HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1971.06.2178 Burlingame, June 21, CALL TO O P.DER A regular meeting of the Burlingame above date. lfhe meeting was called Mayor Irving S. tunstrup presiding. Present Abs ent MI NUTE S ca 1i fornia 1971 city council- was held on the to order at 8:10 P.m., I971, PreviouslY sutxnitted to P I,EDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE At the chair's invitaEion the city Planner led the assemblage i.n the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CALL - councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-Johnson-Mangini-Martin - Councilmen: None The minutes of the meeting Council, were aPProved and of June 7, adopted. PRE SENTATI ON SAN MATEO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT DRUG ABU SE EDUCATI ON AND COUNSE I,ING I{ayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt_of a_ communication from the city ii.iig.i a"t.t Jo'u 21, ig?L, advising that Dr' Edward ?' warsh, asriitant Superintendent, San Mateo Union Hig-h School District, has requested an oPportunity to- address council in connection r"ri th an .piii""ii"" tfrit fras be-en fited by the Dist.rict for a grant under ttrE OmniUus Crime control and Safe Streets Act' Ttre communication explained that there wa$Su:.Jay oY the city's iunds involved but tirat the aPplication requi red an endorsement by a 1ocal governmental agencY. Mayor Amstrup recognized Dr' Walsh, extending him the prvilege of the floor. Dr. Wtslsh rePorted that a project to provide drug abuse education irrit "orrr".ti-ng in each school-in the -pistrict was endorsed and funded tv-tir. c"r:.ioi.ri_a council on criminal Justice and that sufficient ftnds remain to continue the Program t'hrough the current sunme r session. He stated that Fedeial- funds allocated to schools have U.."-a.pf.terr but that funds were available to cities' that the ;i;ari;"t;= application for the L97l-L972 school year -receivediavorable conlideration by a Narcotics, Drug and Alcohol.Abuse Task For." o., June 2 and was rlcommended to the council on Criminal ]""ii.", provided there \,'ras endorsement thereof bv a local unit of government. Dr. Walsh stet,ed thrf- +he DisLrict was hopeful of receiving the ai;y ;i Burlinqame's approval in the- form of a Letrer sripulating il;t 6l.-city iouncir iireea ro be rhe sponsor for rhe .197-L-r972pi"l".i, the letter io -be sent to the council on criminal Justice ir, - -s"".a*"trto in time for its meeting on Thursday, June 24, l97L' hrhen the application was scheduled for hearing' Councilman Mangini's suggestion that the letter be written' with ;;;;;p; a resoiution to-iol-row later, was apProved by the city Attorney as to Procedure. counci Iman endorse the for a grant and recom- ccGT ProPosal A motion introduced by councilman Martin and seconded by r'l""gi"i that the city council of the.city of Burlingame "ppii.iti"" of the Sin Mateo union High School District i'"i- i," purpose of drug abuse education and counseling' mend to ih"- california Council of criminal ilustice that 79 #0467 be funded with the City of Burlingame as sponsor, was unanimousl"y carried. appropriate letter COMMUNICATTONS 1. BURLINGAME A\IENUE BEAUTIFICATION Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of a communication dated June L7, L971, from the City Manager advising that Mr. Rona1d Perner,architect,, will appear before Council to discuss a possible delayin staft of cons',-ruction of the Burlingame Avenue Beautification program. Mayor Amstrup also acknowledged a letter dated June 20, 1971, from Lawrence L. Plagmann, Proprietor, Burlingame Druq Company, statingthat he, and many other merehants, desire the project to proceed forward with all possible speed. Mr. Perner, upon recognition by the Chair, stated that some merchantsare of the opinion that there is insufficient time to complete eonstruction prior to onset of the Christmas shopping season andp fer to postpone until after the holidays. I{r. Perner reportedthat he contacted two local paving cont,ract,ors and was informed byboth that the job would entail at least, 4-l/2 to 5 months and, forthat reason, the decision was made to present the problem to Councilfor guidance. IvIr. Perner reported that all of the specifications have been written and final working drawings can be completed in 3 to 4. He statedthat, because of the time element, he had considered the possibility of completing the work in sections - perhaps a block at a time,starting at California Drive accomplishing as much as possible by October 1, then, to accommodate those concerned with disruptionof the seasonal shopping, to stop the work and restart after thefirst of the year. !tr. Robert Thompson, Chamber of Commerce President, stated there does not appear to be unanimity among the merchantsi there aredivergent opinions whether construction during the months of October, November and December will have an adverse effect on business. I"1r. Douglas Beetlestone, representing Levy Bros., stated that thefirm does 34% of its business during the last 3 to 3-L/2 months ofthe year. He recalled that construction of the city parking lotat the rear of the store occurred during that pe_qied _leElvear andhis principals prefer not to be confronted withiurrreniences thatwill result if gurlingame Avenue is under construction through theholiday season this year. He requested that the project, be delayedif the street work cannot, be completed by Oct,ober 1at the latest. Councilman Johnson stated that she was sorry to see the project stymied but that, obviously, the time factor created a problem noteasily resolved. Explaining that she had reservations about the piecemeal approach, Councilman Johnson suggested that if it was impracticable to attempt to compl-ete work by the October I deadline,that it be delayed until earl-y next year. Couneilman Johnson expressed confidence that the merchants I enthusiasm and support will not be dampened beeause of a temporary delay. L- Council heard a report from Mr. Tlhomas W. Sine (Chairman, Planning Commission) that he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce Committeethat undertook the initial study to develop a beautificationprogram for Burlingame Avenue, that he prepared the cost estimate andprojected a timetable whereby the work would have been compl-etedin 60 days. He stated that he has reviewed lr{r. Perner's eurrentplans and was prepared to sustain his original progrnostication of60 days. tlayor Amstrup, pointing out that Council was uninformed as to themajority opinion of the merchants, requested tutr. William Hauser, General I{anager, Chamber of Commerce, to comment. the City Manager wasto meet the deadline to forruard an by Dr. Wa1sh. requested requested 80 Mr. Hauser stated that, at the request of the Chamber of CommercePresident Ehompson and two-thirds of the merchants, he polled between20 and 30 busin€ssmenr attempting to contact the key firms, that there was a consensus that any time would be acceptable, except the monthsof October, November and December--one firm excluded September. Hestated that the primary objection was that shoppers will tend to bypass areas where street work is in progress and shop elsewhere. Tlhe City Engineer stated his position that, the job would entail at least four months, if street widening was included, because of r-he existence of various types of utilities--eliminating the curb work may reduce the time one monLh. The city Engineer also pointed out that if the time is cut too short many contractors will not bid anri those that do will put a nremium on the job for "rushing. " There foLlowed a lengthy period of general discussion during 'r.thichan attempt was made to analyze in depth the pros and cons of expediting tho project as opposed to postponement; the question of increased lahor and material costs, in the event of delay, was diocussed, as well ao retent,ion of a job an:r1yst, (critical path method) whereby all of the probl.ems inherent in the project would be pinrrointed. flre City Engineer pointed out there could be problems in either approach, whether atternpt,ing to rush a contractor into a ioband subjecting him to a reslrictive schedule o et risking the possi- bility of increesed labor costs by next spring. Councilman Martin, commcnting on labor contracts. statad that it would appear reasonable to assume there would be no substantial wage increases between the present time and March l andr oil that basis, perhaps bids could be delayed. The City Engineer, concurring with Councilman Martin, recommended anvar<l of bids earlv March, eonstruction to commence immediately after Easter, as an accommodation to the merchants. Councilman Mangini, voicing approval to the City Engineer's recommendation, requested Mr. Thompson to comment. fhe latter indicated confidence in the merchants to abide by Council's decision. fhe City Attorney, responding to Councilman Manginirs inquiry concerning the effect that postponement may have on the fee schedule, stated it is not Council's intent,ion to abandon or modify the project and there is no reason for Ehe collection of fees not to proceed as provided by the ordinance. A motion introduced by CounciLman Crosby, and seconded by Councilman Mangini, to delay the program for beautificat,ion of Burlingame Avenue to March, L972, was unanimously carried. RECESS Followingl a recess at 9z2A P.!!, Mayor Amstrup reconvened the meeting at 9:30 P.M. PRELIMINARY PIANS ACCEPTED, WORKING DRAWINGS AUTTIORIZED, BURLINGAI{E AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION In response to Councilman Martin, I4r. Perner confirmed the figure of $200,000.00 as the preliminary cost estimate for the project and, additionally, should all of the bids exeeed that figure by LO%t to revise 'Ehe working plans and specifications at no expense to the city, to bring the cost within LO% of the preliminary est,imate. A motion introduced by Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman Mangini- to accept and approve the preliminary plans and preliminary cost estimates prepared by Ronald A. Perner, Architect, Burlingame Avenue Beautification, was carried unanimously. A motion introduced by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried directed Mr. Perner to prepare detailed working drawings and specifications. 81 LIAISON BE COMMI SSIONS Mr. Robert Bills, member of the Health, Safety and [raffic Commission,addressed Council in connection with establishment of a system ofcommunication between the cityrs commissions. 1"1r. Bills stated thereappear to be areas where an exchange of ideas between commissions maybe helpful. He suggested joint meetings of eommission chairmen atregular intervals, appointment of a commission member as liaison toanother commission, or perhaps an exchange of minutes. Mayor Amstrup explained that Council is in the process of studyingsuggestions from the various commissions in connection with thEir-organizational arrangements and that the matter of liaison wouldappear to be a suitable topic to explore. Mayor Amstrup requested the City ManagerCouncilrs attention at a study meeting. to bring the matter to councilman Martin suggested that the city Managerrs office mightprepare condensations of all of the commission minutes for distributionamong commissions. COMMUNICATIONS (cont. ) 2 STOP STGN.LLSIDE DRIVE A communication from the City l{anager dated June L7, 1971, submitteda reeommendation from the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission thatthe pedestrian activated signal on Primrose Road, between Howardand Bayswater Avenues, not be removed to Hillside Drive. The Cornmission's alternate recommendation was installation of astop sign on Hillside at the eorner of Cabrillo Avenue, and the st.reet marked to designate "School Zone, " and Pedestrian Crossing. " Councilman Crosby reported that he was informed by some members ofthe Commission that they felt the signal would be very costly but werenot satisfied that the sign would be effective, Councilman Crosbyrs comment that signs appear to be of litt1e value at school erossingswas eoncurred in by Council. The City Manager, responding to Mayor Amstrup's inquiry concerningcosts involved in the installation of a push-button type of signal,reported that the electrician estimated approximately $2,300.00 formaterial and perhaps double for labor. In response to Councilman Johnson's inquiry to Commissioner Bi}ls,Hea1th, Safety and Traffic Commission, whether there was discussionconcerning a signal on HilLside Drive, comparable to that on Primrose,he replied in the negative, stating that the question to the Com-mission was "should there be a stop sign or should there be nothing.',Commissioner Bills stated the members appeared to be in agreement ltrata sign had many disadvantages and few advantages, was not a satisfactorymethod of control, and that all of the Commissioners had reservations,notwithstanding its recommendation to Council. fn response to Councilman Crosby, the City Engineer reported that,some gas tax funds may be available to subsidize part of the costsof a push-button signal and that he wj-Il prepare a cost estimatefor Council's review. 1 The City lvlanager waswith a request for aPrimrose Road in the requested to resubmit the matter torecommendation on a signal, similararea of St. Catheriners School. Commissionto that on 3. CARMELITA A ,,NO PARKING. " A communication from the City planner dated June L4,a recoilrmendation from the parking commission that theCarmelita Avenue, between California Drive and Chulabe posted "no parking at anlr time. " L97L, submitted north side of Vist-a Avenue, 82 The communication explained that the street carries a heavy load of traffic from California Drive into Hillsborough; although there is contro'lled parking at certain hours, the right, of way is not wide enough for two lanps of moving traffic, plus two lanns of Parking,without careful driving, and there have been a number of accidents involving vehicles attempting to enter the street from California Drive. An addendum to the letter from the City Manager dated June L7, L97L, recommended that the necessary leqislati-on be enacted, Ihe matter was referred to the Citv Attorney for preparation of an ordinance. Councilman Martin inquired of the Chief of Police if the tow-away rule is enforced on Carmelita Avenue where the street is posted banning parking between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a,m.i also, on Broadway between California Drive and Chula Vista Avenue. 4. oRDTNANCE - REMOVAL OF ABANDONED \€.FrCr,ES A eommunication from the City Manager dated June )-7, L97L, endorsed a reeommendation from the Chief of Police, dated June 16, L97L, that legislation be adopted conforming to the teague of California Cities model ordinance for the removal of abandoned vehieles. fLre City Attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate ordinance. 5. APPOINTIVIENT TO RIGHT ?fAY ADVI SORY COMIVIITTEE A letter from the City Manager dated June L6, L97L, submitting a request from Mr. Keith Bernard, Project Coordinator, San Francisco Airport Access Project, for appointment of a member from the City of Burlingame to the Right of Way Advisory Committee, was acknowledged. Etre City Manager was delegated to serve on the committee. 6. ADVERTISING FOR BIDS BAYSIDE PARK A request from the City Manager dated June L7, L97L, for authorid.ion to advertise for bids for the structures at Bayside Park baseball fields was approved. fLre City Engineer reported that notice to bidders will appear in the Advance-Star on Wednesday and Saturday, June 23 and 26, L97L, with opening seheduled at 2:00 p.m., JuIy 14, 1971. 7. I.AGE NEGOTIATIONS A communication from the City Manager dated June L7, L97L, reported that wage negotiations are ready for sett,lement and approval and recommended that action be taken to concLude the negotiations. ftre City Manager, responding to Councilman Mangini, the three employee organizations have returned the of agreement. confirmed that signed memorandums A motion introduced by Councilman l'lartin and seconded by Councilman Johnson to approve the adjusted salary and fringe benefits recit,ed in the agreements was unanimously carried. SAIARY ADJUSTI'IENTS RESOLUTION Nq. 3_6:i1 "Fixing And Establishing Classificat,ions, sa Of Employees In The City Service Of fkre City Of Burlingame" was introduced for passage on Motion of Councilman Johnson, seeonded by Councilman Mangini, and unanimously carried on ro11 call. RESOLUTION NO. 37-71 "A Resoluiion I'ixing Tlhe Compensation Of rhe EIty clerk For Special motion of Councilman Crosby declared carrbd on the folI AW S: COUNCILI'IEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILIITEN: Services" was introduced for passage on , seconded by Councilman Mangini- and owing ro11 call: Ams t, rup- Cro sby-Johnson-Mang ini Martin None 8;i RE SOLUTION NO. 38-71 "Increasing Tlhe Compensation Of ftre City Managerrr r^ras introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and carried unanimously on roll cal1. RE SOLUTION NO 3 9-71 "Authorizing Execution Of An Agreement Modify 1n9 The Agreement For Special Planning And Advisory Services Dated January 7, L952 'r was introduced for passage on motion ofcouncilman llangini, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried unani- mously on ro11 cal1. RE SOLUTION NO. 40-71 "A Resolution Requiring The city Treasurer To Perform fhe Duties of Payroll Cl-erk, Prescribing His Duties As Such PayroLl Clerk And Fi.xing Ilhe Compensation For Such Duties" wasintroduced for passage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Mangini and declared carried on the following ro11 call: AIIES: COUNCILI(EN: Amstrup-Crosby-ilohnson-l,langiniNOES: COUNCILMEN: Martin ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None RE SOLUTION NO 4t-7L tResolution Electing To Be Subject To Meyers-Geddes State Employees' Medical And Hospital Care Act"was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, secondedby Councilman ,fohnson and unanimously carried on roII cal1. SUGGE STED IAND SCAP TNG - PORTION SOUTHE RN PACIFIC COMPANY RIGHT OF WAY I,layo r funstrup acknowledged receipt of a coNnunication fromMrs. Aline L.renz, in behaLf of the Beautification Commi ssion,requesting Council's consideration to a program designed to improvthe appearance of the Southern Pacific right of way on Carolan Avenue between Oak Grove and Broad\"ray by means of landscapino. fhe City Manager was re(ruested to inform the Commission that Councilwas receptive to hearing further detrils on the proposal. 9 BEAUTIFICATION COMMT SSI^N REOUE ST TOR FIJND S A communic:tion dated June 15, 1971, from Mr. Richard Bortolin,chairman, Eeautification 'ommission, requasting an allocation of $500.00 to assist in defraying exgen:es incurred by members inaE.tending maetings and eonferenccs was referrod to Council Dlrdqat Committee for evaluation and recommendation. RE SOTUTI ^NS SAN IvIATtsO COUNTY SC}IVENGE R CO[4P AIiTY AG RE} MENT UPon :dvice from the City Attorney that the contract has not beenreturned bv the San Mateo County Scaventer Company, a.ntion on theresolution authorizinq execution of agreement to provide forcollection of garden refuse was defer-red to the meeting ofiluly 6, 1971. ORDI NCE S 1. KAVANAU d{ AND WALTGORE ANNEXATION acknowledged receipt of a communication dated from San Mateo County Engineer and Road Commissioner, I S.H,Cuntwe11, Jr., requesting favorable action by the City Council L on the Kavanaugh,/Waligore Annexation and confirming that the CountyEngineerrs Office wiLl proceed with withdrawal of the properties from the Burlinqame Hi1ls Sewer Maintenance District, as directedby IAFCO in their Resolution passed and adopted on April 2L, L97L. ORDI NANCE NO. 935 Of Uninhabited Cont And Kavanaugh On AI on motion of Councisaid Ordinance pass Mayor AmstruP June 18, 1971, "Approving Annexation To The city Of Burlingameiguous rerritory Designated "Lands of Waligorevarado Avenue I' was given its second reading, and lman Johnson, seconded by Councilman crosby,ed its second reading and was unanimously adopted 84 on the foI1or',ing ro11 call: funs trup- crosby-Johnson-Mangini -Martin None None ORDINANCE NO. 936 "An Ordinance Amending the2. Introduction of:Municipal Code Of Ttl A suggestion from the City Pother interested persons be AY]ES: NOES: ABSENT and accorded Counci I . COUNCILMAN: COUNCII.I"IEN: COUNCILI"IEN: pportunity e city Of Burl ]. ngame By Adding Chapter 2 5.80(Reports Of Residentiat Building Records) To Title 25 (zoning. ) " wasintroduced for first reading by Councilman Mangini. lanner that the Real Estate Board and informed of the proposed legislation to, express their views was accepted by 7// 7) the press will be informed, as weII as the ano(.t --^ The City Manager stated that Real Estate Board. UNEINI SIIED BUSIMSS None . I{EW BUSINE SS 1 AR'I/IIJLTJ RAI COMMI TIEE Councilman Johnson announced that the first meeting of the Art,/culEural Committee wiLl be held on ,fune 29, 1971, at 8:00 p.m.in the CounciL Chambers and extended an invitation to Council tobe present. )ART S?UDENTS PROJECT Councilman Johnson reported that a proposal was made to the Chamberof Commerce Board of Directors whereby art teachers and students voLunteered, as part of a sunmer program, to improve the appearanceof the rear of Ehe buildings adjacent to the city's parking lot onthe south side of Donnelly Avenue, by painting and mounting ceramicmosaics. Councilman Johnson stated that the Chamber has appointeda sub-committee to its Beautification Committee in an attempt toinitiate the program, the only costs involved will be for materials,which the merchants will be asked to subsidize. 3. I-^EGAI ACTION INVOLVING CITY -- PERSONAL PROPERTY TA)<E S llhe city Attorney reported there was a suit filed by Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation for an amount approximating $6900.00,naming the City of Burlingame as one of the Defendants. on a motion introduced by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously carried, the city Attorney was authorized to represent the City in the Action. 4. ENVI RONMENTAL AIdARD P ROGRAM Mayor funstrup acknowledged receipt of a communication from the San Mateo County Development Association, Inc., advising that theCity of Burlingame Tertiary Sewage Treatment Plant has been nominatedfor consideration in the 1971 Environmental Award program, and that awards will be presented Wednesday, June 30, 1971 at the Hilton Inn. In response to Councj-lman Martin, the City Manager confirmed thatthe plant is operating at highest capacity for sewage treatmeht,. Councilrnen Crosby and Mangini stated that students who visited theplant on Student coverrunent Day apparently were misinformed as tothe extent of the greatment. the City Manager was requested todirect an aporopriate letter clarifying the sii:uation. 85 BEAUTIPICA TION AI/,RRD Councilman Johnson reported that Crosby N. Gray and Company recej.vedthe latest Beautification Award for its outstanding landscaping. ACKNO!{[,EDGMENTS Communications:Lawrence H. Putman, City of Burlingame Postmaster, announcement of observance of "Postal Services Day" incident to inaugurationof the new U. c.Postal Service. Chamber of Commerce appreciation for Council assistance during thehighly successful Errlingame Days program; City of Woodlake concerning sal-es tax redistribution--May 21, 197I League of California Cities legislative bulletin. Minutes and Reports: Beautification Commissinn, June ?i Park andn, June 8; Parking Commission, June 9; Health,Safety and Traffic Commission, June 10: Fire.Department and Police Department leport,s for the month of May, 1971. APPROVALS Warrants On a motion introduced by Councilman Mangini, seconded by CounciLman Crosby and unanimousl-y carried, warrants for the month of June L971, duly audited, Nos. 7866 through 8086, in the amount of $2L4,559.95,were authorized for pavment. Payrqll: On a motion introducerr by Councilman Manqini, seconded by Councilman n-osby, payroll warrants for the month of Mav, L97L, Nos. L8962 through 19540, in the amount of $1q2.673.75 were approved. COTINCILMAN JOHNSON REPORT Councilman Johnson reportecl that Mrs.. Leona Wescott, who with her husband presented the city with the Gettysburg Address plaque thatis mounted in the City Hall foyer, passed on. Councilman Johnsonstated that she will send an expression of sympathy to the family,in Council's behalf. NEWSLETTER Mayor Amstrup reported that he lunched recently with Mr. Robert, Coczor,Editor, Millbrae Leader, and that Mr. Coczor offered a quarter of apage to the City of Burlingame at no cost, for purposes of a "newsletter. "Mayor Amstrup requested staffrs cooperation in compiling items thatlvill be of cornmunity interest. ADJOURNMENT The meeLing was regularly adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -ld,**Herbert KlCity Clerk ite, APPROVED: Mayor