HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.02.02CALL TO ORDER ame Ci ty Council was ambers . The meeti ng ng S. Amstrup. A regul ar meetingdate in the City Horder at 8:00 P.l'l . 1 i ngI Ch I rv i of t al I by he Bur Counci 14ayor hel d was on the above cai led to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAO: LCd by Charl es F. Schwa lm, City Manager. ROLL CALL Counci 1 Counci I i'lembers Members Present: Absent : Amstrup-Crosby-Cusi ck-Harri son-14ang i ni None X I NUTES Thd minutes of the regular meeting of January 19, 1976, previously sub-mitted to the City Council, were approved and adopted with the following correcti on , Page 9 of draft mi nutes , Page 37 , Vol ume l8 "14i nutes , "item "San- Mateo County Transit District" add to last sentence "and ajob description. " INTRODUCTION OF CANDiDATES GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION MARCH 2, 1976 Mayor Amstrup Ci ty Counci I TreasurerCity Clerk Mayor Ams trupre-el ecti on. acknowledged cand idates present: Robe rt Fi sse, Gl ori a Barton Frank Pagl i aro, Jr. C larence E. Rusch, Evelyn H. Hi1'l also announced Vice Mayor Mangini's and his candidacy for BIDS BURLINGAME SHORELINE BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN TRAIL the above project, opened on l,Iednesday, January 28, 1976 at were decl ared as fol i ows: AMOU NT Bids 2:00 f o r P.14 Anza Engi neeri ng Corporati on Remmi I Corporati on George P. Perez Company B. Fontana & Sons, Inc. McGu i re & Hester Lowri e Pavi ng Company , Inc.0.C. Jones & SonsKubit, Bartolotto & Kelly, Inc. $rB,r70 20,450 22,224 24 ,171 ,50 24 ,7 34 .50 24 ,7 85 25 ,487 28,560 Engineer's Estimate $20,073 In a letter dated January 29,1976 to the City Manager, the City Engineer/Director of Public l,lorks recommended award of contract to the Iow bidder, An za Engi neeri ng Corporati on , 433 Ai rport Bou levard, Burl i ngame. In an addendum to the communi cati on, the Ci ty Manager concurred. RES0LUTI0N N0. l6-76 "Awardi Pede5trian TT was i ntroduce Counci lman Ma Job No. 75- Counci lmani, unanimous n9 l9 Ha ly ai I ,dbv ngin Contract Burl ingame Shorel ine Bi cycle/" (Anza Engi neeri ng Corporati on, $18,,l70)rrison, who moved adoption, second by carri ed on rol I call. AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL I.layor Amstrup announced that representatives of the CityBicentennial Committee and San 14ateo County Bicentennial of Burl i ng ame C omm i ttee we re /, 37 Burl i ngame , Cal i forn i a February 2, 1976 BIDDER 38 present to join the Citytwo hundreth anniversary. pared for the occas i on: in a ceremony honori ng the Nation's Amstrup read the special resolution pre- RES0LUTI0N N0. l7-76 "In Honor 0f 0ur Country's Bi centenni a'l Cel ebrati on :BE IT RES0LVED by the city council of the city of Burlingame, that specialcommendation be given to the Burlingame Bicentennial committee and thesan 14ateo county Bicentennial commiitee for their activities supportingthi s memorab le occasion. May the "Spirit of "76" continue to thrive in the minds and hearts of Ieach and every individual to uphold and prosper the brotherhood of man Iand the conti nued progress of our wonderful Country.it is, therefoie, the desire of the City of Burlingame to commemoratethi s speci al occas i on wi th the p I edge of the con s tan t endeavor to upholdthe hi gh standard set forth,t.lith this Resolution, we wish you a "Happy Birthday,' U.S.A,In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal ofthe City of Burlingame to be affixed this 2nd day of February, 1976,(Signed-Irving S, Amstrup, it'tiyor of theCity of Burlingame.Attest-Herbert K. t,lhite, City CIerk),, 0riginals of the Resolution, appropriately framed, were given toMrs. Nataiie Lanam, Co-Chairman, Bicentennial Committee of San MateoCounty, and I.li I I i am F, Hauser, Co-Chai rman of Burl i ngame's Commi ttee. Expressi ng grati fi cati on on behal f of the County Commi ttee , Mrs . Lanam compl imented the City Council on Burlingame's Bicentennial program,advising that this City is one of the few with students actively partici-pating and working with a committee; obviously, there is no Iack of interest,nor anyone excl uded. 14r. Hauser introduced members of the Burlingame Committee present: 14rs. Lois Gast, Mrs. Abby Frederickson, Mrs. Gloria Barton,Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, l'!rs. Dorothy Cusick (City Council representativeL-I'lr. John Hoffman , Mr. J oseph Harvey. Mr. Hauser advised that Mr. Dale Perkins, co-chairman of the BurlingameCommittee, was unable to be present this evening and had asked that theCity Council be informed of the Committee's interest in dedication of Heri t Counc state on Fe age Par i I cons bruary d the m k. At its last meeting, the Committee decided to requestideration to selection of an appropriate date, Mayor Amstrupatter will be di scussed by the Counci I at its study meeting 3. Conveying the City Council's appreciation to Mrs. Lanam and the local Commi ttee, l"layor Amstrup expressed the hope that enthusi asm generated by the Bicentennial signals a return to old vaiues at all age !evels.He addressed students in attendance, noting they were witnessing asingular event, that it wil1 be the year 2076 before the City of Bur- I i ngame wi 1l agai n parti ci pate in a nation-wide centenni al . COI"Ii.IUNICATIONS In a letter dated January 26,1976, Robert H, Brown, 840 Hincklcy Road, reported he has been pursuing the idea of a coordinated street tree pro- gram on 0ld Bayshore, first presented to the City Council in a letter dated February 19, 1975, After being requested by the Council at a study meeting Iast year to contact some of the property owners and busi- nesses, he can now report that out of 20 contacts, on ly one was notfavorable. Mr, Brown's communication continued with a request of theCity to proceed with a preliminary plan, notify property owners and allow those not interested to be excluded. He suggested the City assume fullcost of pl anti ng 5 gal I on trees, owners desiring l arger trees to pay the di fference in cost. l,Jhi le the program is being implemented, it might be well to offer the same opportunity to owners of industrial properties in areas other than Bay s hore Highway, also, to owners in the l,Jaterf ront Commercia'l D istri ct. 14r. Brown's l etter al so reported that the programr, Counci l 14ayor I. TREE PLANTING ON BAYSHORE HIGHI^'AY PROPOSAL has the endorsement of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce and the Burl i ngame Bicentennial Committee. There wereti on that t Febru ary 3. no objecti ons he subject be f rom Counci I di scussed at members to the Mayor'6 recommenda- the Counci 1 study meeting on STAFF MEMORANDUMS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TERMINATION OF LEASE,I O2O CAROLAN AVENUEI The fol l owi ng correspo City Council: (l) Co Ca li forni a Department days noti ce of i ntenti on or about l''1ay I, 197 permission to Iease th monthly rental of $50area is needed by thety Attorney dated Jacide if it wi shes toso, that considerati terim s torage by Cit ) l4emorandum from te site is one of two ment, that the Park Destorage. The subj ect dence was forwarded by the City Manager to they of I etter dated Januaryf Transportati on to the Ci n to vacate Ci ty-owned pro (proposed po1 ice stati on use of gaso l i ne storage tor one year wi th a cancel I i ty for constructi on. ( uary 14, 1976 recommendienter i nto the proposed n be given to the idea o departments , or renta l e Ci ty Manager dated Janua I ots purchased for fu ture artment and !{ater Departme as referred to the Februar n p o o 6 ef c at i t4 th ase usi pr ry pol ntys 'I 976 f rom State of Attorney giving I20ty at 1020 Carol ane) and requestings and pumps at a on cl au se unti l the emorandum from theat the Ci ty Counci I and at what fee, ng the site for i vate occupancy. 29,1976 advisingice stati on devel op- need addi ti ona l tu dy meeti ng. 7, ty persit ank ng lef to ci de al in th n 0 v h p A memorandum from the Park Director to the City Manager dated January 28, 1976, advised of a request from the San l"lateo County Bicen- tenniai Committee to host a group of horsemen vrho will be re-enacting the DeAnza Exped i ti on of 177 6 by offeri ng the Recre at i on Center as sl eepi ng quarters to the horsemen and l,lashi ngton Park to tether the horses overnight. The Park Director recommended that a limited number of horses be permitted in the park closely supervised by their riders and Park Depaitment personnei, the horsemen to provi de adequate clean-up and cooperati on in restricting the anima ls to I imi ted access in the park subject to Pa rk Di rector's approval, In an addendum to the communication dated January 29' the City l'4anager recommended Counci I i ndi cate approval subject to al I expenses bei ng charged to the Bicentennial Committee's budget and the Lion's Club for Ihe proposed barbecue; also, subject to City Attorney's review and approval that there is proper liabiiity insurance coverage for the activities. Du ri ng a peri od of Counci I discussion, Counci I man I'langi ni , Asi stant Principal, Burlingame High School, stated that the school has been involved in many requests of this type and has always exacted a guarantee that tea ch i ng stations be I eft safe for use of teachers and students. He explained that the school has been reluctant to allow animals in areas used by teachers and students, and asked the City Attorney to insist upon the grounds bei ng I eft in the same condi ti on that existed before the horses were moved in. 2. DE ANZA EXPEDITION CELEBRATION, MARCH 26, 1976 Counci I man Harri son agreed wi th Counci l man Mangini wi th respect teaching stations. He indicated no objection to accommodating group provided the City is held harmless in the event of injury accident. to the the or There was discussion concern i ng who was to sponsor the barbecue. Mrs. Lois Gast of the Recreation 0epartment stated this has not been cl early estabi i shed as yet, Mrs . Gas t reported that the horsemen's associ ation carri es i nsurance coveri ng ri ders and animal s. Mayor Amstrup's recommendation that the subject be referred to the study meeting, Mrs. Gast to report further then, was accepted by theCity Counci1. 3. 39 40 3. FINAL PARCEL MAPS RECOMMENDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION In a communi cati on (undated ) , the t,Jorks advised that the followingfor City Counci I approval: Ci ty E n g i n e e r / D i re c t o r of Publ ic maps were recommended by the Commission l. No. t4-t was Fi nal Pa rce I 14ap, being a resubdivision of Lots j,2,3 B, Anza Ai rport Park Unit No. 6, 433 Ai rport Bou levard,prepared by H.G. Hickey for Anza Pacific Corporation. approved unconditionally by the Planning Commission. and 4, Block zoned The map 2. Final Parcel l,lap, being a resubdivlsion of Lots l2,l3,Block No. 21, Town of Burlingame, 250 Myrtle Road, zone R- Amigo develgpment, City Engineer's comment: The map will bin escrow a)ong with l) the $l0,000 contribution to sewer iand 2) the $2,000 bond to insure demolition of one or both The escrow procedure wi I I al so i nsure that the new owner ofsign the map as owner, This is an acceptab le procedure toAttorney. The Planning Commission vote was 5-l recommending approval . In an addendum to the communication dated January 29,1976, the City 14anager confi rmed Pl anni ng Commission approval as reci ted above. Counci i man Cusick asked if PI anni ng Commission approval of the map f orthe Casa Amigo project is sustained by the City Council does that bindthe devel oper to the condi ti ons set forth when the Counci l originallyconsidered the development? The City Attorney responded ',yes.'J TheAttorney explained that the only modification is the requirement thatthe monetary and bond obligations are placed in escrow insuring thatthe City receives both upon close of escrow. Burl ingame" (Casa Amigo, 250 Myrtle Road) was introduced by Council- man Harrison, who moved adoption, second by Councilman Mangini, unani-mously carried on roI I cal I . 4. CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION SERVICES and I4,3 for Casae p l aced mprovements, dwe 1 I i ngs. re cord wi lIthe City A motion by Councilman Mangini to sustain Planning Commission decisions was seconded by Counci I man Harri son, unanimously carri ed on rol 1 call. "Agreement For Special Permit Retirement Inn 0f Under date of January 29,1976, the City 14anager forwarded communicationsfrom the San Mateo County Health Director concerning "Proposal for Cross Connection Services for !later Utilities" and a form of agreement forexecution between the City and the County. In his memorandum, the City Manager reported that the Heal th Di rector is requesting a1l ci ti es toenter i nto agreemen t for cross connecti on i nspecti on servi ces to start September I, 1976; according to the City's Director of Public Works,the County can provide this service at a Iesser cost than the City. The C i ty Manager commented thi s appears to be a vi tal precautionary safe-guard. His recommendation that it be discussed further at the study meeting was accepted by the City Council. 5. SAN MATEO COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS RE: GOVERNMENTS (ABAG) TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGENCY (BASSA). ASSOCIATION STAFF TO BAY OF BAY AREA AREA SEWAGE A communication from the Council of Mayors dated January 27, 1976, advised that BASSA currently has the position of Executive Director open and tha t ABAG , in an effort to coordi nate pl anni ng and responsi -bility in the many special-purpose agencies within the Bay area, has indicated a desire to work cooperatively toward an arrangement in which ABAG would provi de professional staff to BASSA re s u'l ti ng in a money-saving approach should BASSA not pursue plans to engage a new ExecutiveDirector. conmuni cati on dated January 29 , 1976 a rrangement s hou'l d be encouraged if the City + the the mutual ly RESOLUTION NO.'I B-76 In an addendum to Manager commented 4L agreeable to the two agencies. 14ayor Amstrup, representative to BASSA, considered the arrangementfeasible provided it can be accomplished with existing staff. His motionto endorse the premise of ABAG furnishing professional staff to BASSAon the condi tion that the program not exceed current operati ng costs ofeither agency was seconded by Councilman Harrison, unanimously carriedon roll call. The City Manager was requested to transmit the Council,sdeci s i on to the County Counci I of Mayors. RESOLUTIONS I RESOLUTION NO. I9-76 "DEN ying Special Permit 1525 Cypress Avenue" rumpus room I n an accessory bu 975, sustai ned byDecember 22, I introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved adoption' second by Council- man Mangini, unanimously carried on rol I cal l. ORDINANCES Second readi ng: 1. STATEMENT OF RESIDENTIAL USE At Mayor Amstrup's request, Councilman Cusick discussed the intent ofthe legislation, exp lai ni ng there have been recurri ng probl ems withsecond-residential units in accessory bui ldings on R-l properties that have been represented as I egal uni ts to new owners when they are , infact, i l legal. The proposed ordi nance wi lI requi re a buyer or trans- fe ree of R-l (single-family) prope rty to execute a " sta teme nt ofResidential Use" prepared by the City whereby the buyer will be made aware of the law concerning one residence on an R-l Iot. The State-ment explains there are sounit. Such uni ts are non- adopti on of current zoning i nterrupti on as rentai unibe rented i egal iy. In any on an R-l property, the bufor an on-si te i nspecti on vol untary, not a condi ti on Declaring the hearing open to the floor, Mayor Amstrup invited commentspro or con. There were none. The heari ng was decl ared cl osed. The City Attorney explained that the Statement of Residentia'l Use isnot actually part of the 0rdinance but will be utilized as the City,sform. (Form dated January 15, 1976) ORDINANCE NO. I O61 ilding, denied by Planning Commission Ci ty Counci I January I9, 1976 ) was me R-l piopertTes wIlI - -egal. second livingconforming because they existed prior to regu l ati ons and have been used wi thoutts. In thi s situation, a second uni t mayevent, v',here there are two dwel I i ng uni tsyer can research Ci ty Hal I records or askby City officials. The inspection isof purchasi ng the property. "Requ i ri ng Statemen t 0f Residential Use" was qi ven0n motion of Counci I man Cusi ck, second by Council-ts secon0 readr ng. man Harrison, the 0rdinance passed its second reading and was unanimouslyadopted on rol I cal l. 2. INCREASE IN COUNCILMEN'S SALARY (Under CounciI prep _ date -of- January 6 , 1976, the Ci ty Attorney wrote to the Ci tyI as foilows: At your meeting of January B it was requested thatare an ordinance increasing Council's salary. Your presentis set by Sect i on 36516 of the Government Code on the basis ofti on. Section 36516.2 of that Code al I ows that salary to besed 5% for each cal endar year from the operati ve date of the lastment. Since the only time your salary has been set was oner 6, 1965, this means that the $150 per month salary could besed by 50%, that is 5Z for each of the ten calendar years. Iherefore prepared an ordinance establishing the maximum salaryse.. You may, of course, set any amount up to that 9225 figurer final action.) sal ary popu 1a i ncrea adjust Decemb i ncrea have t i ncrea i n you Mayor Amstrup announced the 0rdinance is before the City Council this ( 42 even.i ng for heari ng prior to a vote. Mayor Amstrup deferred to counci I - min Hiirl son, who Iab requested the 0rdi nance for Counci ] cons i derati on. Counci lman Harrison read from a prepared statement: "I salary increase - certainly justified, more than earned due - to bring the salaries of members of this Council that al I owed by State I aw. There has been some di scuss the I ocal pres-s. 0evoid of aiI the vari abl es, the arti indicated inat tire Council will consider a 50% salary i pr an e approved is coi nc identa l for any one counci lman. easons, woul d make thi s a ents made by candi dates for atements that are obviouslY'I for votes. be approved wi th the interest oposed thed I ong over- concert wi thof thi s in s i mp ly ease and ln i on cle ncr then reIt is fe rred to other municiPal i ties. unfortunate that Councilmen, whose salary was set over 'l 0.years v" to Ue intimidated by a local press and one's own candidacy' salary adjustment seemi to be a iure way to lose votes and the Aleclion, or incur the wrath of the Iocal press. ^ii"tiiniv, ii it ue the desire of any member of this Council, ing to actept an amendment to change the ordinance to read r month rather than $225.aiie io $200, should it pass, will include the Clerk and Treasurer' as the Counci lmen - all 7 elected offi ci al s. e oast several years' the total salary for each month paid to rtl-ii"isurer aid 5 councilmen amounted to $1350 because the nd Treasurer each received $300 a month' Now they receive the eounci lmen, and if a rai se to $200 be approved, it woul d total month for If,e Z etected officia]s, $50 more a month. I ask ago, hathat a therebyI wi I I be wi lI $200 pe Thi s r as wel l For ththe Cle Cl erk a same as $1400 ayou - is this too much? Unf ortunate ly, the only time a rais with the beginning of a new term of Therefore , there are those , for wha oolitical i ssue.' There have been bl atantly pol itical thi s Counci I rel ati ve to this propos di rected to make this an i ssue and t In concl us i on, thiS i tem before us of future members of the Counci I in e can b of f i cetever r statemal - st o appea shoul d mi nd. " Counci l man Harri son s tat and San Cari os, Ci tY Cou Foster Ci ty i s $2700 to $286 (5% i ncrease af ter that ten years ago legisfor sal ary to Ci ty Counc has never been changed. i ncrease for Ci ty Counci employees. It was on th al I owed by State law, fo effect. in cities smaller than Burlingame, Belmont'I salary is $150 month)yr In I arger. ci ti es '00 annuilly, Menlo Park $202.50, Pacifica ch el ect ions ) , San Bruno $275. He expl ai ned ion was approved in Burlingame providing members . '?ne amount was fi xed at $150 and an effort to arri ve at a fai r percentage he researched percentages granted City basis he proposed an annual 5% i ncrease, he ten year period the $150 has been in ed nci $30 Mar I atit InI, atrt Declaring the hearing open to the floor, Mayor Amstrup invited comments i n favor] There weri none. 0pponents were recogni zed. l,lrs. Gloria Barton, 734 |rllinchester Drive, speaking as a ttaxpayer and iunai out" for Ci ty Counci I i n the forthcomi ng el ecti on , . stated the i ssue ;i hiah;; corpensiti on for Counci I members ,is gf great. i nterest to the ""riainir.' They ask about it at every "coffee" gathering. Mrs. Barton oppoi.a the inciease for the reasons that most people who. run for the Ciii-corncll are more concerned with serving.their citv thll lii! -saliry, that there are many volunteers in this communi ty I',ho glve a- ;;;;t" i"ii-ir-itreir-time wi thout compensation, commi ssioners, school 6oard members and others active in community affairs. If every.civic- *inaea person expected to be paid, the taxpayers could not possibly irpport'the services. It was her position there are many citizens ln"gurt.ingame willing to occupy seats on the city council without a rai se in salarY. Mr. Thomas Ii, Sine sented subatanti al about the proPosed Ci ty Counci I has Iall of a sudden sa i o I 304 Bayswater Avenue, informed thd Council he repre- y.,ovee -.1 000 5en i oprciti zeos who are qui te di sturbed i nc""ur. . Mr. Si ne commented that servi ng on the. ng U"in a matter of prestige rather than salary, but aiy comes to the front with this request for an L 43 i ncrease. Furthermore, there has been no menti on made of fri ngeenjoyed by the Council including health insurance and retirementCouncil people looking toward county and State posts are buildingtime reservoir toward their pensions. benef i ts plans. up a There were no f urther cl osed. comments from the fl oor. The heari ng v,ras decl ared Responding to Mr. Sine's comments concerning retirement benefit, MayorAmstrup explained the final benefit is computed on a formula of yelrsof servi ce and totai contri buti ons. Because Ci ty Counci 1 peopl e hrepart-time,.-their contributions into the retirement system are small. di scovered, upon checki ng, that he probably woui d recei ve abou t g2,00 a month. He stated it was highly questionable that people seekingelection to the City Council ever considered the retirement benefit,Furthermore, he found no reason to increase the salary. It was his opi ni on thi s was not, and shoul d not be, a political i ssue. There He and manageri al I evel s about droppi ngn, can the legislative body justify ted hi s comments were not pol i ti cal ,the salary and, 'in fact , was not aware became a counci lman 7 years ago. Councilman Crosby recalled there was no salary when he was elected tothe Ci ty Counci I l4 years ago, He stated there apparently are somemisconceptions about the Council's authority to raise its salary.In charter cities, sal ari es of elected officers can be rai sed onlyupon approval of the d ectorate. Burl i ngane i s not a charter ci ty,it is a general Iaw city and caB, under the Government Code, enactlegislation to increase Ci ty Counci l sal aries 5fl annual ly. Theproposed 50fl increase is actually a 5% yearly increase retroactive to 1965 when the $150 salary was established. He stated he did notrun for the office because of salary, that he resented press implica-tions concerning the entire issue,which appears to be taking on apol i ti cal and emoti onal aspect pl aci ng i ncumbent candidates in anunfavorable Iight. If the increase is approved, it will raise thetotal cost of salaries for elected officials $50)00 a month, He announced his i ntenti on of voti ng for the raise. has bee n discussion at Coun cos ts of government. How, i ncreas i ng its sal ary? Hethat he vras not interestedof what the salary was when Counci I man Mang i was not concerne He i ntended: to improper and not As most everyonesidered by the Cfunds; the re arethan in raising ORDINANCE NO. IO62 "0rdi nance Provi di ng For Increase In Counc iI men'sSalary" was given its second reading. Counci lman Harrison movedadoption of the 0rdinance with a change in saiary from $225 to $ZOO,The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and declared defeated onthe fol I owi ng rol I cal I : Counci I Members Aye: Counci I Members No : Crosby-Harri son Ams t ru p - Cu s i c k - Ma ng i n i ci I the sta in he tated he will vote "n0. " He expl ai ned that he, too,th salary when elected to the Council in 1970.against the ordinance not because it is il legal,erved but because it is coming at the wrong time,ws, there are many essenti al projects bei ng con- Counci I representi ng si zeabl e demands on Ci ty as where the money can be spent more effectively ci I sal ari es. Councilman Cusick stated it is not the amount of money that is invo'l vedbut rather that the City Council show leadership in cutting costs.lli th assessmgnts .on-,.hare-s i n Burl i ngame doubl i ng and tri pl i n9 , manypeople on fixed incomes are seriously hurt, some have been forced tomove. Actuai money to be spent on the salary raises is not that greatbut she was opposed to the 50% because that does not show leadershipin ccst cutting. Psychologically, she beiieved the City Council must show leadership in reduced spendi ng but how can the Counci 1 i ncrease'its own salaries 50U and still give leadership to the City that needsto be given. ni sd wi v0te des knoitv are Coun i ncumbent candi dates 7 Mayor Amstrup stated he resented the inference that 44 opposed the rai se becausethat he would not want th wants it presently. ORDINANCE Introduction they were running fore rai se two years from of f i ce, He now a nymo re announcedthan he 1 . ORO INANCE NO. I O63 A nd Through Streets " was man Harri son. UI'IF]NISHED BUSINESS L Compul sory and Bindinq Arbi trati on (SB .l294, Di I I s ) Revenue Shari n Pro ram "An 0rdinance Establ i shi ng Stop Intersections i ntroduced for first reading by Counci 1- Councilman Cusick recalled that the City Council placed itself on record wi th the legislature in opposition to the Bill. The League of California Citiis Legislative Bulletin of January.?3, 1976 announced that the author moved the Bill back to policy committee where it may not receive further consideration during I976' She stated that the League has asked that the members of the senate com- mi ttee on Revenue and Taxat i on be thanked for their efforts in support of I ocal government pos i ti on on the Bill. counci lman cusi ck's mot i on authorizing a letter to the nembers of the Senate Committee was seconded bi Councilman Harrison, all aye voice vote. The City Manager was requesied to forward an appropriate communication' Mayor Amstrup referred to communications ngies s , and Al an Cranston, Un i ted States s uppo rt for extensi on of the revenue 2 fr Se om eo yan 'em er o Co nator, both dec l ari ng thei r shari ng program. NEtl BUSINESS AB 330 Lock er To Make Local EI ecti ons Parti s anl Cu in wa Co 51C po n ou her opi ni on, shoul d s directed to forward unci l's opposition. y non- At her request, the C to As semb I yman PaPan co Counci l manparti san and, i ty Man age r nveyi ng the a ee ec ons are presen rema i n so. a Ietter 2. AB 337 (qocl]l[sll)Pro ert Tax Revenue Li mi ts sas rous e tyo Counci I man Cusi ck Burlingame, TherestatEI--tITs BiTl could be are areas in the CitY whe Ci ty woul d be unable to t the constructi on but woul muni ci pal servi ces. At h wri te to the legi s lature AIRPORT LAND USE CO MI'IISSION MEMBERSHIP l. San l4ateo ment that the senting 13,767in new money. re there will be new construction but the ake advantage of tax revenues deriving from d be forced to conti nue to provide all of the er request, the City Manager was directed to opposi ng the Bill ' councilran cusick asked that a Ietter be sent to the ALUC Legislative i;;j;;i-c;rrittee, sacramento, obiecting to the proposal.reducing memEeisnip to a t6tal of 7 wiin iust 2 members-representing.cities. under the present system every city involved with an airport has repre- sentation bn ALUC. - This proposed reorganization is a sad departure from the present organi zati on. ACKNOI,ILEDGMENTS County Convention & Visitors Bureau news bulletin announce- Bureau had a banner year i n .l975 , I2l conventi ons repre ittena."s booked i nto San 14ateo County ' and $l I '0569050 2. Arthur Samue I , 125 Pri mrose congratulating the Ci tY Counci I on ihe County Transi t Di stri ct Road, I etterfor its stand January 2l, connection 1976, wi th sal ari es of in 3. Lot 28, 1976 concerni ng Rhi nette Parki ng t Ci ty AttorneY letter of JanuarY referred to study meeti ng. or 'ir'rr.r-.,r -Fq'rrq_rFl.-- 45 4, Peninsula Commute & Transit Committee communication of January 5,1976 concerning Southern Pacific proposai to sel l Peninsula Commute Serv'ice. 5. Minutes: Planning Commission, January i2, Traffic, Safety & Parking, January B, City Council study meeting notations, January 14, I976.City Planner report of Planning Commission meeting January 26,1976. PROCLAMATI0N: Mayor Amstrup proclaimed February 9 through 13, I976 LEAGUE 0F t^,l0MEN V0TERS I'lEEK. ADJ0URNMENT: B:55 P.M Respectf ul I y submi tted, Herbert K. t^lhi te , Ci ty Cl erk uty v er 7 2