HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1969.01.204E9 Burlingame, California January 20, L969 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city council was held above given date. lteeting called to order at 8:o0 p,m., Johnson in the Chair- PLEDGE OF AI.I,EGIAI{CE At word frqn the Chair, aII Pledge of Allegiance to the IN F1 the Council Chanrber arose and gave the on the - I{ayor a9 Present - Absent Councilmen: counci Imen: crosby-Diederi chsen-ceorge-Johnson-Martin None MINUTE S tihe Minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, 1959, subrnitted to council membe rs previously, \^rere aPProved and adoPted. REPORS RE: SISTER CITY CUERNAVACA litayor Johnson introduced and thereafter invited lqr. Ben L. Hechinger, President, Burlingame Sister city committee, to report on his recent trip to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Ir{exico, to deliver an arnbulance donated by the city of Burlingame to be used in connection with a children's hospital center in Cuerranaca. Mr. Hechinger introduced !tr. Bill carcia, who drove the ambulance and served as interpreter and stated that the 2,632 mile trip was cqnpletedin six and one-half days. Mr. Heehinger described the medical facilities available within thehospital center, erected with funds donated by peoples of the comlunityparticularly to care for the underprivileged children and reportedthat the fully equipped arnbulance will be used to transport youngtpatients requiring surgery to Mexico city. In concluding his report, Mr. Eechinger advised that the center \^ri11 be dedicated O,n February 2L, 1969, at which time a delegation frqtrthe City of Burlingame would be most welcqned. Mr. Hechinger ackncnrledged the assistance of individuals, agencies andservice clubs in making the contribution possible and stated that moving Pictures taken enroute and of the delivery of the atribulancewill be shorn at the next meeting of the Sister city Comnittee to be scheduled soon. rilayor Johnson, on behalf of Council, expressed appreciation to Mr. Hechinger and to Mr. Garcia and o(tended an invitation to thosein attendaace to be preaent at the Sister City Comrittee's shouringof the moving pj,ctures whenl,an announcement is made of the meeting. Mayor JohnEon announced that the architects for the new city Hall arein receipt of the bids opened recently for the construction of the ne$, City Hall and have reguested that Council meet \rith them in astudy session prior to the regular council meeting on February 3, 1959, and the award ing of the bid. Couneil concurred to schedule a study meeting prior to adjournment. ROLL CALL BID - CONSTRUCTION NEW CI?Y IIAI,L 440 A communication was read from cary r.. Aloise and Robert J. Warren,dated ,January 20, 1969, requesting that a hearing on their applica-tion for the operation of taxicabs, scheduled on this date, becontinued for one month. fhe hearing date was thereafter extendedto the regular meeting of Council on Febeuary 17, L969. 2. APPEAL RE:VETE RINARIA}I CLTNIC Mayor Johnson announced that this was the time and place scheduledconduct a public hearj.ng on an appeal taken frdn the action of thePlanning Commission on December 23, L96A, approving the varianceapPlication of cerald K. Sandbulte,D.V.trt.. eo estsab1ish.a.-gfria11 -- animal veteri.nary rn6aical clinic at 13lZ Baystrater errenue. - to The appeal to council, dated December 24, nearby residents. 1968, hras signed br!, threlve A conmrunication addressed to the Planning cfirnission, dated December 3, 1958, was read fronr Gerald K. Sandbulte, D.V.!l., re-questing a c-I variance on property presently zoned R-3, for thepurpose of establishing a small animal veterinary medical facility and stating that said property located at 1317 Bayswater Avenue,recently purchased fror Mr. L€e Aaronian, is i.deally siutated forproviding professional veterinary services to accomlote residents of Burlingame, San Mateo and Hillsborough. fhe cqrununication set forth reasons to justify and support the request for a change in variance,with assurance specified that the proposed facility will in no way be detrimental to public health, safety or hrelfare. A letter dated January 20, 1969, was read, signed by L€e Solomom,Attorney-at-Law, Hc.rard L. Schurtz. C.L-V., Stan W. cates, RealEstate Broker and William Bauma, Unit.ed States Reserve Corp., alltenants \^rith offices located at 90 EI Camino Real (corner Bays\^rater Avenue) opposing the proposed plan for. a veterinary clinic. A coiununieation from the City Planner, dated .Ianua ry L4, 1969, advisedof the peculiarities in relationship between the zoning classifcations on the subject block and the actual usagesi the entire north side is zoned C-1, cqElrercial, occuped bV St. catherine Church and parochial school; the south side, composed of six lots, three, beginning at Park Road, are zoned C-l and the remaining three are zoned R-3 apartment i the C-I zoned properties are occupied by a real estateoffiee, a beauty salon and a residence; the R-3 zoned properties are occupied by a decorating firm, an office building and a beauty salon, the latter tlro approved through variance procedure, with the beautysalon the subjeet of the present application - lhe City Planner called attention to a similar veterinarian clinic in operation since 1964 in the Burlingame Plaza area hrith no cotnplaintsregistered to date and expressed the opinion that the principal reasonfor opposition appears to be in the miEunderstanding that a clinic fortreating animals is identical with a kennel; that a veterinary clinicis operated for animals as a doctor's office is operated for people and, with the exception of emergency cases, no animal is retained over night. trhe city Planner concluded by stati.ng that it vras the understandingof the Planning Conmission that the proposed office on Bayst^rater Avenue will be operated in the same manner as the clinic in Burlingame Plaza and thereafter the proposed use was approved. The Chair referred to those in the audience who opposed the variance. HEARTNGS 1. TA)(I SERVICE APPLICATION GARY ALOI SE - ROBERT WARREN 4*r, Mr. I-ester Gunther, represent,ing Mrs. Brayton Wilbur, To,m and Country Decorators, 13L1 Bayswater Avenue, stated that the proposed use is highly incornpatible with the existing usages. ltr. Eugene J. Brenner, 44 West Bellevue Avenue, San Mateo, an attorney, speaking in behalf of st. Catherine's Church, objeeted to the locationof an animal clinic within the close proximity of a church and a Echool; that said location would create (1) an element of noise when barking dogs are transported to and from the premises and during the Church's conduct of weddings and funerals; (2) a trafic congestion and incumbent hazards, particularly when children become attracted to the animals and (3) a health hazard by the disposal of debris and animaL refusei and that contrary to statements, the SPCA does notprovide a regular service in this respect. Mr. Brenner expressed the opinion that a "hardship " cannot be claimedby the applicant i.f permi.ssi.on is denied and suggested that another and more appropriate location be seleeted for the clinical services. Mr. George A. McQueen, 752 lf.xLngLon lfay, speaki.ng as a parishionerof St. Catherine's Church, expressing his opposition, stated that the ProPosed clinic would mar the entire environment of this quiet area and spoke briefly on his conversation with l{rs. U. s. Simonds, Jr.,34 Park Road, t ho, with !1r. Simonds, also opposed the facility. Mr. Adolph (Bud) Harrison, 376 I€xington Way, speaking as a St.Catherine's parishioner and a school teacher stated the opinion thatthe eonversion of the prernises for the use proposed is not goodplanning, that it would disrupt the schools' education program andthat to maintain the conntercial atmosphere of the neighborhood, theapplication should be denied . Irlrs. Nancy Hi1ls, co-cr^'ner, 90 E1 Canino Real Building, based herprotest on the incompatibility of the proposed use with the existingservices and that noise emanating frorn the facility would be object-ionable, partieulary during business conferences. I'1r. Adolph c. Ilarrison, Sr., 13O5 Bayswater Avenue, a nearby resident,Mr. Ttlomas C. Moroney, 721 Edgevrood Road, San Mateo, a St. Catherinepari.shioner, and li{rs. Eunice Gotelli, 1501 Cypress Avenue, also spokebriefly on their oppositi.on. fhere being no further cqments fron those in opposition, the privilegeof the Floor was extended to the applicant. Mr. David Carr, Attorney, representi.ng Dr. Sandbulte, referred firstto the City Planner's ccnununication to Council eoncerning the mis-conception of the term "medical clinic" faeility; that noise will benon-existent hrith the facility ccmpletely sound-proofed, that if ananimal is required to remain overnight, an attendant hrill be on duty,that there will be only one, or possibly, two, patients at one time toreceive treatment and that. the remodeled structure will add to theittractiveness of ttre neighborhood . Mr. Carr stated that there is a similar facility in the Hillsdale area and on the Bayshore in San Mateo and that this particular site, for "economic " purposes was selected. !1r. Carr thereafter introduced Dr. Sandbulte, who in turn, introducedMr. Lee J. Aaronian, whose property he is purchasing, Mr. Ilarry Hodson,real estate salesman, R. L. collinEon, D. v. Itl. , T. R. Itlack, D. V. !1. ,W. !{. Hand, D.V.lrt., Carlton E. Porter, D.V.M., and .fohn D. lllcEnaney, D.V.M. Dr. Sandbulte clarified a poiat raised vri th respect to the disposalrefuse by explaining briefly, the processing material and the use ofa deep fteeze for storage purposes until- final disposal. of Referring to his plana to rernode I the bui1ding, Dr. Sandbulte displayeda plot plan indicating structural alterations proposed with parkingprovided at the rear and an entrance at the side of the building. 442 Dr. Sandbulte called upon Dr. w. M. Hand, orner-operator, Plaza Veterinary Clinic, 1806 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame, to speak in behalf of the clinical facility. Dr. Hand conment,ed upon modern clinical technj.ques, the treatmentof the pet in the office and its imnediate release, in the majorityof instances, to the owner for continued care at home and verifiedthat "sick animals do not make a noise. " Dr. A. L. Collison, Chairman, zoning and Planning Corulittee, Ca].ifornia Veterinary Medical Association, emphasized that the modern clinicsare scientifically eguipped to correctly and efficiently care forthe patients. Dr. John llcEnaney, 675 Escuela Avenue, l{ountaj.n View, confirmed statements made by the previous speakers, stating that current method s of construction and the type of building material used,permit a Veterinary ltedical Facility to blend with the area and spoke on the campatible relationship he experiences in his area. Dr, T. F. l,[ack, 237 North Bayshore, San Mateo, spoke on the urgency to provide more veterinary clinics of the type proposed. !tr. I€e Aaronian, present oqryrer of the subject property, describedthe parking spaces available at the rear and at the side of theproperty, accormnodating four and five cars respectively; r'rith parking and traffic problems minimized when patients visit the facility by aPPointment. 1[tre Chair recessed the meeting at 9:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER llhe meeting \{as reconvened by }layor Johnson at 9:55 p.m. IIEARING - VETE RINARY CLINIC ( continued ) A period of questionE and answers follorred the Chair's announcementof the continuance of the hearing. Mr. V. L. Calkins, 8OO Linden Avenue, identifying himself as havinga large famiJ.y, questioned Dr. Sandbulte whether his colleagues maintained clinics across frorn a school area and whether children and their friends would be permitted to visit their pet if confined. Dr. Sandbulte replied in the negative to both inquiries, emphasizing that visitations would not be pernitted. particularly Mr. Brenner, corunenting on the Etatements of doctors operating inother corununities, stated there is no comparison between the locations,the proposed being a definite neighborhood distraction, that thereis no hardship either to the public or to the doctor and insuffieientproof on the part of the applicant justifies the denial of the variance . Irlr. carr spoke on the few people who have either appealed or writtentheir objections and referred to the calibre of the professional men who have appeared to condone the granting of the application;that the subject property, zoned R-3 is unfeasible for an apartmentor a multi-family dwelling and that the use proposed would not bedetrimental to the existing cqunercial uses. Itlr. carr stated that no net, evidence from that presented at the Planning comtrission hearing has been introduced this evening. RE CE SS Mr. J. A. Kleinert, 723 Costa Rica Avenue, San llateo, spoke on his experiences as an employee of a local animal hospital and stated theopinion that a veterinary clinie directly across from a school is undeEi rable . 448 Mayor Johnson thereafter referred to council for comnents. Councilman llartin directed inquiries to the City Planner concerning the variance, rrho replied that it is a request to use an R-3 zoned property for a c-l usei a cqnbination of a "use Permit and a variance; " and to Dr. Hand, concerning the number of Patients he receives during a one hour Period, who advised that his Office receives on the average, four patients at fifteen minute intervals during the house. l,[r. Brenner, replying to councilman Martin, concerning his statements on traffic and noise, reiterated his position that the traffic condition would be conpounded and that frightened animals, Particu-lartry dogs,qtould create a disturbance. Councilman I{artin questioned }1r. !4cQueen t ith respect to his statement on the effect of the clinic on the "environment " of the area, who cqmrented on the length of time the ctrurch has been Iocated in the area, his opinion that despite the co(unercial usages, it is a "quietstreet" and canrparied the proposed facility with the one on Magnolia Avenue, the latter located in a business district. councilman Martin pointed accomnodate that v,rould bediffers from a "rezoning ""particular use. " out the various uses the area could less desirable and stated that a "variance"in that the former is applied to a Councilman Martin questioned Mr. Harrison regarding his statement that the proposed use would disrupt the I'educational program" of the school, who confirmed his opinj.on that "children could be distracted by theinterference" at "recesE, noon and after school " of barking or whimpering dogs. councilman Diederichsen, suunarizing his position, questioned rrhetherthe "hardship" rule woulA apply in this instance, expressing the opinion that the currently established animal clinic facility could adequately serve the City and his concern that the facility hrould berequired to treat "any type of animal. " councilman crosby related the delay he recently experienced whileawaiting service in a veterinary medical clinic, and spoke of theadditional traffic congeEtion a similar situation may create in the area of the proposed clinic. Councilman crosby stated it vras his opinion the clinic would be better served at another location. Councilman ceorge spoke briefly on the need for a service of the type propoEed and in questioning the pressure placed on Council to deny the application, requested a recess to consider the evidence. I'layor Johnson, cdmlenting on the major issues raised of 'noise, "and "traffic" obj ected to by those speaking in behalf of St. Catherine Church, referred to minutes of the Planning Cq niEsion and to a statement prefacing the motion to approve, that the noise factor can be resolved and the proposed use will not generate a greater volume of traffic than the prior use. fhe hearing was ttrereafter declared closed. RECESS A recess was call-ed 11:0O p.m. at 10:55 p.m., and reconvened by the Chair at HEARING VETE RTNARY CTINI C (cont j.nued ) To lrlayor Johnson's inquiries, Council received confirmation frqn theFire Chief that the building is in satisfactory condition for the useproPosed, from the City Engineer that there trere no problems of concern to his department and fron the City Planner that sound proof materials will be installed to the satisfaction of the Building InsPector. 4*4 Councilman Diederichsen initiated a brief discussion on obtaininga report frqn the Health Department, \^ri th Mr. Carr recqnnending,in behalf of his client, that the issue be made a part of theconditions of the variance . A motion was thereafter introduced by Counci Iman Uartin that theaction of the Planning Cqruflission be sustained and that the varianceapplication of Dr. cerald K. Sandbulte to establish and maintain asmall animal veterinary medical facility at 1317 Bays!'rater Avenue,be approved, subject to the follor.ring conditions: (t) that thefacility be used exclusively as an out-patient clinic; (2) that anattendant be present on occasions of an animal being confined over-night; (3) that the building be remodeled in accordance erith plansfiled, designated "Exhibits A and B, " including installation of soundcontrol materials to the satisfaction of the Building tnspector and(4) that the premises be subject to the inspection of and under thecontrol of the City Health Officer at a}l times. fhe motion was seconded by councilman Gosby and a Roll call vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Councilmen: Georqe-Johnson-!,lartinlloes: Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen 1. WORK ORDERS FOR TREATMENT PIA}IT A memo fron the City Manager, dated January 16, 1969, referred to two l.rork orders reconEnended for issuance to the contractor for the Wastewater Treatment. and Reclamation Works projectr the first, action on which was continued to receive further explanation, to purchase a reversing starter and wiring, perfected by the Dorr-Oliver Company,in the amount of $707.25 and the second, to purchase a small B.O.D.incubator amounting to a credit of $L,OIO.OO. A cqununication from the city Engineer, dated January 9, 1969,referred to a letter received from John H. Jenks, Consulting Sanitary and civiL Engineer, explaini.ng that in the design of the flocculatordrive units, his offiee inadvertently utilized Dorr-Oliver drawings from a previous project, that with the modification of the drive unit on the recent models, a reversing starter and additional wiring istherefor reguired. ftre city Engineer re-stated his recqnnendation that his Office be authorized to issue to the Contractor, an extra work order amountingro $707.2s. councilman Martin expressed the oPinion that kith the acknohrledgement of Mr. Jenks' that his office comrtitted an error, the City should not be obliqated to assume the additional cost. f'ollo\,ring a brief discussion, the Cj.ty Engineer stated that he would invite !!r. ilenks' to confer on the issue- A motion was thereafter introduced by Councilman I'lartin, city Engineer issue a change order for tbe smaller B.O.D. to receive the SI,010.00 credit. Tlhe motion was seconded Diederichsen and unanimously carried. that the incubator, by CounciLman 2. IIANAI4OTO ROAD SKETCHES A cormunication from the city Manager, dated January 15, 1959, referred to conments fron staff members on three preliminary sketches of a Bayshore roadhray, prepared by filr. Asa Hanamoto, Bayside Park consulting architect. cqnmunicati.ons were acknowledged fron the city Engineer, dated iFanuary 75, L969, and frqn the city Planner, dated January 7,. 1959, COMMIJNICATIONS each explaining the Planning and design asPects of the three alternate proposalE to connect a road to the Anza Pacific proPerties, Both members of staff indicated that alternate Plan No. 3 \^rou Id be the most feasible route. 446 as complete, conpiled In a verbal report, the City Planner reccnmtended that Council review the three drawings and that upon making a decision, the accePtable plan be submitted to the Bay Conservation and Develolnent ComBi ssi on. Council concurred to meet at a study session to review the proposals and tlrereafter scheduled Tuesday, January 28, 1969, as a study meeti.ng and to also include an intervie\", with the city Hall architects. 3. REPORT ON ELEqTRTC TJNDE RG RG'ND ING A coNnunication fron the city !4anager, dated January 15, 1969, advised that in cqlpliance with a request fron Council, the City Engineer and the city Planner have submitted a prolrram for underground electric facilities on specific city streets. A preliminary report on electric undergrounding prepared by the City Engineer and the City Planner, included the background of the profrrErm, the action required by the city and the utility company, a list of streets meeting the criteria of the program and the status of the City of Burlingame with resPect to the widening ofthe City of San t{ateors portion of Peninsula Avenue. llhe report concluded b!, stating that upon the approval of Couneil,the repoot will be cdnpleted in more detail including costa and financing . In reply to council inquiry, the City Planner recqunended that an action be taken by council soon on the Peninsula Avenue widening. Councilman }lartin stated that in addition to the streets outlinedin the report, an important area to be considered is the City's Bayside Park area. fhe City Planner concurred. Follouring a brief discussion, the City Engineer and the City Planner vrere authorized to cotplete their report 4. BAYSIDE IIqPROVEMENT DISTRIqP NO. 4 A conununication, dated January 16, 1969, was read fron the city Engineer, advising that ScheduLe 4-B of the Bayside District No. 4 comprises the construction of a bridge across the main channel within the Anza Pacific improvement program, that finaL inspection has been made and the work found to b€ cqnplete and in conformance withplans and specifications. lhe City Engineer reconrnended that the contract be accepted excluding the City's maintenance as noted in the resolutionby the Attorneyra fees for the District. A memo from the City Uanager, footnoteddate of January 20, L969, confirmed thethe recqmlendation. on the conmunication under inspection and concurred wi th RE SOLUTION NO. 4-69 "A Resolution Accepting Cqnpletion and Directing Engineer to File Notice of Acceptance of Cd{rpletion - Bayside Improvement District No. 4 - Schedule 4-B (H.F.Lauritzen, Inc. Contr.) was introduced for passafre on motion of Councilman Crosby, s econdedby Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Ro1I CalI. litr. David Keyston, Executive Vice-President, Anza Pacific Corp.,referred to the foregoing action of Counci 1 and advised that a Noticeof Completion for the construetion of the bridge has been filed. BAYSIDE IMPROVEMENT DISTRTCT NO. 4 S'I'BD IVI STON AG REEIIENT IMPRO\TEI\.1ENTS 446 A progress report relatj-ve t.o the Bayside Improvement District No. 4 improvements, for which the Anza Pacific corp. iE under the Subdivision Agreement with the City was fitedItlr. Keyston under the current date. responsible by Mr. Keyston stated that the major item not cqnpleted vrithin theDistrict is the sanitary sewer lift station, anticipating thatthe improvment r,rould be accomplished this week and a furtherrePort on the progress of the work would be submitted to Councilat its next regular meeting. 5. FIRE DE PARTMENT RULES-REGUIATIONS A memo frqn the City Manager, dated January 16, 1969,council that the fire Chief has conpiled a new set oftive rules and regulations for the Fire Department. advised admini stra- Copies submitted to council, vrere ackn@r1edged. 6. G RANT FOR PI,ANNING PURPOSES A corununication from the City P1anner, dated Janua ry L4, L969, advised that the matter of the resolution favoriag the application by the county Planning cotnmi ssion and the Regional Planning cqnmittee for a "801" federal planning grant received the unanimous support of the Planning Conunission at itg meeting on January 13, and it \tas thereafter recqrunended that a resolution be adopted erdorsing the efforts of the County. RESOLUTION NO. 5-69 "Authorizi ng thd county of san Mateo Trhrough the Regional Planning cqnmittee, to Engage in county-wide Planningwithin the Incorporated Limits of the city of Burlingame " was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Diederichse, seconded by councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l €.1. 7 . ROBts RT S. WATTS: }{ILLS ESTATE PROBLEIT{S A ccrnrnunication, dated January 13, 1969, hraa read frdn l,lr. and !lrs. Robert S. Watts, 1862 Hunt Drive, relating a number of inconveniences experienced by the residents within the 18OO block of Hunt Drive, particularly with regard to traffic conditions and requesting that stop signs be installed at the intersection of Hunt Drive and Frontera way and that yello^, Iines be painted on Trousdale Drive for children crossing the street to orernavaca Park. Mr. Herman J. Fit.zgerald, President, Ir{ills Estate Improvement Associa-tion, reported on his conversation with Mr. and Mrs. watts and stated that he hras representing their interests on this occasion- Mr. fitzgerald also agreed that a crosst alk on lYousdale Drive was inappropriate, suggesting, horever, that the State Division of Highways be requested to install a temporary sign on Hunt Drive and Frontera way. Ihe city Planner reminded counci I that Ivlr. Douglas Pringle, whose four-storied apartment buildings overlook the neighboring ProPerties, In reply to llayor Johnson, the City Manager referred to a report from the Police Elepartment stating that the State Division of tligh- ways has established a detour route on Hunt Drive to gain accessto Skyline Boulevard and that that agency has indicated that anarterial sign may be installed on Hunt Drive and Frontera Wby in Burlingame as a temporary emergency meaEure. The city l4anager stated that a yeIlor lined crosswalk is Permittedonly in school areas. Councilman Martin expressed a hesitaney in creating croEsrr,ralk ona street as wide as Trousdale Drive and stated the opinion that Trousdale Drive is not a safe street for children to cross. 447 has never fulfiI1ed his prornise to provide landscaping and suggestedthat a cqrununication be directed to his attention. Councilman l{artin questioned the City Attorney concerning Mr- Pringle's dedication to the City of a one-foot easement between his property and the street, who, in reply, advisedto date the instrument has not been executed. stripthat lihe sub j ect of theinvestigation.easement was referred to the City Attorney for tthe City Manager hras reguested by Council to direct a letter to Mr . and lr{rs. Irlatts and to Mr. Pringle . ORDfNAIICE S - Consideration thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 894 N Regulating the Parking of vehicles on Peninsula Avenue " was given its second reading and upon motion of councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said ordinance passed its second reading and rras adopted by the follovring roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Counci Imen : Crosby-Di ederi chsen-George-Johnson-Uartin councilmen: None T'NFINI S}MD BUSINESS 1 . CONFLICT IN IiIEETINGS Councilman ceorge, Council liaison, advised that. the city-County Civil Defense and DisaBter Preparedness Council meeting conflicts with the date selected for the Annua I council-coEnrnission dinner and requested that !tr. John K. Wright, Civil Defense Assistant Director be authorized to attend as the rePresentative of the city at the Civil Defense meeting. council thereafter consented. ACKNOWLEDGEIIENTS llayor irohnson acknowledged receipt of the follc*,ring: 1. A cqrurunication frotr the County of 9n I'{ateo, dated Januat! L4,. 1969, requesting cooperation in achieving a coordinated approach tc.rards resolving final disposal problems in San lilateo County. fhe subject r*as referred to members of staff, 2. A comnunication fron John T. Knox, Chairman, california Legislature Joint Colmit.tee on Bay Area Regional Olganization, dated January 10, 1969, inviting cqunents on the Cdnmittee's proposal for a regi.onal agency i 3. A c@unication from the california Eighway commisgion, dated iranuartl 6, L969, suhnitting a coPy of its resolution "Restating Procedure Relative to Adoption of f'ree\"ray Locations by the california Highway conurdssion, 4. A cqnrnunication signed "Benita E. I*tccormick " pertaining tothe "National City Block PIan" wherein tribunes are selected fron each block within a coununity to serve as a neighborhood counsellor. T}re City lrlanager hras requested to acknc*,rledge the comrnunication andto advise Miss !,tccormi ck that the proposed program, while conunendable, would not appropriately serve the City of Burlingame at this time; and Counci lman ceorge recommended that appointment of a citizens grouP toof the city of Burlingame. " Council give consideration to the study designs for a ne\", "seaI 5 ltinutes from the Burlingame Public Library Board, the city Planning Cqtrmission and monthly reports frotn the Fire and Police [repartments. NEW BUSINESS 1. NEW "CITY SEAL" 448 RECOMI*IENDATIONS FOR STAFF INVE STIGA?ION councilman Martin requested staff investigation on the follcnring: (a) A "bus stop" sign adjacent to a "one hour parking " sign on the south\"rest corner of California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue i (b) Trhe feasibility of permitting evening parking on carolan Avenue on the occasion of large cronrds attending sports events at Burlingame High Sehool; (c) (he officers who investigated an accident in the area of the Woolworth store on Burlingame Avenue on December l{;;and (d) Ttre replacement of a vroman dispatcher with a police officer onthe shift from midnight to 8:00 a.m. I'he latter issue initiated a discussion on the potential hazards tothe dispatcher when required to wait on the counter during the early hours of morni.ng. llhe City Manager r.ras requested to i.nvestigate ways and means toprovide an adequate protection. 3. l{EW CHAI{BE R COMI*IE RCE PRESIDENT Itlayor Johnson announced that a recent meeting of the Burlingale Chamber of Connerce selected Mr. P. R. (erd) Bylor to serve as its 1969 President. CI,AIMS warrants, Nos. 2066-2263, !,lonth January, 1969, in the total amountof $358,815.O9, duly audited, lrrere approved for payment on motionof CounciLman Crosby and seconded by Councilman ceorge. PAYROLL APP ROVAL Payroll warrants, Nos. 2586-3106, Month, December, 1968, in thetotal amount of $154,519.35, vrere approved on motion of Councilman crosby and seconded by councilman George. ADJOURNMENT (here being no further transaction of business, the meeting wasregularly adjourned at I:15 a.m. Respectfully suhnitted 96"1*-rl HE RBE RT K.TE Ci ty Clerk APPROVED: CHARTOTTE JOIINSON Mayor 2.