HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.02.1746 EXECUTIVE SESSION d=iscuss acquISiEIon Theof ci t rea vj Council met at 7:30 P.M. on this date t0 pr0perty, Burl i ngame, Cal i f orni a February 17, 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regul ar meeti ng of the Burl i ngame C i ty Counci I was date i n the Ci ty Hal I Counci I Chambers. The meeti ng order at B:03 P.tl , by l,layor Irving S, Amstrup. I,lINUTES The mi nutes of the regular mi tted to the Ci ty Counci I held on the above was cal I ed to Amstrup-Crosby-Cusi ck-Harri son-Mangi ni None meeting of February 2, 1976, previously sub- were approved and adopted. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG: Led by l,layne l'4. Swan' City PIanner. ROLL CALL Counci I Counci I i4embers Members Present: Absent : INTRODUCTION OF CANDIDATES GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, MARCH 2, 1976 AUCTION PERMIT APPROVED: ONE DAY SALE AT TUREK FROZEN FOODS candidates present were Harry S. Graham for city council, I'layor Amstrup and Vice-Mayor Mangini seeking re-election to the City-Council 'HeiUert L. iommer ior City Triasurer and Evelyn H. Hill for City Clerk' under date of February 13, 1976, Fred Newburg, Auctioneer'.385 Brannan' iin-i"ancisco, made aipliiation to the City Council to conduct a sale. to the trade on Saturdiy, February 21 , 1976, at the Turek &-Meck Plant' aos-aurtway noaa. An inventory of articles to be sold was filed. i The Department of Pol i ce i nvesti gation report dated February 13 ' I976 'offered no obi ect i on to i ssuance of the permi t. Mr. Newburg was present, In response to an inqui.ry from Mayor Amstrup' he confirmid ttrat the auction had been advertised in the newspapers and bv brochure to the irade. Mayor Amstrup informed l'1r. Newburg this i;-.-;.;;;;itg-ptoui., in this citv wi Eh auctioneers, publicizins of siles before Inb permit is issued by the city council ' A motion by Councilman Mangini to appfgve the permit.in Mr.-rlerUur-gls I etter of February 13, 1976 , was seconded rison, unanimously carried on roll call. COMMUNICATION a ccord an ce wi th by Counc i I man Har- PARK PLAZA PROPOSAL TOl,lERS Ol^lNERS ASSOCIATION FOR MODIFICATION OF FRONT ENTRANCE,I 'I O PAR K ROAD A communication dated February 12, 1976 from F.l'l . Donahoe, Association ij".iiJunt, outlined three puri,oses for the requested alterations, aavisea that the p.opoiiir'*ei'e suumitted to iity ptanner' Chief Building inrp"ito. and Assistlni-ci!v Engineer., all of whom indicated approval -1 inA'"eco**"nded that City C-ouncil authorization be obtained. I sketches accompanying the communication showed details of alterations ;;;i;;;; iii-t;-;;.;i.-[n. effect of one entrance replacine.the existins two-door entrance, nn i.n is confusi ng to guests and . other vi si tors '(ri i;-ioiat" tt'"'panei ot-residentsi cali buttons in an enclosure where callers can be proteciea-auring inclement weather' (3) to provide a news- paper and Package chute. /. counci lman Harri son's moti on to approve the req ues ted modi fi cati onsseconded by counciiman cusick. At the request of the city Engineer/uirector of Public works, the motion was ionditioned upon-c-mIlianc.building and zoning codes to assure no encroachment into the is rootsetback. Moti on carri ed unanimously on rol I call. was wi th Mayor Amstrup suggested to the representatives of the ownerswho were present that they confer'with the City Engineer, STAFF MEMORANDUMS 1. INVENTORY OF BURLINGAME HISTORIC RESOURCES association voI ce In a memorandum t Manager recommendto coordi nate an Soc i ety has been Commi ttee and i sapproves. Attacha I etter from the January 8, I976 aHistorical Societ ot ed i nv he Ci ty Counci 1 dated February I I , .l976, the Ci tythat the Burlingame Historical Society be authorizedentory of historic resources. The Hiitoricalroached by members of the Burl i ngame Bi centenni al1ing. to undertake the assignment if the City Councilto the City l,lanager's communication were coilies ofty Manager to the Bi centenni al Commi ttee dateda I etter _ from Beverly Evans , Chai rman, Burl i ngameto the City Manager dated February I , 191 6, - app wi 1 ed ci nd v' councilman Mangini's motion authorizing the Historical Society toproceed was seconded by councilman Harrison, unanimously carried onvote. A Ietter from the city Manager dated February .l3, .l976, reported thatcooperative Personnel Serviies recommended a new position br street, !gwer.&^Hater Superintendent at range 65 - $1580'to $19r0; the Assistantstreet & sewer superi ntendent and the Assi stant t.Iater 0periti on Superin-tendent to be at range 55 - $i236 to $1504. The City NanagJr,s recom_mendati on that the new ti tl es and ranges be establ i s-hed, i iasmuch asthe posi ti ons of s treet and sewer sup6ri ntendent and waier iuperi ntendentare being eliminated by combiriing the two into the one new iuperintendentposition' was sustained on motion of counciiman crosby, second by council-man Harri son , al I aye voi ce vote. 2. PUBLIC t,IORKS POSITION 3. OPERATIONS AND MAINTEN ANCE MANUAL FOR I,IASTEt^lATER TREATMENT PLANT Under date of February 13, i976, the City Manager forwarded copies ofcorrespondence from Jenks & Adamson, Consul ti ng Sani tary & Ci vi I Engi neers , December I B, 1975, and from the C.i ty Engi neer/Di rector of Publ i c .Works, January 26 , 1976, concerni ng preparaii on of a comp leteup-to-date 0&M manual at a cost of 910,000, 87-1/Z% to be reimblrsedby Federal grant resulting in actual cost to the City of 91250. Inhis communication, the City Manager reported that the new manual will a.l I oy, the City to monitor the present operator, will be of assistanceto the operator and of inestimable value if the City were to resumeoperati on of the plant. Councilman Crosby's motion authorizing the Adamson to perform the tvork was seconded by mously carri ed on rol I call. 4. HERITAGE TREE AT PENINSULA HOSPITAL requi red agreement wi th Jenks & Counci l man Mangini, unani - A communication from the Park Director to the City Manager datedJanuary 30, .l976 advisins that the Beautification Commission at itsmeeting of January 8, .l976 recommended Heritage Tree status of a pinus pi nea owned by the Peninsula Hospi tal Di stri ci, wi th the owner'sapproval, was acknowledged. 0n motion of Councilman l"langini, secondby Councilman Cusick, unanimously carried on roll call Her.itage Treestatus was confi rmed. 5. FEOERAL BLOCK GRANT FUNDS Under date of February 13, .l976, the City Manager forwarded for Council 2 47 48 information a report from the City Planner (2/13/76) advising that the Board of Supervisors approved an allocation to the City of Burlingame of 957,381 for the following community development projects: sanitary Sewer in Myrtle Road $6000, storm drain in Myrtle Road and Washingion Park $42-,000, vlater main in Burlingame Avenue (portion) $zzgt 'Program Managemen t $ 1600. RESOLUTIONS t. Under date of February l0 , l976 the Ci ty Attorney forwarded an agreement documen t to be executed be tween l,Jell s Fa rgo Bank.-National Association, A'l bert and Peter Ebner and the City of Burlingame concerning proposed additions to Rorke's Store, 26.l Park Road. 2, RESOLUTION NO, 2I -76 Rubbi sh A Nuisance In Acco (heari ng on Monday, March ri son, who moved adopti on, carri ed on rol I call. (Second reading) Traffi c Control s "Declaring Noxi ous And Dangerous l,leeds And rdance l,lith Municipal.Code Chapter I1.08" l5 , .l976 ) was i ntroduced by Counci i man Har- second by Councilman Cusick, unanimously was introduced by Coun Counci lman I,lang ini , un "Ag reemen t For Restori ng ci lman Crosby, who moved animously carried on rol I t^lal 1 0peni ng (Rorke's)" adopti on, second by cal I . op I n tersecti on s And 0n moti on of Counci I - di nance passed its rol I call: -itlang i ni peop le most i nconveni enced Ci ty about the change to the bus *.P"t. the Arata ngineer Under date of January ?9,1976, the City Manager informed the City Council that Chapter I3.20 of the Municipal Code has been rewritten to i ncorporate recommendati ons of George S, No l te Company i n thei r recent accident surveillance study. Attached to the City Manager's memoran- dum was a communication from the Director of Public l.Iorks dated January 29,1976, concerning the survey that was made to determine homeowiers response to the Iroposed traffic controls. Sixty-foud homes were visitedi of fifty-eight responses ' three obiected. Declaring the hearing open, Mayor Amstrup invited comments from the fl oor. ihere were none . The heari ng was decl ared cl osed. Counci lman Cus i ck announced she had i ntended to vote agai nst the ordi nance because, in her opinion, the resu lt l,lill be more arteri al s carrying more cars at higher speeds through the City's :neigbh0rMods detracting from the residential character of the City. However' since the-maiority of the residents polled did not object to the stop signs, she will abstai n rather than vote no. Councilman Crosby as ked if th in any way in the vicinitY of adv i sed it will not. e iven its second reading.y Counci I man C ros bY the 0r ordi nance wi I I affect traffi c fl ow the Greyhound depot' The City Attorney 0RDINANCE N0. i063 "An 0rdinance Establishing St Through Streets man Harri son, s " was g econd b second reading and was adopted on the following AYES: Couni i i Members Amstrup-Crosby-Harri son i,l0ES: Counc i I i'lembers None ABSENT Counci I l4embe rs None ABSTAIN Counci I Members Cusi ck TRAFFIC CONTROLS VICINITY OF GREYHOUND DEPOT Mayor Amstrup stated that some of the busi ness report they had no pri or noti fi cati on from the onL-way tr;ffi c on Hi ghl and nor re locati on of Counc Counc and t ilil he i man Crosby stated when the subject was first presented to he under-stood from the Ci ty Engi neer's remarks that Mr ' operator at the bus depot had been informed. The City E RESOLUTION NO.2O-76 ORDINANCE 4g responded, advising months ago and that three occasi ons. that the person at the bus depot knew staff tal ked wi th the peopl e at Arata at I east six Ponti ac on Councilman l-langini recalled there was discussion about Mr. Arata's objection to a bus stop at the front of his building and the lesseeat the depot was concerned for the safety of passengers crossing busy Cal i forni a Dri ve to board the bus. There was no objection from Council members to the Mayor's recommendation that the subject be discussed further at the study meeting in l"larch 'Councilman Harrison asked for accident frequency statistics in the area. ORI] I NANCE (t Col man ORDINANCE NO. IO64 ChaFgea" was TrrtFoduced UNFINISHED BUSINESS Trucks and E u1 ment Beh i nd Caboose Restaurant: yor ms ru p t s area as a "Establ i shi ng l,laste l,laterfor fi rst readi ng by Counci l-ntroduction) I ecti on and Mangi ni . a I t1 I S h In response to pri vate parki ng the parki ng is onr coope rat i on in s re erence o use 0ot by a local contractor, the City Manager stated outhern Pacific property and that he wil l ask thei avi ng it abated. NEl,ll BUS I NESS I. POLICE PERSONNEL COMMENDATION Councilman Harrison announced there is an interesting article in the March , 1976 issue of " You ng Athlete,' ti tl ed The Coach Ir A Cop. The subject is the Pol ice Athleti c League p ro9 ran and Bu r'l i ngame's Sergeant 0liver Kruttschnitt's endeavors in this area are given specialrecognition. Councilman Harrison asked that a Ietter be forwarded bythe City Manager to the Chief of Police commending Sergeant Kruttschnitt and his fellow officers on their contribution to this worthy program. ?. ENDORSEMENT OF CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES Councilman Harrison, reporting that he has been asked by numerous people about his stand on the City Council race, read from a prepared statementas follows: "Harry Truman once said: "If you can't stand the heat,the kitchen." I certainly don't mi nd the heat, and during campaign, I find it difficult to keep quiet and stay out ofTherefore, I fee'l it incumbent that I make a statement relative to theCity Council campaign currently in progress. 0bviously, as anyone whohas consistently attended our City Council meetings can attest, thereare no voting blocs among the fi ve of us. Each of us has been on theshort end of a 4-l or 3-2 vote, as well as on the majority side, Eachof us consistently has done his homework, spoken his mind, and votedhis conscience. This is good for the City, this kind of independenceis i mperati ve for the mai ntenance of sound , responsi ble, and effectivegovernment, al I s i des bei ng ai red. Therefore , thi s endorsement wi come as, I'm sure, quite a surprise to my colleagues on the Counciand to other candi dates seeki ng a seat on the Counci I , especi ai Iyit is totally unsolicited, and, I'm sure, unexpected by the threecandidates, At this tine I'd like to go on record endorsing Mayor Irving Amstrup and Vice-Mayor Vic Mangini for re-election. l,ie have obviously had our di fferences and s poken them ln publ i c-and in publ i c is where we shal I, and shoul d con t i nue to air them. Both ofthese men have contri buted unselfishly outstandi ng servi ce to the ci ti zens of Burl i ngame and I'm sure when re-elected wi lI conti nue to doso. I am also endorsing the candidate who, in my humble estimation,has conducted the most positive campaign in every sense of the word, who answe red ques ti on s in a manner that is, not tohlly coi nci dentalwith what my answers wouid have been, but sincere and forthri Sh:L, ald stay a pol the out ofitical ki tchen, llI, since 50 is running, not against something or everything, but is running for a vacant seat that wil'l enable him to work harmoniously with the incum- bent Counci I . Surely, all the candi dates h ave been sincere and f orth- ri ght , but after eval uati ng a1 | thei r responses to questi ons posed and reading each bal'l ot statement, I find that Bob Fisse would do the best job for ALL the citizens of Burlingame, not iust the Downtown Merchants, or the Progress Association, or C0PE' or any other specialinterest, but rather Bob Fisse would be representative of the entire City of Bur'l ingame, and therefore I wish all three, Amstrup, Mangini and Fi sse success on March 2, 1976." 3. CRIME INCIDENT Counci I man Crosby stated he has been con cernod abou t the establ ishment on California Drive that was mentioned in a press account of a slaying. He recalled that the City Council had granted the operator a dance permit. At his request, the City Manager was directed to obtain an experi ence report from the Chief of Pol ice. 4. C0NS0LIDATI0N: SAN FRANCISC0 AND SAN I'lATE0 COUNTIES t'layor Amstrup referred to comments from San Francisco Supervisor Quinti n Kopp on the above subject. I t was the Mayor's recommendati on dhat the City Council respond with a "thank you but no thank you." His motion to that effect was seconded by Councilman Harrison, unanimously carried on voice vote. The City l'lanager was requested to so inform the San Franci sco County Board of Supervi sors. t,,larrants Nos. .l666 through I9l7 in the amount of $357,423.91'.duly audited, were approved foi payment on motion of Councilman Cusick' second by Counci lman Harri son, unanimously carri ed on voi ce vote. Payrol l , January, I976, Checks Nos. i 5600 through 16296, i n the amount of $331 ,3b6,39 were approved on motion of Councilman Cusick' second by Councilman Harrison, unanimously carried on voice vote. ACKNOIiLEDGMENTS PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Amstrup proclaimed Communications ''MARCH AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH IN BURLINGA14E," ,,KQED I,lEEK APRIL 3 THROUGH APRIL II, 'I 976,'' National OF 197 6 Respectf u1i y s ubmi tted ,Herbert K. l,lh ite, City Clerk l. M.A.G. Consultants, Inc., San Francisco, letter of February concerning noise reduction schedule adopted by Board-of Airport mi ssi oneri of the Ci ty of Los Angeles and its possi ble effect o 2, Co nS m- an Franci s co Internati onal Ai rport.2. Robert A. Jones, Chai rmin , Counci I of Mayors , transmi tti ng copy of city of Foster city letter dated January 23,1976 to Assistant secretary of the Army concerni ng Foster Ci ty Fi i l Permi t. 3. Regi onil PI anni ng Commi ttee I etter, February I I ' I976 , concerni ng matteri of interest to cities throughout the County.4. State Controller's communication, February 2, 1976, submitting statements of amounts estimated to be paid to each city a1{.county as iti strare of revenues to be apportionei by Controller's office in current fi scal Year.a, Repo"t of P] anning Commission meeting, FebruarY 9, .1976' submitted bv Citv PIanner, Minutes: Planning Commission, Januar:y 26 and a""uriiii;;;i;;- iommffi January 6, I g76, Svn6psi s of' Department Head fle.iing, iebruary 4 and t'totations-Study Meeting, February 4, 1976' ADJOURNMENT At B:45 P.I'I TZ and, at the request of Mr. John Chiappellone as part of !he Nyrserymen's Association Bicentennial observance' THE CITY BURLINGAME I^IAS PROCLAIMED 'A GREEN SURVIVAL CITY.' APPROVALS