HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.06.19274 Burlingame, California June 19, I97 2 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m., Mayor Victor A. ltangini presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The city Planner led the assemblage in the Pledge of ellegiance to the FIag. Present - Councilmen: AmstruP-crosby-cusick-Mangini-Martin Absent - Councilmen: None MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of June 5, L972, previously submitted to Council, were approved and adopted. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR REFLECTOR SIGNS -. BICYCLE ROUTES Mayor Mangini acknowledged Mrs. Avrum E. Pastor, member of BurLingame Bikeways Cor nittee, who presented checks from Burlingame Junior Woman's CIub, $12.00, Bror,rnie Troop *2795 McKinley SchooL, $14.15, and Brownie Troop *1638 Lincoln School , $5.00 to help defray costs of providing refLector signs for thecity's bicycJ.e route system. Mrs. Pastor thanked the Council for establishing an official bike route, reporting there has been enthusiastic response fromindividuals and groups throughout the comnunity. Mayor t{angini, in accepting the funds on^ reguested the City Manager to formally,/tti be En ha 8E If -of IEgqBe for Council,utions andtheir interestconvey Councilrs gratitude to the young peopl and support. BIDS 1. TRAFSIC SIGNALS PARK ROAD,/HOWARD AVENUE Bids for traffic signal systen, Park Road and Howard Avenue, opened on Wednesday, June L4, 7972, at 3:00 p.m., in accordancewith published notice, were declared as followsl Rosendin Electric, Inc. Smith Electric Supply Steiny and Conpany R. Flatland Company Arc Electric $14,283.00 14,538.00 15,479.00 16,440.00 18,951.00 Engineerrs Estimate S22 r 000.00 In a conmunication dated June L5, 1972, the Director of Pub1ic works recotf,nended award of contract to the fowest responsiblebidder, Rosendin Electric, Inc. An addendum to the cormruni -cation from the City anager concurred in the recomnendation. ROLL CALL BIDDER TOTAL BID RESOLUTION NO. 41-72 "Awarding Contract For Installation Of ffi For The Intersection of Park Road And Hor.rard Avenue, S.S.140, Job No. 72-8 (Rosendin El.ectric, Inc., $14,283.00)" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, seconded by Council,man Amstrup and unanimously carried on ro11 calI. 275 Bids for Bayside Park - Phase II - opened on Wednesday, June 14, L972. at 2rOO p.m., in compliance r,tith published notice, were declared as follo!,vs 3 BASE BID 2. RESTROOMS,BLEACHERS, CONCESSION STAND, BAYSIDE PARX sorensen & Marsh $8I,136.60Erbentraut & Summers 86,73I.00 J.M. Construction 87,556.50 Architect's Estimate S7? '73L.37 In a colununication dated June L5, L972, Asa Hanamoto of Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abeyr landscaPe architects and con- sultants to the city, reconmended that the bid of sorensen and Marsh be accepted. RESoLUTION No. 42-72 "Awarding Contract For Improvements To Eaysitle Park Phase II" (Sorensen & Mars h, Inc., S81,136.60)hra s introduced by Councilman Amstrup, rrho moved its adoPtion, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted on ro11 cal1. PRESENTATION I HEARINGS SPECIAL PERIIIIT APPROVED FOR OFFICE/WAREHOUSE PROJECT, ROLLINS ROAD AND EDWARDS COURT Mayor tlangini announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the appeal of C.M. Pe1etz, 1415 Rollins Road, from the Planning Commission's approval. of a special use permit to Andre!, Morrow Enterprises for an office/ warehouse building at the corner of Edwards court and Rollins Road. In his corumunication of May 30, L972, the aPPellant requested the city Council to reconsider the project "with the idea of rnodifying the plans to provide parking at the rear of the building instead of along Rollins Road." In a subsequent letter dated June 9, L972, Mr. Peletz reportedthat after viewing the plot plan, including landscaping scheme, he wished to withdraw opposition to the project. other communications were acknowledged fron: International Association of Machinists, 1450 Rollins Road, dated June 6, L972, objecting to parking on Rollins Road frontage, a second letter dated June 15, L972, withdrew the obj ection .Rollins Road company, l5l0 Rollins Road, dated June L3, 1972, supported the development. The City Planner, at the Chair's invitation to conment, reviewed the action of the PLanning conmission lrhereby the use permit r,ras approved on a vote of four in favor to three opposed, subject to conditLons lirniting area of office, space, executionof jolnt easement with the city to provide permanent access to parking at the rear of the buildlng and aPProval by the Park Director of Landscaping at the Rol.lins Road frontage to screenoff-street parking. The Planner read from a memo dated June 19, L972, wherein theDirector of Parks advised that the landscaping appears to be "very well designed for screening the parking lot." L BIDDER Mayor Mangini acknolrledged the Presence of and introduced Mr. Chris Hendrickson, interning in the Planning DePartment for the sunmer. Declaring the hearing open, the Chair invited corfiients from the audience favoring the application. Itlr. Richard Lavenstein submitted a letter from the developers dated June L9, L972. certifying that the office space will not exceed 8,700 square feet, as stipulated by the Planning Com-mission. Mr. Lavenstein reported that the necessary documentsfor preparation of the access agreement have been delivered to the City Attorney. Mr. David Keyston, vice President, Anza Pacific corporation, noted that the property is classified for industrial uses, that upon issuance of a building permit a warehouse could have beenbuilt and the entire site paved in asphalt. He suggested that the project represents a better and higher use and to deny could create an unfavorable precedent in an area zoned for much loirer use. There were no further conments fron the floor; the hearing lras declared closed. The city Attorney, responding to the Chairrs invitation to comment, explained that the matter came to the council becauseof two appeals taken from the Planning Connission's actioni subsequently, both appeals were withdrawn and, for that reason, there srou ld appear to be nothing requiring an action by the Counci I . The city Attorney stated that the document providing for the ingress and egress easement is routine and would have been pre- pared for consideration at this time except for the pending aPPeals. Following a period of discussion concerning location of the easement and review of drawings furnished by the city Planner, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a form of easement agreement for Council's attention at the regular meeting on July 3, 1972. 2, SPECIAL PERUIT APPROVED AIR PREIGHT FORVIARDING TER}TINAI COWAN ROAD Mayor Mangini announced that this t as the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the appeal of Mrs. Jane Molyneux fron the Planning Commission's approval of a special use permit for an air freight forwarding terminal in the industrial area at 859 colran Road. Declaring the hearing open, the Chair invited conments from the proponents . Mr. Emil Damia, olrner of the subject ProPerty, stated that the use is compatible with uses existing in the area. Mr. Dann H. Thompson, Reqional Manager, Five star Air Freight corporation informed the Council that the company was founded three years ago, has a total of 46 employees, oPerations in Philadelphia and chicago and the most recent in Burlingame, selected because of proximity to san !'rancisco InternationalAirport. Mr. Thompson reported there are two full-time employees in aurlingame at present. In describing the air freight forwarding function, !tr. Thompson explained there wlll not be a constant flow of traffic--in the morning, between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m., an Econoline van or 15 to 1.8 foot bobtail will be inbound and one or two trucks out- bound; in the evening, heaviest traffic will occur after emPloyees in other areas of the building have left. He stated there should be no problems of interference nor congestion to disturb other tenants. 276 277 3. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED CONTRACTORIS STORAGE YARD 1367 !{ARSTEN ROAD Mayor Mangini announced that the council by motion at the last regular meeting erithheld approval of a permit granted by the Planning Commission to Rountree Plunbing & Heating, Inc., tomaintain a storage yard at 1367 Marsten Road, and referred the matter to the present meeting for review. Mayor Mangini invited Councilman Martin to conrnent. Referring to the Planning Commission minutes of May 22,1972, Councilman Martin noted there rrere conments indicating the exiEtence of a corrugated iron fence on the property. He expressed objection to such fences and aIEo pointed out thatthe corunission placed no Limit as to height of stored materials. DecJ.aring the hearing open, the Chair invited corunents from the !rr. I{illiarn Regan represented !{rs. Jane Molyneux, the appellant. Mr. Regan explained that urs. litolyneux is primarily concerned rdith the probLem of trespass--there is a double driveway of 20 feet separating the two buildings, 10 feet on each property, and Mrs. tltolyneux believes that the larqe trucks cannot maneuver the drivelray without trespassing on her side, with resultant danage to the driveway. Mr. Regan asked that Council consider approving the permit on a temporary basis of six nonths to detemine whether or not the location is suitable for a trucking operation. In response to councilman Crosby's request for more expJ.icit information on the matter of encroachment, dravrings were fur- nished by the City Planner and by Mr. Regan shorring location of the joint driveway and the area at the rear of the building for truck parking and freight handling. The city Planner cormnented there may be mutual problems of tres-pass. He reported that when visiting the premises he observed a car destined for the uolyneux building using the driveway onthe Damia property. There were no further conurents from the audlence. The hearing was declared closed. In response to councilman t{artin, Mr. Thompson reported that drlveways along the sides of the building are not used for truck parking nor loading and unloading. Mayor llangini's comment regarding some form of buf,.fer in the driveway initiated a period of discussion during which Mr. Damia indicated willingness to erect a fence on his side, thereby eliminating joint use and the potential for encroachment. Councilman Crosbyrs suggestion that the principals attempt to arrange mutual use lras concurred in by Mr. Thonpson i Mr. Regan objected, explaining that tenants on the Molyneux property have other methods of ingress and egress and rarely use the driveway. He stated that Mrs. Molyneux would prefer the fence. commenting that the owners apparently agree to the fence, Council- man Amstrup introduced a motion upholding the decision of the Planni.ng Cormrission in approving a special use permit to Fivestar Air Freight to maintain an alr freight forwarding terrninalat 859 cowan Road, conditioned on a fence being erected on the oamia property to extend fron the iron pipe monument found at the nost southerly property corner to the front building line and, as reconrnended by the City Attorney, the special permit to be valid when the fence is erected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried on ro11 cal1. 278 ProPonents . Mr. St agreedwith r height There lrere no further cotDnents favoring or opposing the use per- mit. The hearing was declared closed. on a motion introduced by Councilman crosby, seconded by Council- man I'lartin and unanimously carri.ed, the special permit granted Rountree Plumbing & Heating, Inc., for a storage yard at 1367 Marsten Road r,eas approved, subject to compliance with con- ditions imposed by the Planning Cotnmission and, additionally, the existing metal fence on Marsten Road frontage to be removed, a redwood fence six feet in hei.ght to be erected, and on-site storage limited to a height of five feet. COII{MUNICATIONS I sPEcIAt PER!,IIT EXTENDED -- HOTEL CONSTRUCTION BAYSHORE FREEWAY,/E XTENSION OF BROADWAY coruunicationa lrere received from Noble, Cooke ProPerties, Inc., dated June L4' 1972, signed by A.vl. HalI , President, and from Quentin L. cook, attorney, dated June L5, L972, requesting an extension to December L9, L972, of the special permtt for construction of a 308 room, I2-story hotel on 5.2 acres of land at the corner of the freeway and Broadway Extension, granted to Gregory and sons. The communications explained that the transaction is now in escrow and, hopefully, will close on or before september 2, ]-9?2, and applications for a building permit made in late fall . Mr. Quentin Cook was present and confirmed that the proposed operators are aware that the Project was restricted to a specific plan and that any changes will require the Councilrs approval . On a motion introduced by Councilman litartin, seconded by Council- man Amstrup and unanimou-ly carried the reguest for extension to December 19, L972, was apProved. 2. DANCE PERMIT APPROVED ,SALUTOISU 3. PLANNING COM},IISSION RECOMMENDATIONS ZONING CODE Acknowledgment sras made of Planning commission Resolutions Nos. 2-72 tl}rto;rgin 5-72, recommending a ieries of amendments to the' zoning Chapter of the Municipal Code. The material was held for review at the study meeting in July. ephen singewald, representing Rountree Plunbing & Heating,to replace the existing fence at the front of the property edwood to a height of six feet and to limit storage to aof five feet. An application for public dancing Permit at "saluto's" restaur- ant ana cocktail lounge, 1600 OId Bayshore Higheray, betrreen the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.,-live music to be furniEhed by a three or four piece combo-was filed by Larry Geraldi, owner, under date of June 8, !972, Reports filed by the firelnsPector under date of June L4,L972, and police captain under date of ilune L9, L972' indicated no objection to the permit. on a motion introduced by councilman AnstruP, seconded by Counci.l- man Crosby and unanimously carried, the application was approved. t)27 AUTHORI ZING AGREEMENTS FOR PARXING STUDIES The City Attorney reported that the documents lrere re\,{ritten to i.ncorporate revisions offere parking consultants and Mr. (enneth Jones, par counsel. befodby king re council the d i strict Responding to uayor Mangini, the City Attorney advised that the contracts provide for maximum comPensation to the con- sultants of $23,500.00 for both studies--Broadway not to exceed $8,000.00 and Burlingame Avenue, a ceiling of 915,500.00 has been established. Councilman cusick referred to paragraP h (d) under DETAILED hat the language would indi cate that the con- horized to find ways and means of providingl igh-rise buildings in the doirnto$rn area, explained that lt is her understanding the SCoPE. Statin EElEnts werefor parking fo councilman cus gt autrh ick people do not wish additional high-rise buildings downtovrn i the Council should not use the taxpayers money against their wishes. During the discussion that ensued, council-man crosby stated that after countless discussions with interested persons he was convinced that expanded parking is needed, rrhether there is further high-rise construction or not. Councilman Martin noted that in agreeing to undertake the studies, Council rnade no comtnitment as to the issue of future high-rise buildings in the downtown area. He referred to legislation enacted j.n March whereby an interim urgency zoning ordinance was adopted placing a ban on such construction and calling for a study of parking needs with special attention to the impact of additional such buildings within the parking district. In response to Councilman AmstruP, the City Attorney discussed provj.sions of the emergency ordinance, emphasizing that the parking study must proceed if the ban on "high-rise" is to continue . The city Attorney reported he will have legislation prePared council's consideration at the next regular meeting whereby emergency ordinance can be extended. for the RESOLUTION NO. 43-72 "Authorizing Execution Of Aqreement By And Between The City O f Burlingame And DeLeuw, Cather & comPany, Engineers, For A Parki.ng study--Broadway Business Distrl-ct" was introduced by Councilman AmstruP, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman uartin and unani.mously carried on roll call . RESoLUTION No. 44-72 "Authorizing Execution of Agreement By And Between The city o f Burlingane And Deleutr, cather & Company, Engineers, For A Parking Study, Burlingame Avenue Area Off-Street Parking District" (in the amount of $15,500.00) was introduced by Councilman Martin who moved its adoPtion, seconded by Council- man Amstrup and declared carried on the following roll call: AYES! COUNCILLEN: Anrstrup-Crosby-Mangini-trtartin NoES: COUNCILMEN: Cusick ABSENT COUNCILITEN: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. BIDS - RESURFACING WASHINGTON PARX TENNIS COURTS (continued from June 5, L972t A communication from the city llanaqer dated June 15, 1972, RESOLUTIONS 280 reported that,, as directed by the Council, Malott & Peterson- Grundy $rere requested to submit a cost estimate for recon-struction of the courts to professional design standards--the estimate is $36,000.00. The City Manager recommended that Council authorize the work of resurfacing and repainting byaccepting the low bid of Malott & Peterson-crundy, in lieu of reconstructi.on. The City Manager submitted conmunications from Park and Recrea-tion Commission, dated June 14, 1972, and from J.L. Francard,Park Director, dated April 5, 1972, recommending that thecourts not be reconstructed but maintained for recreational uge. RESOLUTION NO. 45-72 "Ar'rardi ng Contract Washington Park Tennis Cour€i IoE Xo.--7F(Malot & Peterson-Grundy, $5185.00) wasintroduced by CounciLrnan Crosby, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilnan Anstrup and unanimously carried on ro11 call. 2. BURLINGAII{E AVENUE LANDSCAPING In a conmunication dated June 15, L972, the City Manager reportedit is necessary for the Council to authorize landscaping in connection with Burl,ingame Avenue refurbishing project beforebids can be solicited. On a motion introduced by Councilman Amstrup, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously carried, the Director of Public works was authorized to proceed with publication of notice to bidders. 3. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION VACANCIES The city Manager rras requested by the chair to arrange for inter- views with applicants for the Civil Service commission at 7:30p.m. on the dates of the trro regular Council meetings in July. 4. RAY PARK LIGHTING In response to Mayor Mangini, the Director of Public works con- firmed that a study is in progress of street lighting system throughout Ray Park. 5. BUILDING CODE Councilman Martin, responding to Councilman AmstruP, reported he met rrith the Building Inspector and Fire Chief but that further study will be necessary. He reguested that staff con-tact him to arrange for another meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. FIREWORKS SALES AUTHORIZED A request fron Police Sergeant Thomas Chase to operate a fire- rdorka stand at Peninsula and Dr,right Road frorn June 26 through July 4, L972, for the benefit of Mid-Peninsula Youth League, waa approved on motion of Councilman llartin, seconded by Council- man Amstrup and unanimously carried. council concurred with councilman llartin's reconmendation that the city llanager be authorized to issue permits for fireworks Eales at his discretion. POLICE OFFICER STANDARDS TRAINING COMIiTISSION (POST) chief of Police Lollin presented to the Mayor a check i.n the amount of $9429.73, representing third guarter aPportionment of the costs of peace officers' training from the State of California. 28I At Councilman cusickrs suggestion, the city Manager r.ras directedto request Park and Recreation Conuuission to study and submit a reconmendation on the tennis court situation, particularly the need for additional courts and possible locations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Communications: 1. Lawrence H. Putman, Grand-Marshal, Burlingame Days Parade, expressing appreciation for Council's participation and for the invaluable assistance rendered by sergeant Robert Quinn and Police Officer John Drury. Mayor Mangini requested the City Manager to send letters of commendation to the two officers and arrange for the conunenda-tion to be made part of their permanent records. 2. Richard w. Pershing, 2833 Las Piedras Drive, requesting consideration to construction of new tennis courts. on a motion introduced by Councilman Cusick, seconded by Councll- man llartin and unanirnously carried WARRANTS Nos. 536 through 749in the amount of $344,373.49, duly audited, were authorized for Payment. on motion of Councilman Cusick, seconded by councilman Martin and unanimously carried, PAYRoLL cHEcKS Nos. 5537 through 6242 in the amount of $24L,949.88, May, 1972, were approved. STUDY MEETING wednesday, July 12, 1972, 8:00 p.m., !{as selected as the date of the next study meeting. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, BURLINGAI,TE AVENUE councilman Amstrup stated he was infornred recently of a Projectunder consideration on Burlingame Avenue which may come directlyto the cj.ty Council becatise of problems encountered at the planning level. He asked whether proper procedure requires that the matter be presented first to the Planning Commission. The City Attorney reported a recomnendation must be received from the Conmission if zoning matters are involved; if not, depending on the issue, Council can ask the Conmission for advice at ltsdiscretion. Councilman lrtartin announced a special ABAG Executive Board neeting on Thursday, June 22 ax 7t30 p.m., Kaiser center Auditorium wherea full presentation will be made of the proposed Regional Aviation Plan. ADJOURNMENT The maeEing was adJourned at 10:15 p.m., to an Executive sessionfor discussion of wage negotiations. /&t A*_f*=-z.rL&-Respectf(IIy submitted,Herbert K. whiteCity ClerkAPPflOVED: vi-ctor A. lr.{adg-inY; Iayor ADDITIONAL TENNIS COURTS Minutes: Parking Commission, May 24 and Health, Safety & Traffic conmission, June 8, 1972. Reports: Police and Fire Departments for the month of llay,. L972. APPROVALS SPECIAI., ABAG !{EETING