HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1972.04.03232 Burlingame, California April 3, L972 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame above date. 'Ihe meeting was called Mayor Irving S. Amstrup presiding. City Councilto order at held on the P.s., was 8:05 - PLEDGE OT ALLEGIANCE The City Planner led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CALL Present Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Mayor Amstrup announcedearlier in the evening, progressing very well. MINUTES The minutes of themitted to Council, INTRODUCTIONS Ma1lof, Amstrup introduccd l{r. Mr. A. C. "Bud" Harrison, l4r. the incumbents Mayr:r AnstruP Council. Ams trup-Crosby-Mang in i -Mar ti n Johnson that he heard from Councilman Johnson that she is in excellent spirits and meeting of March 20, L972, previously sub- were approved and adopted. Councilman Johnson, absent due to illnessrwas excused. Thonas W. Sine, i'{r. ilarry s. Graham, J.D. "Don" Refvem, candidates with a,nd cnrrneilman Ma.noini fnr th.e City fl1a r t' COMMUNICATIONS 1. APPEAL OF VARIANCE APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION Acknowledgment was made of a communication dated March 29, 1972, from S.E.. and C.P. Childers, 1139 Capuchino Avenue, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in granting a variance to aIlow construction of an apartment building on duplex zoned property at 113I Capuchino Avenue. A public hearing in the matter was scheduled for the regular meeting of t.he Council on Monday, Uary L7, L972. 2. LITIGATION SMOG CONTROL DEVICES A report dated March 30, L972, from the City Attorney concerned the city's participation as a Party-plaintiff with a number of other puUfic entity plaintiffs in "Civi1 Antitrust Suits-Srnog Controi Devices." -rhe communication stated that a letter received recently from the California Attorney General advised that the State has determined to drop its damage claims and a form has been submitted for execution on behalf of the City of Burlingame wherein it, agrees to drop the damage claims. It was the City Attorney's recommendation that he be authorized to complete the form and forward it to the Attorney General for filing with the Court. The Council concurred unanimously. 3. SAFEWAY SIORES PARKING A letter dated March 15, by P. J. Davi-dson, RealtY L972, from Safeway Stores, Inc., signed Department, referred to the parking 233 dilemma that has arisen in connection with the contemplated expansion of its store at 1450 Howard Avenue, because of credits that were taken at the time the parking district was formed. The communication submitted a proposal for rearrangement of parking resulting in the addition of one sta1l more than exists at the present time and asked for an opportunity to meet with Council to discuss the matter further. During a period of Council comment, there appeared to be a con- sensus that any discussions with Safeway Stores or any other owners concerning parking credits should be postponed until the parking study committee has completed its assignment. The City Attorney advised that the matter can be continued, if the Council so desires, that it should be continued to a date certain and further continuances would be at Council's discretion. He also reported that there may be a request by another party similar in many respects to the Safeway request. 4. BAYSIDE PARK PHASE I In a communication dated March 30, L972, the Director of Public Works reported that word was received from the project architect that a final inspection was made on March 27 of the work performed at Baysicle Park by A. and J. Shooter, Inc., and that all of the parties j-nvolved witfr tfre inspection agreed that the project is now satisfactorily comPleted. ivlayor Amstrup, with Council concurrence, declared to the meeting of June 5, L972. The City Manager to so inform the people at Safeway Stores. The project architect, the Director of Public City Manager, bY letter, recommended that the as complete. a continuance was requested Works and theproject be accepted Councilman Mangini raised a series of questions about certain conditions thtt' would appear to warrant further inspection before the work is accepted, which were referred to the City Engineer. Responding to an objection raised by Mr. Celesino Romoli to the exclssive slope in the area of the soccer field, the City Manager explained that the rise is necessary and, according to the sur- veyors, meets the specifications for proper drainage. Forma1 acceptance of the project was withheld pending a report from staff on the items'that were questioned. RESOLUTIONS l. RESOLUTION NO. 2O-7 2 "Authorizing And Directing Issuance Of Revo fic Telephone And Telegraph Company For Installation, Maintenance And Operation Of Three Public Pay Tele- phones On Burlingame Avenue, A Public Street" was introduced by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Council- man Crosby and declared carried on the following ro11 call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Mangini-['lartin NOES : COUNCILIIEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: JOhNSON 2. RESOLUTION NO. 2L-72 "A Resolution Authorizing Acquisition Of L ties On Airport Boutevard, Bayside Improvement District No. 3 Assessment District" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, seconded by Council- man Mangini and declared carried on the following ro11 caII: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Mangini-I'lartin NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: JOhNSON 234 RESOLUTIONS ON WASTEWATER TREATI{ENT PLANT OPERATIONS The City Attorney reported that after submission of agenda material to the Council Envirotech Corporation made a change in the agreement--Paragraph VII-HoId Harmless Agreement-- whereby the Operator is to be a party to the city's insurance. The City Attorney stated that it has been ascertained that the city carries extended coverage and Lhat he has no objection to the change. The Chair recognized Mr. Nick B1ackton, Automatic Control Ser- vices, Belmont, who questioned whether the city observed proper procedure in employing Envirotech Corporation to operate the Wastewater Treatment P1ant without giving other contractors in the field an opportunity to make a proposal. The City Attorney explained that the question is one of policy not legality; the City Council does what it must do to ascertain whether the same work might be performed by someone else at a lesser price, that there is no requirement that bids be solicited or other people consulted. RESOLUTION NO. 22-7 2 "Authoriz ing Execution Of Agreement BY And Between Envirotech Corpor The Maintenance And Opera ation And The City Of Burlingame For tion Of The Wastewater Treatment Plant" Ams trup-Cro sby-Mang ini -ttar tin None Johnson was introduced by Councilman Mangini, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Crosby and declared carried on the following ro11 caII: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Mangini-Martin NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Johnson There was discussion concerning the effective date of a second resolution having to do with abolishment of certain positions; the City Engineer recommended that the date coincide with that of the agreement, which is April 15, L972, to allow for a two- week transition period. Councilman Martin pointed out that three positions are being abolished, that Envirotech intends to retain all of the present employees except two, that of the two, one will transfer to another department, the other is to be dismissed. Councilman Martin stated that in all fairness, due to the permanency of civil service in normal practice and because the situation has never occured in the city, that Some arrangement should be made to give the employee greater severance pay than two weeks. He recommended that salary be paid to May 1, L972. The City Attorney advised that the resolution can be rewritten to provide that the positions of Chief Disposal Plant Operator and Treatment Plant Laboratory lechnician are abolished as of April 15 an<i Disposal Plant Operator, Ilay 1, L972. He recommended that an oral resolution be adopted at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 23-72 (An oral resolution to be reduced to writing) ositions In The Classified Service" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Martin and declared carried on the following ro11 call: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: UNFINIST1ED BUSINESS 1. OF'T.STREET PARI(ING STUDY A memoranclum dated March 30, L972, from the City Manager reported that staff does not have the manpower to conduct the necessary surveys required to formulate current and future parking needs -1,,)o) and recommended that professional assistance be solicited. The names of eight consulting firms were submitted for Council'sconsideration. Council accepted the reconunendation $rith the proviso that the proposats be submitted in time for review prior to the next meeting on April 17, 1972. 2. PARKING STUDY COMT"IITTEE In a memorandum dated March 30, L972, the City Manager submitted the names of persons from the community who hrill work with city staff in the parking study; the communication recommended that the Parking Commission be represented on the committee also. with Council concurrence, Mayor Amstrup confirmed the membership of the Citizens Study Conmittee, as recited in the City Manager's comrnunication. 3. PHASE II BAYSIDE PARK A communication from the City Manager dated March 30, 1972, concerning advertising for bids for Bleachers, Restrooms, Backstop, etc., Bayside Park, was referred to the study meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. BURLINGAME DAYS PROGRAM Acknow.Ledgment, was made of a request from R. Sanborn Towle, under date of March 22, 1972, to use an area in Washington Park for the Burlingame Community Art Festival on June 2 through June 4 , 1972, in conjunction with "Burlingame Days" festivities. Council indicated no objection; the City Manager was authorized to inform Mr. Torrle accordingly. ACKNOWLE DGMENTS TOPICS FUNDS A communication from the City Manager submitted Ietter from the State Director o f Public Works concerning the ty of Burlingame's share of the apportionment of california's derat TOPICS funds. The City Manager reported that no action Council is required at the present time but within 60 days the necessary reso]-ution of intent will be presented for enact- ment. so that the allocations will be kept intact. The City Engineer stated it is his understanding the city will receive the funds in the same manner that it presently receives gas tax allocations. 2. Communication from United Transportation Association, San Bruno, concerning "Taxi Transportation from San Francisco Airport; " Invitation to a public discussion of "wastewater Management fssues in the San Franci.sco Bay and Delta Region" on April !7, L972, County Administration Building, Martinez. 3. city Planner report of Planning Commission actions and recommendations, March 27, 1972; Library Board minutes and Librarian Report, March 21, 1972; Planning Commission minutes, March 27, L972. PROCLA}TAT I ON Mayor Amstrup proclaimed the week of April 9 ACTION FOR FOSTER CHILDREN WEEK., 1972, "NATTONAL REPORT Councilman Mangini reported that he represented the city at a meeting of the San Mateo County Juvenile Justice and CrimePrevention Commission and that the qroup was interested in Burlingame's participation in the Druq Abuse and Counseling Program, indicating that an effort would be made to initiate a sj.milar progrErm in Sequoia Union lligh School District. 1. a Ci fe by 236 ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT II Mayor Amst.rup announced that, in fairness to the Art/Cu1tural group, which has been working diligently on a community program, consideration of their reports wilI be delayed until after election, when a fu1I Council will be available. Acknowledgrment h,as made of communications from the San Mateo County Historical Association, Russell College, Burlingame Art Society, Burlingame Musical CIub, and orpheon Male Chorus supporting the concept of a cultural center building. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: 1ng S.Amstrup, May or trere .t-WhK City Clerk te