HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2021.12.16CITY 0 Raoawteo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, December 16, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Holzman at 7:01 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Ardito, Chang, Holzman, Brunello, Pappajohn and Wettan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad & Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Lance Fung 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Brunello made a motion to approve the November minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wettan and was approved. 6-0-1 (Pappajohn was not at the November meeting). 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS 1 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes December 16, 2021 a. Robert Barry Art at Bayside Park Director Glomstad noted the staff has been working with Fung Collaboratives to install the Anson Burlingame Public Art project in Washington Park, with a ribbon -cutting expected in January 2022. In the process, an opportunity to increase public art displays in Burlingame presented itself due to the relationship with Fung Collaboratives. Mr. Fung and John Talley have offered to donate a public artwork by artist Robert Barry. The artwork includes six words that could be seen during the day by foot, car, or plane and would also be visible during evening hours if power is available to light the LED lights in the artwork. The words are between 10'6" and 20' in length, and the letters are 2' tall. Of the eight words owned by Fung/Talley, six are available for installation in Burlingame. 1. Becoming (red) 2. Believe (red) 3. Purpose (blue) 4. Possible (green) 5. Together (orange) 6. Another (yellow) The proposed location of the words is City land on the hillside below the Bayfront Park Corporation Yard, between the Bayside Dog Exercise Park and the Public Works Storage Yard (Exhibit A). Staff chose the location for its visibility from incoming planes and the Bay Trail. In addition, the area is fenced in and not easily accessible, which will reduce the chances of vandalism. The hillside vegetation will need to be cleaned by staff before installation. This includes removing dead vegetation, clearing weeds, and mowing. Library staff had mentioned interest in installing one of the red words at the Burlingame Library. Therefore, staff requested that the Commission choose between "Becoming" and "Believe" and recommend the installation of the five words on the Bayfront to the City Council for consideration. Mr. Fung noted the material used to create the words allows them to be waterproof and low maintenance for staff. Commissioner Brunello asked if there were any liability concerns. Glomstad noted the words would be fenced in to reduce the chance of the public damaging them. Commissioner Wettan asked would there be any more risk once they were powered and what the power connection would be. Glomstad noted an electrician would have to be consulted to determine the power source needs. Wettan asked who owned the rights to the words. Mr. Fung stated he owned the artwork and will be donating it to the City. Commissioner Chang asked if other locations in the City could work. Mr. Fung noted that the location is reminiscent of the original location the artist had them installed. Staff noted other 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes December 16, 2021 locations would pose a challenge due to the size of the installation and the ability to separate it from the public. Commissioner Pappajohn thought the idea was exciting and a statement to have contemporary art outside. She asked if you could see the words from an airplane. Mr. Fung noted that when the words were installed in Atlantic City, they heard it could be seen from the air. Mr. Fung noted that the words are ambiguous and evoke different thoughts each time they are viewed. Commission talked about the different words and which ones they would choose. Commissioner Pappajohn liked the word Believe over Becoming as it is a more powerful word, and Becoming seems more Library appropriate. Commissioner Ardito agreed and liked the word Believe because Becoming seemed like we were not yet where we wanted to be. Commissioner Milne agreed that Believe is a strong word but could stand alone, and he thought Becoming went well with other words. When Commissioner Chang read the staff report, he thought of the words one way and now, due to the discussion, found the words to have a different meaning. He liked both Becoming and Believe. Commissioner Wettan stated he would vote for Becoming because he felt Believe was trying to tell him something with which he may disagree. After more discussion, Chair Holzman noted that it felt as though the Commissioners wanted all the words, if possible. The Commission agreed they would prefer to install all the words offered by Mr. Fung and Mr. Talley. Mr. Fung felt that the artist would prefer to keep the words together and agreed with the Commission that it would be better overall. MOTION: Commissioner Pappajohn moved to install all the words on the hillside near the Bay Trail. Motion Seconded by Commissioner Milne and was approved. 7-0. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported she would be presenting an update on the new Community Center to the City Council at the December 20, 2021 meeting. The 1st Memory Caf6 of the New Year is on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, in -person at Mills -Peninsula Health and Fitness Center. This Tuesday, the Department rolled out the new RecTrac registration system. Nicole Houghton is Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes December 16, 2021 back from her leave, and Sydney Bliss has returned to the Department as a Recreation Coordinator. She will be overseeing all the contractors providing classing in the new Community Center and in-house vacation camps. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Brunello reached out to BYBA and BGS and had not heard from them but looked forward to hearing from them in the future. Commissioner Wettan reached out to all three user groups, OLA, Lacrosse, and requested contact information for St. Catherine. Commissioner Chang noted that the Holiday Tree lighting was an enjoyable event. Chair Holzman enjoyed the Holiday Tree Lighting. She noted it was fun to be part of a community event again. Commissioner Milne - None Commissioner Ardito reported she reached out to BSC but had not heard back. She wanted to commend Director Glomstad and the team on assisting with anything that comes up from the community. She noted that she and her family are excited to judge the holiday decorating contest. Commissioner Pappajohn - None 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a.) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 7:00 pm via zoom webinar. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 4 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes December 16, 2021