A eommunication ffom the City Manager, dated February 13, 1959, advised that the City llall architects are recommending that a fieldinspector be retained as a safeguard to obtain fu11 compliancewith the construction contract lrrork and specifications on the newcity Hal1. Ihe Chair called upon the Building Inspector, in attendance, who corEnented on the variation in inspection required in the constructionof a city iral1 in comparison to a conmercial building and advisedthat his Office will require assistance with the inspection of the proj ect . councilman Martin thereafter moved that an inspector, fulfillingthe gualificaLions set by both the Building Inspector and I4r. Albert W. KahI, City Hall Architect, be engaged at the rate of $75O.0O per month, with the *nspector's prime reporting to be subrnitted toI{r. KahI. Ilhe motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and carried unanimous ly. BAYSIDE TMPROVEMENT DISTRIC #47 A communication from Kenneth f. Jones, representing theWilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, dated February 72, L969,resolutions prepared for council actj.on concerning the Improvement District No- 4 completion of contracts. 1ega1 firm ofreferred to Baysid e A comrnunication from the city Engineer, dated Eebruary 13, 1969, advised that a personal inspection made on this day assured hisOffice that Schedules 4A, 4E and $s have been completed and it $/as his recommendation that all be formally accepted. A footnotedtion.memo from the City Manager, concurred \"ri th the reconunenda- 18 RESOLUTION NO. 12-59 "A RESOLUTION Accepti ng Completion and Directing Engineer to File Notiee of Acceptance of Completion - Bayside fmprovement District No. 4 - ScheduLe 4-A" was introduced by Councilman uartin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon RolI cal1. Improvement District No. 4 - Schedule 4-8" vras introdueed for passage on motion of Councilman lilartin, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon Roll caII. RESOLU'IIoN NO. 14-59 RESOLU'ITON NO. 13-69 E ngJ- nee r to File Noti Improvement Districtto FiIe Notice of Acc passage on motion of Crosby and unanimousl, "A Resolution Accepting completion and Directing ce of Acceptance of completion - Bayside "A Resolution Accepting completion - Bayside No. 4 - Sehedule 4-S and Directing Engineer eptance of Completion" vras introduced for councilman Martin, seconded by Councilmany adoPted uPon Rol1 call. San Mateo, Hickey, " A resolution, substituting "Kenneth M. Allen Engineers, california " as Engineer of Work in Place of "Hc'!,rard c. initiaEed a brief d i scus sion. ljlr. Kenneth attend ance,to relocate as Engineer I. Jones, Attorney, representing the District, in explained that Mr. Hickey, for personal reasons andto another City, has reguested that he be replacedof work. lihe city Engineer, in replyfinal contract in the area councilman l.lartin, stated that a nearing conpletion. to is councilman Martin suggested that an action be withheld until the contract is completed and is certifed by Mr. Hiekey. Mr. David Keyston, the subdivider, in attendance, confirmed that brief delay would not create a hardship and an action on the resolution substituting tshe Engineer of Work t as postponed unti.l regular meeting of council on March 3, L969. a the CIIY OE DALY CITY RE: LEGISI"AIION FOR TAX RELIEF I{ayor Johnson referred to a communication from the City Manager, city of DaIy city, acknor^rledged at the last regular meeting of council, concerning Mayor Bernard J. Lycettrs resolution urging the legislatj.on to provide an effective relief and tax reform for property ohrners within the State of california and his request that cities and chamber of commerces consider the merits of enacting a similar resolution. COUNCTL OF MAYORS RECOMMENDATI ONS In relation to the above referred to subject, councilman Martin, representing Mayor Johnson at the last meeting of the San Mateo County council of Mayors, advised that each eity was requested to ba1lot on the fol1or^ring issues at the next meeting of the councilof lilayors: (1) fhe recormnendation that legislation be adopted on the "use of Public Funds for Reqard Purposes for cr:iminal Acts Against Members of Boards and Commiss.ions " and (2) consider thepresentation of Mayor Lycett, Daly city, to ask that legislative representatives initiate legislation to provide a comprehensive tax program to relieve the burdens of property c,$rners. Councilman Uartin, to again represent the City at the forlhcoming meeting of the Council of trtayors was authorized lo vote 'No" on issue number one and "yes" on issue nunber two. PARK DEPARTMENT COMI\MNDAT I ON A communication was acknc*'rledged from Mrs. Ralph Schaffarzick, 2837 Rivera Drive, dated Pebru.ry 1, 1969, commending the park department on the excellent street tree pruning project, with a copy requested to be submitted to the park Department personnel. 1.+ OF.DINANCES - Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 895 "An Ordinanee Amending Chapter 26.24 of ru}:.e Municipal Code RegulaLing Subdivisions of Less Tlhan Five Lotsby Amending Sec. 26.24.040 Setting Forth the Requirements for aTentative It{ap and Sec. 26.24.O50 Providing for the Action ofthe Planning Commission and City Council" was given its second reading and upon motion of Counci Iman Martin, seconded by councilman Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the follo^ring Ro1l Call vote: Ayesi Councilmen: Crosby-George-Johnson-UartinNoes: Councilmen: None Absent councilmen: Diederichsen. !-n of Mayor Johnson proclaimed the Week t{arch 3 "Nursery Education Week. " March 9 1959 as ANNOUTECEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the Chair announced receipt of a notice of a meeting, "League ofCalifornia Cities, Peninsula Division, Mareh 6, 1969: a noticeof the mid-year Conference of l,layors and Councils in Sacramento,APril 14-16 (Counci lman I'lartin suggested that the City Attorneyattendr) the Police and Fire Departments llonthly acttvity report,llinutes frsn the Library Board and the organizational meeting ofthe new Beautification Commission, the Annual Report for 1958 -Burlingame city Planning Commission and a pofice report on arecent incident occurring at the Kat Patch. WARRANT APPRO/AL Warrants, Month of February, 1969, No. 2264-2454, in the total amount of $199,827,A9, duly audited, were approved for payment 6n motion of Councilman crosby and seconded by Councilman Mar-tin. PAYROLL APP ROVAL Payroll Warrants, Month of January, 1959, Nos. 3lO7-3644,the total amount of $158,379.54, \,re re approved on motion Councilman Crosby and seconded by councilman Martin. ADJOURNMENT There being no flther transaction of business, the meeting \^ras regularly adjourned at 11:55 p.m. ResPectfully suhmi Eted, TIERBERT K. I,IHITE City clerk APP ROVED: ,ehabQ/*-' CHARLOTTE Mayor JOHNSON P ROCI,AMATION l&/,-tr^,2,h