HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1973.10.15l't) CA],L 1!O ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city couneil was called to order on the above date at 8:45 p.m., I{ayor R. D. uartin presiding. PLEDGE OF AI.LEGIAIICE The City Attorney led the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLI,, CAIL Present: Absent : Councilmen tunstrup, crosby, Cusick, Mangini, Martin. Councilmen: None. of the meeting of October L, L973, previously submitted lrere approved and adopted. llhe minutes to nembers, APPO INI'!{ENTS - REAPPO INTMENTS TO COMMI S S IONS Mayor llartin declared the follovring to be Council appointmentg and reappointments: Beautification commiss ion: Richard Bortolin and Dale J. Perkins, were both reappointed. Park and Recreation Commission: William N. Beuttler and l,trs. Po1ly Herrick, both reappointed. I{r. celestino Romoli, newly appointed to this Commission. Parking Conunission: Ernest W. Sulger, transferred from Health, Safety & Traffic Commission. Health, Safety & Traffic conunission: Urs. Elizabeth Andersen, newly appointed. Planning Conunission: Mrs. Ruth E. Jacobs, newJ.y appointed. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Cuernavaca Park Shelter. Mayor uartin referred to a letter from the Director of Public Works together with a letter from Albert Kahl, Architect, recommendingfinal acceptance of the project. AIso concurrence of the City Manager was recorded on the correspondence. RESOLUTION NO. 78-73 , "Accepting Cuernavaca Park She1ter" was intro- duced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, seconded by CounciLman Mangini and unanimously carried on roll. call. 2. Stop Sign--Canyon Road and Sumnrit Drive. ORDI}IAIICE NO. 998 , "An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the city of Burlingame by Adding subparagraph 59 to 513.20.010 and Pro- viding for an Intersection Stop for Vehicles Traveling on Summit Drive and Approaching the Intersection of Canyon Road, " was intro- duced by Councilman crosby for first reading. Burlingame, California october 15, 1973 MINUTES uayor Martin read a ]etter of recommendation from the city lianagerthat legislation be directed for installation of a stop sign on the northwest corner of Canyon Road at Suunit Drive. !{r. Karmel pre- sented the Ordinance in draft form. 6t) 3. La famiglia Restaurant. Robert and Francine AdkLns| letter of appJ.ication was read in which they request a permit to provide Live foLk music frorn 9:00 p.m., to 1:00 d.m., oD Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week. The restaurant will be open L1:00 8.III., to 11:OO p.[1.1 on Sunday, l'londay, Tuesday and Shursday. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, from l.l:00 EI.III., to 2:00 a.m. A tetter from ttre PoLice Department was read approving issuance of the permit. The Fire Inspector reported he would aPprove this application at the tjrne a final inspection is made by the Building Inspector. A provision of the permit should be that the number of persona in the restaurant is not to exceed forty- nine at any time, ES a Legally qualifying second exit has not been provided. Mr. Adkins responded to a question from CounciLman Amstrup that there would not be any dancing. Councilman Amstrup moved that a permit be granted to 1.1r. and Mrs. Adkins at La Famiglia restaurant for Live folk music, seven days a week frOrn 9lO0 p.[1., tO 1:OO €I.I[., for Six mOnths. The permit is subject to their meeting requirements of the Fire and Health Departments. Seconded by CounciJ.man Mangini, all voted in favor of the motion. !{r. Adkins was informed that at the end of, the si-x-month period he could aPply for renewal for a year or for an indefinite period. 4. Marian Convent, Sisters of Merqg Project. Mayor Martin referred to the correspondence and analyzed it as a request to San Mateo County for a permit for grading and excavating for construction for a home or additional facility at Sisters of llercy for the benef,it of retired Sisters. The application vras referred to the City of Burlingame to alLor* an oPPortunity to investigate its impact and it wiLl be considered again for finaL action on October 18, 1973. It is understood that the project will not affect the City's water and selrer facilities. Under the Open Space Element, it is suggested a bicycLe and pedestrian path be obtained aLong Mills Creek as a link to Mills Canyon Park. It was agreed the City should ask for such an easement. Mr. l[tromas Stack, Attorney, stated any reasonab].e request of, the City would be granted. He stated the only problem is one of security. It is a vulnerable area and they wish to do everything possibJ.e to protect the nuns. Council,man Amstrup stated he had talked to Sister CuLlen and she would be delighted to talk about the path. Councj.lman Crosby moved that San Mateo County Zoning Hearing Offieer be notified that the City of gurLingane has no objection to the project. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, al"L voted in favor of the motion. 5. Longrs Drug Stores, Inc., Building. l{r. O. .Jones, Attorney, stated he had investigated the parking situation and the area all has n cross-fite easement provision. Each of the eight ourners has rights on the entire parking area. There are six hundred and fifty parking stalls, which is many more than needed. He stated, however, they must satisfy parking on their ourn parcel. Councilman Amstrup inquired if the design of the building could match the new Petrinir s store to bring it into conformity, to improve the appearance of the area. I[r. Herman replied, this is 67 a rough design, incorporating the storage system they are tryi.ng to achieve. They are using exceLlent materials and have had meetings with the other o$rners wlro have all expreEsed the desire to improve the area. ftrey are working tortrard upgrading it with regard to the bui}dings and the }andscapingr. 6. Dangerous BuiLdings, Board of Appeals. ltayor Martin referred to Mr. Schwalmr s letter requesting the Planning Commission be designated as an Appeals Board to hear from owners wishing to appeal an order to demolish dangerous buildings. Councilman Cusick inquired if there is an apPeaL to City Council, and l'layor lrlartin replied that according to the Code, the only body that can order a buiLding torn down is City Council. IIe stated that if she wished it written in the resolution, it can be. From a practical. standpoint, it already is. He then asked City Attorney Karmel to prepare the necessary legislation. In response to an inquiry regarding the Thompson violation, the City Attorney stated he would have a report by the next meeting. RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCES None. ORDINANCE NO . 99'I , "AD Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the City of Burlingame by Adding Subparagraphs 49 to 58 Inclusive, to S13.20.01.0 and Providing for Intersection Stops for Vehicles Traveling on Trousdale Drive and Approaching Intersecting Streets, " was introduced and moved for adoption by Councilman Amstrup. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cusick and unanimously carried on ro11 calI. T,NFINISHED BUSINESS I "No Left Turn" Burlingame Plaza Exits. Councilman Amstrup referred to the "No Lef,t Turn" signs on the exits from the Burlingame Plaza. He stated small signs have been added which indicate "Between the hours of 8:00 i.rn., and 6:00 p.m.r' He asked for information regarding their being there. This now permits left turns from the frontage road on Trousdale Drive after 6:00 p.m., which he believes is dangerous. H@ al,so referred to the painting on the street directing traffic to make a right turn. It was the understanding of the Police Department and City Manager that the original recommendation r.ras "No Left Turn, 8:OO d.rn., to 6:OO p.m." The signs were instaLled without the time designation which r,vee ordered and installed when received. Mayor Martin requested that they be taken dorm. If the Police Department is of the opinion they shouLd be installed, traffic counts and anyjustification should be presented to Council. 2 . Irandscaping Proeedures. City Planner Swan stated there are some major projects being con- sidered which are subject to approval of landscaping, i.e., Sheraton Inn, Bank of America and Safeway, and requested poliql direction on how to approve landscaping if it is slightly dif,ferent from the initiaL plan. Uayor Martin replied, the normal procedure would be to refer it to the Director of Parks and if he approves it, this would be satis- factory to City Counci}. If he has questions, then present it to city Council Study Iuteeting. 6U I{r. swan then asked about keeping up the landscaping. Mr. Karmel responded to an inquiry from the Chair, that it is difficult butit would be possible with an agreement which might be recorded. Change of ownership, however, presents legal problems. If the o\A,ner has been granted a variance or conditionaL use permit, then they can be called in before the Planning Commission or City Council, depending on who granted it. Ivlr. Karmel was then askedto investigate the possibility of enforcing the Landscaping and report to City Council Study Meeting. 3. Mr. PauI Korm referred to traffic problems on Trousdale Drive and suggested it could be solved sirnilarly to O.Shaunessy Boulevard in San Francisco. Passing of vehicles is prohibited which slows down traffic. l[he Chair thanked him for his interest and suggestion, declaring a conclusion had been reached with the adoption of Ordinance No. 997. NEW BUSINESS 1. Official List of Street Trees. CounciLman Cusick stated she had attended a meeting of the Beautification Commission at which an official list of street trees was proposed and accepted by the Commission. lIhe Eucalyptus tree was left off and they recommended that on El Camino Real as Eucalyptus trees are removed or destroyed, they be repJ.aced witlr other Eucalyptus trees. Councilman Cusick stressed ttrat Burlingameis unique with the EucaLyptus trees on EI Camino Real and she would hope that in years to come it will look as it does oorrr Mayor Martin suggested it would be advisable for the list mentioned to be presented to City Council at which time BIue Gum Eucalyptus can be added. Councilman Amstrup agreed and mentioned locations where trees are missing and the City shouLd have a policy of replacement. Mayor Martin pointed out that there is a twenty-foot easement on - eacfr side of El Camino ReaL which would permit the State Divisionof Highways removing the trees at their discretion. He suggested any new trees be planted behind the easement so if it is ever widened by the State, it would just be necessary to replace the trees that are there now. Councilman Amstrup suggested the State be asked to plant either trees or shnrbs on the area near Ray Drive. Mr. Schwalm will contact the State Division of Highways in this regard. 2. Burlingame Soccer Team. ttr. Celestino Romoli, newly appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission, addressed City Council concerning the game of Soccerin this area. He spoke of the increased interest in the game. Five years ago there was one team; today there are forty teams in the area of Foster City, Sa,n Uateo, BurLingame, and MilLbrae. Dlayor Martin requested he present his wishes to the meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission for recommendation to City Council. 3. Proposition No. 1. Mayor Martin stated the League of Women Voters and League of California Cities had presented their recommendations. He asked what stand the City Counci} wished to take. It was the consensus of Councilmen ttrat no action should be taken in this matter. 6{.) Nothing has been heard from proponents of this Proposition; each individual should decide in accordance with ttre way it affects his onr affairs, and it has become a political issue in which Council does not wish to enter. ACKNO!iII,EDGUENT-S 1. City lvlanager regarding Bur}ingame Transit System. An extension of tirne was granted for the selection of seating arrangements and color schemes, therefore, this item was postponed to the next Study tleeting of CitY Council. 2. Correspondence from City Manager to County Planning Commission and San Francisco City Planning Commission, re: EIR San Francisco International Airport Expansion. Mr. Schwalm stated he had not heard anything concerning these as yet. 3. park and Recreation Commission !€.; "Tot tot" in the Parking Lot at the rear of Levyts store. It is their opinion that any installation would not resolve the complaint and request this be the conclusion of the matter. Councilman Amstrup expressed the necessity for a master plan. He stated the contract with San Francisco expires December, 1979. He recommended a plan be formuJ.ated as soon as possible. A rate study is needed prior to negotiating with San Francisco. Mayor Martin suggested there is pJ.enty of water in Hetch Hetdry; the problem is vre may be required to build an aqueduct. Possibly it would be advan- tageous to negotiate with other suppliers in the Valley with a surplus of water, for instance, tlre Stanislaus River source. It was agreed the City should support any countlnride proposal. 5. Letter from David H. Keyston, E:<ecutive Vice-President, Anza pacific Corporation, requesting consideration of their proposed Master Plan for a portion of the Cityrs shorel.ine, at the City CounciL's Study Meeting, November'7, L9"73. 6. Letter from Mr. David II. Keyston, extending thanks and congratu- lations to the BurJ.ingame Fire Department for the prompt and efficient extinguishing of a fire bombing at L299 BuiJ.ding, September L4, L973. Mayor Martin extended congratulations of the City Council for an excel.Ient job to Chief Moorby, who was in attendance. '1 . t'lonthly Activity Reports from the Police Department and Fire Department for the month of September, L973, were acknowledged and accepted. 8. BurJ.ingame Chamber of Commerce report to the City of Burlingame proposing certain expenditures, October 1, L973 through December 31, L973, $2,550.00, Couneilman Mangini moved, Councilman Crosby seconded approval of the Report, and aII voted in favor of the motion on ro11 calL. g. llinutes of the Planning Commission, September 24, 19'13; Council Parking Study, September.25, l-9'13; Parking Commission, September 26, 1973; and Beautification Commission, October 4, 1973; Park and Recreation Commission, October 9, L9'13. 10. Letter from pavid H. Keyston, Anza Pacific Corp., regarding the City's Sign Ordinance. Referred to City Council Study lleeting. 4. A letter from Paul. C. Keckley, Chairman, San Mateo County CounciL of Mayors, in which he stat,es a presentation made to them indicates an immediate need for a J.ong-rarge water planning. 70 \l { $ {t 11. Lette.r f rom State Compensation Insurance Fund notifying they r*iIl not give ttre usual dividend because of the California Court of Appeals decision granting a post-retirement allowance. Similar cases are being fiJ.ed and they are faced with additional liability. L2. Letter from David H. Keyston responding to the Cityrs letter in regard to the Burlingame and Peninsula Drive-In Theatres. 13. Miscellaneous communications: Dorothy Olshen urging opposition to State Proposition I on the November 6th ballot. Several letters favorably regarding the Burlingame Transit System. A letter from Lorraine Christensen who would like Burlingameto have Cable comrnunications. tetter from H. R. Temple, ,fr., Director, Office of Emergency Services, re., A81565 providing State assistance in emergency occurrences. A notice of the regular meeting of the San Mateo County Board of Control. Councilman Cusick requested that agendas be obtainedfor their meetings l5ha asked Mr. Schwalm to inquire if City ,.gqun-aiLmembers are permitted to attend. San Mateo County Harbor District with press cJ.ippings concerning the detachment proceedings. llrs. ltary Stickney encouraging development of the Bayfront Park. City of LaHabra, Resolution #44, in support of funding in small cities. Referred to City Clerk. Rehabilitation and Research Center inviting the Mayor and Councilmen to attend its 29th Annual meeting at Vi1la Chartier, October 25, L973. California lr{ayors and Councilmen inviting participation in their group. An j-nvitation from Daly City f,or opening ceremonies of &ART Station. A letter from lulardela Corp., r€.1 stormr/sewer grates posing a hazard to bicyclists. Also, lulr. Marr's reply. !1E. Marr stated all the grates wiLl be modified. Tlrose on the bicycle route first and eventually all will. be taken care of. Nestle Company requesting October 31, 1973 be proclaimed "Iu{eet rN Treat" Day, in order to answer allegations that treats are unsafe. David H. Keyston re., Airport lr{arina Hotel in Burlingame. Their EIR reduces parking and }andscaping, which is unsatisfactory to Mr. Keyston. Miss Blanche David, 2826 Tiburon Way, Burlingame, te.1 legal action. APPROVALS WARRANTS Nos. 4255 through 4455, $3L7,058.40, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Cusick, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried. PAYROIJL, September, 1973, checks numbered L6439 through 17101, $250,626.48, v/ere approved on motion of Councilman Cusick, seconded by Councilman Amstrup and unani-rnously carried. GEORGE .I. IrlARR,DIR. OT PUBLIC WORKS, RETIREII{ENT. The City Manager announced this would be the last meeting Mr. Marr would officially attend in his capacity of Director of Public Works. Mayor Martin offered the congratulations of City Council, declaring he had provided very fine engineering services for the City of { ( 7r Burlingame during his twenty-three years with the City. He stated I'1r. ltarr "has served the public very we1l" and "you are to be extremely compLimented." Mr. Marr responded with an expression of his appreciation for the cooperation of City Council. 4pJOURN!.IENT Mayor Martin decLared the meeting adjourned at L0:45 P.m-, and following a five minute recess to meet in executive session. Respectfully subrnitted, -{"4k{R#"fficrerk APPROVED: MAYORDt