HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1970.01.051.fI4[ REGUI,AR I'{EE TING A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date . fhe meeting was called to order at 8:I5 p.m. by !{ayor R. D. Chardber arose Martin. and1. At word from the Chair, all in the Council gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Upon Ro1l cal1, those present were! Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby- George-Johnson-!{artin. 3. lrtre l*tinutes of the regular meeting of December 15, 1969, submittedto Couneil previously, were approved and adopted. RECREATION STORAGE BUILDING PRO?E ST Uayor Ivlartin announced that the regular order of business wouldtemporarily set aside to refer to a communication received from!lr. and !'[rs. crant B. Svreet, 733 Concord Way, dated December 31,protesting the site upon which a Recreation storage building is be construeted upon city property at the end of Concord fiey. be 1969, to fhe Chair, in acknor"rledging the presence of Mr. Sweet, advised thatthe storage building is a portion of the General Plan approved byCouncil some months prior, for improvements to the Recreation Center. Irlr. $reet, addressing council, referred to the large assernblage ofpersons present residing on Concord Way and on neighboring streets and stated that all were unanimous in the opinion that the buiJ.ding should be constructed on a less conspicuous site to retain theesthet.ic view of Washington Park from Concord Way and that the proposed plan to open Concord Way to vehicular traffic would be obj ectionable to the residents and hazardous to the safety of thechildren - !tr. Sl{reet advised of his conversation with ttre building contractor, who indicated to him that there would be no problem to relocate thebuilding approximately tvrenty feet and appealed to Council to changethe position of the building to eliminate a potential "eye-sore" to those residing in the area. Uayor Martin explained, in some detail, the future development of the Recreation Compound, stating that the storage building, a much needed facility, is a preliminary construction in the overall Master Plan. Drawings of the Irtaster PIan \,rere displayed and an artist I s rendition,prepared in 1966, indicated that basically, the plann had remained unchanged. Ir{rs. Harvey Johnson, 721 Concord lfay, also entered an obj ection tothe location of tbe building, stating that it was her impression from viewing the artist's sketch previously, there would be no obstructionto the view of the Park frdn Concord l{ay. !{r. S. if. McAtee, 724 Coneord Way, expressed the opinion that toolittle publicity had been given to the proposed developrnent and urged that the building be relocated at least twenty feet to preserve the vista of the park and that Concord IIay remain closed to vehiculartraffic. Mr. ltcAttee stated that the northern extend to within sixteen feet of the end of the storage building will sidewalk line. Burlingame, California January 5, 1970 1S5: Uayor Martin referred to the displayed l{aster Plan and questionedthe response in the future lrhen additional reereation buildings areconstructed in the area. Couneilman Johnson reporting on her personal visitation to the area,stated the opinion that the building coulC be relocated trrenty feetin a southerly direction and that she was not in favor of opening Concord Way to traffic other than to fire apparatus. !tr. McAtee stated that he was doubtful that the area to befor vehicular traffic would accommodate fire equipment. opened lFhe Fire Chief stated that fire trucks entering Concord Wayat the end of the street and extend the fire hoses into the however, when additional construction occurs in the future, adequate access to the compound will be necessar-v. couJ-d park area; an Councilman Amstrup also expressed the opinion that the plan for the storage building could be altered to relocate the facility. Mayor Plartin suggested that the issue be discussed with the Architeet and that the cost to change the work order be determined. In replying to inquiries from Counci lman George, the City Attorneyreferred to the City's contraets with the Architect and the Contraetor,stating that the city would be obligated to assume costs if Couneildirected that changes be made. Following further discussion, wherein tJEyor !{artin suggested a conference with the Architect, the City Manager advised that in conversation with the Architect earlier in the day, the latterthat it would be possible to relocate the storage building to apoint threlve feet to the south. a indi cated Mr. $reet, in expressing his personal approval to the t$reIve foot relocation of the building, referred to the group of interested parties. A general concurrenee with the proposed tvrelve-foot relocation bras indieated. The city Manager was authorized thereafter to confer with the Architect and request that instructions be directed to the Contractor to re-loeate the storage building twelve feet to the south. A recess was declared by the chair at 9:10 p.m ltre meeting $ras reconvened at 9:2O p.m HEARTNG -PROPOSED ORDI}iiANCE ADOPTING UNIFORM BUII,DING CODE 1967 EDI TION Ir{ayor llartin announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduet a public hearing on a proposed Ordinance providing a completeregulation of building and housing in the City of Burlingame by adopting by reference the "Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volumes I, II and III." Ihe City clerk eertified that the notice of said hearing was publi shedin the 1ocal newspaper on the 20th and the 27Lh of Deceniber, 1969. The public hearing was declared open by the Chair. 1flhere being no cotflrents either in favor or in opposition thereto, from either persons in attendance or members of the City's staff, the hearing was declared elosed. t(]lLE55 CAI,L EO ORDER Ayes : Counci Lnen : emstrup-Crosby-George-,Johnson-!4artinNoes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None 1. IOWRIE PAVING COMPANY CONTRAC? COI1P LETED AI{D F0 RI"IALLY ACCEPTED A cornrnunication from the City Engineer, dated December 20, L969, advised that the contract for "Sanitary Sewer Improvements " to install nel, sewer mains on a portion of Paloma Avenue, Columbus Avenue andIlale Drive, along with the installation of additional manholes and appurtenances, has been satisfactorily completed by the Lcr,rri e Paving Company and formal acceptance is recommended. A footnote memo from the city Itlanager concurred with the recomnendation. RESOLUTION NO. 1-70 "Acce pting Sanitary Sevrer Improvements - JobNo. 69-13 " (l.,or^rri e Paving Co., $15,090.4O) was introdueed for passage on motion of councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby and adopted unanimously upon RoI1 Cal1 vote. ORDINANCE NO. 906 ''AdOpting By Reference Volumes I, II and III, 1967 Edition of uniform Build ing Code and Uniform Building Code I967 Standards: Amending Sec. 18.08.110, 18.08.209, 18.08.210, 18.08.290, 18.08.300, 18.08.360, 18.08.40O, 18.08.4r0, 18.08.425 and I8.08.985, 18.08.160, 18.08.170, 18.08.24O, 18.08.305, 18.08.338 and 18.08.396 to said Municipal code, and Repealing Sec. 18.08.160, 18.08.165, 18.08.19O, 18.08.330, 18.08.34O, 18.08.350 and 18.08.420 of Said Municipal code" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman ifohnson, seconded by Councilman George, said Ordinance passed its second reading and $ras adopted by the following Rol1 Call vote: 2. MEDICAL-HoSPITAIIZATIoN PIANS A meno from the City Manager, dated December 30, 1969, advised thatthe guestion of whether the withdrawal of tarenty-pix employees fromc. P. S. coverage to affiliate with the Kaiser medical and hospital-ization plan is unanswerable as the premium charges are set 06a loss-ratio basis. It vras the recortrnendation of the City uanagerthat employees be given the option to select the medical plan oftheir choice. Council concurred with the reconuuendation. 3. PARTICIPATION IN "TOPICS" P ROGRAM A memo from the City l.lanager, dated December 3I, 1969, reported onthe new Federal prograrn, Traffic Operations Program for Inureasing Capacity and Safety, (TOPICS) wherein the City, to become eligiblefor funds to aid in the improvement of traffic conditions in congested areas, is required to participate in a proposed county-wide study. It yas the recoNnendation of the city l{anager that the City availitself of the services of the study and that an application be madefor funds to improve traffic conditions in the area of the Broadhray Overpass. The City Uanager, in reply to Mayor Martin, stated that it has been estimated that the cost to the Ci.ty of Burlingame for the county-wide study, on a "per capita" basis will not exceed $2,10O.0O. fhe City Engineer advised that. since the last. meeting of council,several cities have made application for funds; the allocation of funds by the Eederal agenc.y is based upon the population of a city and the share of the City of Burlingame will approximate 927,000.00. fir6 COMIVIUNI CATI ONS t9?: fhe City Engineer confirmed that application for !'ederal funds can be applied toward the Broadway Overpass improvements. Council thereafter concurred to participate in the county-wide study and authorized the City &lanage r to apply for funds to assist inthe eos! to improve traffic conditions at the Broadbray Overpass. 4. PENINSUTA HOSPITAL REQUEST FOR UTILITY UNDERGROUND ING A corunr:nication from the City Planner and the city Engineer, dated December 23, 1969, referred to the request of the administration of Peninsula Hospital for the removal of the utility poles located on E1 Camino Real facing the hospital property and the undergroundingof the utility lines. ?he conununication advj-sed tfiat the hospital has communicated directly wi th the Paeific Gas and Electrie Company, with the result that apreliminary study of feasibility and costs has been @nPletedr however, the hospital has been advised by the company that in instances ofut.ility underground, the City, as the "custcrner" is required toinitiate the reguest and that information received from the company's representative, indieates that the cost of the projeet l,,ill approximate $18, 649.0O. The report concluded by advising that ttre comPany will await Council action prior to proceeding with detailed plans. trlayor Martin, commenting upon the expedieney in whieh the Pacific eas and Electric cornpany responded to the inquiries of the Peninsula Hospital administration, requested the city Planner and the city Engineer to confer r*i th the representative of the cornpany with resPeetto obtaining early cost estimates for locating utility lines under- ground in the area of the new city HaI1 . 5. HOIIARD AVENUE PLAYGROIJND PARK A eomprehensive report, eompleting his survey of the playground and park area on Hot ard Avenue, Victoria Road and Humboldt Road, was submitted by the city Planner, under date of Decetdber 16, 1969. It eras the reconunendation of the city Planner that steps be taken topurchase currently on the market and that measures be considered to acquire adjoining both facing Humboldt Road. council acknowledged the thoroughness of the report and thereafter authorized the City Manager to: (1) obtain an appraisal on bothparcels; (2) reguest ur. John l,ynch, Attorney, to negotiate the purehase of r.ot (3) investigate the possibility of acquiring the adjoining I.ot a life tenancy or an optlon to purchase. 6. PLANNING COMIII SSION RECOMI*iENDATI ON CODE INCLUSION ..OFFSTREET PARKING " A Resolution, No. 3-69, "Recommending the Adoption of an ordinance Amending sections 25.70.010 to 25.70.o30 Inclusive of Chapter 25.7o,rOffstreet Parking' of t}le uunicipal code of the City of Burlingame " and related documents, were acknctu ledged by Council and the subject regulation providing off-street parking for all land uses withi.n the City, hras held for review at the January 14, l91O study meeting. 7. PLANNING COM!,IISSION RECOMMENDATION RE: REGUI,ATION UNCI.ASSIFIED I,ANDS A Resolution, No. 4-69, " Re cornrnend i ng the Adoption of an ordinanceProviding for the Regulation of Unclassified Iands" and documents relating thereto, were aeknorvledged by Council. The provision toregulate the eontrol of lands within the City of Burlingame notpresently classified, hras reserved for Council review at the study meeting of January 14, 1970. 198 Tlhe two foregoing reccEnmendations adding sections to the Municipal Code, were scheduleC for public hearing before council at tshe regular meeting, Monday, January 19, ]970. CITT OF SAI'I MATEO RE: JOINT BUS OPERATION I.IEETING A corrnunication received from t-}te city of San Mateo, dated Decedber 24, L969. referred to the recent discontinuance of the San lrlateo Burlingame Transit company's public bus service and announced that the city of san llateo, in exploring the possibility of a joint bus operation among the various public bodies now concerned with bus transporation, has scheduled a meeting on January 6, L97O at 4:00 p.m., in the Conference Room of the San !{ateo City HaIl, 330 West I\^rentieth Avenue. Uayor !{artin stated his intention to attend i.f possible and invitedottrer members of Council to be present. Councilman ceorge advisedthat he also would try to attend. 9. 8EI|]}IQqr$!!@}.Ei ErGHr{Ay RrGgT-OF-rny BET"{EEN RI\/E RA DRIVE AND TROU SDALE DRIVE A conununication frqn the State Divi.sion of Highways, dated December 17, 1969, advised of the proposed relinquishment of highway right-of-wayon Skyline Boulevard between Rivera Drive and Trousdale Drive. A cormnunication fron the City Engineer, dated Decedber 30, 1969, addressed to the City l.lanager, with copies submitted to Council, setforth an historieal review of the Skyline Boulevard parcel. Mayor llartin reconunended that the City Engineer confer with the County Engineer on the possibility of the City annexing from the County of San Mateo, Pareel No. I on Skyline Boulevard to obtain the ful1 vridthof this particular area of Skyline Boulevard. Referring also to a large drainage area at the intersection of Trousdale Drive with Skyline Boulevard that may be converted topark usage, Ir{ayor lvlartin recommended that the City approach the State Division of Bigh\,rays on the possibility of that agencyrelinquishing the property to the City of Burlingame. 10. REOUES TTORE -NU MBER BAYSHORE COMP I,EX A communication was recei.ved from Richard Grey, Viee-President, Consolidated Test & Equipment, Inc., dated December 22, L969, request-ing that Council reconsider its decision to delay an action on the re-numbering of the 1330 Bayshore Highvray complex. The City Planner, in reply to ltayor Ir{artin, advised that the issue on the proposal to re-narre the Old Bayshore Highway to Airport Boule-vard has been continued on the agenda of the Planning Coruaission toits regular meeting, January 26, 1970. CounciL re-confirmed j.ts decision to consider the proposed re-namingof the Old Bayshore tlighway and the reguest for the re-numbering ofthe 1330 Bayshore Highway compl- ex simultaneously. Both subjects were thereafter referred to the regular meeting of Counci 1 on February 2, 1970. RESOLUTION NO. 2-70 "Acknowled ging the Fortieth Anniversary of Russell Ccllege" (College Our Iady of Mercy) vras introduced for passage on motion of Couneilman afohnson, seconded by Couneilman Amstrup and adopted unanimously upon Roll CaIl. ORDfftNCE S - ConsiCeration thereof: ORDINAIICE NO. 905 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the uunicipal Code of the toc1ty of Burl ]-ngame Btr Adding Chapter 12.20 rPubl,ie Telephones' 8. RE SOLUTIO}iS 1.9s Title 12 'Streets and Sidei^ralks' and Providing for the Plaeementof Public Telephones on Public Side\./alks' was given its seeond reading and upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by CouncilmanCrosby, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adoptedby the follc*ring RoIl Cal1 vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Amstrup-Crosby-ceorge-Johnson-UartinNoes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilman: None ORDINANCE NO. 907 "An Ordinance Addin g Olapter 12 to Title 12, Streets and S l-dewalks, of the luunicipal Code of the City of Burlingame Regulating Street Nunbering and Providing Proeedures for the Re- naming of Public Streets" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Crosby, said Ordfnance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following Ro1l Call vote: Ayes : Couneilmen : Amstrup-Crosby-George-Johnson-UartinNoes: Councilmen: None Absent councilmen s None ORDINAIICE S - Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 908 "An Ordinance Addi ngtBuEiness Licenses and Regulations' of and Regulating tlerchandise Sales from couneilman Crosby for first reading. From the Planning ConEnission, December 22, Decernber 17, L959; the Park and Recreation 1969, the Library Board, Decetnber 15, 1969 Traffic Conrnission, December 11, 1969. Chapter 6.22 to Title 5the Burlingame l*{unieipal Residences" was i.ntroduced code by ORDIIIANCE NO. 909 "Amendin 9 Sec. 4.24.O5O of the Municipal Codeproviafnq ain Exemptions from the Documentary Transfer Tax " was introduced for first reading by Councilman George. ACKNOITLEDGEMENTS 1. From E. L. Norberg, A.I.A., dated December L2, 1969, advisingthat he has fulfilled his obligation with respect to the contract to prepare Preliminary Drawings for the proposed additions to the Library and that due to circumstances beyond his control in not presenting the plans to Council, he is therefor not in breach of contracti 2. from Arthur A. Rodondi, City C1erk, City of South San Francisco, dated Decenber 19, 1969, submitting a copy of a resolution "urgingthe Early completion of the Acguisition of the Point Reyes National Seashore" adopted by that Cityr s Council on December 15, 1969. Thecity Attorney bras requested to prepare a resolution similar in textfor Council approval at the next regular meeting. I'1INU']ES 1969; the Parking cc{fflission, comnission, December 9, and the Health, Safety & REPORTS Erom the City tibrarian, Decedber, 1969. rU R,TIIE R ACIA{OI'LEDGEMEI'ITS Mayor Martin announced receipt of the foJ.lowing communications receivedin addition to those appearing on the Agenda: 1. From I€isa Quadt, 1515 Cabrillo Avenue. twelve-year old student, \rho questioned the J.ocking of the gate on cortez Avenue leading to Ray Park. llhe city uanager vras requested to investigate and to reply to the inquiry over the signature of the chair. 200 2. From Hoefer, Dieterich and Bro!,rn, announcing the opening of a nerr business, "Consumer Financial Services" at 1330 Ho,rrard Avenue. councilman crosby was requested by the Chair to rePresent the city at the openlng ceremonies. 3. From Charles J. conrad, SPeaker Pro T€mPore, california Legis- lature Assembly, dated Decedber 30, 1969, rePorting on the preparations underway to conmemnorate the "American Revolution Bi- centennial. " the communj-cation uras referred to ltrs. Edith cohendet, the citl' of Burlingame's United Nations co{ nittee Chairman. 4. Frcm the Graduate Program in Public Administration, California State College at Ha] rard, dated Decedber 29, 1959, unouncing a forthcoming conference on January 30, 31, 1970, at the Holiday Ilouse i,n IIal '/ard, on central i ssues concerning !'intergovernmental relationships in the 197O's;" and 5. A publication from the Southern Pacific Company, reportingarticle appearing in "Newsday " a New York suburban neerspaper,eerning the cornute serrrice on the San Francisco Peninsula. on an con- UNFINI S}IED BUSIMSS t NEW DRAPE RY CI'IT HAL], Couneilman Johnson, Couneil's City Hal1 liaison, reported that afavorable bid for draperies in the Council Chambers of ttre ner^, CityHal1 has been received from Paul Steiner Associates, a 1ocal firm;the fu1l length drapes wi].l be operated by means of a wand, theshort drapes, to be installed over the high windows will not be drawn drapes, but will be split in the center to allo^, maneuverability and that the City Manager, upon approval of Council, will issuea purchase order to the firm. Council thereafter indicated noso authorized . objection and the City tlan?ger rras 2. FI'RNI TU RE REP IACEMENT ORDER !4ayor l{artin referred to a memo from the City Manager, dated Decedber 26, 1969, sulxnitting a list of furniture for the new CityHalI and costs therefor that can be supplied by the M. G. West Company to replace an order the Correctional Industries will be unable to deliver until- July. the city l{anager was authorized to issue a purchase order to M. c West Cornpany for the furniture outlined on his Iist to Council. 3. \IEW COUNCIL CTH{BERS Couneilman Crosby commented on the small space between the Counciltable and the wa11 of the Council Chadbers of the new City HaII,inconvenient particularly to members of Council who hrill be seatedat each end of the tabIe. T'he City I{anager was requested to eonferwith the Architect. 4. ST{JDY MEE TII{G SCIIEDUI,E CTIANGE Mayor l.4artin announced that the study meeting for January would be re-scheduled from the 7th to t:J:e 14th and reguested the City Managerto notify those affected by the change in date- NEW BUSII]ESS 1. AGREEMENT-CONDITION COT{PLIANCE Counci Iman Amstrup expressed his concern on the failure of individuals and agencies, on occasion, to comply with agreements and conditionsset forth in aetions by the Planning Conunission and the City Council and reeonunended that Council consider some means to effectuate a morerigid enforcement. ztL Mayor Martin cotnmented also on the desirability of establishing "abatement procedure" policy. Following a brief discussion, the city l"tanager \.ras requestedthe issues and submit his recornrnendation for discussion at a study meeting. an to review Counci I 2. CALIEORNIA DRTVE COWAI.E SCENT FACILITY councilman Amstrup refeEed to the ner,, Convalescent Hone facility oncalifornia Drive and the absence of greenery and landscaping. The City Planner explained that the property is zoned C-1, commercial, and that no set-backs are requiredr that his office is hopeful, hcrrever, that the owner will place boxed trees along the front of theproperty. 3. }ATER PIPE BREAKAGE ltayor Uartin referred to a coflutruni cation received from l4rs. Fred Schlesinger, 2800 Easton Drive, dated December 23, 1969, urging that immediate steps be taken to correct a vrater leak condition in thestreet in front of her home. Itre City Engineer reported that the area has been under survej,Ilance and that the broken water pipe has just recently been located. TtIe City litanager was reguested to from Urs. Schlesinger. reply to the communieation received 4. CHRTST}IAS CAROLS ON CIIANNEL 9 I{ayor Martin conmented on a recentfeaturing Christmas carols sung by Burlingame Intermediate School. program on channel 9, including a group from te levi sed students, lrhe city clerk tras requested by the Chair to convey to the Intermediate school students, the congratulations of Council on their performance and pride in that Intermediate School was a participant in the program. 5. 2701 MARIPOSA DRIVE VARIAbICES The City Planner referred to the minutes of the Planning Commission, dated Decembet 22, 1969, concerning a public hearing on variances requested by Mr. William J. lihompson, 2'lol l4ariposa Drive, to be applied to an existing addition t,o his home. fhe city Planner advised that the variances were denied!ilr. tlhonpson thereafter verbally promised to remove the constructed building by March 15, 1970. and that i 11ega1Iy Conrnenting on the failure of the applicant to obtain a building permit to construct the addition to his home and the prevalent violationsin both building and zoning code requirements, the City Planner stated that he will subrnit a report to council for an appropriate action. COMMISSION APPOIISPMENTS- REAPPOINTMENTS Mayor Martin announced the confirmation by Council of the follovring re-appointments and appointments to the several cornmissionss IIEALfH, SAFETY & TRAFAIC COMT4I SSION Roy R. tucchesi, L16 Bayswater Avenue Robert C. Bil1s, 483 t'tarin Drive PARK AND RECRE ATION COMMISSION I'{rs. Mildred B. crens, 1105 Bernal Avenueur. John O1eary, 1352 Drake Avenue MT MT a 202 Mr Ir1r PARXING COiA{ISSION ![r. Paul J. Constantino, 1352 Broadway l4r. J. Donald Refvem, log Myrtle Road BEAT TIFICA?ION COMI,IISSION Mr. Clarence zusch, 1384 Hillside Circle LIBR,ARY BOARD Lloyd Lynes, 2665 Martinez Drive afames G. B. Delilartini, 2720 Arguello Drive CIVIL SERVIG COMIIISSION Archie L. Offield, 1214 aurlingame Avenue Kenneth M. Hovrer, Sr., 2000 Devereux Drive Tlhe Chair announced that vacancies sti1l exist on the Beautification Commission, the Parking Cqnmission and the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission. ADJOURNMEN'f I1he meeting was adj ourned at 1O:35 p.m. by Uayor Martin. HERBERT K. WTIIfE CITY CI,ERK APPROVED I{r MT R. D.TIN I'{AYOR M