HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.03.16243 Burlingame, california t{arch 16, 1970 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Brr).ingame City council was held on the above given date. Itre neeting rvas caIIed to order at 8:O5 P.m. r bY ltayor R. D. Martin. 1. At lrord from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber aroEe and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1a9. 2. Upon Ro11 CaII, those present rf,ere: Councifuien s hatruP-crosby- Johnaon-ltartin. 3. the ttinutes of the regular neeting of arch 2 and the regularly adjourned meeting of llarch 4, L97O, sutmitted to council previously, were approved and adopted following a correction to elarify tlre last paragraph of the Uinutes of l,larch 2, to read s "City Eall Art Ylbrkg; " 'uayor lrlartin recmended that department heads be given the optionof selecting art works of the Burlingarne Elenentary School studentartiEta and that any addition art works desired be purchasedindividually at the department head's own expense.' I A cffirunication from the city tilanager, dated llarch L2,. 1970,. advisedthat the orrrner of 209 Hunboldt Avenue, has accepted the offer of $I3,25O.OO for the sale of the property to the City of Burlingame to be utllized in the development of the victoria Road Park and recmended that legislation be enacted to forr0ally accept theproperty. fhe City Attorney advised that the Title Inaurance and Trust conpany has noti fj.ed his Office that a preliminary search has indicated adefect in the title of the property. It rraa the recmendation of the City Attorney that the resolutionauthorizing said purchase be enacted and that the Deposit Receipttherefor be held pending full title clearance. councilman Amstrup introduced for pasaag E RESOLUTION NO. 18-70 "Autlrorizing Execution of Deposit Receipt (Lot L2, Block 46, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision) " subj ect to the condition set forth by thecity Attorney, seconded by counci lman Johnaon and unanimously adopted uPon Roll Call vote. RE SOII'TION AND RUI,E S EMPI6YER A}ID EMPI.OYEE A cmnunication frm the city uanager, dated llarch L2, L97O, advisedthat the proposed Employee-Employer Resolution and Ru1es were presentedto the three employee associationE with a notice ttrat if no objections were received btr uarch 10, couneil would thereafter adopt the resolutionsetting forth the guidelines in meeting and conferring on employeebenefits. Trhe City Manager advised that the Fire Association has requested anextension of ten d ays in whlch to revierrr the contents and if thereare no obJ eetions frda Council, an action wiU be delayed to a dateafter ltlarch 20. In reply to tltayor Uartin'a inquiry, the City lllanager and the CityAttorney confirrned that the delay rrould no inconvenience their respectiveofficeE in proceseing the legislation and the extension hraa approved. 2 COI/II.TUNICATIONS ACCEPTAT{CE HUMBOLDT AVENUE PROPERTY ADJACENT CITY PARK e44 3. REPORT RE: GA IE OPENI}IG CORTEZ AVENUE AT RAY PARK A ccnurunication fron the City l{anager, dated Uarch L2, Lg'lO, reportingon the background and the current status of the fence and the gate atthe end of Cortez Avenue at Ray Park, advised that ,the grta and fencewere placed more than fifteen years ago and locked becasse of the open creek; that ivhen a culvert waE constructed over the creekappro.imately five years ago, tbe gate was left open and has remaLned unlocked until recently lrhen the San Francisco l{bter Departmentmistakenly locked the gate at the request of lrtr. Richard iI. Hindenaan,who resides at 1508 Cortez Avenue. the City llanager further advised that. when cLrcuistance arose to re- open the gate, an obj ection was received by the city in the form of apetition bearing the signatures of ltlr. Uinderman and residents on Cortez Avenue. I{ayor Martin, in ref erring to allegations made by I.{r . !,[inderman at arecent meeting of the Health, Safety & Traffic Corunission, expressedthe opinion that the issue was presented to the C@isEion under a false prenise. Following discussion, wherein Council concurred to continue acces8 to ttre park, the City Engineer was authorized to place a maze of posts set in concrete to prohibit motorcyclists frqa entering the park area. the city uanager was requested to apprise I{r. ltinderman of facts as outlined by his Office and of the action taken by Couacil. 4. ROBERT IJ. CHRISUAN REQUEST EASEMENT 1340 HOVIARD AVEM'E A cqnmunication hras acknowledged from t{r. Robert L. Chrisman. 621california Drive, dated Uarch 3, 1970, who referred to the current Parking District project and to the estimated assessment on hisproperty located at 1340 ltcirard Avenue (Primrose L,aneE ) in the amount of $2, 715. OO . Irir. Chrisman stated that some months ago he had signed paPers to theeffect that he would have no objection to the projeet, having been assured that a portion of the fence would be renroved to make it possiblefor autbs to enter and to exit through ttre alleyway running alongside the west side of the borling alley; hor,rever, recent circumstancesindicate that ttte firEt Federal savings and Ioan will refuse aceesa through the alleyxray and that he therefor wishes to protest an action by the city to proceed with the project until a pedestrian easelaentis provided to benefit his property. A coununication from the city Planner, dated !,tarch 11, 1970, clarifiedpoints of issue concerning the removaL of the fencei that the matter rritren brought before the Parking Conrmission. was investigated. and after Iengthly discussion, it was an unanimous decision that a driveway forpublic use in the narrow space would pose Eerious traffic problems and unavoidable accidentE. the City Planner stated that when questioned by l{r. Chri snan, he had advised that the pedestrian gateeay was placed when the lot was designed in furtherance of an established poli c1z of i4roving the rear of stroes and inviting pedestrian traffic; -hosrever, since the'city oqrns no rights in the adjoining properties, autoiobile traffic over them could not be invited. At the request of the Chair, the city Planner prepared a blackboard sketch, locating the Primroee lJanes Bui1ding, the a1le1zway and the First Federal Savings and Ipan Building and indicated the area in which tilr. Chrisman desirea to cut a doorray tbrough a sidewall into the open area within six j.nches froflr the ProPerty line. ?,46 Follcrring discussion, rtrerein it was determined that the proteat entered by Mr. Chrisman cannot be considered a "timely proteEt" affecting the Parking District aE a whole and that the property in question is privately-owned, and beyond City jurisdiction, the City llanager rrag requested to ao inform !tr. Chrisman. RESOI;UTIONS RESOI;UTION NO 19-70 IEstablishing Underground Utility District No. ICity Hall Site and contiguouE Areas" was introduced for paasage on motion of Counci lman irohnaon, seconded by councilman crosby and unaniraously adopted upon RoIl call. Said resolution fixes as the date on whi ch affected property olrners must be ready to receive underground service on or before Septeniber 1, 1970 and orders the removal of all poles, overhead wires and the underground installation of wires and facilities for supplyingelectrical communication within the Underground utility District on or before October 1, 1970. ORDINNICE S - Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 914 "An Ordinance Amend i n9 the tlunicipal code of the cityof Burlingane Blz Addinq Sec. 13.24.030 IncreaEing the Prima Facie Speed Lilrit for Vehicular Traffic on Carolan Avenue betrreen Broadway and oak Grove Avenue frorn 35 ldiles Per Hour to 40 ttiles Per llour" vras introduced by Councilman Crosby and given its first reading. Councilman lmstrup indieated that he rras not in favor with the proposed increase in the speed limit on carolan Avenue. ACKNOWLEDGEI'{ENTS litayor Itlartin announced and ackncrledged receiPt of the folloring: 1. coMt{t McATroNs 1. Frm the Burlingame Civil Service EmPlqees' Association, Inc., dated February 25, 1970, euhnitting proposalE for current Ea1ary negotiationa and requesting a meeting with the city llanager and council liaison. the city Manager advised that meetings with the aeveral employee groups will be scheduled next iteek. 2. coverruBental Research Council of San Itlateo County, dated Februrry 26, 1970, exteriding an invLtation to council to attend the Governmental Research council's Annual Dinner, !{onday, }larch 23 and announcing t}ratUr. Ben A. Rogge, noted econfmist, will be guest speaker; 3. Detrlartment of Transportation, FAA, Notice of Aeronautical Study concerning the Charles Xing proposal to erect two fourteen storiedoffice buildings on the east side of the OId Bayshore Highway, 4. 1tr6 Burlingame llil1s Improvernent Aasociation, rnc., dated Pebruary 27, 1970, protesting the proposed speed Limi t. from 25 to 35 miles per hour on Hillside Drive. ltre City llanager was requested to notify the Associa-tion of the action taken to remove the subj ect from the agenda of counci 1 indefinitely. 5. urs. Eugene Koelling, 53O cterry Avenue, san Bruno, protesting unsightly bayfront scenery in Burlingame. A similar letter was read by the city Planner received in hia office from l.{rs. ttlargaret Taylor, 129 Ia lle8a Drive. Council obEerved that both cmunications rrere received from residenta outside the city limits of Burlingame. 6. Ttre Eeel River Water Council, Santa Rosa, dated January 16, 1970,inviting the city of Burlingame to share in the vitally important work in the field of rdater resources and to affiliate as an associate mernber for an annual memberehlp fee of $500.00. ?46 7 . I{r. Francisco P. Almeida, General lttanager, I€ Baron Hotel, dated uarch 9, L97O, reporting on congtruction deficiencles previously noted by council, that have been corrected for final inapection. Ihe City Engineer, in reply to Mayor llrartin, subllli tted a report received by his office frorn tlre Building Inspector, wherein he advisedthat Items #4 - 'sr.riruning pool " - #9 - "hand raileE" - #10 - "Exteriorwalls' and #11 - "cafe kitchen vent shaft" have not been completed. Ttle city Attorney stated that he has been advised by the Fire Chieffollcring an inspection made by his department on this date, that sone improvenent. has been noted; that his office is prepared to file an injunctive action this week, naming specifically, the failureto improve the parking lot facility, with minor iteras to be addedlater. Considerable diseugsion arose wherein an apparent lack of comunication betrreen the Building Inspector and the hotel Manager of I€ Baron was indicated as a source of misunderstanding in correcting thedeficiencies. Mr. David Keyston, Anza Pacific Corp. developer, reported on his recent tel-ephone conversation with Mr. Alneida, wherein the latter expregEedsurpriae upon being informed of the intention of Council to file a formal action, stating that he was of the opinion that the management has corrected the deficiencies sufficient to rrarrart a finalinspection. Councilman Amstrup questioned the city Attorney whether an impendingsuit Lay b€ terminated should the correctiong be raade in coiu)Iiancewith the buildinq code in the interim. Replying in the affirmative, Council thereupon authorized the CityAttorney to initiate an action against the Ic Baron Hotel. 8. Ihe City P1anner, dated March 10, 1970, advising that the temsof Planning C@isEioners Frank Cistulli and ilohn J. Brauner will expi re on April ?, L97O. Ihe City llanager waa requeEted to remindCouncil of the expirations of terms at the April 20 meeting and to schedule Uay 4 as the termination date in whi ch to Euhni t names for appointment; 9. Office of the Sheriff, County of San llateo, dated February 27, L97O,subnitting a 1969 aetivity report on crime within San l,tateo County s 10. l.tr. Clifford C. Pierce, 1935 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, addressedto the San llateo Planning Cmission, with copies to ttre Uayorg ofthe city of San Mateo and the city of Burlingane, urging thepreservation of the Crocker estate weet of Aillsboroughl 11.. A Stone & Youngberg llunicipal Financing l€tter, re: "I{aximumInterest Rate Limits Costly to Taxpayersr tr 12. Burlingame Chamber of comlrerce, dated llarch 4, 1970, announcing a rneeting of the Broadway Burling.rme Area Uerchants and Property Orrnera, to diecues a beauti fication and parking aasesanent district, on Wednesday, llarch 18, 1970, at 8:OO p.m. in the old City llall l 13. tilrs. Ann KL rwan, 1360 colurnbuE Avenue, requesting an action from Council to subsidize the operation of busses for the convenience of those having no meanE of transportation. Ihe city llanager rrias requested to reply to the communication setting forth the current atatus of the bua Eituation, 14. the c@oittee on 'operation crosaroads,' dated tlarch 4, 1970, announcing a "Cmlunity IookE at Eousing' conference at the San ttateo Eigh Sehool on uay 1 and lllay 2; and 15. A Legislative Bulletin, League of california cities, dated Ittarch 13, 1970, reporting on legislation pending of interest to rnunicipali ties . ?49 MINT'IE S A}ID REPORTS ltinutes frqn the Burlingame Park and Recreation Cdf,aission, February 24, 1970 and nonthly activity reports for the Month of February, 1970,frdn the Police and Fire Departments. BAYSIDE IMP ROVE},iENT DISTRTCT #4 !{ayor l{artin referred to proposed legislation prepared by and receivedfrom the Attorneys representing the Bayside Improvement District No. 4,accepting the cdlpletion of work under Sehedule II. fhe City Engineer and the City Attorney advised that the work has beencmpleted satiEfactorily and the necessary documents are in order. RESOI.ITTION NO. 20-70 "A Resolution Acce pting Cdtrpletion and Directing Engineer to File Notice of Acceptance of Cornpletion - Eayside Itnprove- ment District No. 4. Schedule II" ieas introduced for passage on motion of Counci lman Johnson, seconded by Councilman enstrup and adopted unanimouEly upon vote by Ro1l call. RESOLUTION No. 21-70 "A Resolution Approving Certificate of cost andDirecting Palment - Bayside Improvement District No. 4, Schedule II" was introduced by councilnan Crosby, who moved its passage, secondedby counci lman Arnatrup and unanimously adopted upon vote by Roll call. BURLIIIGN{E AVENT'E PARKING PRGTECT A cormunication waa ackno+rledged frqn Kenneth I. irones, Attorney,wilson, Jonea, llorton & Llmch affiliates, dated ltarch 13, 1970, advisingthat his Office has prepared a resolution setting forth alternativesfor the pedestrian access from the Donnelly Avenue lota, as requested \l Council. fhe City Engineer adviged that his Office would prepare drawings forpregentation at the continued hearing on the Parking District Project No. 1969-1, April 6, 1970. Uayor Martin Btated that a pedestrian a ccegs to Burlingame Avenue frcrn uonnelly Avenue lots can be deleted from the currently proposed ParkingDistrict rrithout j eopardlzing the Etatus of the District. RESOIITTI ON NO. 22-70 "A Resolution of Intention to l{ake Ch anges anduodifications - guflingane Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District Project No. 1969-1' waa introduced by counci lman Arnstrup, who movedits passage, seconded by Counci lman Johnson and unanimously adopted upon vote bl, RolI call. CYFUS GOI,DI,IAN APPLICATION TO CONDUCT AUCTION R.ANCHO PONTIAC, 2OO CALIFORMA DR. A ccrununi cati on was ackncrrledged frqn Mr. Cyrus Goldnan, Auctioneer, dated lr{arch 9, L97O, requesting a pernuit to conduct a one-day auctionsale on the premises of the Rancho Pontiac, 200 Cali fornia Drive on Saturday, Uarch 28, 1970. Checks in the anrount of 950.00 for theapplication and $1OO.OO for a one-day license, together with a copyof a detailed inventory consisting of miscellaneous office equipment,autqtrotive repair and service equipment., etc., acempanied theapplication. !itr. coldnan advised that a bond in the amount of $5,000.OOwill be issued through his insurance broker. In the absence of a \rritten inveetigation report fron the Police Departnent, the Chair referred to the Chief of Police, who certifiedthat the auctioneering firm is a reputable one. A motion was thereupon introduced bl}, Counei lman Anstrup, seconded by Counci lman Crosby and unanimously carried, that Ur. coldman beauthorized to conduet a one-day auction sale as outlined in hisapplication. 848 TIIiIFINI SHED BUSIIIE SS 1 PROPOSED BROADVIAY PARKIIiIG DISTRICT Ihe City Planner hras questioned bry Council vri th reference to a notice mailed to Broadrray Burlingane Area Merchants and property or"rners toattend a neeting on a proposed beautification and parking asseasnentdistrict for Broadway, on wednesday, litarch 18, 1970. lthe city Planner gave a report on prior meetinga that have been held wherein architectural and legal studies rrere nade in the interestof forming a parking asaessment diEtrict, detailed plans are in theoffing for discugsion at the scheduled meeting and hopefully, an asaessment district for the Broadway area will soon become an actuali ty. Cq,NCILMAN .'OHNSON REPORTS Councilman Johnson tieported on the following: 1. Her attendance at a "can-do " session at tllills Eigh school on Saturday, l{arch 14, a cmunity service progran, 2. Eer attendance at a Chamber of Comlerce Board of Directora meetingwherein a decision ras made to continue the Annual comuni ty Dinner and the Citizen of the Year Award. fhe Chanber of coryqerce haa requested that Council lend it8 support to a Student Art Exhibit atthe Burlingame High School on May 23 and 24. 3. A tree planting dedication ceremony sponaored by the l,tillbraesister city cqmittee, at the rear of the [illbrae Library, on Saturday, April 4, 1970, at 11:00 a.n. 4. Mr. Armand cqnfort, the sculptor who presented the city of Burlingame with the statue of Abraham Lincoln some yeara prior, has conpleted his re-finishing project on the statue. COlrNCILl,lAlI A!.{STRUP REPORT councilman Amstrup advised that he will attend tshe forttrcqning Iairor Relations Institute in Ips Angeles, in conpany with the City ltanagerrnd the city Attorney. COUNCI I,MAN CROSBY REPORT councilman crosby briefly outlined plans that are being formulated wi th the cooperation of the Chanberof the ne$, City HaIl on April 4, 19 1:30 p.m. will feature a concert bySchool; the actual dedication at 2escorts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts remainder of the afternoon w'ith necobers of the City's staff to bepreEent to conduct tours r,vi thin their respective departmenta. Counci lman crosby reported that a ne&, california Republic F1a9 will be donated to the city by the Native sons of california. CTIIEF OF POLICE REPORTS rhe Chief of Police reported on the foLlorring issueg: 1. At the request of Council at its last meeting, information has been received from ABAG relative to a "riot training program " witJl a!!r. Mccormack to keep hi.s department informed. 2. A house to house check was made on the number of children residingin the areas of llillside Lane and I-oma vista, school-aged children are tranEported by bus to and from school and the Traffic Director continues to uphold his previous recorulendation that the 50 railes per hour speed limit on Skyline BIvd. rernain in effect. of cmnerce, for the dedication70, the progran cormencing at students fron Burlingame High :00 p.m. to 2:30 p.n.r color guardparticipation; open-house the 249 Follcrring a brief discussion, the Chief of Police stated that the area \rill continue to be retained under surveillance. 3. Ithe sixty-day tenporary amuEement Restaurant on Burlingame Avenue will reports no incidenta. license for the Cathedral soon expire and his department the City Attorney advised that a report received from the CountyBealth Sanitarian designates this particular establishment as being belorrr standard i.nsofar as food facilities are concerned. Some question aroae on a change in ownership and the Chief of Police was requested to investigate for report to Council. IIAUE PI,AIES RECOMMET{IDED Councilman Amstrup recomrended that name plates be purchased to display the names of members of the city's staff wtro will occupy seats on the Counci 1 roEtrrrm. CERTI FI CATE FOR PAYMENT council authorized a progreas payment in the amount of $31,903.12, to be issued to the Near-cal corp., Contractor for the General construction Work on the new City lIall, as certified by Ur. Albert w. KahI, CityEaIl Architect. P. R. (BUD) TAYI'R CPUUENDED At the request of councilman JohnEon, a vote of thanks was extendedty Council to Ur. P. R. (Bud) Taylor) for his outstanding efforts inbehalf of the citizena of Burlingame, r*hile serving ae President ofthe Burlingame Charnber of cotf,lerce and as a private citizen. SAN MATEO REFERENCE 1!O SURLINGAI,iE t{ayor Martin referred to a recent newsPaPer article rePorting cmnents authored by l,tayor Hugh A. $eyne of the city of San llateo, affectingthe city of Burlingame. Ehe Chair advised that he would confer with l{ayor Walme to clarifyirregularitiea in his statements. SIGNS RECOMMEIIDED AREA OF PARK Ir{r. Angelo Dellacassa, 141 Victoria Road, in the audience, suggested that 'slotr" - "plalground area" signs be posted on Hohrard Avenue adjacent tothe Victoria Park city park. ltle Chief of Police was requested to investigate and report to Council. Ittayor ltartin c@oented on the improvanrents ttrat will be accomplishedwithin the next fertr months to beautify the victoria Road park. VTARRANTS - PAYROLL APPROVAL llerrants, Uonth of March, 1970, Nos. 4784-4988, in the total anount of $149,025.88, duly audited, \rere approved for palztent on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councl lman Amstrup and unanimouEly adopted. Payroll narraDtE, ltonth of February, I97O, t{os. 10352-10881, total anount6f $1651555.36, rrere approved on motion of Councilnran Crosblr, secondedby Counci }tnan emstrup and unanimously adopted. AN'U.,RNlltENT Trhe meeting was adjourned at 9:5O p.tn. by Uayor Uartin. K APPry'VED .-/TZ'%,2,.R. D. IIARTTN - TIAYOR TE - CI lY CI,ERK