HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1974.03.121:i7 Burlingame, California March 12, 197 4 CALL TO ORDER e meeting of the Burlingame City Council, scheduled in compliance with the California Election Laws, to canvass returns of the ceneral i"lunicipal Election held in the city of Burlingame on March 5, 1974, was cal1ed to order at 8:00 p.m., on the above date by Mayor R. D. Martin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FL,AG: Led by Herbert K. White, City ROLL CALL CIerk. Present:Absent:Councilmen: Counci lmen : Ams trup-Crosby-Cu s ick-Mangini -Mar tin None MUNICTPAL ELECTION The City Clerk attested to the Certificate Of Record Of Votes Cast At Polting P1aces Within Burlingame At The General l,4unicipal Election H Count The C eld O y Clerk ofity of n March 5, I97 4. Votes in Precincts t through 15 were tabulated as follows: COUNCII,,MAN R.D.(DAVE)BATLOTS PRECINCT CAST Absentees 56 TOTALS WITLIAM J. CROSBY MART IN HARRY S. GRAHAM, JR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 1l- L2 13 L4 I5 283 273 2t9 l-9 6 245 252 205 368 229 295 260 207 156 LO2 L74 141 118 118 131 11s ]-23 L26 t76 106 157 t47 I00 84 62 101 126 94 96 86 L12 106 108 L46 85 ]-22 ).28 83 84 44 10r 82 82 58 53 75 95 61 107 86 104 82 69 43 27 47 40 r845 1558 8 1089 ( continued ) 37 13E COUNCILMAN (cont. ) A.C. 5-U-D-r-- HARRISON JAMES RHODESPREC INCT Absentees 56 TOTALS TOTAL BALLOTS CAST : BALLOTS CAST 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 1I t2 13 14 I5 283 273 219 196 245 ?tr? 205 368 229 295 260 207 156 102 t74 L76 L82 L24 96 147 143 94 229 143 165 L26 130 79 57 77 5 5 0 0 3 5 2 13 4 l_0 3 0 3 3 n 19 1987 2 58 3520 RESOLUTION No. 15-74 "Declaring Result of General Municipal ffiintroduced by councilman Amstrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Mangini and unanimously carried on ro11 call, Following expressions of appreciation to the people who assisted him during the campaign, to the citizenry, City staff and employees, former Mayor and Councilman R.D. Martin left the chambers. Mayor Pro Tempore Crosby assumed the Chair. INSTALLATION WilLiam J. Crosby and A.C. "Bud" Harrison were certified as elected Councilmen of the City of Burlingame. The Oath of Office wasadministered by the City C1erk. ETECTION CHAIRMAN-MAYOR The Chair declared nominations open for the position of Chairman ofthe Council and Mayor of the City of Burlingame. Councilman Amstrupplaced the name of Mayor Pro Tempore Crosby in nomj-nation, second by Councj.lman Mangini. There being no further nominatj-ons, the nomina-tions were declared closed and a unanimous ba1lot cast forWilliam J. Crosby as Chairman of the Council and Mayor of the Cityof Burlingame for the forthcoming year. ELECTION MAYOR PRO TEMPORE The nominations were declared open. Councilman Mangini placed the name of Councilman Amstrup in nomination second by Councilman Cusick. There being no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and a unanimous ba11ot cast for frving S. Amstrup as Mayor Pro Tempore for the forthcoming year. Mayor Crosby and Councilman llarrison thanked the people who helpedin their campaigns. The new Council- officers received felicitations from their colleagues. Following introduction by the Council offamily members in attendance, acknowledgment of former Councilman Martints contributions while a member of the Council, and a pledge by the Council, collectively, of continuing efforts in the City's bahalf, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Herbert K. white, City Clerk. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS