HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.04.18244 Burlingame, California April 18, L972 CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Burlingame City Council, scheduled in com- pliance with the California Election Laws, to canvass returns of the General lvlunicipal Election, held in the City of Bur- lingame on April 11t L972, was called to order at B:10 P.il.,on the above date, Mayor Irving S. Amstrup presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chair invited all in attendance to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL None MUNICIPAL ELECTION The City Clerk attested to the Certificate Of County Clerk Of Record Of Votes Cast At Polling Places Within The City Of Burlingame At The General Municipal Election tle1d On Apr:il LL,L972. Votes j.n Precincts A through 9 were tabulated as follows: COUNCILMAN Present Councilmen:Absent Councilmen: PRECINCT TOTAL VOTES CAST 384 345 305 292 365 3BB 308 564 338 396 282 326 228 145 29L Absentees .742 Grancl Total 5099 Ams trup - C ro sby - Johnson-Mang i n i -i"Iar t i n A B C D E F G H I J K L PI N o IRVING S. AMSTRUP 218 193 206 184 235 2L9 184 381 245 277 209 255 L76 101 228 91 3402 V.A. "VIC'' MANGINI 207 186 180 L52 194 20s 169 309 200 2LL 160 188 140 B2 L79 90 2852 DOROT}IY CUSICK r57 154 L26 B5 L97 L64 94 254 131 1s0 103 141 74 54 L26 HARRY S. GRAHAM 34 24 27 34 29 47 34 45 30 40 36 20 24 22 15 47 15 2057 476 245 COUNCI LMAI{ (cont. ) A.C.,,BUD, HARRI SON J.D..DON,I REFVEMP REC INCT Absentee s Grand Total PRECIIJCT THOMAS W. S INE LORIN R. TODD A B C D E F H I J K L M N o 148 r61 106 103 L25 135 100,ro 104 r40 72 100 96 54 98 56 35 40 55 5l- 11s 60 72 35 5B 41 40 18 18 38 ts2 100 106 94 109 109 1r9 158 t2B 111 99 108 86 43 90 98 85 78 86 53 92 97 L23 73 1r8 77 56 4I 40 36 1822 CITY CLERK 24 1635 TREASURER 29 761 48 l_ 211 HERBERT K. WH ITE FTORA H. KN IGHT RAMONA M. I\{ARTINEZ A B D Er G H I J K L it N o 283 247 227 219 267 29L 235 411 262 298 228 252 t73 114 23L 186 161 l-5 0 161 216 195 172 303 188 2tL r59 183 120 80 t76 157 t57 139 104 t24 L67 L02 220 128 159 107 125 94 60 B6 Ab se ntee s Grand Tota1 L22 105 32 3860 27 66 1952 RESOLUTION NO, 27-72 " Declarin g Result Of General MunicipalElection, 1977- was introduced by Councilman Johnson, who moved its adoption, second.ed by Councilman Martin and unani-mously carried on ro11 ca11. COUNCILMAN JOIINSON TIONORED Mayor Amstrup announced that installation of newly electedofficers and election of Mayor and Mayor pro Tempore would bedelayed temporarily to pay homage to CounciLman Charlotte John-son, who will retire from the official family of the City ofBurlj"ngame after 24 years of service, 17 years as Councilmanand, prior to that, seven years as a member of the LibraryBoard of Trustees. Mayor Amstrup, on behalf of the CounciL and all of the citizens,presented Councj"l-man Johnson a gift of onyx book ends withpe an i,la wi dt yor tho et appropriately engraved to recognize her years of servicehree terms as Mayor. In lauding Councilman Johnson,Amstrup spoke of the time and energy given to the cityut reservation, her support of and cooperation with 5I 24ti fe llow-counci lmen, and of her warmth and humanity, which have endeared her to all. Councilman Johnson received from Trustee Lloyd Lynes, on behalf of the Library Board of Trustees, a copy of "Joy of Cooking" in recognition of culi.nary expertise evidenced by the delicacies she served the Library Board $rhen a member; from Ernest w.suLger, Chairman of Health, Safety and Traffic Commission, a proclamation on behalf of the Commission, authored by Commissioner Aliamus, extolling unselfish service to the community; from the General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, william P. Ilauser, praise for unstinting cooperation and guidance as Council liaison to the Chamber i -ur. Hauser announced that earlier in the day Councilman Johnson r"ra s presented the first honorary life-member- ship awarded by the Chamber of Conunerce; from Councilman and Mrs. R.D. l{artin a new purse as a memento of the numerous occasions he stumbled over her bag at Council meetings; from Councilman crosby an arrangement of red roses, because as the sole female member of the Council- for many years, she hes been "a rose betlreen four thorns. " Councilman Mangini spokB/ the warm friendship that has existed between his and the Johnson family for many years and his pleasure at having had the opPor- tunity of serving on the Council with her. l'layor Amstrup produced a certificate from the City of Redwood Cily citing councilman Johnson for distinguished service to the City of Burlingame. I'{ayor Amstrup vacated his chair to Councilman Johnson, r,ho spoke eloquently of her deep gratitude to everyone who remem- blred her and of her fondness for the people on the City Council, with whom she spent so many rewarding hours in service to the "ity. councilmin Johnson -recognized all of the members of city staif who regularly attend Council meetings, directing apprg- priate comments to each and rememl:ered former Councilmen and itaff people with whom she worked, who have passed on. In conclusion, councilman Johnson welcomed newly elected councif- man, i,lrs. Dorothy Cusick, extending wishes for a happy and rewarding tenure on the City Counci-I. I N STALLATI Oi'I ELECTION CHAIRMAN-MAYOR ELECTION MAYOR PRO TEI4PORE Nominations were declared open by the Chair for the position of ClH.rman-Mayor Pro Tempore. councilman crosby placed the name of Council-man R.D. Martin in nomination; there being no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed and a unanimous ballot cast for councilman R.D. Martin as Chairman-trIayor Pro TemPore for the forthcoming year . Irving S. AmstruP, Dorothy Cusick and V.A. Mangini were certi- fied is elected Councilmen of the City of Burlingame. The oath of office $ras administered by the city clerk; the elected council- men, thereafter, assumed their places on the dais. I Declaring nomj-nations open for the positi-on of Chaj-rman of the Council ind Mayor of the City of Burlingame, I'layor AmstruP- placed the name of Coirncilman V.A. "Vic" Mangini in nomination; there being no further nominations, the nominations were declared clos6d and a unanimous ballot cast for Councilman I'{angini as Chairman of the Council and Mayor of the City of Burlinqame for the forthcoming year:.. 247 P RESENTATION On behalf of the Council, Councilman Mangini presented Immediate Past i"layor Amstrup with a gave1, mounted on a plaque and engravedto commemorate his leadership r,rhile Mayor. Councilman Amstrup accepted the gift from Council, expressing appreciation for having had the honor of serving as }layor andgratitude to his colleagues and staff for their cooperation. He thanked the electorate for returning hin to the Council and pledged his best for the benefit of the city. }IAYOR MANGII\II CounciLman Amstrup presented the Chairmanrs gavel to Mayor Mangini, who thanked his colleagues for sdecting him to serve as Mayor and the citizens who returned him to the City Council; in committinghis time and energy to municipal affairs, I"layor Mangini also mentioned his involvement $rith and dedication to young people, whom he described as "the greatest naturaL resource. " TNTRODU CTIONS The new Councilman, Dorothy Cusick, hras congratulated and welcomed by fe llow-councilmen . She, i.n turn, thanked the people who supported her in the recent election, introduced her husband, Dr. Lawrence P. Cusick,making special mention of his support, and pledged to do her utmost to serve the city well and to fol1ow in Councilman Johnson's footsteps. ADJOU RNMENT Following introduction by the meeting was regularly APP ROVED Council of farnily members in attendance, adjourned at 9:20 p.m. City Clerk I[,-&r 1//t-.t-..^:-V.A MAYGINI, MAY-OR Respectfully suqjFitted,a**rf.;ffi