HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1973.08.2743 Burlingame, California August 27, 197 3 CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame city CounciJ., from its regular meeting of August 20, L973, hras convened by Mayor R. D. Martin on the above date at 7:35 p.m., in Conference Room B in the City HalL to consider adoption of the budget and tax rate for the fiscal year 1973-1974, ROLL CALL PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Cusick-Mangini-Martin ABSENT : CoUNCILMEN: Crosby (vacationing, excused) The Mayor acknowledged a memorandum from the office of the City Manager advising the following should be added to the preliminary budget: D-20 PoLice Department S-1 salary $7,064. M-31 Uniform Accountfor the tvro men to be hired in advance of "Selective Traffic Enforcement" program. $300.00implementation of the D-23 Fire Department c-90 1as t Capital Improvement $19,000. for carport.year's budget, construction completed this D-51 Sewer Treatment Plant $4,352. Bay Area Se$rer Services Agency (BASSA) dues. (M-17) D-100 Palk Department M-16 Building Maintenance. Raise from $1,000. to The Council accepted the above additions. 'Ihe Budget, Cornmitteers report titled "Explanatj.ons $2,100. then reviewed. The Allocated infiecal year . and Recom- Counc i 1mendations of Budget Items" was agreed as follows: D-!4 4 qn4i11g Department: $25,000. for additional consultant @itionaL planner should be reserved for the department but not released without the Council's permission. D-20 Police De artment: to a ncrease me erm ADD $17,000.iids from 2 to 3, and (b) equip new police vehicLes with air conditioning and convert to propane. D-30 Insurance :DEDUC? S7,OOO. because of savings in general liability costs. D-51 Sewer Treatment Plant: ADD $17,000.ancrease rn con tractor s operat ing costs. D-57 Storm Drains:ADD $1,000.rental of EQu-prnent to expedite cleaning of storm drain catch basins. D-qB E le qLLLca! Deparqnqent: ADD $17,000. @taLlations on california Drive at Howard, Burlingame Avenue, Oak Grove and Broadway. D-23 Fire Department: ADD $500. @mannequin. 41 D-80 Librar reques te v : Included $40,000. to refurbish Easton branch, Library Board. There was discussion whether, in time, this property might be so1d, or converted to other com- munity uses, and a new branch library built to serve residents at the northerly end of the City. D-fo0 Park De artment:to be eI eyance.l-n who will be retained to and incorporate reco(une courts at that location C-90 Tennis Courts, Village Park, $20,000.until there is a report from the consultant make a goJ.f course study at Bayside Park ndations on the feasibility of tennis Councilman Cusick recommended that the allocation be released to Village Park if the consultant reco[unends against courts at Bayside Park. Arts and cultural Committee: Allocation of $14,800. The reportat length oPeration . submi tted E the Budget Corun i ttee and made several recommendations fo reviewed this itemr improving the Mrs. Marie Texeira and Mrs. wilma Myhre represented the Arts and Cultura1 Comnittee and spoke of the desire of the membership to have a permanent building devoted to cultural activities that would sLrve the people oi aurlingame and neighboring co_mmunities. tney mentionea otnei cities that have been successful in obtaining cul-tural centers through matching-fund ventures. They acknowJ.edged the Countil's efforts in making Coolidge School available to the Corunittee as its headquarters. Mr. Vlagner and Mrs. Gast were directed to work with the cornmittee in preiaring a budget based on the $14,800. allocation. There followed a period of general discussion on the Preliminary budget submitted by the City Manager. Councilman cusick stated that the City Treasurer wants a calcu- iiior uut it is not mentioned in the budget. It was agreed that a formal request should be submitted by the Treasurer to the City Council. councilman Amstrup stated he has heard that the westcoasters used by the meter maidi are extremely uncomfortabLe. He recolunended air investigation to determj.ne if some improvements can be made' Councilman Mangini mentioned that the high school and, the. Park Department have been concerned abouL inadequate lighting in wi'siri"gto" park from oak crove to the Recreation Center and asked if som6 method can be provided whereby new lights can be installed on a continuing budget allocation until the work is completed . Councilman AmstruP referred to an item in the City Attorneyrs budget of $5,000. for additional services. He recommended con- sia6ratio" to emplo]'ment of a part-time assistant on an annual r-iai"ning fee to a63ist the Ciiy Attorney. _ Mayor Martin recalled that the City Attorney was requ6sted to bring in the names of ifriee faw fiims that -he woul-d recornmend to aid in the Newlands Avenue illegal apartment case; perhaPs one of these could be retained on a continuing basis. RoberL Delze11, 1345 De Soto Avenue, commented there are funds in the budget ior promotional expenses. He suggested.that the most ef feci.ive forir of promotion- is a fine library, fine recrea- tional program and cultural activities. william Hau Counc i lman convention Bur Iingame and revenuethe LibrarY ser, Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce, and A*;ir"p; Vice President, san Mateo county visitors and eureau', spoke of the broad area of services renderetl ;t-4il;"-iro organj"zations in promoting.both cultural iI3aH3:1',"ii8.'itse"i; "y3t35 5F'ili.i3t8l'i,,"En'"'n"' L973-L97 4 budget. 45 There were no further colunents from the audience. A motion introduced by Councilman Amstrup, second by Mangini and unanimously carrj.ed, accepted the reportthe Budget Committee . Counci Iman submitted by Councilman Mangini commended the nembers of the Mayor Martin, Councilman Amstrup and Councilmanexcellent report. Budget CoIIuoittee, Crosby, on their RESOLUTION NO. 64-73 Year Ending June 30 who moved its adoption mously carried on the "Adopting Budget City of Burlingame Fiscal 971" was introduced by Councilman Amstrup, , second by Councilman Mangini and unani-following roll call: .L AYES : NOES : ABSENT COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC ILMEN : Amstrup-cus ick-Mangini -Mart in None Crosby "fixing Tax Rate For The City Of Burlingame nding June 30, 1974" ($1.15 per $100.00as i.ntroduced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved by Councilman Mangini and unanimously carriedcall: Ams trup-Cus ick-Mangi ni-Marti n None Crosby RESOLUTION NO. 65-73For fhe Fiscal Year E Assessed Valuation) w its adopt j.on, second on the following ro11 AYES: NOES : ABSENT COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: PLANNING COMMISSIONER RESIGNATION: Mayor Martin announced the resignation of Malcolm M. Jacobs e ffective this date (August 27 ,19731 and asked that Council submit nominations to fill the vacancy by the regular meeting on September 17. At Councilman Cusickrs colunent that this may not allow sufficient time, the Mayor stated that the deadline for nominations can be extended if necessary. The Chair announced that the held on Tuesday, September 4 Labor Day holiday. next regular Council meetinq will 1973, delayed one day because of be the ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectful-1y submitted, Herbert K Wh 1 te City Clerk APPROVED : D. MART N, MA R