HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1971.06.0772 Burlingame, June 7, CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame above date. The meeting was caIled Mayor Irving S. Amstrup presiding. cali fornia 197 L City Couneil was to order at 8:10 held on the P.m., PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At the Chair's invitation the city Planner 1ed the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Ans t ruP-Crosby-ilohnson-Marti n Absent - Councilmen: Mangini councilman Mangini, absent due to another corunitment, on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by councilman unanimously carried. I'.1I NUTE S was excused Crosby and The minutes to counci 1, of the meeting of were approved and May 17, 1971, Previously submitted ad opted . BIDS BAYSIDE PARK PIIA SE I Bids for construction of ballfields (3) at Bayside Park bleachers), reeeived and opened on Friday, June 4, 1971, a.m., in compliance with published notice, were declared (exc lud ingat L0 :00 as follows: BIDDER A&J Shooter Rudolph Watsoncollishaw Sprinkler Palo AIto Iandscaping Munkdale Bros.Huettig & SchrommArchitect's Estimate TOTAL BID (r tems 1-27 )- ALTIERNAfE .,A" lsonfn lieu of lawn) $192, 889. 54 20t,773.46 2O2,5OO.2O 205,7 5r.45 207 ,237 .40 222, L4O .25 254,377.OO s 9,061.00 r0, 455 . 00 11,1s2.00 9, 758. O0 9, 061.00 9, 7 58.00 12,546.OO Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of communications from the City Clerk, dated June 4, 197L, submitting sunmary of bids and from Mr. Asa Hanamoto, landscape architect for the project, dated June 4, 1971, recommending ahra rd of contract to A&J Shooter, the Iow bidder, including Alternate "A. " For the benefj.t of the audience, Mayor tunstrup explained that it had been necessary to reject prior bids for the same project because of a legal technicality. Councilman crosby questioned the need for using sod as opPosed to seeding, pointing out that the latter method would be equally effective and less costLy. Mr. Hanamoto, upon recognj.tion by the Chair, explained that the primary consideration was to expedite the project to completion and that sodding would assure suitable playing fields by early spring of next year. He stated that a conventional planted lawn probably would be usabLe by June or Ju1y, if it was Council's position that the earlier deadline need not be met. councilman crosby stat,ed that he supported the project whole- heartedly but considered the expenditure for sodding unwarranted, especially since the organizations that will be using the facilities 73 have others available and will not be inconvenienced by a temporary deLay. There were Councilman no dissenting opinions voiced by fellow-Councilmen to Crosbyrs remarks. COUNC I LIvIEN : Ams t rup- C ro sby-Johnson-Ma rti n COUNCILtrI{EN: None COUNCf LI,IEN: Mangini RESOLUTION NO. 33-71 "A Resolution Of Award Of Contract, Improvements to Bayside Park Phase T, Job No. 71-8" (a&J Shooter, Inc., $192r889.54--basic bid, exeluding Alternate "A'r) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimou*Iy adopted on the following ro11 call: AY:ES: COUNCILIT{EN: Arnstrup-Crosby-Johnson-Martin NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILI"IEN : Mangini Couneilman Martin expressed pleasure at, the award of bid t,o A&l Shooter, stating that the firm has an excellent rcputation. A Lptter dated June 2, L971, from the Director of public works stated that it is necessary to construct a 2L i.nch storm drain beneath tracks and property of the Southern Pacific Company, in conjunction with Adrian Court Subdivision improvements, and recommended that execution of the aqreement submitted by SouthernPacific Company be authorized by resolution, to provide for installation and maintenance of the structure. In an addenrlum to the lett,er under date of June 3, L97L, the City Manager concurred in the re.-ommendation. Accompanying the communication were an oriqinal and cooy of the proposed agreement and cover letter dabed May 25, L97L, from W.M.Jones, Superintendent, Southern Pacific Transportation Company, nakland. RESOLUTION NO. 34-7L "Authorizi,ng Execution of Agreement With Southern Pacific Transportation Company for Construction, Reconstruction, Irlaintenance and Operation of 2L" Reinforced Concrete Storm Drain Beneath ?he Tracks and Property Of tlhe Company" was introduced for passage on Irotion of Councilman Johnson, seconded $r Councilman Crosby and carried unanimously on the following ro11 call: AYES: COUNCILI,IEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Johnson- Martin NOES: COUNCILIIIEN: None ABSENT COUNCII-JvIAN: MAngini 2. VICTORTA PARK IMPROVE}4ENTS ACCEPTED A letter dated June 2, 1971, from the Director of Public Works, and an addendum to said letter from the City Manager dated June 3, L971, reported that Anza Pacific Corporation has completed the work at Victoria Park, in accordanee with the terms of the contraet, and reeommended formal acceptanee thereof. RESOLUTION NO. 35-71 "Accepting Construction Victoria Park Improve- ments, Job No. 71-3'r was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimouslycarried on the following roll call: AY]ES: NOES: ABSENT 3. CI,ARIFICATION OF SICK I,EAVE RUI,E A letter dated May 11, L9'1L, from Herbert K. !{hite, Secretary, Civil Service Commission, submitt,ed a proposed amendment to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, recommended by the Civil Serviee Com-mission, adding to Rule xIV, Subsection D, second paragraph ofSection 2, as follows: "No employee shall be entitled to paid sick leave or disability leave for an injury or illness sustained in the course of employment by any employer other than the City of Burlingame. " In an addendum to the letter dated June 3, 1971, the City lvlanager recommended approval. COMMUNICATIONS 1. STNRM DRAIN - SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY PROPERTY 74 On a motion introduced by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried (Councilman Mangini absent, ) the amendment was approved as submit,ted. 4.GARDEN PT CONTRACT A letter from the City Manager dated June 3, L97L, reported that thecontract between the City and San Mateo County Scavenger Company forgarden pickup services expires June 30, 197L, and the Company hasindicated willingness to renew, subject to an adjustment in the monthlyfee from $2,250.00 to $21735.00. lhe communication recommended that the contract be renewed at theproposed increase, noting that the proposal appears to be justified and reasonable and conforms to the formula for fee adjustment provibdin the existing agreement. Accompanying the communication was a letter from L. J. Devincenzi,President,, San Mateo County Scavenger Company, submitting a costanalysis sheet dated May 3J., L971, and advising that the Companywill continue to provide the service at as close to cost as possibLe. A request from the City Attorney for a continuance to the meeting ofJuIy 21, L97L, to al1ow for preparation of the new contract and aresolution was concurred in by Council. ACKNOWI,EDGMENT''BURLINGAME DAYS.' COMMITIEES Mayor Amstrup requested the City Managrer to fon^rard letters to therorce,n care o r.am ser, General Uanager, and to Mr. R. sanborn Towle, 1777Murchison Drive, Vice-chairman, Burlingame Community Arts Festival, conveying Council's gratification at the outstanding success of "Burlingame Days" festivities. RESOLUTIONS None. ORDINANCES Nq. 931 - Second Readinq:"Approving Annexation To The City Of Burlingame Of Uninhabited Contiguous Territory Designated "LandsOf Waligore And Kavanaugh On Alvarado Avenue'." A Letter was read from the Burlingame Hills Improvement Association, Ind., dated May 20, 1971, signed by Helen M. Coryr Corresponding Secretary, submitting copy of a letter from the Association to the Iocal Agency Formation Commission, San Mateo Countyr Protestingpiecemeal annexat,ion and, in the instance of the subject properties, disregard for the rights of -esidents of Burlingame Hills. The Association expressed opposition to Assenrbly Bill 8L2 (Uniform Annexation Law) on the premise that "any annexation Proceedingsshould be based on the wishcs of the majority of the residents of the area affected. " fhre City Planner reported he attended the meeti-ng where I.AFCO con- sidered the subject annexatj-on and the communication from Burlingame t Association was noL in evidence. Ehe ci ty Planner reported further that curren proce ngs are no rder, conforming to existing rogulations--AB 813 has not yet been signed into Iaw. (Lre City ttorney reported he was infofmed by Mr. Karranaugh earlierin the &ay that i,fr" properties havc/p8E b..rr- excluded from the Burlingame Hills Sewsg Maintenance District (condition imposed by LAFCO in j ts resolution approving the annexation) and that he wouldprefer that Council postpone action on the ordinance for one meeting. Mayor Amstrup, wich Council concurrence, declarerl a continuance tothe meeting of June 2L, L97L. COUNCI;,-PI,ANNING COMMISSION JOIIflT MEETING Mayor Amstrun acknowledqed the presence of Planninq Commission ID Chairman Tlhomas W. Sine and requested that, he meet with the City Ivl:lnacrer in an attempt to arrange a Council-Commission meeting on Wednesday evening, June 16, 1971. Mayor Amstrup invited the City Manager and the City Planner to be present. UNFTNTSIMD BUSINESS None. NEi{ BU SINESS I STUDY AUTHORIZED-: EXTERIOR II4ETAL COVERINGS IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Councilman Crosby related an incident where an owner in theindustrial district desired to construct an addition to his building and to use metal, for reasons that appeared to be reasonable, but was prevented from doing so because of the ordinance prohibiting sueh construetion. Couneilman Crosby suggested that conditions may have changed sincethe ordinance was enacted and asked Lhat a study be made by staff and a report given to Council on whether the code could be amended, and in what areas, to alLow use of metal under certain conditions. A suggest,ion from the City Planner that the Fire Chief, Building Inspector and he work together to prepare such a report $/as acceptedby Council and the Planner authorized to proceed accordingly. 2. BACKUP VTARNING DEVI CE ON TRUCKS Councilman Martin referred to a reeent press item concerning an injuryto a city employee by a city vehicle moving in reverse and requestedthe City Manager to determine whether the statute requiring backingwarning devices applies to city vehicles and the cost of such instal-lation. Councilman Martin also requested the City l{anager to verify that thecity's compressor tanks are being examined regularly by the proper State agency. 3. TAZARDS IN AREA OF BROADVTAY INTERCHANGE CONSTRUCTION Councilman Martin requested the City Engineer to contact the StateDivision of Highways concerning installation of temporary barricadesas a method of controlling traffic in the area of the Broadwayoverpass reconstruction. 4. COMUISSION APPOINTMENT Mayor Amstrup announeed the appointment of Mrs. Willa L. Sexton, 2105 Ray Drive, to the Beautification Commission. The City Manager reported there is a vacancy on the CiviL Service Commission and on the Parking Commission. Councilman Crosby stated that Mr. Whlter A. "Jiggs" Hower is int,erestedin filling the vacancy on the Civil Service Commission created bythe passing of his brother, Kenneth. AQIqIOWTTDGMENTS Communications: r. ceorge R. Reil1y, Member, state Board of Equalization, FirstDistrict, "$arelve-Point Tax Reform program.., 2. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, dated l{ay 28, Lg7L,"Revised Project Lists. "'Ihe City Engineer pointed out that the revised interim report doesnot indicate Millbrae and Burlingame to construct a joint seweroutfall into the deep water at any specified date; however, the Cityof South San Francisco was required to build their outfall to sucha size to accommodate receiving the effluent from Millbrae andBurlingame at a later date. 76 3. Supervisor san Francisco,to the General Dianne Feinstein,clarifying source Fund. President, Board of Supervisors, of funds proposed to be transferred 4. Richard H. Ma.gglott, Mayor, City of Sacramento, requestingsupport in bring,/Eofrtract for development and production of space Shuttle l{ain Engine to Sacramento firm. The letter was held to allow Council to review. 5. to Will Slocum, 310 Cuardo Avenue, Millbrae, regarding public the bay. ACCESS atect is on. Mayor Amstrup recognized Mr. David H. Keyston, Anza Pacific Corporation, who recited the locations of several existing pedestrian access-ways. 6. l,Irs. Maxine L. Andersen, L5L4 Newlands Avenue, objecting tomulti-family dwellings on Newlands Avenue. I 7. Miss L. Ryan requesting consideration toHillside Drive and Cortez Avenue. Tlhe Chair under consideration by the Health, Safety and :terial stop sign reported the subj Traffic Conunissi B. ![i11s High School Mode1 State Legislature project. Itre City Manager was requested to fonrard an appropriate letter to instructors and students commending their efforts. 9. James E. personnel. Carroll, 848 Walnut Avenue, commending Park Department R. Sanborn Tow1e, Vice Chairman, Burlingame Art Festival, expression of appreciation Park, Recreation, Po1ice Departments forassistance during "Burlingame Days" celebration. 10. City of Belmont Resolutions: Opposing Senate Bill 11o. L90 "California State Community Antenna Television Act. " The City Manager was requested to secure copies of the BilL for Council's information. Opposing Assembly Bill No. 52, concerning dedication of land and payment therefor; Following comments from the City Planner, Mayor Amstrup requested the City Manager Eo for:ward a let.ter in opposition. Opposing increased fares for Southern Pacific passenger trains. fhe City Manager was requested to forr,^;ard a communication to the proper authority in opposition. Additionally, the City Manager was requested to place the city on record in opposition to AB 2294--proposing to reduce the scope of au'Ehority of counties and cities with respect to mobilehomes-- and SB 1174 "cas rax Expenditure Limitations." Acknowledqment was made of a memo from the cifit lvlanager dated June 3, I97L, reoorting that a letter'^ri11 be sent to Sen;ttor Gregorio objectino to approrral of SB 1383 Police lalaqes and Hours. 11. Citw Planner and Citv Manaqer letters concerning "Abandoned Car Legislation" were held nending repori: from the police department on a model ordinance submitted by the Leaguc of California Cities. t2. Mayor Amstrup acknowledqed and commended the City Planner on ihe comprehensive rePort "L97O Census. " SEI,IIER TREATMENT PIANT REPOR?S ftre City Manager was requested to furnish Council copies of prepared by the Sewer Treatment Plant for the Water Quality Borad and to indicate thereon areas of violation. TRAFFIC CONTROL LI HILLSIDE DRTVE Councilman Crosby reported that he had learned the pedestrian activated signal light on Primrose Road, formerly used by St. reports Control Catherine ta Frtt parish is now inact,ive, beeause of crossi-ng guards stationed at the corners, and suggested that consideration be given to relocating to Hillside Drive to serve Our Iady of Angels parish. Mayor Amstrup stated that he, too, has considered the possibility of a manually operated signal and discussed the matter with the Traffic Director. The City l,lanager was requested to refer the matter to the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission. CON\ZENTION AND TOURTST BUREAU Mayor Amstrup gave a brief resume of proceedings at the meeting of May 20 , L9'1L, where t-he matter of separation of the tourist and con- vention program from the County Fair Association was discussed and a steering committee appointed to undertake establishment, of the new organization. He reported that he was appointed to the steering committee and chairman of the sub-committee charged with locating suitable office facilities and would welcome suggestions. ART-CULTURAL COMMI TIEE Councilman Johnson stated that the response to invitations to member- ship on the citizens committee for an Art-Cultural Center has been gratifying and the first meeting will be announced shortly. Councilman Johnson suggested that formaL confirmation of appoint- ment to the Beautification Commission be sent, by the City lilanager to Mrs. Wi1la Sexton and also that the commission chairman be informedi additionally, Councilman Johnson requested the City Manager to verify that "Burlingame Days" lettering has been removed from the city's sign on the freeway. CIflT LIMITS SIGN DAMAGED A report from Councilman Crosby that the southerly city limits sign on Skyline Boulevard has been defaced by spray paint was referred tothe Director of Public Works. Mr. Angelo Dellacasa reported that the American Legion building on Burlingame Avenue has been similarly defaced. REPORTS Beautification Commission, May 6; Park and Recreation Commission, May 1li Health, Safety and Traffic, May 13; Library Board, Mdy 18;Planning Commission, May 24, L97L. Adi nt tthe meeting was reguJ.arly adjourned at, 9:20 p.m. RespeetfuLly submitted, Herbert K. City Clerk APPRO\ED: .SIrvng. Amstrup Mayor ite PROCIAMATION l{ayor Amstrup proclaimed Wednesday, June 16, L97L, PRISONER OF WAR DAY. ftre City Manager was requested to forward a suitable proclama- tion to Mrs. J.S, DiGiorgio, Chairman, in eare of the American Red Cross, Burlingame.