HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1973.03.05410 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting on the above date PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Burlingame, California March 5, 197 3 of at the Burlingame City Council was called to order 8:05 p.m., Mayor Victor A. Mangini presiding. led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance toCity Planner F1ag. The the ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Councilmen: Councilmen: Ams trup-Crosby-Cu s ick-Mang i ni-Martin None MI NUTES The minutes of the meeting of February 20, 1973, previously sub-mitted to Council, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT,SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORT EXPANSION.' Councilman Martin announced that the above-titled EnvironmentalImpact Report will be the subject of a hearing before the San Fran-cisco Airport Corunissj-on on Tuesday, March 6, I973. In addition,there will be a hearing before the San Mateo County planning Com-mission, the date to be selected, and on Thursday, March I at 8:00p.m., in Burlingame's Councj.l Chambers, the County Airport Land Use Commission wiII meet to discuss the E.I.R., the public isinvited. The Burlingame meeting was scheduled primarily for infor-mational purposes at the request of San Franci.sco Airport Com-mission; it will be the only night hearing. A record of the pro- ceedings will go to the County Planning Commission for considera-tion and incorporatj.on in its report to the Str' Airport Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULEDI'BURLINGA}4E AVENUE AREA PARKING DISTRICT.I' Councilman Martin suggested that the Council consider initiating aseries of public hearings on findings and conclusions presented by De Leuw, Cather & Company in their final report on the Burllngame Avenue Area Parking Study. Ile recornnended the foltowing schedule: Hearing #1: Shall free parking be changed to metered parking;if so, shalL meter rates be increased. #22 Direction of development in the downtown areaishould be a joint Council-P lanning Commissionand, thereafter, the Commission to pursue the on the basis of testimony given. thi s hear ing issue #3:Implementation of De Leuw, Cather recommendationsas to restriping of lots, changes in lot usage, and other general alternatives, after meteringdecision is made. At this hearing, each specificlot should be discussed. #4 After the foregoing, there should be a fourthhearing to explore such matters as acquisition of new 1ots, double-decking or going underground. Council indicated no objection and, followinq advice from the CityAttorney concerning procedure, Mayor Manginj- announced that thefirst hearing will be held at a special meeting on Wednesday, March 14,1973, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. l, 411 BIDS: ROLLINS ROAD WIDENING EDWARDS COURT TO MTLLS CREEK Bids forp.m., in the above project, opened accordance with published on February J-4, 197 3 notice, were declarej TOTAL BID at as 2:00 follows: B I DDER Anza Engineering corporation Covey Trucking Company Gray & Lewj.s, Inc. L.C. Smith Company Asphalt Paving Company Fisk, Firenze & Mclean Lowrie Paving Company O.C. Jones & SonsB. Fontana & Sons $16,595.00 17,403.00 r7,558.00 t7,992.00 18,380.50 I9,582.50 19,865.55 20,828.50 21,533.00 Engineer's Estimate $23 ,140.00 In a co(ununication dated March 1, 1973, the Director of Public works recorunended award of contract to the low bidder, Anza Engineer- ing Corporation. The City Manager concurred in an addendum to the communication . RESOLUTIoN NO. 24-73 "Awarding Contract For Construction On City Street In San Mateo County, In Bur lingame, On Rollins Road Betrreen Edwards Court And Mil1s Creek, TOPICS Project \-3072 (63) OFCC NO. SM-DOT- (H)-1-73-021 (Anza Engineering Corporation, $16,595.00) was introduced by Councilman Martin who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried on roll call. HEARINGS EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY INTERIM URGENCY ZONING ORDINANCES NOS. 959 AND 960 (BUILDING PERMITS IN PARKING DISTRICT) Mayor l,langini announced that this was the time and place scheduled pursuant to published notice to conduct a public hearing and to consider extension of ernergency legislation restricting issuance of building permits within the Burlingame Avenue Area off-Street Parkj,ng District. The City Planner, responding to the Chair, explained that studies for establishment, of new parking regulations in the downtown area cannot be completed prior to expiration of the existing interim ordinance; for that reason, the extension is needed. Declaring the hearing open, the Chair invited comments from the f1oor,pro or con. There were none. The hearing was declared closed. I ORDINANCE NO. 981 Ordinances Nos. 959 AYES : NOES : ABSENT "Extending Temporary Interim Urgency Zoning and 960 Restricting Issuance of Building Per- mits Within ?he Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District" was introduced and adopted on motion of Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman Cusick and unanimously approved on roll call: CoUNCILMEN: Ams trup-Cro sby-Cu s ick-Mangini -Martin COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILMEN: None 2. EXTENSION OF INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 971 (APARTMENT PARKING) Mayor l,langini announced that this was the time and place pursuant to published notice to conduct a public hearing and to consider exten- sion of emergency legislation regulating off-street parking require- ments for apartments and apartment hotels. Declaring the hearing There were none. The open, the Chair invited comments from hearing was declared closed. the floor. 2. 412 In response to a question from Councilman MarLin, the City Attorney confirmed that the text of the proposed urgency ordinance is i<len-tical to the existing ordinance - No. 971 - with respect to parking requj.rements. ORDINANCE NO. 982 "Extending Interim Urgency Zoning Ordinance No.gTTinienaIng Sect:.on 25.70,030 (b), Title 25- (zoning) of TheMunicipal Code Regulating Off-Street Parking Requirements For Apart- ments And Apartment Hotels" was introduced and adopted on motion of Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman Cusick and unanimously approved on ro11 call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-Mangini-r,lartin NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCIWEN: None Introduction of an Ordinance "Amending Section 25.70.030 (b), Tit]e 25 (zoning) Of The Municipal Code Regulating Off-Street Parking Requirements For Apartments And Apartment Hotels" was postponed to the meeting of March 19, 1973, to allow for Council review at the study meeting on March 7. TOPIC FOR STUDY }IEETING AGENDA Councilman Amstrup tions be placed on asked that the agenda the matter of building height limita- of the March 7 study meeting. COMMUNI CATI ONS 1. PARKING REGULATIONS 5OO BLOCK PENINSULA AVENUE Acknowledgment was made of a communication dated February L6, 1973, from Dennis L. Woodman, major stockholder of Cafe Lata, dba The Omelette House, 5l-4 Peninsula Avenue, San Mateo, reguesting that the existing ordinance prohibiting parking on the BurJ.ingame side of Peninsula Avenue in the 500 block be amended to al1ow parking, except during the hours of 4 to 6 p.m., weekdays, and except in the areas immediately adjacent to left-hand storage 1anes. The City Manager was requested to refer the communication to the Parking Commission and to the Traffic Director for review and recom- mendations, and to j.nform Mr. Woodman that his request will be con- sidered by the Council at its meeting on April 2, 1973. 2. UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING In a coluflunication dated March L, L973, the City Manager reported that the Utility Undergrounding Committee recornmends undergroundinq in the following areas: Hillside from E1 Camino to Vancouver, Occidental from El- Camino to Barroilhet, oak Grove from EI Camino to Rollins Road, O1d Bayshore Highway from Burh^tay south, and extension of undergrounding in downtown areas between Bayswater and oak Grove (areas not presently undergrounded). The communi- cation was referred to the March 7 study meeting. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT CARPORT AND CUERNAVACA PARK SHELTER PLANS A communication from the City Manager dated March l, 1973, reported that Albert w. Kah1, architect, has the final plans ready for the above-mentioned projects and that invitation to bidders can be advertised if Council approves. The plans were referred to the March 7 study meeting for review; it was decided to adjourn the present meeting to that date should Council wish to take an action authorizing call for bids. UNFINISHED BUSINESS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Mangini announced reappointment of the CiviI Service Commission.JArchie L. Affield and Wa l-ter A- Hower to 413 REQUEST TO FILE LATE CLAIM: ( Sandra Samarez) The City Attorney he completed claim form.reported t,he party id not return t BURLINGAME AVENUE BEAUTIEICATION PROJECT: ThC CitY ENgiNEET repor te t att e c]'v as not accep e t e brick crosswalks; dis- or and there have beencussions are in progress with the contract indications that the supplier of the bricks agrees that the bricks were faulty and that he will pay the total cost of replacement; hopefully, the matter will be resolved within the week. A report will be made to the Council at the next meeting. Also, there was discussion in connection with some form of reinforcement in the brick planter on the north side of the Avenue where Park Road dead- ends to prevent recurring damage by motorists. BAYSIDE PARK : place and the b scaping and gra his equipment i stated it is hi on April 28; th continues. The city Engineer aalvised that the backstop j-s in uildings completed, there remains the pavi-ng, land- ndstand; the contractor states he is unable to bring n because of the soft mud. The City Engineer s understanding that Little League season will start e grounds should be ready unless the wet weather the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS City Planner "Progress Report on Agreement with Spangle" dated March 1, 1973. City Pl"anner "Report of Planning Commission Meeting February 26, 1973.', Minrites: Planning Commission, January 29, 7973, Parking Commission, February 2L, L973. 1 2 3 . Librarianrs Report, February 20, L973. Reference was made to the tat,ement in the report "None of the items previously mentioned at he meetings have been finished despite our efforts to get them 4 t d Tr one . " he City Manager was requested to confer with the Librarian and eport to Council on conditions that have not been corrected by contractor in the new building addition. Park & Recreation Commission Minutes, February 13, 1973. Item: "The Recreation DePartment request for the Burlingame-Ei-gh school Swimming Pool for the entire summer was denied' " The City Manager r"ra s requested to pursue this matter with Dr. A. Hugh Livingston, Superintendent of Schools, and report to Council. Item: "Footbridge to Ray Park on Cabrillo Avenue. EEorcycles have been reported using the ingress for a speed- \,ray . "Referred to City Manager for investigation and report. Councilman Cusick requested that a letter be sent Mrs. Evelyn Hughes, cirl scout Leader, thanking her for her efforts in organizing distribution of 11,000 Recreation DePartment Spring Programs door- to-door. TRAFFIC HAZARD AIRPORT BOULEVARD Councifman Amstrup asked that some form of warning blinker be placed where there is a 90o bend in the road just beyond the convention center building going north on Airport Boulevard. Ee reported on a recent vehicle accident in the area and David Keyston advised there have been at least eight or nine accidents. Iilr. Keyston stated that Anza corPoration has installed reflectors and painted the berm white and that the flashing light would be helpfuL in alerting motorists to the curve. Mayor Mangini requested that the matter be referred to the Traffic Director for investi- 7gation and report. 4L4 YIELD SIGNS At the request, of Councilmen Crosby and Cusick, the Traffic Director was directed to investigate feasibility of installing "YieId" signs for sout,hbound traffic on Park and Primrose Roads at the intersection with EI Camino Real for the benefit of traffic westbound on Bayswater and Peninsulas Avenues. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regutarly adjourned at 9225 p.m., to an Executive Session on personnel matters to follow immediately; and to the study meeting on Wednesday, March 7 , L973, for consideration of plans and authorization of notice to bidders on the Fire Department Carport and Cuernavaca Park Shelter. Res tfully submit ed K. City Clerk ROVED I , t,I