HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1975.08.04Burl i ngame , Cal I forni a August 4, 1975 431 e aboveto orderA regular meeting of the Burl ingame City Councll was held date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meetlng was at 8:03 P.M. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG: Led bv t'lavor Irvlng S. on th called Amstrup. ROLL CALL Counc Counc Members Members Present: Absent : ilil Amstrup-Cusi ck-Mangi nl Crosby (excused, vacation), Harrl son (excused i I I ness ) The minutes of the regular meeting adopted wi th the fol I owi ng changes : l. Seismic SafetY Element of the G (Page 5, ParagraPh 5, Item #4-d "Mi nutes " ). Counci I man Cusick ref e "footnote to remaln," requesting th type of bullding inspectlon wlth wh 2-. Same topic, same Page noted abo " i ntroduced by Councl lman l'langl nl . " of Jul eneralraft mrred t y 21, 1975, were apProved and Pl an: i nutes , Vol ume 17, Page 424 o the parenthetical statement record show she oPPosed the e footnote deal t. Resolution No. 5l-75" s/b at thelch th ve : t.JEED AND RUBEISH ABATE MENT ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 54.75 was i n trodu ce dbyCo Councl lman Mangi ni ' Mavor AmstruD announced this t{as the time and place scheduled io'puutlsnea' notice' to consider the report flled by the Super ii 5i.i.ti and to hLar public reactlon to assessments reclted ior-weea and rubbish abitement on priYate properties' councilman cusick asked if the assessments include staff costs as well ii-iiiii-dt-it'.-p"irii" ioni.i.to". The Asslstant Citv Engineer reported tnai-ili of totai coii assessed on the tax roll represents staff time. "Flxing Assessment For t',eed And Rubbish Abatement" u n c I I ma n - C u s i c k , who moved lts adoptlon, second by carrled on followlng roll call: , pursuant i ntendent there i n AYES: C0UNCI N0ES: C0UNCI ABSENT COUNCI LM LM LM EMBERS: AmstruP-Cuslck-Mangini EMBERS: None EMBERS: CrosbY-Harrison COMMUNICATIONS I. REQUEST TO PURCHASE STRIP OF CITY Ol,llNED LAND,RALSTON & OCCIDENTAL AVES. Under date asked the C boundary I i open s pace fire fighti communicatl ofJItv ne b uly 23, I975, Mr. and Mrs . Herb trtilliamson' 1565 Ral ston 'Coirncll to conslder selllng a 5-foot strip on the common etween their property and the City property to provlde presently dobs hot Lxist on that side of their lot for qLipment ind repalr access. A plot plan accompanying the dentified the area of the proposed setback. that n9 e on i Mayor Amstrup referred the communication to the councll study meeting. i n- September', expl al nl ng that the Augugt_study meetl ng wi I I be devoted exclu!'ively io rbview of the proposed 1975-76 budget. z SOLID l'lASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SAN MATEO COUNTY PRELIT4INARY REPORT Under date of July 29, 1975 Road Commissioner, forwarde Summary Report dated July 2 gesti ons be submi tted bY Se . CantwelI, Jr., CountY Engineer a ies of the above document and coPi 75, with a request that comment an er 15, I975, to the CountY Board o nd es ofd sug-f/ , s.H d cop2, 19 ptemb CALL TO ORDER MINUTES HEARING 432 Supervisors with a copy to the County Englneerlng and Road Department. Counci lman Mangi ni , member of the San Committee, informed the City Council requ I ri ng further study and he will f information. Mateo County Sol id l.laste Advlsory there are a number of areas urni sh specifi cs for the Councl I ' s In response to Councilman Manginl's comment that a public hearing will be required, the Clty Attorney lndicated this may not be necessary. Mayor Amstrup announced that schedullng of a hearing wilI be held in abeyance awalting a formal decision from the Clty Attorney at the next regular meetlng on August lB. CONSENT CALENDAR I. EARTH METRICS REQUEST FOR MINOR CHANGE IN NOISE ELEMENT STUDY CONTRACT The City Manager's recommendation of July 30, .l975, that the change out-lined in the consultant's letter of July l8, l975, be approved was con- curred in by the City Council on motion of Councilman Manglnl, second by Councilman Cusick, unanimously carrled on voice vote of members present. In response to Mayor Amstrup, the Clty Manager confirmed there wlll be no increase in cost to the Clty because of the change. Councilman Cusick polnted out that the Clty of Burllngame experiencesgreatest volume of alrcraft noise during the wlnter. She asked if thls noi se I evel will be made a part of the consul tant's report. The City Planner explained that additional work and additional measure- ments will be required if this information is to be lncluded in thereport, 2. SCENIC ROADS AND HIGHI{AYS ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN thi s matter be schedul ed for Ci ty Councl I . Mayor Amstrupor the September study meetlng September 15. 3. PARCEL MAP ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 5 Tentative and parcel map of Resubdivision of Lots l-4, Block 3, AnzaAirport Park Unlt No. 5, recommended by the Planning Commlsslon wlth aconditlon that provislon be made for dralnage to be taken to the streetor drainage systen wlthout encroaching on other private property by December I,1975, was approved by the City Council, lncorporatlng theidentical condition, on motlon of Councilman Manginl, second by Council- man Cusick, unanimously carried on voice yote of members present. O. BICENTEI{NIAL COMMITTEE PROJECT The City Planner's recommendation that study and hearing was accepted by the requested lt be pl aced on the agenda f and hearing at the regular meeting on In a Counc wou I d brati be su repal Counc Counc c i o p ommunication dated July 3l , 1975, the City Manager informed theI of a project proposed by the above group whereby fire hydrantsbe palnted wi th designs compatl bl e wi th the bicentennlal cel e-n. tnteres ted res i dents woul d pay a fee of $ 10.00 , des I gns woul dervised by the committee, and monies returned to the City forting the hydrants upon conclusion of the bicentennlal observance. lman Manginl's motion to allow the project was seconded by lman Cusick, carried unanimously on voice vote of members present. n i i 5. REQUESTED EXTENSION OF LEASE, CAROLAN AVENUE PROPERTY Under date of July 31,1975, the City Manager recommended that a decislonon extending the lease to the present tenant be wlthheld for severalmonths pending the City's abillty to better evaluate a schedule fortaking possession of the property. Council members concurred. 6. TRAFFIC CONTROL LEGISLATION under date of & As soci ates , Recommendation forwarded by the City Managerfrom the Consul ti ng Engi neer, George S. Nolte Jul the v 31, Ci ty'1975, s Traff i cyield si Parki ng E I c ngineer and the City Engineer for installation of stop and ns at various locations was referred to Traffic, Safety & ommission for study and recommendatlon. ,t3 3 "Accepting ilater System Improvements, Job No. unci lman Cusick, who moved its adoption, second unanimously carrled on roll call of members RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 55.75l. 74 by pr -e- wes introduced Counci I man Mangi ni esent. 2. v{as by Prior to the vote on separate residential used by a member of tthere are no kitchen by -Co and RESOLUTION NO. 56-75 n r uce v ounc Councilman Cusick, una PROPOSED BUDGET FY 1975-1976: yor mstrup announce t ere w ty emEfnfng elements o adopted by September 20 if possible. He poin ements may come to the Counci I for heari ng atty Attorney and City Planner were in agreement e Safety Element can be noticed and initiated For the benefit of the audience, be a study meeti ng at 7 :30 P. M. , Permit, ll24 Bernal Avenue" moved i ts adopti on, second on roll call of members present. Pl anner i nformed the the General Pl an shoul d ed out that all three he same meeting. Thethat the hearing ont the August l8 meetingil so deslres. "Denyl n man Mang nimously g Speci allni , who carri ed the resol utl on, Counci I man Cusi ck asked i f theunit exlsting on the property can continue to be he family. The City Attorney confirmed it can iffacilities. 3 . RESOLUT ION NO. 57 -7 5 "Accepti ng Recreati on Center Landscapi ng , ced by Counci I man Cus i ck, who moved i ts adopti on ,ri, unanimously carried on roll call of members Job No. 74-16" was lntro du second by Councilman Mangi present. ORD I NANC E I ntroducti on of: 0RDINANCE N0. 1044 "An 0rdinance Amending Sections 1 1.06.070 AndffinicipalCodeRelatingToAppealsFromDecisionsCon. cerning Distinctive And Heritage Trees" was introduced for flrst reading by Councilman Cusick. UNFINISHED BUSINESS l. Ma trJednesday, August 6, in the Councll Chambers for Councll members to review the budget committee recommendations. SAFETY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN: ThE Cit?. Ci be el Ci th an vftt ad continued to successive meetings if the Counc t.Iith'Council concurrence, Mayor Amstrup requested that the Safety Element be placed on the agenda for hearing at the meeting of August lB. Counc i I ment re man Cus i ck rai sed some questl ons concerni ng I anguage i n the docu-lating to hazards existing in the City. She asked if the City, by adoption of the Safety Element as written, will assume anyty for such hazards. The City Attorney explained that identifying does not create a liability. Counci Iliabili hazards I Councl lman Cusick stated the document should differentiate between hazardsthat affect on,. individual , which would not be the City's concern, and hazards of a nature that could affect large gnou.F of people. She askedstaff to attempt to clarify this in the document. CITY PLANNER REPORTS C_fr,rn3-e 1!_bqildlng plans for proi ect at I 3l 5 Rol I I ns Road : Under dateof J potTet--tftftTe P-lanninj Commission reviewed changes in building design for the above project as requested bythe City Council. Changes were approved per plans submitted to the Com- mission by the applicant; additionally, the Planning Commission approved use of the entire premises for auto service establishments ln accordancewith site plans. I'layor Ams trup recogni zed l,'lr. tli I I i e 0stertag , 31 04 Cananea Avenue , -:- . 431 Burl i ng advi sed , Da tsun , owner andr opera tors . Th i ani ca I work ; ther There uras no acti on by were sus tai ned . City PlannTraffi c , S regardi ng Ci ty Manag ki nson re au thori ze I n response to i ngu i ri pl ans to service fuel i n rom the City Council, Mr. 0stertagion systems in automobi les such Volkswagon and others. He stated Olll€ i he Aud i be esfject as t hew othe mech heiil t i ntene of ca reve nue aps he ctl y sal lile r sol sw ew cedes, perh e operator;ill be striill be some i ng ulyor'.t.l does no servi c es tax ucture on Lot E. I 975, on reques anted growth. T nson by Ietter o too o e eac e cers .ci d to sub-lease to FS, not heavyto the City. the Council. Thus, Planning Commission approvals 2. SF0 Noise Monitorinq Installations: Under date of July ?8,1975, the -ThETTI! tr as i ns pected s i tes , approved building permits and signed off completion of two towers. It is pre- sumed that after receiving equipment ls lnstalled at the Airport, and when all towers are ready for installation of sound receiving units, the system will be completed this fall. (Two installations - one at Peniniula Hospital, the other on Granada Drive in the Mllls Estate.) Councilman Cusick asked that the Council be informed when the equipment is in effect. AC KNO}lLEDGMENTS lanning Commission meeting Jul Commisslon communication of J l. 2.:} 3.tofMr he Ci tyftheC str 3l 's plilki report of Pty, Parkl ng oposed park report of J di ng neighb er afe pr er gardt y ?8, 1975.uly 21 , 1975, . Henry B. l,li l - I'tanager vrasity's inabllityo inform Mr 4 5 to assi st him i n thi s i nstance. Communication from Department of Transportation, State of California, itIi, I 5 , I 97S, acknowl eogl ng recei pt of Cl ty of Burl i ngame Resol utlon No.- 40-75 requestlng a study of Peninsula Avenue access to gaY!hore Freeway and aOvi sl ng the study probably wi I I be compl eted wi thi n -60 days. Copy o? Recreation Director letter to City Manager dated July 23, tb7S, regarding letter of complaint relative to Musical Theater Hi ttenberger, hlorkshop. ng Commission, 6 7 l{orkshop.Letter aiteO July l5 , 1975 , f rom I'lr. and Mrs. H. c. Burl I ngame , r€gardi ng "threatened " Mus i cal Theater MinutesJ Beautification Commission' July 10, Planni July 14, 1975. PENDING LEGISLATION STATT At Councilman Cusick's request, the City Manager was directed to place the City of Burlingame on record with the Legislature, as follows: I. AB 1059:Mandatory City Indemnlfication of Peace 0fficers forcit AB I3 75; AB I 700:ll PARKING LOT STRUCTURE: D ECHLO mus n ca e SeptembeF l,1975,project necessarY t Attorney was reques Counci I 's cons i dera gini concerni ng the P I an Safety & Parking Commiss Amstrup announced that a wi I I be cal I ed shortl Y. In response to an inqui developed by HarrY S. ion for improvements on meeting of the sPecial too os rom Counci I man l'lan- am of the Traffic, klng Lot E, Mayor king study committee Puni tlve Damages. Lifetime Tenure for. AB 700:. 5E--562: ? 3 4 Business License Tax Exemption for 0ut -o own ree ci t too ose. 0r e ursemen for State Agency ci to su ort. Improvement Contractors . (SB 90 Clean-up) CIaims f Mandated Program Costs. 5 6 Recall.(elected officlals) City to .opPose.E*inent'Domain. Mayor Amitrffinis bill be opposed. BA ryf Grah Par par RINATION STUDY: o Eng ual dwlrpriti n The Ass the Regis i ntenti meet chl od to prep on at the lstant City onal Hater aon to procee ri ne res i dua are an appro regul ar mee lneer reported that the i ty Control Board bY Ith implementation of a equi rement. The Ci tY ate resolution for theg on August 18, 1975. ,1. it o teti